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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Dece.rnber ANCE YEARS EVE ayton Hall ROVED MUSIC : MAKERS GALORE Time 0ancing  Lunch Served o Be Happy! te is the one time in m we should all be as )oy with a bright new s light up our faces .'ts when we light up ld here's wishing for r family the happiest )u've ever had. S DIME STORE nd Mildred Rooney [ rs this Yuletide seasol incere good wishes ristmas. of joy and conte .'heer and happiness.---. ay, December 25, 1947. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY. JOURNAL i i i i ii i i ..... i i i iiiii Best Service 00IDELINE Dunoyier's KJLANTS T A X I by BILL DICKIE and HIGHEST QUALITY Let UNION HEATING OILS Provide You Home Comfort This Winter FUEL OIL. TANKS AVALAaLE UNION OIL PRODUCTS Phone 326 Prompt Delivery flllrAflllllJi|lU The ABC says that last season . UIL buMrRRI 21 bowlers lost a 300 game be- at cause the 10-pin refused to fall. Of 76 bowlers who finished with 299 scores, 21 told the ABC that pesky No. 10 was the recalcitrant SHAFER'S stick of wood. The No. 5 and No. 7 pins were next most frequent BAKERY spoilers of 300 games at 14 times apiece, the No. 6 pin stood ten Available During times, the No. 4 stayed rooted nine times, the No. 8 five times, and The Holiday Season Lumber 2, 3 and 9 spoiled one perfect game apiece. 111 Cots m Phone 330 Company SANDERS FOR RENT In Our Location on Phone BUT MORE Our cuff seems to be cluttered up with severa[ more bits about 620 bowling and since wash day is near we' might as well get them Stand at Chevron Gas out of the way while they're still Station - First & Cots legible. There'll be little dlsl)ute that the 10-pin is the bugaboo of most bowlers, the pin that us- ,,ally stands to spoil what looks PREPARED like a perfect hit, the toughest to pick for a spare. Come now the American Bowling Congress with figures which show tltat TOM & JERRY Phi No. 1O has spoiled more per- feet 300 games than any other ..,.,,o ,,,,,. BATTER Mountain View ' ' ;'. ........ . ' ....... .2'--- ' .... Lumbermen Reveal THIN6S T00-Y S-00M- (Continued rom Page :t) Selves As Class behalf of public power and social Of C00ty" Hoop Loop [legislation. • P.ITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE {[ERY possibly, YOu will have "' w L -f __1¥ unexpected guests drop in dur- ..... "" ^ 5 "] ing this holiday season But---be vtorgan-maeret z u o " ., , , ' n .... +.,' ,> n 4-r 371sure that fwe msn t among them. ,,.- u ..........   -,. 7l Fire has ruined many a Christmas rantormm ............. , , , o ..... :'" " 1 1 -- 43 [ and New Year celebratmn--even acwonKey narmacy " a . ......... 25Jas t has destroyed many a home vtoose ,.ouge . . u ± z • • ..... " .........  . .: ., and hfe durmg what should be the WOOanDcr u ± ±. z ' ' ar 'oI . " ............... ^ ..... I happmst time of the ye .  • tayomer ..; ................. u z aa av[ the holidays bring with them ..  7--.----. ._  I many special hazards. One of the reveanng ks nanct as ne eam • • ..... I worst is candles on trees and m to Peat, Morgan-Nacrezt Lum.Derl windows. They should never be thrashed the defending champmnJ • if- ..... ........ used, and even electrm ],hts -antormm leaners  o 1 in zne should be carefully examined to feature game of city league basket- make sure they are in good repair. ball play Monday night, but have Another serious dsger is llam- a challenger to. the top rung in mable ornaments made of paper the McCleary Sportsmen, who also l and cloth. Some of these will won their second straight 22 to 14, almost explode into flame at the from Woodfiler. [touch of a match or cigarette McConkey Pharmacy took the butt. Even the best and safest third game, 24 to 21, for Rayon- Christma lights should be turned ,,, .......... ,, icnce, comfort, beauty and health-I *people of the community can be I i thankful for the wisdom and the I tV v acumen of industrial experts, wno[ [while making returns for them-[ selves are meanwhile making it[ possible for this community to sur- vive, live happily and be assured of many years of security and con- tinued activity. We are free to come and go as we please, speak as we will and to govern ourselves in a manner nnknown to the rest of the world. It is a heritage that we should be ever on our guard to maintain and provides some- thing that bears out the historical , meaning of the Christmas Season of "Peace on Earth and Good Will to Mankind." The people of this WAS H DAY HARMONY thankful this Christmas and they can unselfishly hope that other parts of the universe can find a Sa;Ut::,n ttleei Lp2:bl:fm, :ost?;at blessing. .... have our experfs ON TIlE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY MAILING ADDRESS  P.O. Box 598, Shelton Charles Weirauch  PHONE 657 Millions of temperat00 people , for you, , enjoy BEER, the light day season, refreshment beverage i i ii • EN' -O I /, ,'dham's Men's Wear) V " " PIqONE 494 "Tt the Water" , ,".1' " THE ORIGINAL LIGHT TABLE BEER • 00:|il . 00Itl00N00!L°cker yeats ,It III ' offered iSlIELTO UARTERS N MEAT & ICE CO. Another interesting item from ABC headquarters tells of the "impossible" happening in Detroit last month when a member of the Grand Central League knocked the i 3-pin out of the 3-5-6 cluster with- out disturbing the other two sticks. For those unfamiliar with the position of the pins, this is how the aforementioned cluster looks: No• 5 No. 6 HOME LOANS Convenient Terms 00tmas Candy 28 € and 30* lb [D MIX .......... -lb : '[/? BY BEEF or ..... (: 8 -or TEER BEEF ......... 40 ¢ lb. KINNED VEAL....... 36' lb. ALL MEATS STATE INSPECTED lb. • Available at Slaughterhouse on CERY Island Lake Road i:::: : or , Not a Problem TELEPHONE 21 or 141 No. 3 . The only plausible answer is that the bowler's ball must have hooked terrifically, barely nick- ing the 3-pin on the left side and then curving so sharply it missed the 5-pin, But it's one of those achievements as rare in bowling as picking the 7-10 split. * * * Right here at home an odd one pops up occasionally which makes one wonder where either the ball or the other five pins went to reach the pit. Percy Funk with his lefthanded hook gets it morel often than the rest of the town's bowlers put together, and every once-in-a-while he'll get it a cou- ple of. times in the same match. Anyway, its the 4-7-6-9-10 clus- ter, which looks like this and seems to be an "impossible" re- sult: No. 7 No. 9 No. 10 * Reasonable Rates * NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insuranoe Bldg. No. 4 No. 6 You cau 'see there is room for the ball to sneak through between the 4 and 9 pins, but how the 1, 2, 3, and 5 pins get out without clipping a couple of the three-pin cluster on the right there is the mystery. /nd one final bowling note: Chet Smith, 37-year-old paint contractor, is creating a world's record this year by bowling in 11 diffe]'ent leagues each week. He does it and still has a night a week free of bowling, too. His schedule is 11 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Sundays, 9:30 p.m. Monday, 1, 8 and 10 p.m. Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 7:30 'adn 9:30 p.m. Thursdays, and 10 :p.m. Fridays, leaving Saturday open. • * * :i WHAT'S BECOME OF . . . Marchy Schwartz, an early-day Shelton high school football play- er under Prof, Loop when the grid game was in its infancy in this community, is now head football coach at Stanford University af- ter being an All-American star at Notre Dame, and this past season Barbershop quartets and handlebar mus- taches may be put of style, but hearty good fellowship never qoes out of date. In this friendly, jovial spirL we wish you the best of luck the cominq year. OTTO KUMP at the O. K. BARBER SHOP Covey Building ler's second straight heart-break- ing loss. Three individual scores crept in- to the two figure bracket for the first time, Cotton SalisbmT's 11 for Rayonier being best of the season to date. Norm Cliflin of McCleary and Carl Sundsten of Morgan-Eacrett each hit ten. McConkey's victory was the thriller of the night, the pharm- acists staging a 12-point spree in the final quarter to overtake Ray- onier's 17-12 third quarter edge. Pat Smith netted seven points in the victory-drive. McCleary (22) Woodfiher (14) Redman 4 f Hanson 2 Claflin 10 f Clary Turner c Price Lumsden g Corey 5 Brinker 2 g , Dale Subs: McCleary--White 2, Rerns 4. Woodfiber--Wilson 5, Hagen 2, Beerbower. McConkey (24) Rayonier (21) B.Daniels 4 f McPherson 2 Parsons 4 f Salisbury 11 Lee 8 c Kendall 2 B.Viger 2 g Jeffrey 2 H.Gruver 2 g D.Daniels Subs: McConkey--P. Smith 8, R. Viger, Burr. RayonierHowe 2, S. Armstrong 2, Steinberg, Peach. Morflan-Eacrett (33) Pantor. (19) Cormier 5 f B.Phillips 8 Fraser 2 f Woods 2 Sundsten 10 c Rose 2 McCann 7 g McComb 3 Levett 2 g glle. Subs: Morgan-Eacrett--Eaton 7, Nelson, Moran, Larson. Pantor- ium--Fredson 2, Dodge 2. PREP HOOP SCORES Shelton 28, Poulsbo 23 Montesano 37, Chehalis 20 Olympia 39, Lincoln 37 Mt. Baker 31, Centralia 30 Longview 57, Aberdeen 30 Longview 57, Aberdeen 23 Kelso 36, Hoquiam 28 Port Orchard 35, Bellarmine 34 Valley 55, Raymond 33 Burlington 35, Raymond 34 Centralia 33, Kelso 31 Valley 42,":Yontesano 31 Hoquiam 4, ongview 36 Aberdeen 49, Kelso 40 Bremerton 54, Wenatchee 37 Everett 58, St. Martins 29 COUNTY EMPLOYEES HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY MONDAY About 40 county employees and friends enjoyad a no-host Christ- mas party Which was held in the courtroom at the courthouse Mon- day at noon. The Christmas tree was furn- ished by the Auditor's office, with Herb Dickinson, county commis- sioner, supplying the mistletoe. Everyone brought food for the potluck luncheon, and gifts were exchanged. PARTY SATURDAY IN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Mason county attorneys and their friends were guests at a Christmas party given by County Clerk Harry Deyette and Deputy Dorisann Morehouse in their of- fice Saturday. Judge D. F. Wright, Charles T. Wright, Charles Lewis, Claire En- gelson, Elinor Stanbeck, Dorothy Kimbel, Dorothy Bell, N.ellie Nel- son and Nolan Mason were among the guests. accdmplished the almost unheard- 00o.t o0000e00e00a.ow contract after his team lost every . single game of the year. ,,.,,-,v v- vv .rv,,r -- wv. w',r w.r"--" "Allyn "-- --'"" The Birthday club held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Clem Sargent on December 11. Many former mem- bers and other friends joined to pymake it a very pleasant and haP'occasion. • A,_  ._ The Allyn Community Sunday School presented a very lovely Christmas program Sunday eve- ning. Rev. Lyle Brasier gave a short Christmas message after which treats were given .to ev- eryone. The Allyn Community Club met on December 10 for their regular monthly meeting and this time they enjoyed a very delicious tur- key dinner. Among other busi- ness, several subjects of interest to the community came up for discussion. New officers for the coming year were nominated but because of the lateness of the hour and the absence of several mem- bers, voting was postponed until the next regular meeting on Jan- uary 14. Jean Uber Of Bremerton spent the past week visiting with Es- ther Woodard. We are glad to have Andrew Daniclson home agaifi after being in the Roosevelt hospital in Brem- erton. The Christmas school program was given last Thursday evening to a pleased audience. The set- ting for the "Christmas Story" was beautiful and the children did marvelously well, The teach- ors, Mrs. Ruth Hawk and Mrs. Della Earthman, deserve much praise for their efforts. Cndy and other treats were given to all the children. iV[aureen, and Jimmie Knight visited with their mother over last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mero of Montesano visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Woodard over the week end. Just a friendly way of expressing To you ,our most sincere Good Wishes For a Happy Christmas And that it may be an especially Joyous one or you. SHELTON 00AIR SERVICE off when the house is empty, or tenanted only by children. And, once a tree's needles begin to dry, it should be at once removed from the building. Going a. step far- ther, we have several winter months still ahead of us, and con- stant vigilance is the price of fire protection. Heating plants and lighting facilities are used to their maximum and may be overloaded. Chimneys may be a .source of trouble. This is the time for the 1 householder, like the business- owner, to learn and strictly apply the simple rules for fire safety. S Mr. and Mrs. Shelton sit around the Christmas tree, with their children and grandchil- dren gathered With them, they can contemplate the year's parade with a spirit of gratefulness for the things that have been received as blessings, and a hope that Santa Claus will be as kindly and boun- tiful to the community next year. For surely this area has enjoyed most of the earth's largess at a time when most of the world is in abject dejection from the Four Horsemen that mark war's after- mth. To this area has been be- stowed the fruits of labor and busi- ness. Our institutions have pro- gressed and prospered and each of us in our way has given individ- ual contribution so that the suffer- ing to others might be lessened. The community and its affairs have gotten along with good rela- tion, no internal squabble has arisen to disrupt or separate spir- itual and civic forces that mean so much to all of us, and the forces of nature have been kindly in that no elemental disaster has visited to bring destruction and suffering to our people. Shelton along with the entire Northwest country lives in a part o£ the world with won- derful endowments of nature, pro- viding natural products for our livelihood and scenes and atmos- phere for our pleasure and enjoy- ment. T is comforting to look to the future when our blessings are considered. Industrially Shelton has progressed by leaps 'and bounds with leaders of our big in- '.erests working toward perfeetion "dr,  program that will continue uninterrupted, organizations that will assure a conUnued and sus- taining means of employment and livelihood for many of our citizms. All of us are dependent upon what comes out of our woods, for the products of the forest, transformed by the process of research and experimentation, forms the foun- dation of our economy. What comes from Mason county and adjacent areas ifi turned into ar- ticles of use for peoples every- where, bringing to them convert- DAUGHTER IS BORN A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilman, Hillcrest Apt. No. 1, December 18, at the Shclton General Hospital• Shelton Lodge No. 6Z I.O.O.F. Meets Evetd, Wednesday. 8 p.m. LO.O.F. IISkLL Visiting :Merribers will be Cordially Welcomed W. S. RAWDING, N. G. GUY CALL, Secretary Ruby Rebeltah Lodge Meets-- Second and Fourth FHdaym Mary Dobson, N. G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary rune up your washer Yes, it's a lot easier to keep clothes clean, when your washer is humming pleasant- ly. Undue noise tells you it's time for an expert check-up, adjustmen and lubrication. Avoid serious trouble. Phone us today. We service ALL makes of washers, NASH BROTHERS 123 S.. 2nd St. Phone 334 &UIO#IZID DEALEW Never a Christmah morning, Never an old year ends, But that someone thinks of someone 01d days, old times, old friends ! THE PASTIME AND THE PASTIME LUNCH This Is Our First Christmas With You Although we ann to be friendly when we serve you the year 'round, we're first to admit that there are times when we fail to be on our best behaviour. We're taking this occasion to say "sorry," and to assure you of our good intentions. Merry Christmas to you, too! .... w ,j , .