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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r 25, 1947: ,qHELTON-MAON CQTYr J0tNAI-; .... r, ....................... , ....... ,. ................... ", ',,.L._ -,' ...... ' ,* .... ,, ! •  /.L ........................ A......,.., ..... J ....... .- LIFE COMPANY and Personal Accident Health Insuraneec Phone 709-J 16th. ,,,..:y 00riculture Man Explains Duties Of Committeemen In connection with agricultural conservation committee elections which have been held recently, a number of persons not too familiar with the farm program have asked what these committeemen do and bow much they get. Answering these two questions, Bert Rau, cllairman of the Mason County Agricultural Conservation Program, explained that commit- teemen are paid only for the time v -- . JACK MOFFETT D ANCIN G LESSONS Children and Adult TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM, ACROBATIC and All Styles Every Wednesday 1 to 6 p.m. Shelton Eagles Hall Phone Union 385 they are actually engaged in work .............. ,, ,,. _ 2_ .' ..... on the agricultural conservation, BREMERTON price support and purchase pro- grams. They are not on a weekly, monthly or yearly salary. They ;alter L. Marble Divorce Granted An interlocutory divorce was[ W _ !-  Representing the granted to Helen Bender from]   9. " 4,7tETROPOLITAN John Bender granting her custody] LrJ SURANCE of the minor child and $50 a month J w'  fe and Pel for its support in a decree signed nd Healt by Judge D. F. 'Wright in Mason[ C.'ounty Superior court DecemberL % !:, . SHELTON.M&S_ ON COUNTY JOURNAL Published every Thursaay morning ,, Member ot Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association and Ntional Editorial Association Entered a.q second-class matter at the postofflce at Shelton, Washington WILFORD JESSUP and WILLIAM M. DICKIE, Publishers Bessie Hall Business Manager Subscription Rates: $2.0 per year in advance: 6 months $1.50: outde Mason County 1L%7[t: A DISMAL FAILURE The notion that this is or any other country can have "limited" price control is one of the most dangerous falla- cies ever propounded. Price control must be a whole hog or none proposition. with sincerity and brightness are Our gala Christmas wishes for you and yours. May this Holiday be the fin- OWE ARE THE WORLIYS eat ever. May your OST INVENTIVE RAePJ New Year be the ''AND YET WE HAVENI' happiest in all th, e FOUND A NEW WAY O I worTd. SAYING "MERRY CHRIST' I., MAS." MAYBE IT'S JUS'i'  WELL! • IN ANY EVENT, WE ( PHRASE NO BETTER SAGE FOR THIS SEASON THAN THAT CtF.NT WISH. CRANE'S APPAREL Ruby Crane Alma Fredson Ot we have been wish. a Merry Chrlatmas, ing to make our e warmer a little ne such thought as w add this "Merry:. he malay that have th the hope that it tbundantly blessed that the magic tmas can bestow. • At Christmcislime we greet qood friends. If 'neath our roof you've rested, come again and be refreshed. If you have never crossed our threshold, visit'us in the months ahead. To one and all we say, MERRY CHRISTMAS! •. , .. ,. .... . .... SHELTON HOTEL E. H, Faubert, Prop. are paid at a nominal rate per I day, and only for the time actually put in on authorized programJ work. HE LISTED the duties of the community committeemen as fol- lows: provide local leadership in developing and administering farm programs adapted to the needs of their community; fit programs to local conditions and recommend hnprovements and additions sug- gested by farmers; explain to farmers o the community the ob- jectives and provisions of the farm programs and actively assist farmers in making use of them; conduct community meetings, com- mitteemen elections, and assist in conducting marketing quota refer- endums; and cooperate with other community leaders in coordinating farm program activities. . I DOTIES of the county commit- teemen are: develop and atmin- later, under supervision of the State PMA committee, programs[ adapted to the needs of the county; I with the aid of the community I committeemen, keep farmers and I others informed of the objectives, provisions, and progress of farm programs; *determine results of farm programs in the county, sub- mit reports as required, conduct meetings, elections, referendums, hearings, and investigationsl be responsible for the operation of the county agricultural conserva- tion office, employment of person- 1 nel, keeping expenses of the pro-[ gram within the county allocation of funds; and cooperate with other: farm agencies and leaders in co- ordinating farm programs within the county. THE FOLLOWING have been elected committeemen for the var- ious°communities: Bert Rau, Kam- fiche; John G. MacRae, Dayton; Ed Wilson, Harstlne Islands El- sin Hearing, Matlock; Howard H. Bailey, Skokomish; G. M. Hill, BeN fair. Three of the above comprise the county committee, Bert Rau, chair- man, John G. MacRae, vice calr- man, and Ed Wilson, regular mem- ber. Marriage Licenses Marriage license applications were filed by two couples in the office of County Auditor Susie Pauley up to Monday this week. From Shelton, James N. Ogden, 69, and Heater M..Anderson, 61, applied for a license Decemler 22. John Sandstrom, 57, and Emilie Pihhnan, 60, both Benton, filed ap- plications December 17. Saves Sugar Try sprinkling sugar on cookie dough with a shaker rather than by hand. The process is easier, the aug. ar is spread more erectly, and sugar is saved. s is cast those we g at this :her t/me measure af 194"]. Phone 152 .A ! Another year has roiled around... 1948. As we see it, this is another opportunity to make new friends, and ! to serve our old ones even better. May we offer you our best wishes for a truly Happy New Year. Dunovier Taxi PHONE 620 GRUNERT'S STATION OPEN CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS LINOLEUM for Asphalt Tile Venetian Blinds Washable Window Shades Drainboard Installations Personalized Floors ALL WORK GUARANTEED 543 6th Bremerton--Phone 2690 . . | I KIMBEL LOGGING COMPANY Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR LAND CLEARING" • BULLDOZING tb DITCHING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • BULKHEADING • PiLEDRIVERS FoY Land Or Water DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILING AND LOGS For Sale. PHONE 60t atRis It WouM be difficult, indeed, to forget our friends, particularly at hristmcr. We want you to know how close we feel to all o you, ,and how Sincerely we wish for each Of you the choicest blesslzlgs-of Yuletide. All industries and all working groups are in some way or another interdependent. If price control is established at any place in the complex economic machine, the entire machine will be immediately affected. The normal processes 'of pro- duction and distribution will be thrown out of balance. And the next step as modern history abundantly proveswill be more and more controls, and more and more progress to- ward the police state and a wholly regimented economy. As William Henry Chamberlin, the distinguished foreign correspondent and historian recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal, the "experience of Britain and France proves beyond all reasonable doubt the dismal failure of attempts to eliminate the normal workings of the free market and the pricing system." In these countries, the black markets l have becbme scandals. The productivity of labor, industry and agriculture have all declinedno one works to capacity when initiative is unrewarded. That is the classic exper. fence with rationing, price control, and other structures which destroy a free supply and demand economy. In this ountry, prices are a fair reflection of present- day wages, purchasing power, consumer demand, the public ebt, and all the other factors which enter into the question. Everything is produced in competitionand everything " sold in competition between retail stores of many kinds, all of which are aggressively after public favor and patronage. That is what a free economy and a free market mean. And it is the only system that will efficiently supply the needs of a nation, with a minimum of shortages and a maximum of service. WITH DIGNITY AND CONFIDENCE The sole threat to the peace of the world lies in the deterioration in relations between the United States and the 8oviet Union, and the inability of these two powers to reconcile their policies. That problem will not be solved by "tough talk"nor by implications that we can be just as war-like as Russia. And it will not be solved by building up, among our own people, an almost pathological fear of Russia. Within their limitations, the Soviet leaders are realists. They are impressed by deedsnot by words. And that is true of all the European countries which sooner or later will have to make a choice between a totalitarian govern- ment and some form of democratic government. The influ- ence and prestige of the United States will grow in direct proportion to what we do rather what we say. We must, of course, mainSain our military strength. We must also show by demonstration that our system can out-produce any other system. We must prove beyond the shadow of a doubt our faith in free enterprise at home before we hope to "sell" the merits of free enterprise abroad. We must deal with all powers, Russia included, with dignity and confidence. That is the only possible road to a peaceful solution of world problems. Lawyer, reading client's last will and testament to circle of expectant relatives: "And sb, being of sound mind, I spent I every damn cent I had before I died."Bill King in This Week Magazine. I Kinderuarten =oup have had previous teaching J ,r.,,,, ....  , , n,, experience, which has also aided Jnv h''Tj'°'sal''e'bv'"iras'el'f their work, Mrs. Goodpaster said. I--;':-,,-,. ', ,,m "are " Their work is a distinct contri- ' .... a *^ --' *' children over bution to their community as well I ,,,o--V::::',',2;: ::,: ......... - ..... t ,,-, hvnaca and €0 tnch them as to Mason county, and the wom- ]I'0W  t'o"'ge¥ al"ong w]'tla" other en will welcome-inquiries from I youngsters their own age 'in order other communities m the county re ul z s heel where mnuergartens coum De I to prepare them for g a" c . . I classes when they are old enough tartea. j to attend. , " ..... [ The routine every morning in- ]€ludes "good-raorning" exercises, [inspection and roll call, the flag salute, a story-telling time, active . ,. . [games (singing and so on), re- , I freshments, a rest period, work . y. [ (paste, clay and cutouts), listening ///I [ to children's records on the phono- /[ I J graph and a play period: [ THE KINDERGARTEN fin- [ ished its first term last Friday by I participating in the Hood Canal [school'S Christmas program, and [ will take a month's vacation dur: [ins January before restiming h February, Mrs. Goodpaster said. ] Although his wife has been one J of the group who began the kin- ', dergarten, County Superintendent of SchoolsBill Goodpaster said that his office hah done none of the actual work on the project. He commended the 15 women for, their community spirit and cooperation which has made the kindergarten possible and made it work in spite of his initial mis- givings. THE WOMEN have received ad- vice and pointers on primary teaching from Goodpaster's of- rice, the Shelton Public Library, Shelton Kindergarten teachers, and Mrs. Wigg, Ho0dsport Pri- mary teacher. Soma of the members of the __ "1 S THE NIGHT BEFORE and a Prosperous New Year from MR. AND MRS. A. D. KILLMER at KILLMER ELECTRIC 207 Gota Street Phone 664 Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED TEXACO SERVICE Representative in Maso County for In EAGLES HALL Sponeored by Shelton Aerie No. 2079 DOOR PRIZES Admission $I.00 pet" person New Years Eve for The JUNIOR EAGLES Benefit Dance Plan Now To Attend the L • for PITTSBURGH PAINTS HAULING BUILDING SUPPLIES ETHER YEAR has pa,ed. Agait glad bells are pealing out the Christmas story. Happy children and parents are planning for the day in the glorious oldfaBhioned way. Everyone is thrilled by the magic spell of Christmas for they know the spirit of the Christ Child is in the land. While glad bells peal out, while children make merry, while carols are being sung and the Christ. mas story is being told and retold, we join in the joyous occasion by expressing best wishes for a .- _ - Phone 656 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY Morgan & Eacrott Lumber Co. 1st and Franklin Phone 89"/ PROMPT SERVICE High Grade Fuel and Delsel 0ils & Wood PRODUCTS COMPANY