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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rage 4 "m J i .... X, . L [ .................................. NEW YEAR'S EVE E -Springwater Camp 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. GOOD ORCHESTRA Well Drilling Water Wells-- Test Holes OUR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Bedeil Drilling Co, LAURENCE BEDELL (formemy Davidson Drilling Co.) Route 3, Box 101, Shelton SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON [Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Frelght via Str. Bkookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, eXcept Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDERe PrelJdent PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES. DeMolay-Rainbow Sponsored Dance Proves Success The dance last Saturday given for the junior high and high school students by the Rainbow Girls and I)eMolay boyg proved successful. Decorations for the emi-formal dance made a snow seelle setting, ,A. large "snow" bank at, one end Of the floor and "Snow" men lot- ting the floor provided the "snow" while large sprayed trees wer'e spotliglited by a hlue light for added atmosphere. Dllring intermission Jerry Carl- son sang sevePal numbers accom- panied by :Margaret Walton and Shirley Bailey sang many duets with Dave Eager. Miss Carlson joined them on a few numbers lmlidrlg a trio. General chairmm I'or the dance was Laura Ashl)augh with Neva Joyce Durkee decoration chairman and Ernestine Crane as co-dccora. lion clTairma.n. Other girls a.sistinK in the preparation, serving and clean-up were Jackie Halbert, Georgienne Durkee, Leola Jo Pauley, Donna- gene Paulson, Pudge Knutzen, Margaret Walton, Ann Hulbert. Loraine Andrews, Jerry Carlson, Ethel Libby, Olive Parr, Margaret Oltman, June Wright, Leah Mc- Graw, Helen Plemons. Boys also helping' out were Bill Valley, Jack Valley, Deb Getty, Bob Eaerett, Ivan Ruff, Kcnny Smith and Ginger Deer. Three 8helton Girls Receive Big Honors Friday, December 12, was a big day for three Shelton girls in I Nurses Training at Deacofiess hos- pital, Wenatclme. Nadine (Toots) Lauber and Shir- • ley Wait•, together with ten other classmates completed their proba- tionary training and in a beau- tiful and impressive candlelight service were capped by Shtrley's sister, Gerry. This was a great honor for Ger- ry WaRe, who entered training in the same hospital a year ago, as it has been the practice of the hospi- tal to have a registered nurse make the presentations. "Toots" and Shirley will be home December 28 for a belated Ohristmas with their' families. --- :MERRY CHRISTMAS! ----- LIMITED QUANTITIES -- FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED Women's FUSSY BLOUSES.: $2 =,, s3 WOMEN'S SKIRTS Plaid. arid Plain Colors *2 $3 Women's Cotton WASH FROCKS $2.00 a Women's FUll Fashi0ned RAYON HO[E 3 pair for .-.1 WOMEN'S FALL COATS 2 ONLY ........ $10.00 2 ONLY ........ $1S,00 3 ONLY .... :... $20,00 4 ONLY ........ $25,00 WOMEN'S FALL SUITS 0NLY ........ $10,00 ONLY ........ *15,00 GIRLS SCHOOL DRESSES $I,00 and $2,00 GIRLS WINTER COATS $5.00 and $8.00 Children PLAID RMNCOAI\\;S $3,00 • , ' , , ,  . BOYS ALL WOOL ' A SPORT AND CASU L COATS Checks, Plaids and Solid Colors 14 ONLY ........ $2.00 .L , , MEN'S AND BOYS ALL WOOL STRIPED SLEEVE JACKETS $5.00 MENS RED AND BLACK BASEBALL JACKETS 3 ONLY $3.00 • • • • • i • • • MEN'S ALL WOOL BROWN FLANNEL SLACKS 5 pr. ONLY ....... $5.00 BOY8 TAN SLIPOVEI SWEARERS 50, , , ,,, , , ,, COMFORTERS 0 Paisley prints in Blue and Rose. 5% wool, 95% cotton filled, s3.00 Rayon and Wool SERGE MATERIAL Yellow and Green $1.50 yard Novelty Weave RAYON PRINTS $1.00 yd. 54" All Wool FLANNEL CHECK $2.00 yd. Hardwood Coat and Suit Hangers 10’ each MENB ALL WOOL SUEDE FINISH JACKETS Knit cuff and bottom. Colors--medium blue and cocoa =5.00 , , i, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAtl e••••e •• •••e••••e••, ee eeeeee * •*t •e•6e•e*4 e6 # • %. y L" • I L / .; .t. .:: iii 00C1€31 00vents iii McKAY-McCORMICK UNITED "?. r IN DOUBLE.RING CLREMONY :In a beautiful candlelight after- noon ceremony Saturday, Dee. 20. Jane Mqrgaret McKay, daughter of Mr'. and Mrs. Donald H. McKay, became the bride of Thomas A. M(:C(rmick. son of Mrs. Margaret McCormick. both of Seattle. The Shelton First Methodist church glowed with the lighted tapers accented by silvered leaves and white chr,ysanthemums which flanked the altar and the aisle. White satin bows accented the pews and held the silvered daphne. The double-ring ceremony was perfnrmed hy Reverend Wayne Wright. The radiant bride, on the arm of her father, was gowned in a whit(Y satin dress with fitted bo- dice, sweetheart neckline, and full flowing train. Her gown was ac- centuated by a fingertip hmgth veil cauglt to her hair by a coro- net of lace. She earried a white Rainbow Bible topped with an orchid and narcissus with shower of white knotted satin ribbon. At her throat was an heirloom necklace. The attendants wore traditional Christmas color's with the maid of hohor, Nancy Holmes of Blaine, Wasfiington, wearing a green taf- feta gown with a silver ribbon and holly in her hair. She carried a wreath of holly. The bridesmaids, carrying out the Yule colors, wore identical gowns of red taffeta with match- ing mitts and red ribbons and hol- ly in their hair. The .girls, Mar- perle Ann Valley and :Mrs. James R. Hoagland, cousin of the bride, both carried wreaths of holly. Misses Helen McKay, cousin of the bride, and Jacqueline Clay- p0ol, both of Olympia, acted as candle-lighters. They wore royal blue taffeta owns with matching mitts and lue ribbons with holly in their hair. Attending the groom as best man was Carl Walski qf Seattle hi!e Paul Revelle, Jr., and Ray tterstrom, both of Segttle, were tlshcrs. Bblore the service began Sack Stewart, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Lewis, sang "Oh Promise Me" and as the young couple knelt at the altar he sang "Perfect Love." For her traveling costume the bride chose a deep green suit with pink accessories and a fur coat. The newlyweds traveled to Tim- berline Lodge, Oregon, for" their wedding trip. The bride, a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, also grad- uated from Stephen's Junior Col- lege, Missouri, and is a member of the Chi Omega Sorority at the University of Washington. Now a member of the Theta Chi fraternity at the University of Washington, the groom saw serv- ice with the U. S. Navy in the Pacific. A reception was held in the Colonial House following the cere- mony with the rooms decorated Buttonholing is only one of the many Sewing Serv, lcs available at your SEWING CENTER .., Others include: Hemstitching • Picoting Buckle and Button Covering / Custom Made Belts • Pinking SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 510 E. 4th Ave., Oiymp;a PROMPT SERVICE ...... III I -- Ci00£1gIMAS AM when the day h gone Our wishes/or o. , /ri00,4 Continue on and on and on/ NEEDHAM FOOD STORE Jimmy Needham with Christmas greens. The reception table was center- ed with the wedding cake baked in the form of t Maltese cross and flanked on either side by candel- abra, narcissus and silver bells. I Before the cake the cutting hride and groom lighted a large white candle which will be re- lighted once a year on their wed- (ling a ninversaries. PoUring was Mrs. William Tuck. er, aunt of the groom, of Seattle and Mrs. Purl Jemison. aunt of the bride. The cake was cut by an aunt of the bride, Mrs. Maurice Need- ham. Sr., who was asisted by Mrs. Neff McKay, another aunt of the bride, from Olympia. The gue.t book was held by Mrs. James :McComb aud Mrs. A. Y. Bennett and Mrs. Clifford Wi- yell had charge of the receptiou assisted by Mrs. Allen LaBisson- iere, Margaret Rizzuti of Seattle and Artalie Bennett. Celebrates Birthday Despite Recent Fall .lust a week before she celebrat- ed her 72rid birthday, Miss Addle Linton from the Agate district fell and was hospitalized for three days with a badly dislocated shoulder. The following Saturday Miss Lin- ton was honored by Mr. and Mrs. S. Remmens and son; Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson and son; and brother A1 Linton with a party at her home honoring her birthday. Eagles New Years Eve Dance Proving Popular Advance demand for tickets to the New Years Eve dance the Shelton Eagles are staging next Wednesday night to raise funds lor the new Junior Eagles aerie indicates a large crowd will be on hand to enjoy the party in the Eagles Hall which will usher out 1947 and wecome in 1948. Several fine door prizes have been arranged for awards to dance attenders and noisemakers will add to the merriment. A nominal admission price of one dollar per 4oerson has been set for admittance to the dance. Marriage Announced Word was received last week that Charlotte Mae Dickinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dickinson, was united in marriage to Gene Shanon Dunscomb of Tacoma. The wedding took place in Ta- coma, December 10. The young couple will make their home there. Engagement Announced Mr. and :Mrs. W. E. Powers announced the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Rob- err Hall of Tacoma, last week. Miss Powers recently returnee home from Boston. Massachusetts The date of the wedding has not yet been set. ,Back Fence Catter (by Shirley Thorpe) More "Back Fence Chatter" which was crowded out last week.) Some sml news and some Imp- py news was related across the Back Fence this week. Sad word wag received that Mrs. Robert Rose of KamilcJm is very ill in her home. She has ben bed-ridden for about two weeks, * Glad tidings that week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ako, Mrs. Francis Pearson and children of Port Angeles was re- ceived last week. They visited friends and relatives in Shelton and Olympia. Mrs. Lydia Leggett returned home from a visit with her broth- er, Elmer Warden, in Touchet, Wash., this week to report there were 5 inches of snow in that part of Washington. Mrs. Leggett traveled to Tou- chet for the purpose of buying a wheel chair for her brother as t ChriStmas gift. Mr. Warden.has been crippled for many years. The parelt of MrS. Winston O0t, Mi:. and r. Clinton S. Harley,' glog with her brother and wife, :Mk and Mrs. C. Fredrick Harrey, and sister, Mrs. Jay Aug- ustin, all of Seattle, traveled to Shelton this week, The group celebrated ]v[r, Har- leY's btrthday at the Colonial House with a pheasant dinner. . Visiting" at the George Cropper home this week-end will be :Mrs, Fre4rick Capp, who will stay for the holidays, Mrs. W. R. Chatfield, aunt of ':Mrs. Cropper, and Mrs. Margaret McCormick. 1rs. Falkland F. Warren left Tuesday for Glendale, California, where she will spend the Christ- mas holidays with her daughter and family, Mr. and :Mrs. Robert E. Sternquist, and their daughter, Karen Rose. She will be gone for about a month, :Mr. and Mrs. M. Anderson and daughter, Sharon Lee, arrived in Shelton this Week to spend the holidays with friends and relatives, :Mr. Anderson is with the Navy and was statione in Argentia, New Foundland. :Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eels and daughter, Winnifred, left yesteday for Sar Luls Obispo to spend Christmas with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and :Mrs. Elmer McLennan, and family. The Eells plan to be gone about two weeks. , Visiting in Shelton and on Hood Canal this week is Mrs. Robert p. Anderson of Retsll, Wash. Journal Want Ads PaY l Saint Davids Guild Gives Children Christmas Party The Saint Davids Guild held a Christmas party last. Sunday for the children of Sunday school age ;it the home of Mrs. George Gris- dale, Sr., following" the regular Episcopal service. Approximately 50 children were given gay stockings filled with goodies at the party. Following a short talk by Rev- erend James N[url'y, Gordon Grant and Roy Cotton sang a duet "Silent Night," aceompanied by Mrs. Charles R. Lewis. After the song all tim children gathered around the piano and sang the tradiitonat carols. Annual Recital Given by Pupils Of Mrs. C, Lewis Mrs. Charles R. Lewis gave her annual Christmas party and re- cital for her pupils, their parents and relatives Monday, December 22, at her home. A varied program of songs and piano nmnbers was presented and many carols were sung by the entire group. The house was decorated throughout with Christmas greens and a large tree held gifts for all the young people present. Those taking part in the pro- gram were Geraldine Carlson, Jim Hale, Donna Grant, Senna Chase Aylene Loughlan, :Mardith Jacoba, Roger Heft, Artie Lee Bennett, Sharon err, Janet Swanson. Others performing were Shir- ley Anderson, Roy Cotton, Larry Huerby, Joyce Durkee. Francis Johnson. Katherine Jordon, Car- olyn DeBard, Gordon Grant, Bob- bie Ferguson, Gayle Ferguson, Toby Halbert and Jackie Halbert. Two of Mrs. Lewis' former stu- dents, Philip Stoehr and Merrily Hill, both now studying music in college, were present. Miss Hilt played Lizt's Liebe- straum to close the program. HOME FROM VISIT Mrs. William Downie returned last Wednesday from a trip to Portland where she was visit- ing with her daughter and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. R Fillinger an(1 daughter, Betty Lou. Shelton Aerie 2079 FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Weekly Meetings 8 P.M.  MONDAY in the EAGLES HALL Second and Grove EAGLE BUFFET OPEN 11 A.M. to MIDNIGHT Monday thru Friday MUSIC Each Saturday Night Eagles and their invited friends are invited to enjoy the privi- leges of the olub and the danc- ing Saturday nights. " I " Thursday, December 25,day, L. M. Women ! 9 WE ARE THE WOR OST INVENTIVE • :AND YET WE FOUND A NEW WAY SAYING "MERRY MAS." MAYBE ITS JUST WELL! • IN ANY EVENT, WE PHRASE NO BETTER i SAGE FOR THIS JOYOU| SEASON THAN HAT  CtF.NT WISH. ,December 25, 19 = : 'alter L. Marble Representing the >OLITAN LIFE ANCE COMPANY and Personal Accident Health Insurancec Stevens Phone 709-J S Hold Party At Larson Home Mrs. Ben Larson assisted by Marie Gerherdt gave a Christmas party for the women employees of the Lumhermen's Mercantile Co. at her home Friday, December 19. Tie rooms were decorated with Ynletide greenery and the refresh- ment table with holly and a ecnter- pieee of white and red tapers, Near the table was a candle choir display. Around the lighted tree gifts were exchanged followed by games. Prizes for the musical quiz game went to Marie Gerhardt while the stunt game prize went to Ma- b]e Burke. Those present were Mcsdames Winnifred O'Neil, MRb]e Burke, Glqdys Benson. Pcarl Gifford, An- na Call, Lee Bdtie, Anna Kneeland, Mima Oppelt, Marian Mauerman, Laura Gruver, Agatha Norby and Maybelle Daniels. Also attending were the :Misses Helen Schurr, Shirley Dittman and as guest of the evening, Bonnie Wilkeson, former Shelton girl now residing in Chicago. 125 Children Enjoy Eagles Xms Party One hundred and twenty-five youngsters, children of members of Shelton Eagles aerie 2079, en- joyed treats and Christmas candy handed out by "Santa Claus" last Sunday and a Christmas program arranged for their entertainment by the aerie in the Eagles club- rooms at Second and Grove streets. ":Many parents also attended the party, an annual event staged by the Shelton Eagles. • Year after year we have been wish- ing our friends a Merry Chri*tmas, each year holding to make our message a litile warmer a little more personal. It is with some such thou’ht as this that we now add this "Merry:. Christmas" to the many that have • one before, with the hope that it will find yOU abundantly blessed with everything that the magi. wand of Christmas .an bestow• CRANE'S APPAREL Ruby Crane Alma Fred son 124 North Second Street Phone 152 with sincerity and brightness are our gala Christmas wishes for you and yours. May this Holiday be the fin- est ever. May your New Year be the happiest in all th, e worhL • At Chrlstmast If 'neath our: aqa and be never crossed c months ahead. MERRY SHEU E. H d Once again the joyous spell of Christmas is cast over us, as we hurry about with gifts for those we love. That warm glow we get from giving at this holy season cannot be duplicated at any other time of the year. It is our sincere wish that a full measure of happiness may be yours, this Christmas of 1947. F. E. BECKWITH GIFTS -- JEWELRY -- MUSIC