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Page B-IO - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 24, 2015
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MT OLIVE Lutheran has check out hoodcanalshan- ment today! Mention ad for tar. Love INC is a non-profit KITTEN RESCUE of Ma- GREAT LAND investment!
childcare openings! Pre- Call (360) 877- 20 percent off! (R 4/1 TFN) Christian organization that son County. Cats and kit- 4+ acres of forest land in
school included. 21/2 years 5501 (M TFN) mobilizes and networkstens available to indoor only Agate. Good time of year to
- 12 years. Licensed, rea- SHELTON DUPLEX on qui-HELP WANTED Mason County churches to homes. Website kittenresq, check it out. Priced to sell!
sonable prices. DSHS ac- et col-de-sac. 2 bedroom, transform lives of those in net, contact 360-584-0594 $24,500. MLS# 440516
cepted. Call now! 427-3165. home office, 1 bath, 1 car need. Love INC helps every- or 360-426-2455. (K 5/23 Shelton Land & Homes LLC
360-426-5555 or Jodie 360-
(D 4/1 TFN) garage, W/D hookup. $750/ TRUCK DRIVER I for Ma-one no matter race, religion, TFN)
FOR RENT month, (360) 490-2870 (a son County Public Works. gender, or sexual preference. 589-9694 (S 12/17-1/7,)
12/10-12/31) $18.77- $21.53/hr. Mini- Emailcoverletter, references REAL ESTATE SELUNG YOUR land or
TWO BEDROOM duplex mum Qualifications: 2 yrs (3), salary requirements, home? Give us a call for
on Capitol Hill. One car ga- experience (or combination and resume to mccarty@ your free price analysis. We
TWO BEDROOM/one bath rage, quiet area, nonsmok- training & experience) with,
house for rent. No pets, ing unit. Rent $725/mo., road construction or heavy with Love INC Executive Di- HILLCREST CHARMER! 2 are happy to assist you! Call
equipment operation. Ability rector in the subject line. For bedroom 1 bath with fenced the professionals at Shelton
first,Sm°king'last, $6005900damagea month,de_ TFN)dep°sit $725. 791-1838. (M to perform strenuous physi- job description/ Love INC yard and converted garage. Land & Homes LLC 360-
posit. Background check, cal labor & work in variable informational flier, contact Remodeled kitchen, bath &
thermal windows. $99,000.
(360) 229-6831. (B 12/24) GARAGE SALES weather conditions, valid mccarty@mccartyandassoci-
ROOM FOR rent in house
on Mt. View, all utilities paid
except TV, no deposit, must
have background check.
427-4106. (F 1 2/24-1/14)
LARGE STUDIO apartment
on beautiful Hood Canal
waterfront. Free broad-
band Internet; free Dish TV,
full-size kitchen, laundry
included. Furnished or un-
furnished, $875. On uncon-
gested Hwy. 101 in Mason
DO-GOODERS: we want
your salable donations! Tax
deductible, benefits local se-
niors. Nifty Thrifty 826 W. Rail-
road, 427-0858. (N 12/24)
ClAN available for waxing,
WA CDL Class A with en-
dorsement N for tank trailer,
& ability to obtain First-aid/
CPR Card & Flagger's Card.
Pre-employment drug test.
Application required & avail-
able at or Mason County Hu-
man Resources, 411 N Fifth
St, Shelton WA 98584, Clos-
es 1/11/16. (M 12/24, 12/31)
I for Mason County Public
Works. $19.55 - $22.26/hr.
County; easy commute to
Shelton, Olympia, else-
where. Clams, oysters, and
HBO -- could you ask for
anything more? For photos
facials, eyelash extensions, Minimum Qualifications: 2
spray tanning, special occa- yrs experience (or combina-
sion makeup. Call Lindsey tion training & experience)
at Belle Vie in Lacey at 360-
250-3076 for an appoint-
Here to Serve You]
From Hood to the Tagom= Nm-rows
gitsap, Pierce, & Mason Counties ~
Hdl mq ][ uT & Sdl
238611~I]F.. ~talte Kouie 3. Bclf:ai~ WA ~
Classified Reader Ads -- OR -- Classified DisDlay Ads
FIRST TWO words are No word limit, display ads
capitalized. For 20 words or are sold by the column inch.
less, $10.35 per week. 15¢ per Minimum size 2 column
word over 20. If the ad runs (3.23" wide) x 2" tall is $40.00
unchanged for 3 weeks, the per week. Many larger sizes
4th week is free. No frames, are available. Logos, art &
art or Iogos in reader ads. photos welcome.
Deadline 5:00 PM Monday
(360) 426-4412
227 W. Cota Shelton, WA 98584
Open 8-5 Mon.-Fri.
with road construction or
heavy equipment operation.
Ability to obtain a valid WA
State Commercial Drivers
License A with endorsement
N for Tank Trailers within six
(6) months of employment
and a First-aid/CPR Card
and Flagger's Card within 60
days of employment. Ability
to perform strenuous physi-
cal labor & work in variable
weather conditions. Pass
a Pre-employment drug
test. Application required &
available at Mason County Hu-
man Resources, 411 N Fifth
St, Shelton WA 98584 Clos-
es 1/11/16. (M 12/24-1/7)
CITY OF Shelton parks and
recreation community cen-
ter job announcement: The
City of Shelton is seeking
applicants for the estab-
lishment of a civic center/
community center casual
worker pool. Successful
applicants will be placed
in the pool and called upon
to staff the Civic Center/
Community Center during
functions. Job description
and position details can be
found on our City website
tions.php Rate of pay is
$10.96 per hour. Position
is open until filled. Employ-
ment application available
at the Shelton Civic Center,
at 525 West Cota Street,
or our website. Call Mark
Ziegler (360) 432-5194,
Parks and Recreation Di-
rector, for more information.
EOE/ADA (C 12/17-12/24)
LOVE INC of Mason County,
Shelton, is searching for PT
(20 hrs) Executive Direc- You may also sub-
mit a paper copy to: Executive
Director Search Committee,
Love INC of Mason County,
PC Box 1488 Shelton, WA
98584 (L 12/17-12/24)
ucation Specialist for Ma-
son County Public Health.
$3,953-$4,419/month. For
complete job announce-
ment and application in-
structions, please visit www. or Mason
County Human Resources,
411 North 5th Street, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. Job closes
1/15/16. (M 12/17-1/7)
(formerly Mason County
Family Homeless Shelter)
is looking for a volunteer to
donate hours on a part time
basis as a "Landlord Liai-
son"." That is a person who
meets with property man-
agers and private landlords
on our behalf to establish a
relationship and to explain
our programs to house low
income families. The volun-
teer preferably would have
some knowledge of the com-
munity and real estate or
sales background with an
outgoing personality to get
our mission out to the com-
munity. For more information
contact Richard McEachin at
(360)427-6919 or email rm- (C TFN)
roofers and metal roof fab-
ricators full-time. 791-1201.
(B 5/28 TFN)
MLS# 852759 Shelton
Land & Homes LLC 360-
426-5555 or Steve 360-
789-0590 (S 1 2/17-1/7)
MOVE IN ready! 3 bedroom
2 bath with 28X24 garage.
Updated inside and out!
Fenced yard on corner lot.
$189,900. MLS# 863904
Shelton Land & Homes LLC
360-426-5555 or John 360-
490-6654 (S 12/17-1/7)
Over 3500 sq ft. on main
drag. Solid structure with
lots of office space. Re-
duced $205,000. MLS#
872946 Shelton Land &
FOUND: BLACK & white,
female spade cat, kind of
tong hair, medium blonde,
probably 2.5 to 3 years old,
near intersection of Cole
and Lynch Rd. 3 miles from
Taylor Town. 426-4552. (M
LIVE CELLO solos make
your event special. From
Bach to the Beatles. Rea-
sonable rates, call Dave
(360) 490-4695. (D 4/1 TFN)
Homes LLC 360-426-5555
or Jodie 360-589-9694 (S
1 2/17-1/7)
BEAUTIFUL 1824 sq. ft. 3
bedroom 2 bath huge ga-
rage with wood stove. Lake
and saltwater access on
.77+ acre. $170,000. MLS#
841355 Shelton Land &
Homes LLC 360-426-5555
or Bill 360-463-2218 (S
1 2/17-1/7)
is accepting wait
list applications for
seniors ages 62 and
better. HUD subsidized,
controlled access,
garden setting, minutes
from downtown
shopping. N0n-Sm0king
Property. 23 1-Br. and
one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St.,
(306) 42 3903
18754 ~[
The Mason County Journal's 20,O00-plus
readers make it the most effective medium in
the county. We seek a smart professional to help
our local businesses grow their customer base
through print advertising. This is a part-time
position with a guaranteed base of $14/hr plus
Please apply in person with your current resume
and three professional references, or email with
a cover letter to
Outside sales epxerience a plus, but we will train
the right individual.
Mason County Journal
227 W. Cota St. in Shelton i
Fir Tree Park Apartments
~~ 36~426-5!!6 / 614 N 4th St Shelt0,n, WA 98584
62+ Senior Communily
***Accepting wait list applications for residency. Rental assistance may be available.***
Professionally managed by PPM, LLC
Water, sewer, and garbage is included in monthly rent. In the communily, we offer a big
screen TV with cable access, monthly birlhdoy potluck lunches, park-like setting, garden
areas, 2 onsita laundry rooms to our residents. We are located within walking distance
,~ ~ fromsbopping library, and downtown Shelton.