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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE WAY ii: &apos;" ride in a one-horse op[,V,.,: I J:;i'l"l',2;P!2';2;,,!i2: ,:)::13'i;:,'2i: .('tbv', ...... sed car from Mad Mark'[/I hlt ] lathiS't'd:i''et:::Yu'}[ernoon thel '(;:IY a'b:{ :::"','e?;P[;r:v I?Ie' t¢::'d • _ " NJ, ILIgl/ ] day)'ef(?re the big" day, the ;ffice[ beau[iful frost3 bhle set of lights ¢-)]kT'rl  IZTTAI:AXTm'3i v,,.*--'-- I s, all of tne Simpson Logging' t poppcu up.on }no t,}]e in O,e Gris I • ...a&  j. ..IU'$. J. JI2J J23 ,," ] COlllI,)a,ly elos ,d, . 1 l.) des(s, . Flit (Irllo..C°nstrucci°tl3 C( llpany. ,'Ylru [S, DO THEY? ?• I :w., typewriters, :rod fokled up at 1, njst and I,\\;:k sUeets last 7  No matter what the language [ notchoo'ks, to Sl .)cnd ,'t eoul)h of w,,(m. 'Sh(lton (' tne irs of ne season no,ca • iae spir, t of Chris,.,.. is ,he I l]:"!r%:';eh';':'ti?rg'file'mJ,,2?: ':: ::: ':: " ass Con e R  H , ( g ' ..... ' .... •  Tile business record is some- P " P  time ever where in France I greetings m the company's o/flee .. ".. '. '" , "  ",'+ ;. 0 Y .... ' i 1.. 1,. T.,n.h,q,mel.,O p.,il,qn o. I Llling l'no JOllrl],'ll llhS ,, ,,.& ,S : f'.nno In ,u,d ;n Sweden and [ " :.: , , "' Iv:host "tbout. Tlus edition I Te ..... ' .... " ............. l Shelton's fostive all h'ts been Jmu'nal marks the third consecu- .^.' O^.a_ r o TT itl the good old U" S A. As you [ ...., ........  ...... { h,,'o. +., !.'::,.I tve week this 61-year old com- tt;l, Ottll, ll, 1%  n ". .... I .',','',",[' !,':'nfl-:)i.2J .,,,.,e l//l munit v  ews and advertising med- celebrate tn/s joyous season ill )voex aug• .sts'ttst,, ,** vvftrt}tx. 1,HtI' has ' l(o(.', 'hod, ti]e. 20-Pat . ." e s zc. ' ,JdIn T 2.  • [ throu.h the atmosphere el the I r ........ i ........... ,t +,,,ioc in a tpxrtual compamonsh,p wrh [ downtown dmtmct over in bhe ad- " ...... ( ne wPh '' I . , -- --" .. • I r(),v oe[( rc Dill; llCro "v ?  " l • (IroNs systems Droaoeast,ng yule- . , ianette. R & H o,eof good wall all over the [ ........ : ........ - ............ ;L .,, ] three m as many weeks. It s oa- r blLl2 LLLIIe £I'HI JtJI*VVILII S J.V&+C .... O 1 ar, • Iy tile htth tnne xn th .c 6 y,e . ,, .... vorld, it is our hope that this [ Store m the Second and Raih'oad ¢:,,,h ,,, ..... ,  h,,, n taine .... " r s.. ..... ..u,,. .[ .... e.. t. , d, )ass woupe, re & n ............. I Avenue area and Taslor's Radio! all coaxing since last May. The .nrxstmas at ira/ wm ne toe tile Fourth and Cota ,,. , ' , ' e . ] . .  fl, st 20-page Jotn'nal came off th, aerriest you have ever enjoyed. I sre(! secuon.. .... press May 1, 1947, the second No- _ I vvm a suom, eu vomme, ne] vember I, 19.t7, then these last .drtn, ]:? o "[-T [ BecRwith music is heard in only three .... ' *  "* .l,nre-alt,  the immediate vicinity of the mu-] The first two were the direct --. : I ' " t . ' , " "y" , am- Lumbermen s Mercantile, b U t mS. t:oupe s [ pie volume, is heard in virtually i;hese three in a row are the re- 00nop I all parts (,f town• " " I suit of general Christmas adver- oupe ::' tising by practically all Shelton retail and self€ice stores, .____. Due to the demands of la._.2t- , R & H  .. __=,-._a--=: ..=-- -:-- .- .-=--, _:, ' " " ":":""' ::'% "'-"--'g-'- --'- ''- 2:-z t-door, H :" '' "---:' ---- "=": ., ' , i t ) I I  -'---- , R & H I,\\;"'w v,,/i.6 ""'A! ! .,vpQ lvu .mv l 1 Pickup :  . / old-fashioned RKS i ' ]-- I00N2"I Christmas! t fls the year draws to a close, CAR LOT ,,i00o 00o,ook month00 t the highlights that made 1947. a -SheltonPhone 533  year. And we find that just the day- -Olympia--Phone 2352; lay privilege of being able to supply .  . ldard Oil Company of Califorhia xro CrXTT',--XrC _ _1 , Mucts that satisfy "ou is one of our .: I'm( saustacttons. or Your Convenience o ,We'll be hoping to see you 'iea ]n 1948whenever you feel like ,, ii  ;in., whether on business or :+++ +++,+ .++.+,+,t++ig  t+l+'L;; .... .++.,,, .,'.+,,:' .',++,.u; ,;• '+D+ I '' ,* Seven Estates Among Superior Court Cases Seven estates were among the cases appearing before Judge D. F. Wrigtt in Superior court here Saturday. Included were two wills ad- mitted to probate, two estates with appraisers appointed, two with final accounts approved and one setting aside property to the sur- viving sponse. Wills of Mrs. Rixtie Butler and Mrs. Catherin Cruson were ad- mitted to probate. Alvin Butler and Minnie Butler Ahern and Burlce Cruson were named exe- cutors and Executrix for the re- spective wills. APPRAISERS appointed for the estate of Addle I. Bishop were Roy Dunhar, Ralph Crabill and Henry Elliott. For the estate of Juanita M. Roundtree, George A d a m s Fred Buding and Dan Ncvitt were named. Final accounts and decrees of distribution were signed for the estates of Alberta E. Gifford and Richard E. Grenberg. The real estate in the estate of Van Grosh- ong was set aside for his wife. Two Divorces Granted. Two 'divorces were granted in Mason County Superior court on December 13 in decrees signed by Judge John M. Wilson.' A final dWorce was granted tO Patricia + +CleVeland from Dale ) CA CIALS ruder, $700.00 upe, $625.00 00 .5 $425.00 tp, $425.00 Pudor, $425.00 door, $350.00 our, $250.00 , ldor, $175.00 .utomotive Service, .ing, Gas, Tires, etc. g ERVICE VIEW Excellent Vak USED CA '46 Hudson Six Sedan '41 Plymouth Motor ov, '41 Hudson :Eight Sedan, '40 Hudson Six Reconditioned '38 Plymouth Pick-up. Clean '35 Hudson good. New OLYMPIC SALES Authorized Hudson 1st & Mill THIS TIME IT'S ANDRE STUDI 120 North PHONE 152 C. C. COLE VrHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 122 South Third St., Shelton PHONE 87 Cleveland, while aa interlocutory decree was signed in the case of Violet La Fond vs. Riohard V. La Fond: SALTWICK ESTATE SETTLED An order approving the final account and ' decree of distrib- u'don were signed December 13 by .ludg'e John ]V[. Wilson in the es- tate of John Hanson Saltwick. / • + , ales ligh.ts the ..  1etude cae,, ch tuck€_' .,., wish 5'0. u -:.;.ess Ua v':-.hncere -,uY £or :..s .:5 health, nuP_V.'=eetiug our € the thaXeS or e look tor-w past year. , 194$. pub++C L%gkf and power claude oanielson" Man; a:, Commissioners Ronald McDonald, /inc Tom Webb, I+IELTON-MAON COUNTY ,OUP3qAL +,""'"'---'It PLUMBER li RIEND$ OLD .,:2{: - May thh C/m'stmas br/n ha?finess as/me, as that W£ ]la y£ ,'tlOWtl h our relaliom with you / SANITARY MARKET George Skagen Wayne Hough This Merry Christmas is to you. t There is no wish we can give more true than this jolly old fellow Letter to Santa (Cmtintl(,d ll'Oltl Pl|y:e f)IH) won't recognize me tmless you are looking very earcftflly. But if you ltave n book of suggestions and ideas on Forest Festivals be sure to drop one off for my Forest Festival association. I. know tley would appreciate some help. Bring sometlflng nice Ior the Junior Chamber of Commerce. They have a plan to help me and my young folks, and I think tleir work should bc acknowledged. You'd better bring a lypodermic needle too, though, so I ca give them a pick-me-up shot when they start to lose interest and slow down on the project. FOR THE Shelton Chamber of Commerce you can bring a . . . Well, now there is a problem, San- ta. I haven't heard much from them this'year, and I should have. There are a lot of my best huM- ncss people in that organization. Maybe a nice case of New Year Spirit and then, to play safe, a of easy chairs for rigor to set in. The street department really needs a couple of little gifts. About two dozen bottles of glue, large size, would help to make the patches stick on the trenches they dig across my streets. ALSO a ball of straight string, l The string they have is so warped and crooked that it seems diffi- I cult for them to put a straight t line down the middle of my streets. 1 When they go a little off center / with that little gadget they paint the stripes with it tickles me and| wlen I laugh I can t lie still, so you see, the men aren't really to blame for those crooked lines. You'll see that I was really hil- arious the day they. went tip the hill past the high school. If you come into town that way tonight you will understand. SANTA, could you bring an awning for me to hang over 2nd St.? A lot of my old-timers have office space there on the sidewalk, and it is quite a hardship for them to conduct their business when it the same as all over the world. I think we have more to be happy about rlgM here in Shelton, the . . There go a couple more lights out in my homes . . . getting quieter. When you come through this year be sure to 1oo1( arotmd me and see all the, beautiful decora- tions, Up on nay right shoulder you will see a lovely illuminated out-door tree. The liglts are all hlue with a flaming orange cross on the very top. Three blocks south is another out-door tree. It is a low, round bush with colored lights draped ()vet' it. In the windows here you will notice the holly wreaths with candles burning all night to make tle dark seem more cheery. Irs that way all over me ...... makes }no feel good. Over on my left shoulder, way out on my hands and feet, Lhe homes nren't so ch)se together, but the beautiful decora- tions and the wonderful Christmas spirit are .just the same. When you come through tonight, Santa, you will know you have seen the BIGGEST and the BUS IEST little city on your whole trip this year. and I'm awfully proud of myself. Remember all my people, Santa. With Love, SHELTON Classified Service .... j i BE READY FOR THE STATE CAR TEST Lights -- Brakes --- Toe In TESTED FREE :l ,%•0 "r I I II I tl I I u tl ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON NECESSARY REPAIRS BOB ERVIN MOTORS First and Mill Streets is raining. 1 hope you didn't stop here for hmch last Christmas day, You PHONE 673 couldn't even have found a cup of ................................................................ "Joe." A lot of my men are single attd the only home they have ia the packsack they carry on "their back when they come in from the logging camps. Many of them drank their Christmas dinner in the only place that was open last year. I don't,, suppose you can help them much, I but he especially generous to the people who do this year. IF YOU have room, you might bring that new school along for my children. They could sure use it. Bring several cards to show the sclmol officials we appreciate the great piece of work they are doing under the present set-up, if you will please. Say, Santa, look around and see if you can't find some old price lists lying over in the corner. My merchants could sure use them. Remember the old ones that used to have butter for 37 cents a • pound, bib overalls 98 cents a pir new Fords for $495 F.O.B.? Those were the days, weren't'they "ChriS" ? , " I warned you when I started that my list is long and muddled. I suppose if my weekly paper gets a hold of tlis they will have to print it, though. Might be a good idea if they did, Santa. IF I DIDN'T give my people a little dig here and a ribbing there, and a pat on the back now and then, I wouldn't be half the ize I am. If helps to get them all working together. They will have to work hard and plan together to keep up with my growth, and I haven't shown them anything yet. Wait and see. This is getting to be a long let- ter to you, Santa, and I'm getting to be awfully tired. I've had an- over there are a mother and father trying to decide who should get the last Christmas card. They are wondering how they could forget to send cards to so many of'their ACROSS FROM BUS DEPOT friends as each new mail delivery 315 SO. Firat Phone '806 comes in. JOHN M. AXELSON Yes, Santa, my people are cele- brating the holiday season here ,,. _ ........ other busy day. I can see I have l is now bringing a few homes with the lights still I on, and a few Mothers and Fathers I to y0U, dre wrapping their gifts for Jun-I ior and Sis. ] OOPS, there's a couple w]o are I peeldng into some of the-gifts] they got through the mail; an | HOMES, INC. +, • NOW HAVE HOMES FOR SALE I II ii I N()TICE FOR I'IIBIACATION ISOLATED 'r ltA(?T l'ublic Land Sale UNITED STATES DEI*ARTMENT O]P ]NTEItIOR Burean ,of Land ,Managomeat l)itr|ct Land Office, 81)okane, Wnshlngton, December 18, 1947. NOTICE is hereby given that under provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28..1934 (48 Slat., 1274), and pur- suant to the application of John W. Moran, Shelton. Waahington. Serial No• 019452, tllere will be offered, to the highest bidder. 1)at at not less than $2.00 per acre. at a public sale to bo held at 10 o'clock a.m.. t)n the 26th day of February, next, at this of flee. the following tract of land: SW(tNE(, See. 26. T. 21 N., t{. 3 W., W. M. The land will be sold with o reser- vation €,1' all fiasionaMe ma,erials, and subject to t}l+ condlti,ms and limLta- tions of tbt act of August 1. 1946 t60 Stat.. 755). Bids may be ntadc'by the principal or his agent, either personally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixes for Lhe sale, TImse bids must be aceompanhd by certi- fied checkJ or post-offk:e money or- ders for the ainotlnts of the bids :w.d l/ItlSt be en(.loed in sealed onve]opes. Tho envPiopes lnust be Ll+lat'i,{<+d }11 the lower IPft-halld ('( iI'neI' sllbstaniia|| v rJs follows: "Iublte sale hid. Serial No. 019452. Sale. February 26: 19,18." The person ttaking the hi (hest bid will be required t.n pay lmmdiately the amount thereof, Any .persons claiming adversely lhe above-described land are advised to fil their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. An.',' person entitled to claim a pref- enee right tinder th(, l'irt provis(, t<) said sect|on 14 as aE ()Whet of (.'on- ttguous land must asserl his ('lairn within 30 days from the date of pub- lie hi'feting and conditional sale to tle ht:hest-hlddev and at the -xpira + tion of said preference right pwtod, if no such right has been asseL'hd, the highest bidder will be deeJared 1he purchas0r of the land. "HARRY N. CHILI). Acting Vhfnag'er, Di',+rh't 1411,1(I Office. 12-25--1-1-8-15-22-5' IN SHELTON To Cxv]llans and Veterans Representative here Tuesday through Thursday AT 1305 ELLINOR Even!ng$ Call Shelton Hotel Shelton-Bell Abstract & Title Co.,Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Bldg) Phone 65 Charles . Lewi.';. President Blanch B. t;ell. Vice-President C. Nohm Mason, Secretary-Tre:tSurer CLAR'MEL INN  Mile South of Hoodsport Until further notice we will be open only• for reservations of parties of ten or more. PItONE HOODSPORT 21-J-1 WITH PEACE ANO PROSPERITY, WE SHOULD ALL BE HAPPIER' THAN EVER THIS YEAR. DURING THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, LET'S TRY TO FORGET OUR CARES. FOR OUR PAR7, WE WANT TO ADD OUR FELICITATIC)NS TO THE MANY OTHERS YOU ARE RECEIVING, BY WISHING YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMASTHE Happiest Christmas Ever! We Wish You All The Very Best of Everything! - MELL CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET PARTS DISTRIBUTOR Parts Wholesale and Retail Parts Department Open 8 a.m. to 6 p,m. First and Grove - Phone 777 or 778