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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 Classified Ads W ,,w* ,qr V,*w V v V,,v-,v ,lr ,,,,,v,,v.,-.q¢ v .r ,qr'v v'vV Classified Service SHRUBBERY AND TREE PRUNING and general garden work. :F, M, Fos tel', Phone 348. ]2-19--1-1 New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes. J. A. Schlange, Box 28, Belfair, Phone Belfair 552, 7-17-47--7-17-48 /EW QUICK heat conversion burn,s' for ranges, $14,75 and furnace $29.50. Phone 561-R or 117 Mill St, 12-18--1-7 EXPERT WORK. Reasonable charges. ' Estimates made in your home by a courteous, bonded employe. No ob- ligation, Leave calls at The oJurnal in Shelton, Phone 100. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 610 E. 4t Ave. Olympia 8-5-tfn JJ£MS!ITrOHING: I0c yar¢/, also but: tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner. Arcadis and Boundary Streets.) 2-&-tfn llll I I ]1 I H HH II DRY SLAB WOOD $1 per cord Shiplap and Shingles KAMILCHE VALLEY LI.IBER CO. Route 1, Box 60 Sheltoa |1 II I I H I HI[ II UI (Corsttere) BERNICE STEWART (Charls) Established Clientele BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone 372-R 616 N. 1st St, I,HI I I . i i For Prompt Delivery STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Phone 87 STANDARD HEATING OILS Distributed by SHELTON GAS COMPANY C. C. Cole, Mgr. 122 So. Third St. Phone 87 • ,-,., , J H. SOME ONE WANTS TIlE ARCTICLE YOU NO LONGER NE:ED Call CLARK'S 2nd HAND-STORE 20] E. Phm -- Plone 40 WE BUY AND SELL I H KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 465-W H I HIIII I I PHON/ 190.W for home-made ]ies t , ,f u.nd oak,s, etc. Order one {lay, pl:k up next. C12-11-18-25 enters, Phone 212 or 551-J. Claude 0gan, BUzlness Agent. 12-ll-t'fn RltlSCRI PTIOI- "SRV I CJ?ia--leiii:" eel contrite, old ago assmtance, or direct witt ou on your doctor's t order,__ p.repps Drdg Store. Second a Igmroau. 10-3tfn, Chris-Craft Boats SALES and SERVICE Place your order now for Spring dclivelT The Marina Phone 3754Columbia at B OLY/'IA, WASIL 9-11tfn ]L:: 1, LI I MOVIE CAMERAS By KEYSTONE and BELL & HOWELL 8 mm Sizes ' t $74.50 o $102.61 We Also Have 16 mm OUtfits ANDREWS STUDIO ' 4N0rth eoond PHONE 152 Classified Service WHEEL BALANCING Stewart-Warner Balancer $1.50 per wheel Weights Extra Bob Ervin Motors Buick Distributor 633 S, Ist Phone 673 i I I I i, Classified Service BURGESON RADIO IEFAIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto radios. Across from Junior 1 Hjhl2w_ school, 1221 Franklin. Phone Pivk up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Killrler Electric. 11-7tfn. STEAM CLEANING Motor -- $3.00 Chassis -- $6.00 Motor and Chassis $7.50 Bob Ervin Motors 'Buick Distributor 6'33 S. 1st Phone 673 TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton-Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE Member Washington Title ASsociation [ H H [ [ ................ S u r lJiU-s -B U-i]di h-g- Supplies LAVATORIES SHOWER STALLS SINKS WATER TANKS HEATERS ' WOOD AND COAL RANGES and other home building items at prices to save you money Morgan.-Eacrett Lumber Co. 1324 Olympic Highway Phone 656 I H I I I Sl III TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS Sold and Repaired H. D. BAKER CO., INC. 212 E. 5th OLYMPIA Phone 8044 Office Furniture, Files and Fireproof Safes I I I I E. F. FULMER DECORATOR GENERAL CONTRACTING Painting, Paper Hang- ing, Alterations PHONE 48 II I l I l l! UNDERSEAL A 1-16 to 1-4 inch thick rubberized undercoating (Minnesota Mining Co,) from $35 BOB ERVIN MOTORS 633 S. 1st St: Phone 673 .............................. I ........... II-II I' .......... l- FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 334 I I H I CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys II l/ Jl I PAPERHANGING Iuterior Decorating George W. Sawyer 10 Front Street I _ Jl Li tU. [ [ III I Stoves an Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cexlar St. Prompt Service We Deliver MILL WOOD FOI SALE Enitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park Pliono Hoodsport llW-3 J - : • Illl It I EXPERT FITT1NG and alteratloml doe. Mrs. M. McCann, 222 So. 4th t,, Phone 489-M. 6-10-tla "_J Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason County Medical Assn. Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 I I FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supports, phone 799-J for appoint- meat or call at 1416 Summit Drive. $9-26 ELECTROLU CLEANERS. SALES, Service and supplies. Free pickup and del_ivery. Jack Manley, only authorizea-fac- tory representative in Mason Coun- iv. Phone Hoodsport 2-R or Shel- ton 664, 7-18tfn. I I RED BALL AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHERS F. E. DAILEY Rt. 1", Box 35---Phone 218-J-2 12-25tfn H ml LANDSCAPING EDWARD RICHARDSON Rt. 1, Box 35Phone 218-J-2 12-251fn SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Seissor and Garden Tools of all klnd Bicycle Repairs Keys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop '12alrd and Cote PHONE 243 RAY L. DREBIS Electrical Contractor Licensed and Bonded Electrical Servicing -- Repairing PHONE 766-R2 ELECTRICAL SALES & SERVICE Olympic Highway South /1-20tfn, iT;;GT#;IVJ,.T,IoT;oTL.!I-%,-,iT I l ors and knives sharpem:d. Znqulrel 427 Bellevue Ave,, Shelton, Phone] 376-M, E12-4-tfn FOR PAINTERS PAPER HANGERS SIGN PAINTERS Phone 212 ] . Classified Service also parts for all makes of sewing machines. Phone 596J or 38W be- tween 10130 a.m. and 5 p.m. B10-3tfn I HIIIIII I III Rebuilt Engines Ford V-8 .... $118.50 exch. Ford Model A ..$95 exch. Prepare for Winter Weather Car Hot Water Heaters Sealed beam headlights Sealed beam foglights Top Dressing  Top Material Machine Shop Service and Motor Overhaul Motor reboring Valves faced and reseated Crankshafts ground Western Supply 218 N. 1st St. Phone 126 II I REAL ETATE I I WORTH LOOKING INTO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: gro- cery, service station and cabin camp near city limits on well trav- eled road; modern owner's cot- tage; on acre of land. Nets over $700 a month. Further information I and price on request. * * * I 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE on 90; x 100 foot lot on Mt. View, cam-] [ pletely furnished; $6300, hal/ cash. [ * * * i 3-BEDROOM MODERN HOME on I-lillcrest, hardwood floors, plas- tered, large kitchen, basement and furnace, corner lot, paved street, cement walks, house newly paint- ed. $7850.00. INCOME PR;P00R;Y do00t000, large corner, 8-room house, com- pletely furnished, oil furnace, fire- place, nook; additional building with two apartments; 4-car gar- age; reasonably priced on' terms. Excellent possibilities for increased income. See this now. $ $ * 5-ACRE TRACT an d 2-room house 3 miles south of Shelton; woodshed, wash room, chicken house; some fir and alder; berries; 66 ft. drilled well; electricity; road, in front and along entire length;] priced at $3302. • NEW HOME of 4 rooms, bath and I ,utility; oak floors, cement founds-] tion, walks and porches; floor fur- I nace, laundry trays, automatic hot I water tank; roomy closets; excel, I lent condition; priced at $6800. I * * * I 200 FT. WATERFRONT, 5 acres, J on Picketing; some timber; tide- lands included, road along one side; only $1750. NINE-ROOM HOUSE on 5-acre tract .near city limits; double plumbing; includes 3-room apart- ment renting for $32.50; all newly repainted and redecorated; two acres cleared, Mill Creek crosses property; 9 fruit trees, berries, grapes; spring-fed well, electric pump; oil circulator, trash burner, automatic electric tank. A wonder- ful combination of acreage, home and income, priced right. $ * HIGHWAY TRACT 4 mi. S. of Shelton, 4,85 acres, level; 165 ft. frontage on paved highway. Only $550. TAVERN BUSINESS fully equip- ped and in operation; and 2-story brick building centrally located; priced right, terms. For Realty Buys Consult a Realtor M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157 -- Title Ins. Building Shelton I LOTS FOR SALE: Priced to sell right. Pllone 561-R or 117 Mill St. 12-25--1-8 FOR SALE Four-room house at Hoodsport, fine view. $2650. Two houses at Union, one on hill with splendid view. One on main highway. Priced at $5000. Other good buys. Frank Nosworthy, REALTOR Union. Wash. Tel. 441 Navy Highway WATERFRONT Hood Canal PRICED FOR QUICK SALE BY JANUARY 1 5-room modern llome land- scaped, guest house, furnished or unrfurnished, Owner leav- ing for East. Phone Belfair 228--Hazel W yckoff McCaw & Company Realtor I I FOR SALE: 18.acre tract land 1 mile fronl Shelton; 25-acre tract 3 miles from Shelton both on main road, A so 40-acre ranch with 5-1.oo111 honm, good well, outbuildings. Mrs, Rose B o ltlo2n ," Ihillips, P.O. ox 4,4, She 8 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern 3-bedroom home, semi- hardwood floors, glass sun porch, glass utility porch, Venetian blinds, fireplace, 40- gallon electric hotwater tank, 5 acres property. Fruit house, 2-car garage, small chicken house, brooder house, small barn, drilled well, 1 h.p. pump and 120-gal. tank. Plenty of all kinds of fruit trees and berries. May be seen starting M'onday, December 29. Located  mile out on Arcadia Road. Route 3, Box 157 E. D. Oppelt FURNISHED $9500 UNFTJRNISHED $8750 .12-25.1-1 COMFORTABLE SMALL HOME Newly redecorated inside and out. Oil heater, electric range, refrigerator and hot water heater. H. L. Olstead Agency Phone 30 $3750 I FOR SALE: Poultry ranch, equipped. for egg and fryer production. Now] nave about 550 layers. Also 2 houses, one rented. Small down payment, rest like rent. 2 miles out Bayshore Road. Harry Bcrgeson. 12-4-tfn FOR SALE: 3-room house, bath, elec- tric pump, wired for range. Gar- age. fruit cellar. % acre on oiled road.. $2000. Inquire at Junction Auto ourt, North on U.S. 101 Hlway. 12-19--1-1 I I WATERFRONT For Sale by Owner PRICED FOR QUICK SALE $7 to 17 per front foot. 20 choice lots, clean, gravelly beach, no poi- son oak. This tract lies 10 miles east of Shelton and eight miles west of Allyn on Shelton-Allyn road. Follow the Signs at this point one mile to beach. EASY TERMS Caretaker on grounds to show or write owner C. P. RUSSELL Gig Harbor,. Wash,. 10-16tfn. I I I FOR SALE: 3-room house, one lot on Park St. $1700 cash, $1850 terms, Mrs. rellie Starts Matthews, 3 miles out on Dayton Road. ll-20-tfn FOR S-'AI---: 100 ft. of waterfront on Island Lake; Pllone 615-R-5. Mc12-18--1-1 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Onc 2-room furnished cabin, one 3-oom furnished cabin. t'hone 765-R-4 Maple Beach. W12-18--1-I )-R--R-E"i: Floor waxers, 5Oc a-y? Lawton Lumber Co., 420 So. First St., Phone 56. 1O-16-tfn FO--R--IE/-T:-'-. r.e on .'North Bay and State Hlway 14-A at Allyn, Wash, Kown as Bayside Apts. The usual fur,ilture, hot and cold running water, refrigeration, electric lthts: laundry facilities, near grade SChOOl, and high school bus in front of building. 2 and 3-room apts. from $25 to $85ner month, also cabins for rent. W..4. Beakley, Mgr. 8-28-tfn Miscellaneous ARE YOUR EYES or any value, to you'? Check up on the ew Exclus- Ive Bonded Vision Annuity today. Insu,'es your vision. Herbert G. Angle. 10-3O-tfn WILL'-TE"C'KPE--o-f children in my home by the day, Mrs. Ed Bergeson. 1411 Railroad, Tel. 272-R. II-6/12-25 "&'QUCXN o#'ir:yii-ysi tor a single premium which will allow for 13eet medical attention in the United States, Invdstlgate today. Herbert G. Angle• IO-30-tfn IF YOU NEED used partS, we arc wrecking the following cars: 1936 Plymouth coupe. 195 Pontiac se- dan, 1935 Oldsmobile cause, 1934 las- tar Cherolet coach, 193 Dodge se- dan. Shelton Auto Parts• 12-25--1-8 : LOST AND FOUND - - qW _ _q OST:' ltdles small Bulova wrist watch In downtown area. Finder please retu,'n to Mrs, Loule Larson at tlm L,M. credit off lee, Liberal re- ward.. W12-25 FOUND: Coin. pu:se oontaining key. Owner ,nay ,rove same by identify- ing and paying for ad. Journal of- five. 12-25 LOSTSmall black-dg with w-li-e stripe on throa and stub tail. Re- , ward offered' r return. Charles Sytsma, 1327 Summit Drive, 12-25/1-8 L-()-ST: iM_an's'lllfold__ at Oakland Ba, schoo friday nlght: Liberal reward. Ray Kratch/, Rt. 2, Box 89-A, Shel- ton, Mason Lae road. 2-25 WANTED WANT .'I'.O BIrT: old horses for Mi3k feea. . yers and anaen Mink Farm, Ol,mvm.:_Fho.e 48  eollect., l-life rent. Wtll lease ifdesh,ed. Bob Keen- an, L.M. Office, Phone 305. ll-27-tfn ED: dead. stock, prompt free, courteous service..t-'none us collect. Elma 1-$-13. Graya Harbor Render- ing, nc. -27tf. lure I I LOGS WANTED SECOND GRowTH PREFERRED Prevailing prlces paid by Enitai Lumber Co. Mill located at Minerva Park Plmne Hoodspqrt 11-W-3 WANTED V ,v.F'v-v-,qp-V V ,,vFrw V .9,,W,www rw,v-V,V,V-ww,qfF WANTED: Salesman o take Vacuum Cleaner agency. Tills is an excep- tional opportunity for a live wire. Sewing machines will be in line when available. This could be handled on a part time basis. Must be "finan- cially responsible. Write or phone for appointment. House of Palmer, 632 Washington Avenue, Bremerton, Washington, Phone 2576. 7-10-tfn,. WANTED: women to work as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- tance, Oyster Bay', collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn WANTED Party to contract falling and bucking timber. WRITE BOX K c-o Journal Office i I , FOR SALE MILK DELIVERED to your doorstep. Grade A pasteurized or homogen- ized. Latzel Dairy,. Phone 215-J-2. 12-25 FOR SALE: Used enamel range, $20 Inquire Herbert G. Angle, Angl Bldg. 10-23-tfn FOR SALE: Oil ran-ge--, To-Te-'do--woi)d range, both with col]s; also galvan- ized hot water tank. Inquire 427 Harvard St. after 6 P.m. S10-9-tfn FOR SALE: 24-inch sawed shakes, cut to order. No business Saturday or Sunday. Inquire B.D.W. Cedar Products, Star Route 2, Box 63. 19-30-tf FaR,SALE: Hotpoint electric stove. in good condition, priced for quick sale. Phone 376-M or inquire at 427 Bellevue Ave. Ell-20-tfn REMODELING? -Ask about the new complete "Packaged Kitchen"--In- cludes RANGE, REFRIGERATOR, SINK & CABINETS. Uses space from 4 to 6 ft. Low as $495.00. GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNITS. Low as $99.50. WHY PAY MORE?--Step and see us soon. MISEELLA SUPPLY CO., Olympia Highway at Aberdeen "Y". Our salesman will call if ydu wish. Phone 9690, Olympia, Rt. 1, Box 103, ll-20-tfn LOGGING SUPPLIES: Single & d0u: ble bit Saeger & Knot KHpper axes, brown strand wire rope, hooks, chains, etc. Holm Feed & Auto Loan, across from Safeway. Phone 378. , ll-20-tfn "Gi.AD" TRACTORS (3 slzes in stock), Gas engines, water systems, light plants HOME FREEZERS from $25 up. Full line of COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION. Aluminum pre- cut buildings and aluminum sheet. Tires and tubes, batteries, AND WE DELIVER. MISKELLA SUPPLY CO., on Olympia highway at Aber- deen "Y". Try our SALES & SERV- _ ICE, you'll like it, _11-20-tfn CHILDREN S FURNITURE made to order. Phone 462-J. W12-4-25 ALUMINUM MUFFIN PANS, 6 and 12 cup sizes, Just received at Hillcrest Hardware, Phone 499, 12-25 IIIIIIIIII I II CHRISTMAS CARDS acred Phonograph RECORDS Many beautiful Christmas NOVELTIES, GIFTS and Sunday School awards RELIGIOUS SUPPLY CENTER 203 E. 5th St. Olympia Donald Bldg. I FOR SALE: Estate electric range and FrlgldMre, Call at Apt. 3, 650 Dear- born. F12-11-25 FOR " SALE :-" --3 --used-oal---burnlng ranges. Lumberman's Mercantile Hardware Dept. 10-16-tfn FOR SALE: Second hand furniture and used articles of all kinds at The Trading Post. 338 E. Pine (Bayshore Road). 11-6-tfn PHONE 26 for home milk delivery. M11-14tfn. FOR SALLY: see OlYmplc Motor Sales for auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets. shone 595 7-4tfn NEW TIRES now available in unlim- ited quantities at Meli Chevrolet. Car sizes 4:40x21, 6:50x19, 5:50x17, 6:00x16, 6:50x18, 7:00x16, 6:501€15, 7100x15, all truck tire sizes, and tubes of all eizes. Also used tires In all popular sizes. Mall Chevrolet, First and Grove, Phone 777 or 778. FOR SALE?-Weste'{ff-furnace, jacket, piping, I-Iart oil burner. See Grant Angle. tfn "F-L-EXIBLE IWYER SLEDS in several sizes. A large shipnn, nt Just received at Hlllcrest Hardware, Phone 499. 12-25 FOR SALE: Red fryers, $1,50 each. H. I, Clay, Spencer La.k.e. 121187=l-1 "FbR'-SALE:Pair genuine snakeskin pumps, open toe, Size 8J&AA.L Prac- tically new. $15. Inquird at Journal office. $12-18 FOR SALE: Daveno, 2-roll-away beds. day bed dining set also complete set mechanic s tools. Phone 692-M. S12-18-'1-1 FOR SALE: Deice light plant. TSOS-=- watt, new batteries, washing mach- ine, %-h,p. motor, radio, other equip. ment. all 32-volt. John Hitchcock. Harstine Island, Rt. 2, helton. 12-18-25 EVINRUDE OUTBOARD motor sales and service, a few new motors in stock, also a fe good used molars. Hillcreat Hardware, Phone 499. 12-18 MANY PRACTICAL Christmas gifts on our shelves. Come In and-look over cur stock. Hillcrest Hardware. Phone  499. 12-19 • 'OR SALE: Wood or coal range, good condition. Inquire 1517 Divis- ion. E. C. Kenyon. Plmne 183-J after 4 p.m. 12-19--1-1 tion, nearly ncw mattress, $20. H. Sauer, 2001 Hay St,, Phone 404-R. 12-19---1-1 PICKED APPLES for sale: $1.25 per box. Bring containers. Lawrence Gosser, Rt. 2, Box 102-A. 12-18-25 FOR SALE: A,'izona Mistletoe. Call Jlrn Sauer, 2001 Hay St., or Phone 404.R. 12-18-25 FOR sX-L-E?-Fu]]y automatic gas range like new. use on city or bottled gas. Priced for quick sale. 303 KJneo (Southslde), Phone 206-J. 12-181-I FOR SALE: 6-year old Jersey cow and week-old calf, very gentle. L. Ellis, 3 miles out Cole Road. 12-18/1-1 on .Benson and Mason Lake road. Clyde Benson, Grapeview, Wash. 12-18"1-1 7-QUART nat[()la-al pressure cooker, A nice Christmas present for the lady, of. ihc house. Hlllcrcst HardWare, Phone 499. 12-18 COM'B'IN'-AT- table saw, wood la, and grinder, regularly $57.20, speclal prlce $45. A fine gift for , nmn or boy. Hillcrcst Hardware, Phone 499. 12-18 FOR SALE: t. boat. 25-h.p., nmr- ine motor, cxccllent shape. Phone 474-M, A12-18-tfn FOR SALE: Wih'.7-o m'nmd daveno and swing roc, ker $75. % Sin!moss bed, pring and nmtt- ,:ess $').5 Large leather rocker. $12,50. J, R. Svhott, corner o " K Sts.. Mt. View. 1,-18-25 I CA]i) OF THANKS We wish to express our gratitude for the flowers, sympathy, klnancss and asststancc given us by oun friends, and also Mr. Witsiers, the V,F.W,, the F.O.E., and especially to Sgt. Belhnan who accompanied the remains of our beloved son and brother, Pfe. Dale E. Bloomfield. Mrs. Myrtle Bloomfield and Fanlily. Thursday, December 25,rd.y,l; December 25, ] JINGLE ALL THE WAY ii It might be fun to ride in a one-horse op sleigh.., but in this rain you'll be a lot tool A JOLLY comfortable in a used car from Mad i P. S.: THEY DON'T GUARANTEE SLEIGHS, DO THEY? I '46 Chevrolet 5-pass. Coupe, R & H '46 Ford 5-pass. Coupe '42 Chevrolet Area Sedan, R & H '42 Ford 4-door Sedan, R & H '41 Cadillac Sedanette, R & H '41 Packard 5-pass Coupe, R & H '41 Ford Coupe '41 Chevrolet 4-door, R & H '41 Chevrolet 5-pass Coupe, R & H '40 Pontiac 5,pass. Coupe '40 Chevrolet Coupe '39 Ford 4-door, R & H '38 Ford 2-door, H '37 Oldsmobile 4-door, H '36 Ford Coupe '35 Ford 2-door, R & H '28 Ford 2-door '38 International Pickup MARK'S USED CAR LOT 119 Cota Street--SheltonPhone 533 728 Fourth Ave., E,-OlympiaPhone OPEN SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and EVENINGS  for Your Convenience No matter what the langua spirit of Christmas is d everywhere. •, in Franc in Sweden ... a good old U. S. A. As yc this joyous season i ,irltual companionship wi good will all over tl it is our hope that tb of 1947 will be t] have ever enjoyc r' Sleyste s Bike & Fixit Shop As the year draws lilce to look back across t highlights that ma year. And we find that ju • ivi] e of being abl [ O ompany of ; that satisfy you is satisfactions. ,We'll be hoping t Jn I948whenever y( in, whether on again -- USED CA SPECIALS '39 Plymouth Tudor, $700.00 '37 Pontiac Coupe, $625.00 '42 Jeep, $595.00 '37 Ford Tudor, $425.00 '37 Ford Pickup, $425.00 '36 Chevrolet Tudor, $425.00 '35 Chevrolet 4 door, $350.00 '35 Pontiac 4 door, $250.00 , Model A Tudor, $175.00 Also Complete Automotive Service, Lubrication, Reborng, Gas, Tires, etc. RAY'S SERVICE MT. VIEW ,wwF'"wtrv"wwv"v'Fv'tw'vr v v",v v'l 'wP"qw" qr v  USED CARS FOR SALE: 1938 Roe Cab-over flat bed truck in good condition, mr will traue zor good ear. R. Franklin, Mat- lock Rt., Shelton. 12-11-25 FOR-SA.LE--1946 F61'd-tK[6k.-2-speed ; 1936 Chev, wood dump; sawn*ill, L eroy. motor, 5-h,p. single phase etectrlc saw small donkey. Glenn Clifford, Sta*" Rt. 2. Box 51 (Dayton). 12-11-25 tires and motor. Roy Nye, Matlock, • Wash., one mile out Ca np Five road. 12-25 FOR SE': 1941 DeSoto 5-passenger, very good condition, radio, heater. 4 new tires. 1204 Cota, Pilone 693-J. T12-25 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Complete set new Brit- anica Encyclopedias, inchzding year- book. Phone 247-J: L12-25--1-8 milk delivered to your doorstep. Lat- zel Dairy Phone r. 2 o r. • , 21o-J-', 1.-2a E-XR'-X-"-X-s tree light bulbs, all you want at E. A. Carr Electric. Title Insurance Bldg, ]2-25 FOR S A L : y--'8,d'-g S'6- ]6 your New Year's dinner, $5 each. Jolm "G, MacRae, near Dayton, 12-25 with papers, one 2-yrs, eric ll-mos. John Klinker, Lakebay, Wash, 12-25 "EXTRA'-BULBS -'f'o r" Yo Jl:- X m as'[ "t l:c c light string all you want at E, A, Carr Electri'c, Title Insurance Bldg. . 12-25 La))s*ul baoy buggy and wing, .q.onHoodsport 32-J-1. Mrs, Camp- _.ell, .Rt_ 1, Box 7, Itoodsport. W12-25 FOR S ALE '.'F {}-i ff-f [}7 :-d  front, skunk chubby Very good eun- dition, Size 14-16 "14hone Hoodsport 82-J-1 " " ,,. o - FOR SALE: -Waln-({['--g';it¢;.h{.- i'ikb]7 Phone 418-J. 12-I9--1-1 NOTICF T C ) ..... RE! ITOlt$ l_wnl not be rcsp(nsible for debts contractea by anyone other than my- self. Signed R. O. Bufflngton. Jr. 12-25--1-1 Excellent Value USED CA '46 Hudson Six Sedan '41 Plymouth Motor '41 Hudson Eight Sedan, '40 Hudson Six Reconditioned '38 Plymouth Pick-up. Clean '3S Hudson good. New OLYMPIC SALES Authorized Hudson 1st & Mill THIS TIME IT'S ANDRE STUDIO 120 North Second PHONE 152