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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1941
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Page!“ Georgia Last English Colony Georgia was the last English col- ony in America founded. It was founded in 1732 by James Ogle- morpe. Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPlTAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhgre, anytime Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270-W pAllAllo uu THEATRE Shelton, Wash. Thursday, Dec. 25 Special Christmas Program . Continuous Show from 1 P. M. "Hill ll. ~ PRESIDENT A \ A. Paramount Picture RY ALDRICH 1 for a i P L U S Zuddy Rogers “Sing For Your Supper” Friday - Saturday DOUBLE BILL Paramount ' resell 2 Sun. to Wed. (incl.) TWO ROARING FEATURES WILCOX Sincere Greetings From Every Member Of Camp 3 Students Stage Christmas . Program Monday By June Quartier Camp 3, Dec. 24—The Camp Three school children entertained ' friends and parents with a Christ- mas program. The program was , very touching and well perform- ‘ ed. Students and teachers are to be congratulated on their fine presentation. At the close of the program three small boys her- ialded in Santa Claus who had Christmas treats for the pre- school children up to the high yschool student. The Union Hall, which is where the program was given, was decorated in true Christmas fashion. Miss Rosemary Kidwell and Mr. =Dick Look were dinner guests of 2 Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. King and family. The school was dismissed Tues- day afternoon, December 23, and will resume an January 5, 1942. Miss June Quartier entertained Nita and Lois King with a din— ner at her home. This year the children of the Camp Three school had their an- nual party and gift exchange. Ev— ]eryone got a present and every- 'one enjoyed themselves. Each groom had a Christmas tree. The {upper grade room pupils brought their lunches and had lunch at school. Their teacher, Miss Lor- raine Danielson, gave each one of the pupils a present and a Christ- mas treat. Albert Enquist was chosen to act as Santa Claus and pass out the gifts. Each child in the lower grade room brought their lunch also. Their teacher, Miss Lois Hoffman. gave each 'of them a present and Christmas treat. Miss June Quartier attended a music recital at the home of Mrs. Charles Lewis. Ice cream and 1cookies were served after a well performed recital. After guests left, the children went carolling around Shelton to homes of the sick and were warmly praised by every listener. Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Strine and family left Camp Saturday 'morning early to spend Christ~ mas vacation with relatives throughout the state of Wash— ington. Camp Three looks very festive :with its outdoor Christmas trees i and decorations. - 'nainl‘all Equivalents An inch of rainfall on an acre of ground is equivalent to 3,630 cubic feet or 226,512 pounds of water. One inch of rainfall on a horizontal root surface of 1,600 square feet is the equivalent of about 133 cubic feet or 997.5 gallons of water. __.'_. Auburn Golden Flake Buttermilk 25¢gal. BINNS — 825 Franklin =~reeiifill ' halt; .- 10¢ STORE a I I It has been a distinctive plea- sure to serve our many cus- tomers this season, and we extend warm thanks for your much valued Mum ,‘lH-u too! V i f‘ w. . . " ,I/ . patronage. We hope that this Christmas brings you fulfill- ment of every wish, and that it finds you happily surrounded by the things and the people you love. These are the things that make for contentment —than which nothing is more precious! And if cur greetings add one iota to your enjoyment of the holiday, then our Christmas shall be happier Herbert Angle Former Potlatch Man Disappears From Sitka Boatl By Yvonne Bartels ‘, , Hoodsport, Dec. 23~The tragic inews of the death of Roger Hill,l former resident of Potlatch, hasi reached his many friends in thisi vicinity. It is believed that he,l with three companions, disappear-. ed from a small boat near Sitka, Alaska. Mr. Hill was 27 years of Iage, a machinist’s mate, seconle lclass, a native of Bremerton and} he joined the naval reserve inv Seattle last June. His wife, Mrs. Beth Maybelle Hill, is in Havre de Grace, Maryland. l Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson and; family left via railroad for Hec- tor, Minn., last week to spend the; holidays with his parents. Douglas Gilhrist of the U. s.l Marine Corps, situated in Bl'em-, erton, was a guest last Saturdayi and Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKiel and daughters, Gloria and Betty. Mrs. Melvin Bearden motored to' Tacoma Monday and plans to be. home by Wednesday. l Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wynn left! Monday for Rochester, where they 1 plan to spend the holidays with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sturdevand. J. B. Handly enlisted in the ar-| my last week end is now situatedl at Camp Roberts in California. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manley leftl Monday for Eastern Oregon to! spend the Christmas with her parents. i I l Bremerton, formerly of Hoods—l port. were week end guests of hisl brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Asleson. Then on Saturday evening the Ted Asleson’s, the Roy l .Asleson's, Mr. and Mrs. Al Main,‘ 5 and Jack Simmons surprised Neil l Simmons of Potlatch with a birth- day party in his honor. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pagel of Skokomish Valley, are moving from their home in the valley to Bremerton soon, where Mr. Pagel is employed in the Navy Yard. Mary Lea Howry of Lake Cush- man arrived home Sunday froml Ellensburg where she has been at- i tending college the past term. She {will spend the holidays here. Owen Webster left last Friday! morning for San Raphel, Califor- nia, where he will spend Christ- mas with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Williams left Monday for a tour into Oregon to spend the holidays with his parents. Last Saturday, while working in the woods near Simpson's Camp 3, C. C. Handly received a blow: under the eye resulting in the, necessity of taking several stit-l ches. Albert Bartels, who is in the army situated at Fort Knox, Ken- ) tucky, arrived in Hoodsport last! week to visit old friends and rela-l tives here. ' Lee Yocum left for Centralia Monday where he will spend: Christmas with his sister and fam- l y. Matt VanLanen is spending the holidays with relatives in Vaughn. Ray Dillenburg is visiting rela: tives and friends in Vaughn and Belfair over the holidays. Production Credlt Assocmtlon Meets In Chehalls January 30 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Wash- ington Production Credit Associa- tion held at Chehalis on Tuesday, December 9th, it was decided to hold the annual meeting of the association in two sections. The first meeting will be in the West Hall in Chehalis on Friday, Jan- uary 30th, and the second meet- ing in the Ennehaha Grange Hall, Vancouver, on Saturday, January 3lst. ' “The Chehalis meeting is forI ‘, members in Pierce, Thurston, Ma- ison, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Wah- l, kiakum, and Pacific Counties; the Vancouver meeting for members Vin Cowlitz, Clark, and Skamania ' Counties,” Mr. William Auld, sec- retary-treasurer of the associa-g tion states. “In this way we hope; ’to have a larger attendance of} members, and we are particularlyl anxious that this year all mem-i bers will make a special effort to attend.” ' , White Russia The western portion of the former Russian empire has been known as White Russia because the region's inhabitants have traditionally worn white smocks and leggings. ~ lulu: .«' MAE i. ' .. ‘ mmmmfl . Mr. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL‘ Vi; .Wmm PHONE 100 :Ilome From Pullman ‘Miss Mary Lou Allan accom- panied by her friend Rita Lopez of La Ceiba, Honduras, arrived here Saturday to spend the holi~ days with Miss Allan’s parents, and Mrs. Robert H. Allan. Both girls are students at VVash- ington State College at Pullman. _¢_ _ American Legion Girls Hold Friday Meeting The American Legion girls held‘ a meeting last Friday after school at the Memorial hall. The regular meeting was followed by refreshments of pumpkin cream and cake. Two were present. Dance Club Members Asked to Reserve Tables All members of the Dance Club are urged to make table reservations for their par- ty for the New Year dance with Mrs. Robert McGaughy or Mrs. Frank Hawks. All reservations must be made by next Tuesday., All persons who is nate duplication. are urged to know Sew and. Sew Club Holds Xmas Party The Sew and Sew their Christmas party last Thurs- Club had holidays day with Mrs. Emil Rausher at“ . ,her home. Gifts were "exchanged' ML and Mrs‘ Ted ASIeSOn Of 1 and a delicious luncheon was serv- . ed by the hostess. Red Cross sew- ing will be the afternoon diver- sion at the next meeting, with Mrs. Axel Hendricks, hostess. Girl Scout Troop Is Entertained Thursday Mrs. Joe Tice and daughter Jo Ann entertained Miss Florence Janssen and her Girl Scout Troop at their home last Thursday eve— ning with a Christmas party. A delicious luncheon was served. The members exchanged gifts and the evening was spent playing games. Friday Club Holds Regular Meeting The Friday Club met at the home of Mrs. Doris Buck on Fri- day, December 17. Games were played and gifts were exchanged. Members present were Mrs. Helen Gruver, Mrs. Helen Carlson, Mrs. Carry Oleson, Mrs. Charlotte Gardner, Mrs. Flora Middendorf, Mrs. Fay Heggstrom, Mrs. Ver- na Goodrich of Camp 3 and Mrs. Marguerite Ferweda, a guest. Mrs. Charles R. Lavis Gives Christmas Party Monday afternoon Mrs. Charles R. Lewis entertained with fa partyl and mat?” for a group Of her' the bride, attended as best man: linNTS ’ lEarlene Cleveland is Holiday l ice visitors : Shelton . in their party to e1imi—; l l i l ___l l ,Bride of Robert A. Bell 3 The marriage of Miss Earlene: iCleveland and Mr. Robert A. Bell iwas solemnized in a quiet but impressive ceremony on Monday, lmorning, December 22. The cere—‘ lmony was performed by Rev. iMark Wieghmalili at St. Edward‘s lParish House at 11 o'clock with; lonly relatives and very closest, Tfriends in attendance. Both young} people are well and popularlyl known here, and their wedding is: one of social interest to their many friends. { The bride is the daughter of‘ Mr. and Mrs. F. Earle Cleveland: iShe is a graduate of the Irenei S. Reed High School and attended lthe University of Washington,l where she majored in Physical -, Education. The groom is the son of Dr. L and Mrs. D. G. Bell of San Mateo, California, and is a graduate of i l l l l 1 College and lcontinued his education at Notre :Dame University. He is employed !Bur;lingame Junior fin the Central Chemical Labora- tory of Rayonier Incorporated. chiffon velvet, made with a shir- red, long fitted bodice. It had a l were long, and close fitted at the wrists. The skirt, with a slight train at the back, was gathered l and across the back in a low curv— led line. Her fingertip circular veil |fell from a tiara of baby white ’chrysanthemums, and she carried la shower bouquet of white gar- .denias tied with wide white satin ,ribbon, and centered with a single‘ ,white orchid. She carried a hand lmade Chantilly lace handkerchief, ia gift from her mother. Her only ljewelry was a tiny gold cross, a , gift from the groom. She was giv- len in marriage by her father. I The maid of honor, Mrs. Claire Tozier (nee Winifred Cleveland) only sister of the bride, Wore a floor length, short sleeved gown of moss green chiffon velvet, pat— terned in lines similar to bride‘s gown. She carried a show- er bouquet of rust colored ane- mone type Chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid, Mrs. William Carlson (nee Evelyn Anker) a l’fl'iend of the bride since high Eschool days, wore burgundy rust chiffon velvet made after the same lpattern. She carried a lbouquet of yellow Chrysanthe- ,mums. Each wore a cameo gold :locket, gifts of the bride. Mr. Robert Cleveland, brother of \ --...__.._N.. __ A... rBurlingame High School, and of| The bride's gown was of white' sweetheart neckline. The sleeves, 'to the bodice at the side frontsI the ‘ Traveling Gavel Draws Crowd To E Shelton Valley? l l l l By Una W’insor Shelton Valley, Dec. 23—About‘ 75 Grange members were pres: ent at last Friday evening’s spe-, cial meeting, with the Lincoln; Grange from Matlock having al group of 26 present and the Sim-1 komish, Agate Progress and Hat- chery Granges sending less. Mrs. Bishop, worthy master of Lincoln conducted the meeting and pre» sented the traveling gavel. Kath-, erine Cryson, lecturer, presented a peppy program of musical and vocal numbers, readings and al pantomime. Fruit cake. wiches and coffee were served af— ter the program. i The Shelton Valley Grange will take the traveling gavel to the Progress Grange at Kamilche in January. , Gordon Bennett arrived home late Friday evening from Anchor-i l i i l sand— age, Alaska, where he has spent: the past six months working. His coming was a complete surprise. to all the family and incidentally; a nice present to his mother. Mrs.‘ Dewey Bonnet, whose birthday it ‘was. Don Rose of Shelton. who; had been at Kodiak. also camel down on the S. S. Baranoff and they were 11 days on the trip, I from Seward to Seattle, being or-‘ idered to anchor for five days at ; one place. The boat was complete-~ 1y blacked out nights. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cooke were visitors at Echo Farm Wednes- day afternoon. Alph Kneeland is out again af— iter being confined at home with an abcess on his back. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Phillips of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. How—‘ v and Robinson of Camp Three vis-l l ited at the Winsor home Saturday evening. : Mrs. Dewey Bennett s p e n t 2 Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Sig- ne Kneeland and Mr. and Mrs.‘ Walter Cooke. ‘ Mrs. Charley Baker and daugh-1 ‘ter Jean visited in Shelton Sun— gdav evening at the home of her' father J. F. Bennett, and also. “at Echo Farm. ? 1 Jack Holman Spent Sunday af- :ternoon with Gordon Bennett. There was quite a crowd from the Isabella Valley and this com- lmunity at the civilian defense l meeting Wednesday e V e n i n g. lTalks both instructive and ofl ggreat interest to all were made; iby County Commissioners Rob-l ert Trenckmann and Vincent Paul’ ’and by Attorneys Hueston and Shower» Graham and Mr. Ratcliff, director , vey thoughts in writing. ‘of welfare. J. A. Shafer was ap-; pointed air warden and Fay Ben-l : nett registrar locally. while in the Isabella Valley, H. M. Wivell is, the appointed air warden and: Younger Pupils- The moms and! Mr. Frank McLeod and Mr. Rob- 1, Maude Killitz registrar. a Christmas tree were gayly dec- v oratcd for the occasion. A number of beautiful carols were sung dur- ing the afternoon. Those taking part in the festivities were Vir- ginia Connolly, Tom Connolly, Rosemary Stevenson, Joan Soper, Patty Killmer, June Quartier, Jackie Graham and Marian gLe- master. Refreshments were serv—. ed by the hostess. Military Style In Evning Coat ; Parachute sleeves, lster pock- ets, and cartridge belt pleating give this white Russian ermine evening coat a distinctly mili- tary tone. Designer is Dain- Bacher of the Waldorf. Prevents Marking Wall Toprevent a hammock or 'a swing from marking the "plaza wall, out two rubber sponges in halves and attach them to the back at the four corners. If the hammock or sWing then strikes the wall it will not mark it. gmsmwmmmwrmase .~ , lert. Allan, close friends of the :groom, ushered. The groom, best Eman and ushersc were attired in lthe customary dark suits, and wore boutonnieres of white car- nations. The bride’s mother was dress- ed in black silk, crepe with deep yoke of rose faille with rose colored studdings. She wore an or- chid at the shoulder. The .bridal procession entered the room to the strains of Lohen- grin’s Wedding March, played by Mrs. Charles Lewis. After the lmarriage vows had been exchang- ed, Mrs. Lewis played Mendel- sshon’s Wedding March for the bridal group to leave. At 11:30 o’clock, relatives and lfriends were entertained at a re- lception given at the home of the ibride's parents, which was beauti-z lfully decorated with Chrysanthe- mums for the occasion. The bridal party received be- 1fore a bank of white Chrysanthe- l mums flanked by tall lighted can- E dles. I Refreshments Were served from la table in the dining room which ‘was centered with a large bou- .quet of white anemone Chrysan- lthemums between lighted candel- abr‘a. Mrs. Alden Bayley poured, as sisted by Mrs. William Carlson. Miss Weeddee Wilbur of Tacoma cut the wedding cake. Mrs. Ray 'Mitchell and Mrs. Chester Green assisted in the service. Mr. Ira Spring took several photos during the ceremony and .the reception, one of the bride l and groom cutting the first piece lof cake being of special interest. [These photos will help carry the details of the wedding to the par- ents of the groom who were un- able to be present. Out of town guests who were here for the wedding and the re- ception were Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Green and'daugh‘ter, Patricia, and son Michael, of Kirkland and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Gregg; Mr. and Mrs. Doran Conan; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gregg; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gregg ‘of Seattle; Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Gregg of Port- land; and Miss Weeddee Wilbur of Tacoma. ‘ In the early afternoonlthe new- lyweds departed for a honeymoon trip to San Francisco and San Mateo, California. They will spend Christmas Day with Mr. Bell’s parents in San Mateo. For traveling, the bride wore a red fox coat over a suit’dress of ice blue velvet, with an ice blue feather hat and toast accessor- ies. She wore a gardenia and white orchid col-sage. ‘ The bride and groom left amid a simmer of rice thrown by well- wishing friends. Mr. Robert Cleve- land and Miss Weeddee Wilbur accompanied them to Chehalis where they boarded the 2:59 Cas- cade for San Francisco. They will be at home in Shel- ton in the near future. i l a 1 v Planting Gladioli Gladioll' should be planted from about the middle of April to the middle of June. They are effective in beds by themselves, or in clumps in the borders. Gladioli grow in any good garden soil' and sunny lo- cation. Cultivate the soil frequpnt- ly; water copiously and apply liQuid manure when flower buds begin to form. Stake when plants reach one foot in height. ;,I. in. a l l Mrs. H. A. Winsor spent Mon-'1 0 day visiting relatives in Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer Were, , Shelton visitors Sunday afternoonl ‘with their daughter, Mrs. R. Grenberg. , Mrs. Vearl Bennett and children} Earlyne and Bill visited Monday; afternoon with Mrs. Dewey Ben-g nett and Ava and Una Winsor. i Gordon Bennett was a Seattlei visitor Monday, going down with1 Mrs. Buford Rose and son Don? Rose to get the boys’ baggage; from the S. S. Baranoff. l l 1 l s i‘Keep ’Em Laying’ Newest Motto Of Coast Bogltrymeni Washington State College, Pull-, man—“Keep ’em laying 8” is the? Inew slogan for all poultrymeng ' particularly on the west coast, toj keep in mind during the blackout' nights ahead. In response to urgent requests; for assistance by poultrymen with ; lthe problem of keeping layingl hens producing for defense 13. hours a day, J. S. Carver, head; of the division of poultry hus-E bandry of the agricultural experi-f ment station at Washington State college, has issued instructions to: all poultrymen. Poultrymen are advised to co- operate ‘fully in blackout regu- lations but to light their hens‘ as long as possible, even under iadverse conditions. Experiments at the Washington agricultural ex- periment station have shown that egg production drops when lights are turned off, Carver" said, with4 'some of the hens going entirely out of production and a large percentage going into a partial or. complete molt. Increased production is being lasked of the poultry industry,. [Carver said, and steps should be‘ {taken to prevent a drop." His l instructions cover the blackouts from 11:00 pm. to dawn and from dusk to dawn. ‘ 1 For the 11:00 pm. to dawn blackout orders, poultrymen can adjust their schedule by eliminat- ing the morning lighting period and extending the evening light- ing period beyond the regular time to make up a full thirteen hours from dawn until the lights are turned off. For the dusk to dawn blackout, poultrymen must cover all Wind- ows and openings so that no light can show. Windows can be paint- ed black inside and out or covered I with'black building or sheathing paper. The paper should be on the outside so that hens cannot pick at it. Poultry houses equipped with muslin roller curtains will need wooden frames fitted tightly into the Openings and covered with black paper. With all windows and Openings closed during the blackouts. ven- tilators must be provided, but must be shielded to prevent the escape of light. This can be done only by indirect ventilation as recommended in Poultry Point- ers 11. “The Washington Laving House,” and by intake ventilators arranged near the ceiling in the gmc Aw L... _.. ..-L~_. *plies, which are urgently needed, ‘ approximately what they will rc— 3 ‘. Eceive for their .of preparing the scrap for move-( .ing approximately .12 cents :Defense Board, . ‘profit in other ways by helpingf :and steel scrap. ‘ collection. l are warned. hourevcr, not to scrap. 2 Thursday, Dccclnbcl'flS, . IN ~ sda I Farmers Asked To ; .(.1‘7r:§§{3i.3?.3:‘i.f1° Shift ’ More Scrap lronlgg \VasllingtOli‘farmers are being 1 asked to participate in a nation- wide campaign for collection of scrap iron and steel to aid the de- fense program. Farms of the na tion are considered one of the most ‘ » important sources of scrap sup— for use by steel manufacturers for 3 ~. combining with pig iron. l A graduated scale for prices for l farm scrap iron throughout the United States, based on distance: from consuming centers, has been set up so that farmers will know Again ,w c s a y} k. we wish you (i jo and merry Chris mas for 79.91. material at the; various assembling points. Form: Washington a price of 61 cents} 3‘ per 100 pounds at Seattle 119.51% " been established. The amount re— ceived by farmers, however, will; be this price minus the cost of} shipping to Seattle and the cost? in (THATTERBO ‘ CAFE ment to steel mills, the latter bc-i per We Will Not Be one ('2hristmas or Nov; 100 pounds. Ye Prices paid will not alone bei. enough to insure the thorough , combing of rural areas for scrap. ! points out Henry B. Ramsey]. chairman of the State U.S.D.A.“ but fa rmers will provide an adequate supply of iron , ' If the flow of scrap is not sufficient to meet-. ,V needs, steel output may be fur—; SHELTON, WASHING, .. thcr reduced, which will mean thatf -xfi.a farmers will encounter still more. l i“ " difficulty in obtaining machinery! v. in.” 'Tonite Only 4' ‘i/Vil'illn Dec. 734 or T‘ ‘ ’lTROPlC” with Constance Bonn Jeffry Lynn Kale: Short F‘caturofi and other steel products. ,3 County U.S.D.A. Defense Boards ‘ 'f are being asked to assume the: leadership in all areas in organ— izing and promoting the scrap iron The program will be carried on concurrently with the -. machinery repair program, since." it is felt that in many instances, useful parts may be removed from Somv implements and the remaind- i or sent to the snicltcrs. Farmers : .. Thurs. - Fri. Double Feature “BESS POLLY‘" (Love Expert—it’s :1 I10 and any machinery that can be rcpair- 0d and used during the coming“ year. , Farmers having scrap iron toi,’ sell. should contact local dealers' to dispose (f the mctil Count 7' ZANE GREY’S ' , ., ‘ )' 1.2 . .. .V. “. r, ., ., ‘ extension agents ‘will be of assist- ,. T ‘ ance to farmers, when needed. in‘ '» arranging for the sale of the iron' through the proper channels. with George Montgom Lynne Roberts, Eve A, plus Serial — Cartoon ' .——-——-—’ Sun. — Mon. Tu, MATINEE SUN. 2:1 . l-IOVV they are on the , Edgar Bergen and C. McCarthy, Fibber McGee Molly and Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics were the first vari- ety of signs used to record and con» To Relieve vols Misery of Lucille Ball in LIQUID “.LQQK WHO ’ Teddi?) Libertine”; NOSE DRCPS (S’Help us It’s a RI COUGH DROPS Also March of Time Ca Try “Rub'MS’J‘iSIYl” — a wonderful NeWs Linimcnt “ — a 1..» wwhlu ;. p & ‘ There will always be 0; Christmas sass , to Inspire the Ideal of . a Peace on Earth, Good: Will toward Mm " May we extend to you and yours, thc Best Wishes Of The Season (Gibson A rt Com pany) Fir Drug Store n if fiawssssua Again wc ask you to accept our fpnd wishes for a happy, old fashioned Christmas. front of the laying house. Intake. V ventilators should be “L” shaped' and painted black inside and out. I SHELTON HARDWARE as;masmmraxammmxmmsammmmmsammwmmm '