December 25, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday, December 25,
Page Four
W”. VT d P cific Coast treating
Prl‘ces TOP professed the equivalent 0’
, - 1 Persons interested in feeding“
lambs will have an opportunity to ’3
Consolidated with The Shelton Independent lpai'ticipate in a show of
Published every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon l animals OXLEebr’mry
14’ 1942i ati
Member of V‘Vashingioii NeWSpaper Publishers Association l the Old unlon
Stoqkyards In“.
and National Editorial Association. JSpOkane- The Show 13 Open to?
Entered :is swam—class minim» at the postoi’t‘ico at Shelton.
Washington adultS, 4—H club members and F. ;i
‘— | EA. students. Sponsors of the ev-i
TO THE YOUTH of AMERICA ! ___-.._..
: I I B . 332 million board feet of
1 s I e I n e B“:- ll in 1940 compared with 0'
I In the year of 1917 A.D., the, Farm prices are now in the best 5!
million board feet the .1
la nt 5
youth of America found them-lposition since 1909-14, accordiii‘gi
‘ USDA Recordsi a of 32
Sabscription Rates: , ent point out that it is aimed at. ,
101,5; per cent.
‘ . V . . .
BY MAIL, in Mason County (outside Of Show)“ my mail carrier districts) 3
increasing the quality of the fed, A MERRY ONE TO YOU [the best teams went
to the tourna- selves facmgagreat worldly criSis. l to figures compiled by
the De-
$2 per year: a; months, $1.25; 3 months 75c. Foreign $3.50 per year. Postal
* 1ambs throughout Eastern Wash; FirSt and above all. here‘s WiSh-I ment
when only one or two games Today, 24 years later, a modernlpartment of
Agriculture. By mid-
rcgulations forbid residents of Shelton served by city mail carrier from i
mat n ,mg' you Sideline Slants readers
receivmg their Journal by mail. l D 0 i
B) JOURNAL (TARthR: in Shelton, 23c per month (collected by carrier) or
$2.50 per year in advance. 1
decided which teams went and youth of America is confronted October average
farm prices had
the which stayed home. Why have a with a similar picture. moved up to an
index of 139 per "
f MERRIEST CHRISTMAS AND Ilong double round-robin league That youth, that
was then, isgcent of the 1909-14 price as com-
HAPPIEST New YEAR schedule, if you have to stake ev- , no doubt your father
and mother pared to an index of 138 per. cent;
lor aunt or uncle; who knows? for all other commodities which'~
J. EBER ANGLE, Manager
V aiCHAr—tfi'wa'rsolxiflldv. Thigh
erything on one game after the _
hedule is played out? Are we, the present youth of the farmers buy. This
brought they,
In 1938 the present league was America going to bring forth an— prices
received by farmers in gen—i
formed, Olympia, Hoquiam anal other generation, are we going. eral into a
fair relationship with, ,.
Aberdeen combining with the oldl to be the aunts or uncles, or fa- l Prlces
paid by the farmers as hasl‘
Central League; and Chehalis andlthers and mothers of another'been the
goal of farm legislation!
Centralia moving into the South—l YOUth to be faced With a dread 0f
recent years- Farm Prices 0“
ern Division; the champions oflOf war and turmoil such as is October 15
were 101 per cent of
,you can manage to achieve inl
View of the rather unmerry and! SC
,unhappy circumstances of these!
times. . '
The Sideliner hopes he can;
lighten and at least momentarilyi
partly dissipate some of the sad-
BILi. DlCKIE, News Editor
ness and sorrows of the times byi . , . -t l
, . 1 - l each league to qualify directly for Happening today. pari y.
. gyatlllxi‘g X331: hngpfi'l I‘tgvgsfgidcig; the tournament. b
Spon “a I; reyeéergly (361?- It must be remembered, how- l ».
1, , ra mg e 1r 0 o ‘S ny ever, that this was takin all .'
Wh . F 1 1 b t d .r Sgoits throughom the commol Now for the record of
the “big iBegotten Son. At this yuletide , farm prices into consideratign
81:1 0111' l grim a €15 CB e ra 6 El _y ! three” and the “little
four." ;season let us give thanks that i an average. Beef and pork
first Chrlstmas they kept one eye Open and thelr EAND Now i In 1938, first
year of the new ialthough the storm clouds do ga- were considerably above
100 perlgg;r
big league, the “little four” fail- ther we can live in a nation
“con- cent at parity while butterfat and 1 §
hands on pieces, they listened t0 Being as hOW he hasn't done ed to
win a single game from ceived in liberty and dedicated to eggs were only 85
per cent of’
his ChriStmaS Shopping yet and'i the “big three.” The Central {the
proposition that all men are‘parity. Many other commodities
Chri tian me a e and n' e h d in feast-' ;
S SS g 9 Joy d t e 3y can therefolre’hariiilykmake uselofi ‘ Leaguers
lost a” the 24 games icreated equal.” are also below parity but are
mg. Someone e se 1“ mg 1n “155 they played with the former ! Those were
the words of a sim- a more favorable position than ,
Never Since that day of more than three cent-i May the mic 0hr
hour of “need,” the Sideline? takesl Northerner-s, Iple, but famous,
man—Abrahami. they have been since 1909—14.
the easy way out by offering you; 3L. 1 . t th .d t f .
'rtuau t th -‘ _‘- In 1939, a former Central Lea" mco n'
.Slx 69“ pre51 en ,0 The best interests of both far- ‘l- . ' w . l
VI y m aCt e Sports Par 5 gue team, Raymond, broke into', these Ulnted
States Of Amer‘ca- mer and consumer are served by Kg" mas 5 7’ Ti
ade” column fashioned b Bob . i - - i , . '
Cloud in the Elma Chroma/'16 last! that “top three“ by beating
Olym— l we are an Wlth “"5 mans words paying fair prices to the
farmerl k- your home Y”
pia twice and Aberdeen once. Ell-7,1911t 16,315 me replenish those
memor'~ for this keeps the farmer pro-l .
ma helped the cause along by‘les Wlth the laSt few Words Of that ducing
and gives them a fair re—
uries ago have the American people found it
necessary to keep an eye open against aggressors
who threaten their lives, their peace and their
week, not only because it savesl
“Kai” 46%
. th t' ‘f t' th ' - . . .
future way Of llfe. $361,135,: 0?:c%i€ngbgg:ugg i: beating Aberdeen and
Olympiai ‘tifigtrgr‘gyggfi‘t 3:5 ixeifiéznghggirs“ turn for
their production. Contin— % 315mg 9;
. . . . . .. r . lS ma
This 15 Christmas, one day of the year when Eggs dspmel lnl‘fegestlgg
dope gloui' $3518 Egg-[18323;] 0853:3336 t3: and dreams.
Eggdggggutgtlgleegf thingggngngqargfl a
' ‘ S . u - ‘
the message of Peace and Good W111 should fill the, 1th,, paft fé’u,
,.§;~,s_eH§:g°1;0m§s;24 games with the big boys.
dedgaidragelghiorgrgagotggkhilge the market is the best safeguard 5,;
l ' ' V H ‘ H. ' l' I
minds and hearts of all the people, and the spirit, ithe Sport Parade .
' _1940 was Monies .Year to kill} maining before us, that from these
9°fis‘émers Cda“ hatve agamst both it t
- l While the ‘busmess as usual’ lglants- They Spht Wlth Aberdeen! h d
d d t k d m a Ion an Wan' liq 1 y
to bring Happiness and Good Cheer to All thel m - ‘ M with Olvm 1a to am
01m_l 01101”? ea We a 9 Increase: #-
' 5" t St'" "Utter" h°pefuny 3 ~ p p y
idevotion to that cause for which
Young and the Ailing. , - “a”: lhi'gl‘: tscllookl bafkeiba‘ll
3311: iffga tile gitgaggfggmsgfii they gave the last full measure of
Speeder Arrested [it Cleaners
. . , . 41,1, w”, 1 ,7 sceues, e’s aea no a e ue ea. . 1., . , .
The year has been good to most people of ‘srsmarssma. Aasfiafifl, this
ibig three “me “up sum lwith Aberdeen and with Hoquiam,:
devot‘on' that we here h‘ghly re 0n Hillcrest Grade it .,
fi . . , , lb 0 . th f. t “nu ,, t t ‘solve that these dead shall not
. ation (in the northern dwlslon eoommg e us i e eam 0, have died in vain;
that this na_l new or .m as or ,
this land, With more than the usual measure of
prosperity spread among us, with all good reason
to get the full measure of enjoyment save the
one cloud which hangs over the land.
Like our Forefathers we are forced to keep‘
one eye upon this cloud and be on the alert for
an enemy of Christianity who might choose the
o of the Southwest conference). beat Hoquiam since the formation‘ . ,
Warren Cobb of Shelton was ———~ I Vi
What actually is the situation? , of the league. The “little four"
won; 351;,l‘ggegrfgghaggdhagfia: “3;: arrested last evening by Deputy
$¢kfi$fifi$fififi$ ’
Can‘t the Central League. teams: four of their 24 games with trial
Sheriff Fred Hickson on a speed- _,
.{é “ T
. . . . u . government of the people, by the. . . ., V,
make it mterestm for the Har-' in teams, but the big three" , mg
charge which is to be heard _‘
g g Ipeople and for the people Shall at four o’clock this afternoon by
bor teams and 01 in la? 1 the; ke t the to three positions ini i.
y P s p P inot perish from the earth. “Justice W‘ A. Magoon.
i Central League so inferior re 01‘,' the league- 1 th ’-
conversely, are the Northern Di-l LEIS‘S year. 1941, Raymond did T1056
are words Of Pres‘ ’
vision teams so superior—year in i all the “little four” winning,
and year out?
, . The arrest was mad on h
dent Lincoln and now, when We 6 t e
. . _. are about to worship the birth of,
Sphttmg “' 1 t h Aberdeen and Jesus Christ, let us bow our heads
Hillcrest grade.
._._————-v..__.. w_
_ . A bit of history, first. Years Olympia and moving into a tie ,. J.
“Jan ,
day of our weakness and pleasure to strike ter-‘ ago, until the 1929
season, the 1335- l with Olympia for third place, 033: alr’llgythzg
ror and destruction. ketball league consisted of Ho- "1 thelfOU"
Years 3f thfe '6:— nation “Shall not perish from melt '
v ‘ quiam, Aberdeen, Centralia, Che—i guei ony Raym°n t 6 th.”
But we must not forget even for the day the: , haiis, Olympia, Montesano,
Ray—, “little four” could climb into ear _GERTRUDE SILVERS '
glgond, Elma, Shelton and South; the top three. Raymond was ..
1‘. ‘ end. This league, obviously un-i second in 1939 and tied for
third ' ‘ r I
it wieldy, was broken down in 1929; in 1941. During the same time,
Klwa'nla’ns Spread ,‘ ‘1
rif- into the Northern Division, taking! only Olympia of the “big
three” Christmas Cheer
9‘ ,the five first mentioned; the Cen~l has dropped below third, being
motif behind the observance of Christmas as
carried on through the generations of Ameri-
cans, and observe the day as all other Christ-.
mases with the spirit of Cheerful giving andi . ,trai League taking the
next for.“ fourth in 1939, Hoquiam has , The.Shelton~Kiwanis Club en—.
Spreading” of joys to others, especially to chil-‘ land South Bend was
moved int0i be” “’5‘ 3” f°“" Years' Joye“ ‘ts
usual Chmtmas plan Of? '
a Willapa league. , For the “big three," Hoquiam passing out cheer
among the:
. I
These leagues were well-bal- won 31 out of 32 games against members In
gifts more 01' lessl .
dren. May this be a Happy Christmas.
anced. All but Chehalis of the the “little four”; Olympia and amusing
to spread a laugh» andl ,
Northern Division managed to Aberdeen each won 27 of their head “13011.5
0f.t11§.CIV1llan 138-],
make the state tournament in 32. For the former Central Lea- , fense
Operations 1‘“ “W and Coun- ‘ '3
l .
l the years that league was in guers, Raymond won 7 of their W from Doane
Bmd‘ev Coordma’l
May jolllty reign su-
preme for you?" Yiile-
tide season, friend. '
existence. In the Central Lea- 24; Elma and Monte each won tor. and also
fl’Om Maurice Need:
gue. Raymond dominated, al- of their 24; Shelton failed to beat ham, Sr-i
0n Interceptor servweq
thousm Elma did go to the tour- any of the “big three.” who made
complaint. that few of, 1
nament in 1932; and Elma, Mon- This year, with a separate “B” Fhe
members W619 domg their Part
tesano and Shelton kept up a tournament being held in Cheney, 1“
Star‘de watCh' Members were
merry dogfight for second place. the Southwest “A” teams will get urged
to 51g“ “P for the two'hour '
In 1937 it was felt that the three places instead of two in the
system of playoffs necessary tol Seattle state tournament. Will;tion of
candy to children in the
‘ qualify three southwest teams for any. of our “little four” have
Merry, and gay
your Yule season
Accept our best
es-in good faith.
Whether we know it or not there is a fairly
tight censorship of the news already_in force in?
the United States, and the newspapers are co-l
operating without compulsion as yet by keeping,
down the local news of common knowledge that:
has to do with the movement of troops or other:
May joy visit you
on Christmas Day
and ever after with
you stay.
a 29'
and the
forces d
grade schools and 100 dollar cer-
ar m V9 1 ' .i ’the tournament was not working chance to take that
berth? . . . .
Tlpe rzaiivlgecilh might be. hetlffgl to. the egemy 10 C St fi as we], at
,5 might. The teams The mom says “no... The tificates‘to needy
, SOTS 1p 15 1n 9 Ofelgn an war i lllad to play earlier schedules than
Champs will still qualify directly; I
news which can be checked at the source or the,§ they would have
otherwise; there the two second—place teams will Laue Big “on, N ‘ P
van I,
' ' ' ' l~ , . . . . . . was the feeling that not always
fight it out‘ for that other berth. . . t f m .-
receivmg end by federal offmlals and particular- mmmfimmmmwml __ Little
1318 30m ‘5 m0“ 0r 9 r N ns h
1 th ’ - Wflfimflfififlwl [ place where General Custer and his
STORE , eue C W a .
9’ 8 news which Wines mm the “0m i ’iWASHINGTON’S FOREST LAWS
by ..
mg American locations and actions; the newspa- ' ‘ Sitting Bull. _ i,
rm, gfifiw%mfifigfig‘
sustained yield‘ and perpetual log- o
ging operations.
pers give out what they receive in the way of;
news and the readers must exercise their own
caution and judgment. I
Obviously any news from the Axis sources
Olympia You have the. word
of conservative T. S. Goodyear,
can be discounted because it is intended to bolster
its own nationals as well as disturb American‘
readers; but there is a serious question Whether it'
is best to dilute news from friendly sources and.
leave our own people to conjure up needless wor-
ries. We can take bad news and buck up, but pub-
lic morale requires a fair measure of facts and
The preponderance of boys over girls in thel
birth records of late years might have warned that l
war was ahead, but in these modern times the‘
girls are taking their full part on the home fronts.
There was a time when the national debt
growth was alarming but now that it has reached
astronomical and uncountable figures it no longer ;
worries, even at the rate of $277.50 a second while
tempus fugits.
1 .
These new war names are getting us “woo-
zy” in this rapid changing of the map of the
, Sunday was the shortest day of the year and
the turning point toward the longer and brighter
days of spring ahead.
“Christian Science” is the Sub-
I V ject of the Lesson-Sermon which
will' be read in all Churches of
,Christ, Scientist, Sunday, Decem-
We prophecy a most
wonderful 0 h istmas
for you this year.
' I
I claims, Goodyear made these sup-t
porting statements:
:upon actual performance and fire
i now receives the highest allot—
J. C. Penney
I saint-yams”;
effective state forest laws in ex-
istence than those of this com—'
monwealth. - I
And ,without batting an eye or
taking a full breath, he let loose
this statement.
“A careful analysis and com-
parison of forestry progress by
other states will conclusively
prove that the Washington tim-
ber industry has accomplished
more through self-imposed regu-
'- , lation, that more money is volun-
tarily spent ’each year in Wash-
ington for fire protection and im—
i, ! proved logging methods, and there
has been .more actual forestry
progress in this state during the
past ten years than in any other
state or province on the North
American continent!” ,
And, to back up those“ tWo
With federal allotments based
I prevention expenditures, this state,
,_ "ment of any state in the union. i
. Many of Washington’s forest!“
llaws have been copied and enact-I
l ed by other states.
There is now organized forest
fire protection in 31 of the 39‘,
counties—the annual expendituresl
for protection and suppression to-
taling $1,397,368 of federal, state,
forest patrbl, Washington Forest
'lFire Association and industry
I The forestry division maintains
[2,000 miles of forest protectionl
lroads, 1,200 miles of telephone!
lines, a complete radio system, 35:
l ».
Washington’s forest supervisor, However, there is a “but” in V
that there are no better or more' Goodyear’s observations. l
“Most people conversant with
forestry in this state realize that
in order to attain a balanced for-
est program and sustain the tim-
ber resources, there must be an
immediate curtailment of produc-
tion, particularly in some of the
larger 5 w mills.”
“A c ordinated action by the
lumber industry to balance pro-
duction with timber growth would
be a decisive effort toward com
vincing the public that industry
is making a sincere effort to per-
petuate the forest resources of
Washington,” he concluded.
The Office of Agricultural De—
fense Relations is strongly recom-
mending that farmers- start figur-
ing on their future requirements
for insecticides, fungicides and
fumigants. The reason is that
0PM may soon issue a priority‘
order on insecticides, fungicides
land disinfectants, which will en-
able distributors to get supplies
according to orders on their
ROBBIN 33533353;
Electribal Contractors .
No Problem Too Small
None Too Large'
as much in your printed message as it does
in your p e I' S 0 n a l solicitation. When you in
Send out your sales message IN PRINT, it
must have all the briskness, appearance and
good taste as your high priced well-dressed gagge-
' tl'lie'w'ar
salesmen, that’s if you want them both to do mum“
a'first class job of selling. Printing Of this
‘ - type is designed and produced in the modern Kit:
and well-manned plant of the , A. fifslilxggé}
elton sc
, Ward, ef
‘, ber 28.
Golden Text: “Heal the sick,
cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,
cast out devils: freely ye have
received, freely give" (Matt. 10:8).
ar to 1
en in the
lookout towers and 20 fire halls;i .
and fire fighting equipment has:
been mechanized, insofar as pos-l'
sible under existing conditions. 5‘ . Girls Cli
Among the citations which com-
prise the Lesson-Sermon is the
following from the Bible: “Then
a- - 0..— ~, a,
- which has provided seedlings for
The state maintains a nursery!
planting 20,000 acres of state-
"‘ junior
.. s._ .a-
he called his twelve disciples to—
: gether, and gave them power and
authority over all devils, and to
j cure diseaSes. And he said to them
'all, If any man will come after
me. let him deny himself, and
take up his cross daily, and fol—
l low me” (Luke 9:1,23).
The Lesson-Sermon also in-
? eludes the following passage from
1the Christian Science textbook,
“Science and Health with Key to
% owned lands.
k. The West Coast Lumbermen’s
g Association has established a 40-
fil acre tree nursery on Nisqually
flats for use in reforestation.
l Within ten years, 90 per cent of
the state-owned forest lands will
be restocked and in timber pro-
The state forest board has ac-
quired 525,000 acres of land, most
A very merry Christ-
mas to you and yours
with' joy and happi- l-ll
when you need printing
Here’s a Christmas
wish right from
the Scriptures" by Mary Baker “633 multiplied gigglfi’fmh ls
resmcmng Sat‘?f§£; the
Eddy: ‘WhOEVCT WOUId demon' Operators have spent vast sums I
strate the healing of Christian
Science must abide strictly by its
1 ,of money in converting their log-
lrules, heed every statement, and
ging to approved methods, that
will result in leaving lands in
better productive condition and
insure adequate restocking.
Many industrial timber opera-
. . itors are practicing selective cut-
- Yea“ 0‘ Nawgatmn- they usually do in every (lcpart- :1; ting in one
fox-m or anothor~and
: ment of life" (946233))
ifi-fififififififififififififififii ‘ there is
considerable talk about mmfiwwmwfimxmmmmx
107 S. Fou‘rth Phone 100
iAssigned to duty as commander—
} ill-Chief of the U. S. Pacific fleet,
Rear Admiral Chester V. Nimitz
relieves Admiral Husband E.
Kimmel. He had been serving
.as Chief 0f the U' 5' Navy Bu‘ persistence alone Win the prize,
\ Bob Ervin i
Motors '
advance from the rudiments laid
down. There is nothing difficult
nor toilsome in this task, when
the way is pointed out; but self-
denial, sincerity, Christianity, and
_— g v..-
Pete Melin 7th & Alder
Call The JOURNAL ' “