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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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 afte e scene n in Belgium Graveside s i.&apos; of the 1 Brown & Haley's o. 1694, Veterans of For- ars were held at Shelton ,1-- _tai Cemetery $2.01]by member., ":[a immediate :  and m B0xeS00%zations '[by the 1 '.equies. Shelto AK,I $(,,al Orde *fb00arers. on.ations Pour, Chr,stmas Sh,p, Needy, au00gj00g.0000lD00[ " . And Yanks Who Gave :itLXI--NO. SHELTON, WASHINGTON. Thursday, 25, 1947. 6cPER COPY; $2.50PER Demonstrating generosity spirit, . 52 December YEA] its and Christmas Shel- r n "'-----'--, -- -- , ton has contributed to three major drives which were con- fancy ' [ • Pal " ducted in order to help make the holiday season one of • , . .00i/State Head. Local Workers Elderly Man Is Santa Claus, North e. , Cnr,s00mas --rappe,}i x x x ] .. . . 7. -- . --. ]g,,r# n. Ino=l I_= = ** = _**= = . :* , .=** Most generous were thei Christmas Day : ':''  ' r AS THEY ||u|¢ vii!  merchants who contributed to , d I Namee in Sarc, ot Ulmes [Sl00elton s t;lmstmas Letter the NorthwestChristmasChurchServlce " iIO " .M IYJ. [ ; !  Fomdation is supported solely by W||%li|||i]| b ,V J'Dear Santa: Ship campaign. Following Will R,, Hm-rl ZZ£" /  'what ] ;i::: ::::::: ......... :::  : : :/ the March of Dimes each January ] .... [ . ,, , --,w .-.,--u " hat ...!!.¢:i ............ ::!:i:::i.::: Williams will be'assisted in the Murl Rlshel, about 70, a I am writing my Chrmtmas letter to you, but my hst close behind were the house- . . luced to words, w @i::i::i::i::i!::::ii ........ ::::ii:i::i:::/:! . . . ' Two Shelton churches will have  ..= ) aretthinking 'about, [ i::i:ii:ii national drive by local committees [Shelton man who was m3ured i of things I want is so long and muddled that I hardly know wives who gave food and special services Thursday for ." what some sunny ann .!iii!i!iii!" i!i!::i::i:!iil in every community at me coun- " " f "r , . . ChAstmas. All the other church "  .., .... ,.: ht bring'out." {i :::.::.:{::::.. :::'::::::I try. In Shelton the drive chair-/on the. wrecking job o. re where to start. There are may things I need, yet I. have staple goods for needy fame- groups in the city held their spe- 2 [ ii::::::i:/ manwfllbeFreChmfT. E. Deer, mowng the Simpson Raflroad,.much to be thankful for. hes, and others who helped to cial services Sunday..'•.. ,,, ,  ::%:: • .:v,:::.#::::: WhO has namca as his assistants • • [' • Chri mas will County s second human }}!!i::il ': } .................... :lii}::t H W Byars for Cit Director, Mrs shop buildings was reported , My people are all worklng:,' make a merry Christmas for t,. . ,,,. b+cefraay rlfice another instanment :i :' ...... ":.:} : } " : " Y ' • • . , t ' . ' ' . . me ........................ u.h • ' nd *:#:: :: .... v: .!:!::J W..F. McCann as .women s cam- shghtly improved but still in at good obs; the industrial • the "Yanks Who Gave " with a Christmas Eve' party for iidi! taeacoarnasho°l°dcPamS" critical conditionat the Shel-section is rapidly getting!Bill Evers Gets With a total of almost $600 in th0Yngthetnan:s %r°orrla   rst Class Dale Bloomfield i! .... ::::':i::::.::  . . ' ,, ,, . " .' : • ': here last ':" '::}}:.i}  li] pmgn. ton General, Hospital yester- that new look. Industrial  • •  cash for the purchase of food for services will be held at 11. "n r turned .%.z,:,!: ::::::::::v:::::a::  " " I Rev William Albach has chosen '. to final rest !.. L.:i!::i::i:' :;. Deer pointed out that the Shel- . the sufferi,g people of Europe • !rstCl}f;:l ilgBi!u-!si :1 ton umt has done valuable work day. leaders are tylng the bows on Side hl]] {10U er Shelton will play an xmportant part verses 2 6 an o th n " m ' . .... '.'...: ::a.:::::::: : ...... , . , d 7 f e ni th v , see e oz ms ragm aea ..:. : .......... .*1 m the past year m combatting m- R]shel was inured last Thurs- • in' the Northwest Christmas ship ...... ' r of :: : .... ,; .  several big deals to assure | % , . . "  Chapter of Isamh for his text, and s ragnC:e; ) :iv : ...:!: .:i!ii fantlle paralysis by sending to day when a large door blew from  whmh will leave for Europe on • • ,, IMPERIAL alld a szd .... [ii!: Idaho a hot-pack machine owned its hinges on the machine shop 'bright future for me and my I!! U Utt Tra Christmas day • v ' e services under "*:::":" .,:::::.-z. ..:.:] • will use as his theme The Heav- of the waso Y ° ' Y P n oun : :.m'.:: ......... .*:.*::: ..... . . , • enly Light that Dispels this • ' ........... ..'-::¢.:::i by the county group The machine building and fell on him He re- •  , -'.:,; ..... • • eole. s • r e THE MONEY subscnb(d to the Worlds Darkness • :: .....  s u " "  v i P P If theres omethmg quee b - Bro 711  Hfi ii::'::":"::::: :: wa....,.sed,_+m the_, dmastrous...,.,.. ._., Be .... se cezved,.^ .^.+se -^,..Aere crushing ......... mjur ,.,^ of : But it is the httle' thin s that hind Mother Nature's sktrts Bill Chambez of Commerce"  commit-' ' THE ST. EDWARD'S Catholic ¢1 -al* 9 ]J. OLflbl*" 9  .one nxust have to keep up with ,Evers is the guy who 11 spot it. tee headed by eolge nurews Church will have three masses on Ill Cemetery and were wit- members of the. heroic family, scores and members of ester- who were deeply the litany of the ritual- A group of mem- 01i Shelton Aerie No. 2079, yes Order of Eagles, served The blowing of ;ize ...................... CAN traditional, soldiers fare- Jncluded the impressive i ll,!rivate First Class Bloom- 'r es l 1¢iiS born at Kamilche in duo ...................... JAR [ !!'.ending schools in Shel- 1 he gained a wide circle dships. He the 25 .k[y!my in 1943 and was ]ings t Camp Breckenridge, before going overseas .................. 4 PKGS. :!i He battled through most during those critical ed Olives the European war and in action in the bitter PER JAR of Northern Belgium and "Battle of the Bulge." of Private Bloom- nut returned from his Fur- place under auspices ed (limit) ........ PKG. States Army, being to Shelton by an of- J lly The burial place was e e plot at Shelton Mem- GLASS Private Bloomfield of Compeny "B," . i of the First Divis, ;IItUV"*----' and a letter from ag Officer in notify- JAR r of the tragedy of paid high compliment to soldier fo: his cour- Loss actions on a dangerous in connection with the ew, whole ............ CAN ng in and around the The letter stated that iBloomfield had the high- rn Corn I of his comrades and outstanding soldier and et ................. 2 CANS 7 • 0f the tangled jungle of po- . -- ;i:l guesswork and gossip in ;'d<'¢' . .7 .!'..ion with the political fu- ..'tb : Shelton's Charles R. Sav- ' '. ..... ;-::i).ler Democratic Third Dis- :.', J-/ ;ngressman who was un-  and '" ,5" ( ..;izirst by Fred Norman i!,' ti ";" . ,//:,, special election by Rus- "  .,.¢.:dlL'-: ...'-','lv[ack, one thin is certain :' "L. • '//:...,-'*::.ils that Savage will not be ,'-.- "s... "'::,, .::ldate for Governor of the X, 1" ' ./#:.r Washington The Sizelton V , , , ' .d former national repre- me in a lengthy visit at The i(I,:.0ffice buried into obhvion Meat    iii;) a seattle newspaper po- • ll l:':alyst that he viewed with J :! !ltlon an ambftion to .it ..:. ...... :: ............. JAR --  ra , " . .i.€ or Wallgren s chair at Bread € l CAN --41, :::'.ii;A s long as I can be as- 'i!f the support that was ' at the last election, I [00ocktail should again strive for Sauce ................. 2 CANS ing Tissue ............... 2 PKGS. 'aper ................ 2 PKGS. post, and shall be against Mack next Shelton Democrat is name in public by a addresses that he has over the state in On Page Three) VV. Walter Williams Appointment of W. Walter Wil- liams, Seattle businessman and banker as Washington State chairman for the 1948 March of Dimes, was announced recently by Basil O'Connor, president of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis• The 1948 campaign, to be held Jan. 15-30, will mark the. tenth anniversary of the National Foun- dation, established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to "lead, di- rect and unify" the fight against infantile paralysis. The National ..........  1-LB. JAR NO. 1: ........... CAN Pickles .................... PINT 00rrysauce 2 CANS first wedding, according to Mr. and Mrs. Swanson, was that two years later, Daisy Stewart and Will Morrison, who worked for The Journal at that time, were married to each other. Of added inzeresL to Shelton friends of the Swansons is that their golden wedding is the third te be celebrated by couples in the area within the past month. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Okonek of Grape- view celebrated November 29, and Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Callison of Union celebrated December 15 as golden wedding anniversaries. than 300 cases at its peak and is still dangerous. In announcing William' accep- tance of the Washington State chairmanship, O'Connor disclosed that since 1943 infantile paralysis has taken a tragic toll, with more than 72,000 Americans having been .stricken. "Thousands,' he warned, "con- tinue to face a long fight for re- covery. This summer, fortunate- ly, we had a 'breathing spell' as polio incidence nationally did'.not approach the awful total of 1946. "The cost of the 1946 epidemic alone will run to some $30,000,000, without taking into account the large sums neessary to care for those stricken this summer. We do not know what 1948 may bring, but we must be prepared." Christmas Day Marks Swansons 50th Wedding Fifty years ago Christmas* day, 00ustaf A. S00anson of Scout Leaders' Sheiton was married to Miss Lydia Simpson, daughter of C00nference Will Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Simpson Start l00Iondh00:: " of Shelton. The annual "Greenbar Confer- "The marriage was perforned by enos" of the Tumwater area court- the Rev. L, J. Covington with Miss cil of the Boy Scouts of America Daisy Stewart and Will D. Mar- will begin a 1 p.m. Monday with registration in the old gymnasium. risen as attendants of the couple, More than 100 boys from the court- according to a story in The Jour- cil which includes Mason, Thurs- hal in 1897. ton and Lewis counties will meet Following the ceremony, accord- for the two day session in Shelton. The conference will bring to- ing to The Journal, more than 40 gether the troop staffs of units people sat down to Christmas din- in the council and other troop offi- her. cials to discuss troop activities AT CHRISTMAS dinner tamer- and programs and general troop row, 50 years later, Mr. and Mrs. operations. Vern Miller, local businessman Gus Swanson of Shelton will cele- who is in charge of arrangements brats their golden anniversai'y of for the conference, has asked Shel- that wedding" before the turn of ton people to lodge boys for the the century, night Monday and provide Mon- An interesting eacurc of that day dinner and Tuesday breakfast ribs. RISHEL HAD been working on the job only about three weeks when the accident occurred, and his was the first accident on the project, according to Foreman F. Schwarz of Henry Bacon, Inc., the Seattle firm which is wrecking the abandoned buildings. Schwarz added that the job would be completed by Christmas, and he said that the-bad weather had made the work dangerous, slowing down the wrecking. In order to prevent accidents, the crew was kept on the ground during wet or frosty weather, and he termed Rishels accident "an act of God.' He said Rishel was standing near the door which was torn loose when a sudden gust of wind swept over the building. Masons to Install New Officers On Saturday Night The installation of new officers fo, 1948 by Mount Moriah Lodge No. 11, Free and Accepted Ma- sons,An Shelton will be open to the public, Worshipful Master Wilbert " Hed that 6nt6riathmeAt,:aiw refreshments will be provided by the Order of Easteml Star follow- ing the installation ceremonies which will begin 'at 8 p.m. De- cember 27 in the Masonic Temple. New officers who wereelected for the coming year and who will be installed at .the meeting in- clude Harlan Jordan, worshipful master, Leo Martin, senior war- den, Ear] Jordan. junior warden, William Batchelor, secretary and Edward B. Sutton, treasurer. Appointive officers who will be installed include Frank Willard, senior deacon; Claude Rhodes, ju- nior deacon; Joe Hanson, senior steward; Art Jacobsen, junior steward; William Pierce, marshal: Orvillee Oppelt, chaplain; Claud Logan, tyler, Neff Zintheo, or- ganist. the Joneses. WHOOPS! There they go again • . . No, not quite, Just a little dim. It's poor P,U.D. He could sure use a few Jolts of voltage, if you can find any, Santa. While I think of it, I want to thank you for the pretty red and green stop and go lights you finally .managed to get for me last week. I certainly needed them, but I realize that some things even you can't get too easily. But, Street Lights, I think I need some of them, too. I've heard about them in other cities, but they are a little bit of a novelty 'O me. I HAVE heard some people say that after the business houses turn out their lights they can't tell when they have reached home. There was a rumor that someone coming home from Olympia one night got clear up to Hoodsport before he realized he had passed me up..Bet The government trapper turned up with another good story last week when he displayed g 2-footed coyote around town. In this case the third time wasn't the charm for Mr. Coyote• Twice before he had stepped into traps but escaped by gnawing off the feet of the legs caught, in both cases his left legs. THE THIItD time Mr. Coyote got his right front foot into a No. trap set by Evers and he would have had that one gnawed off, too, if Evers had been a couple of hours later arriving, for the foot was about half severed. How the coyote had managed to survive with two feet gone, both on the same aide to make him a decidedly lop-sided critter, is a mystery even to such a veteran of Mother Nature's way as Evers, but the fact remains the coyote was in prime condition despite the handicap and Judging by the hard- ened and healed condition of the he was loaded with "juice," and two stumps of legs had been get- not the kind poorold P.U,D. needs, ling around or more than a year either. With his heavy, list to the port. n • . "I've heard stories about the A d speaking of flluminatmn ..... -... ,_ ... . ._ • ant- 'dn o thnl vO" orad d Sltle-nlll gouger, otn: rIS 1S the --- ,, 'A,. ¢; h,,h*',, .,h*..,n o, cl0s St hing to it Ive ever actual- Olrl'.,  ,,gnt s "la , , ,, ,, .... : - th ....... • ... - ,x.f ly seen, the government trapper "c0hld find their way thiUgh me{ _='. f U " .-"' ' % ;% "" wlthout ending up on Capltl hill, I W:I]Pf]]tIQ rlaaul: or over in Poverty gulch. ,, ,u,,z ., Oh, yes, I think you should be sure to stop here between 6 p.m, and 8 a.m. when you come through. Someone stuck hundreds of big pins into me that have little boxes on talc where people put nickels and pennies when 'they want to park here. They keep putting mon- ey in them all day long, but they always stop doing it at night. DO THEY have Forest Festi- vals up at, the North Pole? We have a big,. one here every year. It could be  even bigger and bet- ter, though, cause nothing is too good for my people. I have grown a lot since you were last here---you probably (ContlucG On Page Seren) Planting Crews End Season Here Fire warden and tree planting crews of the State Forestry office in Shelton ended their season this week for a several-month vacation until the spring fire season begins. Wardens ended their patrols Monday as the end of the Christ- mas tree season neared, while the tree planting crews finished their work for the year Tuesday. Four wardens and the lookout at Dayton Peak station were among the men taking a vacation along with the ten-man planting crew. WEST CONVALESCES tlERE , Mr. J. G. West, a long time resi. dent of Shelton, returned from a Tacoma hospital recently. He is convalescing after a month's illness. We Wish You All . . . from the Gang at Brothers Merritt Fells  George Valley Oscar Lundberg  Barbara Nelson Walter Nash for them. .E anyone who can HOODSPORT YOUNGST0000 ENJOY take one or more boys to contact either himself at 609, or Ernie I'llg.,'l'-I:l,]l.,l.lNl,¥1 I',Xl/i<\