December 25, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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2" uni.qu
r." v' Completes Tax Roll Ex-
8i0n This Week; Fewer
Taxes To Be Collected
On Greater Prop-
erty Valuation
of work extending the
tax rolls has been complet-
week by Assessor War-
coln and his deputy, Mrs.
county auditor to be
and audited before they
find their way to the
treasurer, who uses same
‘1’ y tax statements for 1942.
assessor's figures show a~
increase in total prop-
‘5‘ aluations in Mason County
M 7" 41, yet $6,570.57 less taxes
is . assessed against this val—
than last year.
ay of explanation, Asses-
», coln pointed out that the
i‘ valuation total is due
ally to increases in the as
, “ Value of personal property
3 provements to waterfront
y throughout the county in
4'» .t year. Personal property
Showed a $214,301 increase
berland Value Falls
g res weren‘t imm ediatcly
r , 1e on waterfront property
S. but the two together
with a- quarter of million
to spare the $133,144 drop
of the valuation increase
f.._ attributal to a one-point
ln ratio of assessements
W, the state tax commission
" the county for 1942, As-
Lincoln said.
,4 decrease in total taxes as-
“,j against Mason County prop-
~ due to the fact that fewer
districts in the county havo
levies, he explained. Only
- Tahuya, Harstine Island,
M. Knight, Camp 3 and Lil—
districts passed specials.
lfalr Pays Heaviest
. . est levy in any district for
'u‘ Will be paid by property
‘ L. of the Belfa'ir district,
48.34 mills have been ap—
W i and the lowest will be
Inills. shared by several dis-
it' In the Shelton district the
3’: ‘ cut will be on a 44.64 mil]
‘ drop from 54.02 mills for
‘ ation purposes.
' how for the arithmetic. To-
‘. ‘ 2 valuation on all county
is $5,814,330. Taxes ex-
;g. on the rolls on that basic
,j. 14,112.85.
e City of Shelton the valu-
L; totals $2,289,339 on which a
if; f $37,316.14 taxes have been
ed. Carrying the breakdown
decrease in utilities valua—
‘- ';
“'1 road district one is
5 on which taxes of $2,-
have been extended: sim-
Dective figures $1,580,081
340.23 for road district two:
'775 and $3,170.35 for road
three: $446.784 and $1,-
f01‘ P.U.D. 12 $5,347,546 and
-09 for P.U.D. 3; and $2.-
, and $36,387.24 for Shelton
district 309. »"
v :‘a,
,es Must Be
i, 4|
Car By Jan. 1
i it expect any leniency if you
Year's Day without 1942
plates for State Patrol-
iff Aden is giving fair
I that none will be given.
“Orders from State Patrol
.I‘ters are to begin making
- immediately the new year
" of drivers who operate‘
"’ehicles without the proper
—A series of
silences for a
Blast for two
Dutcher, and turned over.
king out personal and real,
i tlll'ther, valuation on DYOP'l
ht driving your car af-r
6017 S. E. 86TH
‘fi .
‘1 .
berland valuations and a
Joseph and the child . .
to know that He was in the manger.
Would That His Spirit Should Prevail
No king was so proud and mighty that hc did not deem it fitting
that he himself should travel to 306 the child. No gift in royal coffers
was so rich or so rare that it could be withheld as an offering to this
blessed babe. So kings came from many lands . . .
brilliant trappings. They came and knclt, bestowing gifts, bcforc Marl ,
. and the Three Wise Men who had been first
So the world’s riches were laid at the feet of the infant Jesus.
But as He grew in stature and wisdom, worldly things became of dimin-
ishing worth to Him; and more and more zealously He sought the simple
beauty in men’s souls, Then, when the words of God were spoken to
Him, He forsook all values less than Faith and Love and Honor, and
these became His philosophy . . .
religion .
This Christmas commemorates the date of His birth---not without
sadness. For if His spirit were truly in men’s hearts the dark veil of
war and intolerance would be lifted from us, and brotherly love would
be the only dictator of men’s deeds. This Christmas, let there be a
prayer in our hearts that His word will be re-hcard and remembered
around the wOrld; and that it will leave an unfolding echo of the soul-
satisfying stillness of peace.
Shelton and Mason County civ—
ilian defense leaders have been'
named to attend a civilian de-
fense school of instruction to be
held in Olympia next Saturday.
Sunday and Monday being staged
by the Chemical Warfare Service
of the War Department:
From Shelt’on will go Police
Chief Andy Hansen, chairman of
the auxiliary police unit of the
civilian defense council; Fire Chief
Dean Carmen, chairman of the
auxiliary fire unit; and E. E.
Brewer, city air raid'warden.
From the county arm 01" the de—
fense unit will go County Coordi-
nator Frank Heuston, Fire War-
den Charles Ogg,
Martin and Air Raid Warden J.
W. Graham.
Intensive instruction will be giv-
en some 250 civilian defense lead-
ers from Southwest Washington
in the technique of handling and
extinguishing bombs of various
types, including the much talked
of and commonly used incendiary
bomb. as well as instruction in
every phase of civilian defense,
including medical plans, war gas-
es, protection against war gases,
decontamination of gassed areas.
blackout technique moral, hand-
ling incendiaries, bomb effects,
warden organization, communica-
tions for civilian protection, train-
ing principals, air raid incidents
exercise, plant plans for air raid
‘protection, plant watchman and
police service, sabotage, plant fire
brigade and protection of installa-
Classes will last from 8 a. m. t0
9 p. m. each day, taking out just
sufficient time for meals.
Final appointment of commun—
ity registrars for civilian defense
registration was made MOHday
evening at Lilliwaup and Lower
Skokomish when that busy group
of defense leaders completed their
. rounds of the county.
This Is Your NEW
‘ CITY FIRE SIREN A continuous,
undulating Blast lasting for two
five-second blasts
s e p a r a t e d by Three-Second
two-minute period.
Sheriff Gene i
At Lower Skokomish,
Frances Gladwin
At .Lilliwaup, Bert Davis
Twenty communities outside of
Shelton were visited by the group
in a period of ten days
A: ’5
More volunteers are needed for
the Aircraft Warning Service lis-
tening post in Shelton, reports
Chief Observer Maurice H. Need-
So far he has adopted a policy
of waiting for members of the
post staff who have already sign-
ed up to volunteer to take certain
watches, rather than arbitrarily
assigning watches, but lately the
volunteers haven’t been sufficient
to stretch around the clock by
some little bit and it is throwing
too great a. burden upon those
who have volunteered.
Timbers for the listening tower
which is planned for the Shelton
observation post have been deliv-
ered and actual construction is ex-
pected to begin this weekend. The
tower probably will be erected on
Hillcrest, Needham said.
The Aircraft Warning Service
has been described by military au-
thorities as “our first line of de-
fense” against air attacks for un—
less the observation posts flash
warnings of the approach of ene-
my planes they cannot be inter-
cepted effectively by defending air
forces. ,
ii: >l=
Out. at Matlock, Chief Observer
Don Nye and his staff have al-
ready constructed a special listen-
ing post atop “Mouse Mountainf’
back of the Matlock store and
have increased the visibility of
the Aircraft Warning Service staff
in that vicinity by many miles to
the westward, where an enemy at-
tack is most likely to come.
A telephone line has been run
into the newly constructed tower
and a map has been placed under
glass on a small table so the ob-
servers can get a more accurate
idea of direction and distance.
=k *
The Japanese may seize on
the Christmas holiday let down
to strike at the Northwest,
Lieut. Col. Walter J. Belong,
State Director of Civilian De-
fense, warned today. He asked
all Civilian Defense Units to
maintain sharp vigil against any
surprise attacks while the pop-
ulace is thinking of other
Shelton Library On
News Bulletin Cover
One' of six Washington library
buildings sketched on the cover
of the December issue of the Lib-
rary News Bulletin, issued by the
State Library, is that of the Shel-
ton Library.
The' issue is neatly done in
greenink to carry out its Christ-
mas motif.
. . teaching.
SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Thursday, December 25, 1941.
with many camels in
Names. Numbers, Dates of Future
Quotas to be Kept Secret,
Draft Board Ordered
’ No further infoEiation hereaf-
ter will be released by the Ma-
son County draft board on names,
numbers and dates concerning fu-
ture selective service calls for the
Army, Chairman Ed Faubert an-
nounced following a meeting of
the board Monday afternoon.
The local board is acting on in-
structions from State Selective
Service Headquarters, he said.
The local board has also been
instructed to discontinue the
Class IV-A classification of selec-
tive service registrants predicated
on previous military training and
to re-classify men already placed
in that category to determine
their availability for additional
service in the armed forces.
“The action was necessitated by
the entry of the U. S. into the
war against the Axis powers and
the resultant cancellation of pro-
visions of the Selective Training
and Service Act of 1940 which
granted deferment to certain ex-
servicemen in time of peace,” the
order to the local board read.
Heretofore. men who had serv-
ed in the Army, Navy, Marine
Corps or Coast Guard, National
Guard, Officers’ Reserve Corps,
Naval Merchant Marine Reserve,
Volunteer Naval Reserve or Vol-
unteer Marine Corps Reserve
whose service in those forces came
within a certain period prior to
the selective service registration
had been granted deferment from
further peace-time service and
placed in Class IV-A.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor
were called to Seattle Tuesday to
visit Ed Taylor, who was taken
sick while enroute to the city
Monday and is in the Virginia Ma-
son Hospital there.
Thanks To You!
125 Youngsters
Get Xmas Toys
Editor, The Journal,
Shelton, Washington
Dear Sir:
We wish to express our appre-
ciation to The Journal and to the
people of Mason County who gen-
erously supported the toy reno-
vation project.
Because of your help and con-
tributions, renovated toys will
find their way Christmas morn-
ing into the hands of 125 Mason
County children.
Very truly yours,
Glenn Ratcliff,
torney Charles R. Lewis.
New Equipment Put lnto Use
Yesterday; 80 Record-
ings Made in Hour
Another page in the. volume
of progress was turned yesterday
in the history of record keeping
' by the Mason County auditor‘s of-
fice when new photostatic equip-
ment was put into use for the
first time.
Instruments filed since Decem-
ber 9 were “mugged” in the first
hour the machine was put into use
—~the photostatic copies covering
some 80 pages in Volume 75 of.
the deed records. First deed to
be recorded by the photostatic pro-
cess here was a warrranty deed,
‘from Melvin L. Kolmorgan to
l Frank C. Willey drawn up by At-
The photostatic process will el-
iminate errors in copying instru-
ments and will also eliminate
much time and effort in the re-
cording of instruments as no
longer will it be necessary to copy
by typewriter, a time-eating ac-
tion, with its attending task oft
comparison, requiring the time
and effort of two clerks. each in-
strument filed with the county
Mrs. Ida Rex Loughnan, re-
cording clerk on the auditor's
staff, will be in charge of the
photostatic equipment. She was
shown “the ropes" yesterday by
C. R. Dixon, representative of the
Remington-Rand company, which
manufactures the equipment pur<
chased ,_by the county, and John!
Walker, 8. member of the Secre—
tary of State staff in Olympia.
The two men set up the equip-
ment and put it in working or-
der yesterday and supervised the
first recording by photostatic
copy ever done in Mason County,
A developing room has been
built in the rear corner of the
vault room of the auditor's of-
fice but the drier hasn't yet been
delivered, the only missing part
of the equipment. Due to gov-
ernment priority the drier is not
expected here before January 15.
In the meantime Mr. Walker is
going to do the drying on the
state’s equipment in Olympia.
The only treatment necessary on
instruments now before they are
copied by photstat is writing on
the volume and page number and
applying carbon lightly to the
county seal so that it will show up
in the copy.
Bid ReCeived To .
Buy County Farm;
Date January 17
So help us, it looks like the
county farm is about to be sold,
at long last.
The county commissioners this
week received and accepted an
lapplication for the purchase of
the fertile county-owned property
located in Isabella Valley which
has variously been used as a poor
farm and a choice spot for con—
ducting gardening projects of var-
ious kinds the past several years.
The applicant is Marion W. Eve-
leth of Shelton, who indicated he
would be willing to pay $300 cash
down and the balance of a $2600
purchase price in ten annual in-
stallments drawing five per cent
The commissidners have set
January 17 at ten o’clock on the
front steps of the courthouse as
the time and place for conducting
the sale, at which the public will
have an opportunity to bid on the
After holding the matter under
advisement for a week, the county
board accepted the bid of’ the
Fairbanks Morse Company to fur-
nish an 1800 horsepower deisel mo-
tor for the new Harstine ferry
with the qualification that the mo—
tor can be returned within thirty
days if found to lack sufficient
power for the purpose. The bid
was at $750.
The $3500 revolving fund orig-
inally set up a year ago to oper-
ate the food stamp plan in this
county was returned to the coun-
ty current expense fund by order
of the board Monday inasmuch as
the fund is no longer necessary
now that the stamp sales are be-
County auditor’s office. ,
An additional $25,000 bond for
County Treasurer Omer L. Dioon
was inspected and approved.
‘~ in Shelton on his way to his Hood
ing handled through the Thurston ,
Lester Vallet Relates
Details OI
Had it not been for adverse
elements the United States would
have one more badly needed mer-
chant ship in its maritime fleet
for the fine new motorship “Ore-
gon,” 6,400 ton deisel freighter
launched in Tacoma last summer, ,
would have been able to make
port under its own power after
being rammed 200 miles off the
Mr. Vallet said.
Oregon On Maiden Voyage 1
Massachusetts coast December 11,
The Navy ship was one escourt~k
Canal home at Hidden Cove.
Mr. Valle-t was the last man
with the exception only of the
captain to abandon the Oregon
and was one of the 25 men in the
crew of 42 rescued. He lost all
his personal possessions except his
maritime commission and the
clothes he was wearing.
“We were within 40 miles of
port, “Mr. Vallet related to a
Journal reporter, “when a severe
storm struck us and evidently
caused the watertight bulkheads
separating the cargo holds to give
way. The ship sank within five
minutes after we abandoned it."
17 Shipmates Lost
Seventeen fellow crew members
were lost in the mountainous seas
when one of the two lifeboats,
carrying 21 men each, capsized
in the huge waves. Only six men
in that lifeboat were saved, while
two who had lowered the boat in
which Mr. Vallet was rescued leap-
ed into the sea and were lost
when they were unable to swim to
the boat and it was unable to get
them because of the heavy going.
The rescued men were in their
lifeboat only two hours before be-
ing taken aboard a tanker which
had been standing by and had
succeeded in picking up several
from the capsized lifeboat.
“The temperature was freezing
along with the gale and when
spray hit us it froze right on us,”
Mr. Vallet recounted. “The water
itself was only 46 degrees and
even then felt warmer than the
The collision which resulted in
the sinking of the Oregon occur—
red about four o‘clock in the
morning while the Oregon and the
Navy ship which rammed it (not
identified in any reports of the
accident) were running without
lights due to blackout restrictions,
its chief engineer, Lester Vallet,
related yesterday upon his arrival
ing a convoy of merchant vessels
but the Oregon was proceeding on
independent course for
(Continued on Page Six)
Carl Wescott
Safe In Hawaii
Christmas will truly be merry
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Westcott, who live on Mat-
lock Route near Dayton, for they
received word this week that their
son. Carl, was safe at Pearl Har-
bor and had survived the surprise
assault on the Pacific Ocean na-
val base which brought the Uni-
ted States directly into the war
on December 7.
The Dayton couple received an
air mail letter from Carl yester.
day telling them of his safety.
Additional airmail news receiv-
ed this afternoon informed Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Rains of Isabella
Valley that their two sons, Carl
and Bob, also survived the Pearl
Harbor surprise attack.
They were stationed aboard the
Pennsylvania. The letters, mailed
December 14 and 16 respectively,
arrived here yesterday. .
Outdoor Lights
Judging 7—930
Saturday Night
Shelton homes which have
been decorated with outdoor
Christmas illumination are re-
quested to be Sure to have
those illuminations turned on-
between the hours of 7 and 9:30
p. In. this coming Saturday
evening for that is the period
during which judging for the
Garden Club’s contest' will be
held. .
The judges - Mrs. Walter
Kullrlch, representing the spon-
soring club, Mayor William
Stevenson, and‘ President Ed
Faubert of the Chamber of
Commerce—will make a tour of
Condition of Jim Batstone, ser-
iousTy injured in a Bayshore road
auto accident a week ago today,
remains "about the same," a Shel-
ton hospital bulletin said this af-
inspection of the entire city
during that period and select
those illuminations to which
they will give honorable men-
No prizes are to be awarded
this year.
Ship Sinking
L. M. Employes
Given $25 Bonds
With Xmas Bonus
Part of the annual Christmas
bonus which employes of the
Lumber-men’s Mercantile com-
pany received this afternoon
consisted of $25 defense bonds,
each of the 42 employes of the
firm receiving one bond of that
denomination, the rest of the
bonus being in cash, General
Manager Walter M. Elliott re—
vealed today.
This, it is believed, makes the
L. M. the first Shelton store in
which 100 per cent of the em-
ployes are possessors of defense
“The company is urging its
employes to add to this start
by continuing to buy all the de-
fense bonds they possibly can,”
Mr. Elliott added.
Each employe of the L. M.
annually receives a. Christmas
bonus, the amount of which is
determined on a combined merit
and share-in-the-profits basis.
True Pioneer of West Claimed at
Advanced Age Tuesday, Last
Rites Friday, 2 P. M.
Death claimed Mrs. Sophie C.
Willey, 82. at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Grace Dickey. at
B‘ayshore, Tuesday morning, clos-
ing an extended illness due to
her advanced age.
Funeral rites will be held at the
Witsier Funeral Home on Friday
at p.m., with the Christian
Science Reader service, and inter-
ment will follow in the family
plot in Shelton Memorial Park.
Deaceased wasthe wife of Ben.
C. Willey, and with' him was a
true pioneer of the Pacific Coast,
she being born at Marysville, Cal.,
April 1, 1859, and coming to this
territory in early life with her
parents, the Ready family, which
settled in Lewis County.
She was married to Ben. Wil-
ley at Centralia in 1880, and came
directly to this bay to make her
home at Oakland, where her hus-
band was engaged with his fa-
ther, Enoch Willey, in operating a
sawmill. Most of her . life has
been spent in this vicinity or on
Hood Canal, where Ben. Willey
was engaged in logging and mill-
ing. although retired to their
home at Oakland some five years
ago to the Bayshore store and
In earlier years Mrs. Willey was
interested and helpful in school‘
and neighborhood work, and was
esteemed by those of pioneer days
who knew her best. She is sur-
vived by
ters, Mrs. Grace Dickey and Mrs.
Blanche Lincoln, both of Bay-
shore, her son J. Conley Willey
of Olympia, a sister, Mrs. Edith
Smith of Hoquiam and two grand—
children, Barbara and Mary Ca-
therine Lincoln.
Masons Install
Saturday Night!
New officers of Mt. Moriah Ma-
sonic Lodge will be installed at
public ceremonies to be held in
the Masonic Temple here this Sat-
urday evening starting at eight
Retiring Master Maurice H.
Needham will act as installing of-
ficer, inducting Horace H. Crary
as the new worshipful master, Don
Clark as senior warden,- W. S. Val-
ley as junior warden, Charles E.
Runacres as treasurer, and J. L.
Catto as secretary, the latter two
they have held for several years
in the lodge. v
The public is cordially invited to
:yesterday received at
her husband, two daugh-
been re-elected to positions,
Local Agencies Report Volume in
Past 2 Weeks Around
One—Fifth of Total
Since Sale Began
Under the impetus of war, Shel-
ton and Mason County citizens are
rallying strongly behind Uncle
Sam through the medium of the
purchaSe of defense bonds, a check
of the three local agencies au-
thorized to sell the bonds revealed
Since the United States was
forced into war with Japan on
December 7, the Shelton postoffice
has sold $6,-
450 worth
of defense
bonds, which
is twice the
amount sold
in the entire
months of
October and
N o v., ac-
cording to
figures an-
nounced yes-
terday by
Geo. Dun-
ning, clerk in charge of defense
bond sales. In the same 13 fis-
cal days, the postoffice sold
$778.75 in defense saving stamps,
he added.
$21,500 in 13 Days
The Shelton branch of the Seat-
tle-First National Bank, since De—
cember 8, has sold a total of
$21,500 in defense bonds, which
figures out as approximately one
fifth of the $105,050 total value
of defense bonds sold since they
were first placed on sale away
back in the spring, reports Bank
Manager Laurence Carlson.
The majority of the bank’s sales
have been in the Series G bonds,
some running as high as $5,000 in
value, he said. The bank is the
only local agency authorized to
distribute Series G bonds.
Down at the pulp mill where
the Rayonier Federal Credit Un-
ion is a third local agency vau-
thorized to distribute defense
bonds, the rush was so great that
the supply of bonds ran out after
$487.50 had been taken in dur—
ing the first week of the war, re-
ports Harry Carlon, credit un-
ion treasurer.
Supply Exhausted
Until yesterday the credit union
had been unable to replenish its
supply of $25 value bonds, he said,
and then wasn‘t able to-get its
order in full. During that period of
“sell out" twelve applications for
$25 bonds and a half dozen of
$50 bonds were received, Treasurer
Carlon added.
In the entire spring and summer
prior to the war’s outbreak the
credit union had sold only approx—
imately $1500 worth of bonds, he
commented, clearly indicating the
great impetus the‘war has given
the sale.
The postoffice, likewise, ran out
of $25 denomination bonds but
partial sup-
ply on its order so will be able
to furnish “investors in Ameri-
ca” for a short while. Ample sup-
plies of higher denominations are
on hand at the postoffice. A size—
able portion of the sales of bonds
have been in larger than $25 de-
nominations, Dunning said.
Woman Injured In
Accident Today
Mrs. Emma Fourre of Potlatch
Route will find Christmas Day a
little unpleasant physically for she
suffered back injuries and bruis—
es shortly before noon today when
a car she was driving and another
driven by Vern Hawk, also of Pot-
latch Route, collided near the air-
port on the Olympic Highway.
Both reports blamed fog and
a road grader which was operat-
ing without lights for causing the
accident. The Fourre care over-
turned. _
Unlisted damage but no injur-
ies were inflicted on cars driven
by Locie W. Avery, Route 3, Shel-
ton, and R. J. Streich, Route 1,
witness the installation ceremon-
ies, which celebrate the annual
Masonic Saints John Night.
Puyallup, Tuesday when they col-
lided at Cascade and Olympic
Early Editions Next Week
With New Year falling on Thursday, it
will be necessary for The Journal to shift its
publication days to Monday and Wednesday
next week. The cooperation of advertisers.
correspondents and the public will be very
much appreciated.