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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 24, 2015     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 24, 2015
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PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Thursday, Dec. 24, 2015 - Mason County Journal - Page B-19 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE SHERIFF'S NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COM- PANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR SOUNDVlEW HOME LOAN TRUST 2006-OPT4, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-OPT4 Plain- tiff, vs. ESTATE OF REMY PERALTA; ESTATE OF JOHN PERALTA; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF REMY PERALTA; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JOHN PERALTA; LORI ALVAREZ; GINA BELEN; JOHN PER- ALTA JR.; STEVEN PERALTA; DYNAMIC COL- LECTORS INC., MAIN STREET ACQUISI- TION CORP.; AND PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DE- SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, De- fendant SHERIFF'S NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 14 2 713 6 TO: ESTATE OF JOHN PERALTA AND ESTATE OF REMY PERALTA JUDGMENT DEBTOR (S) A writ of execution has been issued in the above captioned case, directed to the Sheriff of Mason County, commanding the sher- iff as follows: WHEREAS, on the above-entitled court on September 30, 2015, Plaintiff, secured a judgment against defendants Estate of John Peralta and Estate of Remy Peralta, in Rem in the total judgment amount of $164,203.44, to- gether with interest at a rate of $12.36 per diem from the date of judgment and continuing there- after until the date of sale. WHEREAS, 36 days elapsed from August 25, 2015 through the entry of judgment on September 30, 2015. Per diem interest in the amount of $12.36, multiplied by 36 days results in additional interest in the amount of $444.96, which when added to the sum of $164,203.44 results in a total judgment amount of $164,648.40. WHEREAS, the judgment is a foreclosure against parties of a Deed of Trust Mortgage on real estate in Mason County, Wash- ington, described as follows: LOT ONE (1), TO- GETHER WITH THE WEST FOUR (4) FEET OF VACATED FIFTH STREET ADJOINING SAID LOT ONE (1) ON THE EAST; LOT TWO (2); EX- CEPTING THEREFROM THE WEST FOUR (4) FEET THEREOF THE NORTH TEN (10) FEET OF LOT FIFTEEN (15); EXCEPTING THERE- FOM THE WEST FOUR (4) FEET THEREOF; THE NORTH TEN (10) FEET OF LOT SIXTEEN (16), TOGETHER WITH THE WEST FOUR (4) FEET OF VACATED FIFTH STREET ADJOIN- ING SAID NORTH TEN (10) FEET OF LOT SIX- TEEN (10) ON THE EAST; ALL IN BLOCK FOR- TYFOUR (44), SEATTLE SYNDICATE ADDI- TION TO SHELTON, WASHINGTON, VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 24, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. AS MORE ACCU- RATELY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 4 FEET OF VACATED FIFTH STREET ADJOINING SAID LOT 1 ON THE EAST; LOT 2, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE WEST 4 FEET; THE NORTH 10 FEET OF LOT 15, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE WEST 4 FEET;THE NORTH 10 FEET OF LOT 16, TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 4 FEET OF VACATED FIFTH STREET ADJOINING SAID NORTH 10 FEET OF LOT 16 ON THE EAST; TEN (10) FEET OF LOT FIFTEEN (15); EX- ALL IN BLOCK 44, PLAT OF SEATTLE SYNDI- CEPTING THEREFOM THE WEST FOUR (4) CATE ADDITION TO SHELTON, RECORDED FEET THEREOF; THE NORTH TEN (10) FEET IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 17, RECORDS OF LOT SIXTEEN (16), TOGETHER WITH THE OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Tax Par- WEST FOUR (4) FEET OF VACATED FIFTH cel No. 32019-59-44001 and commonly known STREET ADJOINING SAID NORTH TEN (10) as: 503 Grandview Ave, Shelton WA 98584 FEET OF LOT SIXTEEN (10) ON THE EAST; WHEREAS, on September 30, 2015, the Court ALL IN BLOCK FORTYFOUR (44), SEATTLE ordered that all of the above-described property SYNDICATE ADDITION TO SHELTON, WASH- be sold and the proceeds applied to the pay- INGTON, VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 24, RE- ment of principal, interest, attorney fees, costs CORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. and disbursements and other recovery amounts AS MORE ACCURATELY DESCRIBED AS LOT with interest to date of the sale of the property. 1, TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 4 FEET OF VA- NOW, THEREFORE, in the name of the STATE CATED FIFTH STREET ADJOINING SAID LOT of WASHINGTON you are hereby commanded to 1 ON THE EAST; LOT 2, EXCEPTING THERE- proceed to seize and sell forthwith and without FROM THE WEST 4 FEET; THE NORTH 10 appraisement, the property above-described, in FEET OF LOT 15, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the manner provided by law, or so much thereof THE WEST 4 FEET; THE NORTH 10 FEET OF as may be necessary to satisfy the judgment LOT 16, TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 4 FEET amount plus interest to the date of sale. The re- OF VACATED FIFTH STREETADJOINING SAID demption period is 8 months. The Sheriff's notice NORTH 10 FEET OF LOT 16 ON THE EAST; of sale shall be published in the Shelton Mason ALL IN BLOCK 44, PLAT OF SEATTLE SYNDI- County JournaI. The sale of the above-described CATE ADDITION TO SHELTON, RECORDED property is to take place: Time: 10:00 am Date: IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 17, RECORDS Friday, January 8, 2016. Place: Main Entrance OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Tax Par- of Mason County Courthouse on Fourth Street cel No. 32019-59-44001 and commonly known YOU MAY HAVE A RIGHT TO EXEMPT PROP- as: 503 Grandview Ave, Shelton WA 98584 The ERTY from the sale under statues of this state, sale of the above-described property is to take including sections 6.13.010, 6.13.030, 6.13.040, place: Time: 10:00 am Date: Friday, January 8, 6.15.010, and 6.15.060 of the Revised code of 2016 Place: Main Entrance of Mason County Washington, in the manner described in those Courthouse, 419 N Fourth Street The judgment statutes. Dated this 17th, day of November, 2015. debtor can avoid the sale by paying the judgment SHERIFF CASEY SALISBURY MASON COUN- amount of $164,648.40, together with interest, TY, WASHINGTON By: Angel Evans, Authorized costs, and fees, before the sale date. For the Deputy PC Box 1037, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) exact amount, contact the sheriff at the address 427-9670 8314 November 26, December 3, 10, stated below: SHERIFF CASEY SALISBURY 17, 24, 31 6t MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By:Angel Ev- ans, Authorized Deputy PC Box 1037, Shelton, PUBLIC NOTICE Washington 98584 (360)427-9670 SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF 8313 December 10, 17, 14, 31 4t REAL PROPERTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON DEUTSCHE BANK NA- TIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR SOUNDVlEW HOME LOAN TRUST 2006-OPT4, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-OPT4 Plaintiff, vs. ESTATE OF REMY PER- ALTA; ESTATE OF JOHN PERALTA; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVlSEES OF REMY PERALTA; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVlSEES OF JOHN PERALTA; LORI ALVAREZ; GINA BELEN; JOHN PERALTA JR.; STEVEN PERALTA; DYNAMIC COLLECTORS INC., MAIN STREET ACQUI- SITION CORP.; AND PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST INTHE PROPERTY DE- SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, De- fendant. SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 14 2 713 6 TO: ESTATE OF JOHN PERALTA AND ESTATE OF REMY PERALTA The Superior Court of Mason County has directed the undersigned Sheriff of Mason County to sell the property described be- low to satisfy a judgment in the above-entitled action. If developed, the property address is: LOT ONE (1), TOGETHER WITH THE WEST FOUR (4) FEET OF VACATED FIFTH STREET ADJOINING SAID LOT ONE (1) ON THE EAST; LOT TWO (2); EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE WEST FOUR (4) FEET THEREOF THE NORTH Super Crossword m H O T I T E M A D O R N E R E M M A S i.w~. M I I S O I R A R I T A N I C A D I N O I S E ,IEIS S IOIM I BIDIRIAIIINII N N T ICIH L EISIIISITIAIN G O S IWll I TISIHIEIDIAID l E_ OIUIRITIS S U ILII RIYIBIEIFIOIR l E TIDIRIUIN E IEIL MIEIAINIDIDII P R T A E W )OIOITI RILIYI E I TIOI T IA] L I AIRIFIAIRIEI T EILISI A LIAIII V EISIDIAILIEI GIUISITIAIVI E I NIEI R S M A P OINISI N YIOIUIBIUIYI AINIII HIIIPI BILIUIR EIAIGIAIIINI I NIEI NIGIEI PUBLIC NOTICE SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON HSBC BANK USA, N.A, AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR THE REGIS- TERED NOTEHOLDERS OF RENAISSANCE HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST 2006-3, Plaintiff, vs. THE ESTATE OF ERNEST R. BEAN, JR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVI- SEES OF ERNEST R. BEAN, JR., DECEASED; ERNEST RAY BEAN III; JOE BEAN; STEVEN BEAN; TOBY BEAN; ALSO ALL PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPER- TY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN Defendant. SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Case No.: 15 2 40 7 TO: THE ESTATE OF ERNEST R BEAN JR DECEASED The Superior Court of Mason Coun- ty has directed the undersigned Sheriff of Mason County to sell the property described below to satisfy a judgment in the above-entitled action. If developed, the property address is: LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 32, SEATTLE SYNDICATE AD- DITION TO SHELTON, WASHINGTON, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 17, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Tax Parcel No. 32019- 59-32003 Commonly known as: 211 W Wyan- dotte Ave, Shelton WA 98584 The sale of the above-described property is to take place: Time: 10:00 am Date: Friday, January 08, 2016 Place: Main Entrance of Mason County Courthouse, 419 N Fourth Street The judgment debtor can avoid the sale by paying the judgment amount of $179,092.66, together with interest, costs, and fees, before the sale date. For the exact amount, contact the sheriff at the address stated below: SHERIFF CASEY SALISBURY MASON COUN- TY, WASHINGTON By: Angel Evans, Authorized Deputy PC Box 1037, Shelton, Washington 98584 (360)427-9670 8292 December 10, 17, 24 3t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under- signed Trustee will, on the 1st day of January Weekly SUDOKU Answer 36851 7294 47239 6158 9 1 5 4 8 2 6 7 3 134629587 28973 5461 6 5 7 1 4 8 3 2 9 746853912 52197 4836 893261 745 2016, or if that is a legal holiday, on the Monday afterwards, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock a.m., at the Mason County Courthouse, 419 N 4th St., Shel- ton, WA, 98584, State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property situated in the County of Mason, State of Wash- ington, to wit: Parcel A: Lot 4 of Mason County Short Subdivision No. 1409, according to Short Plat recorded June 26, 1984, under Recording No. 429698, and being a portion of Government Lots 3 and 4 of Section 26, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington Parcel B: A non-exclusive easement 60 feet in width for ingress and egress as delineated on Mason Coun- ty Short Subdivision No. 1409, according to Short Plat recorded June 26, 1984, under Recording No. 429698, and being a portion of Government Lots 3 and 4 of Section 26, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M., in Mason County Washing- ton. Commonly known as Lot 4. which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated December 3, 2003, recorded in Mason County, under Auditor's File No. 1800927, records of Mason County, WA, from ERIC AND ALISA NORTHRUP, as Grantor, to First American Title Insurance Co., as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of GREGORY LEE CARMAN, JOHN D. CARMAN, and SUSAN E. FENNER, as Beneficiaries. The undersigned has been substituted as Trustee. II. NO action com- menced by the Beneficiaries of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obliga- tion in any Court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. II1. The default for which this foreclosure is made is as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amount which is now in arrears: $12,807.25. IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Prin- cipal: $3,555.16 together with interest as provided in the note secured, from July 20, 2014 until paid, and sich other costs and fees as are due under the note and as are provided by statute. These include but are not limited to back taxes of $1,291 plus estimated penalties and interest. V. The above- described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made, without warranty, express or implies, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, on the 1st day of January, 2016. The default referred to in Paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by the 21st day of December, 2015 to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if, at any time on or before the 21 st day of De- cember, 2015, the default as set forth in Paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated anytime after the 21 st day of December, 2015, and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any guarantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance pay- ing the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and advances if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee or the Borrower and Grantor at the following address: NAME ADDRESS Eric and Alisa Northrup 535 N 80th St Seattle WA 98103 by both first-class and certified mail on the 13th day of August 2015, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee, whose name and address are set forth below, will pro- vide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor, and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor, of all of their interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such.a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. DATED this 24th day of September, 2015. By: /s/ LARRY C. LEONARDSON Larry C. Leonardson, Trustee 18221 - 102nd Ave NE Bothell WA 98011 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me LARRY C. LEONARDSON to me known to be the indi- vidual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein men- tioned. Given under my hand and official seat on September 24TH 2015. /s/CHERYL M. BOSH NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington residing in Kirkland My Commission expires: 11/22/1015 Print Name: Cheryl M. Bosh 8266 December 3, 24 2t