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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8 iii [ ii i ii i[i ii iiiii iii I ii . i i i i I I IIIII I IIII I I I III I I I I I Im&L'L 00'ou-00;4oum,400" 00AvEI J I :ATEN $O b4UCH STRENGTH I WE HAVE YOUR • i ;IVING IGE-CREAIv% FOA / ]l BINN$ j FA V O R ITE | BIJ  THEN YOU WOULDNI"  * A .T ill 1) I I 1=.41 HAVE THR.OWN' i 11 JL .'1 V U .=, I [.,4( -zI,="(OUSELF 0 FAI:P.. '. I li   WHEN YOUR ; TO TOP OFF I 00THUMe STOC00 II' ,% >mlt clln00+r11=Jll00,ILl00l , , II I I I I I I Ill MAYWE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY To Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern and Frankle Miller Stan Parker TALLYHO! Due to a shortage oi reindeer t] season we send you our C]ristmc= Greetinqs in this conventional way[ In this season of qfft-qivinq may we say that your fziendship is our choicest q//t, and we appreciale it beyond words to express. May your Christmas be a merry one, indeed! Markham's Variety Store Frank Markham ..... I . • tl_ II IL JUST A FRIENDLY WAY OF EXPRESSING TO YOU OUR+MOST SINCERE GOOD WISHES FOR A HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND THATIT MAY BE AN ESPECIALLY JOYOUS ONE FOR YOU. J t MAC'S CORNER "Chris" Curtis ................................. II I + WASHINGTON, D C.--These three veterans of tle Army, Navy, and Marine Corps got together to celebrate a new victory. Senators Harry P. Cain (R-Wash.), left, and Joseph McCarthy (R-Wise), right, congratulate Edward E. Mansur, Jr., Jeffer- son City, Missouri, upon his winning the appoint- Spirit of Thanks IContinued From Page One) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Robbins, who spent the holiday with Mr. Robbins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M Robbins in Se- attle. GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bacon at their home on Christmas Eve were Mrs. Bacon's sisters, Mrs. Pauline Payne Harris, her son, lichard, and Miss Flo Payne of Clarkston, On Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Bacon, with their daughter, Ter- ry, journeyed to Seattle where they visited with Mr. Bacon's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bacon, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ktnsey were "at home" to their many Shelton friends on Clristmas Day when they entertained at an egg nog ANOTItER open house was held Christmas Day at the festively decorated home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Onstad and their two young sons, Skipper and Joel, welcomed to their home on Christmas Day Mrs. Onstad's par. ents and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Schwalen of Tacoma, Miss Jul. ie and Jo Ann Schwalen of San Franeisco and Mr. Onstad's moth- er and brother. Mrs. A. H. On- stad and Preston, also of Tacoma. Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Parrett joined Mrs. Parrett's sister and family, Mrs. L16yd Raymond of Seattle, for the holidays. A SPECIAL little Christmas tree was decorated by Mr. and Mrs. Purl Jemison for their lit- tle granddaughter, Mary Jean Hoagland. who with her par0nts, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoagland, of Stetson's Resort, joined the Jem- ison's for Christmas dinner. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quarnstrom on Christmas :Day were Mrs, Quar!strom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L Phillipg of With all the joys of the season to you! GOOD HEALTH, GOOD CHEER,' end MERRY CHRISTMAS MUNRO'S SHOE STORE AI Munro SHELTON-IASON COUNTY JOURNAL I :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iiiiiii;i!i!iilil ment as reading clerk of the Senate over forty rivals competing for the $10,000 post. On compar- ing notes the three found each served in a differ- ent branch of the service--.Cain in the Army, Man- sure in the Navy, and McCarthy in the Marine Corps. Mansur is a 30-year-old attorney sDonsored by Sen. James Kern, Missouri. Centralia, and her brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dilford Phillips with their son, Monty, all of Portland, Ore. On Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Peter Merrill with their two children, Melinda and Peter, of Bremerton were guests at the home of Mrs. Merrill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Travis in Shelton. FRIDAY WILl, be "open house" house at the Travis home when relatives from Seattle, Bremerton and DuPont will call for a holiday visit. Santa Claus arrived Christmas Eve for th'e two children of Mr. and Mrs. Art Walton, Penny and Todd, so the youngsters were, as l anticipated, unusually early ris- ers the next day. Needless to say, Christmas at the Walton home was a joyous occasion. Returning to the family home for the holiday were two daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wheat- ley along with their families. They were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. henry and their daughter, Barbara Jean, of San Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. J C. Shepherd of Bellevue. MISS ELIZABETil Bingham of Renan, Montana, ws the guest o£ her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Witsiers during the holidays. On Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. Witsiers entertained a few friends at a small informal party. Mrs. R. H. Allen left Wednes- day for Seattle where she will visit her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Oswald and sons, owr the holidays. Mrs. Grace Hall and son. Reroy, left Wednesday for Gresham, Ore- gon where they will visit Mrs. /-/ali's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Peregoy. They plan to be gone about three days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lewis will have as guests Christmas their son and daughter-in-law, :Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Lewis and daugh- tel', Charleen of Seattle. Other Seattle guests will be Mrs. Lewis' brother and his wife. Judge and Mrs. John A. Frater. Santa arrived on time for Lyn and Coco Lovell bnt tleir parenhL Mr. and Mrs Ed Lovell, delayed their celebration until the week- end when Mr. and Mrs. Grisdale Crosby of Vancouver. Wash., Mrs. Lovell's brother and sister-in-law, will arrive in Shelton. Among the stay-at-homes on Christmas (tay were Mr. and Mrs. George Hermes, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale and their sm, ,'ornlltAl. and Mr. and Mrs. Vern- on Davidson. Mrs. J. E. Jones was hostess at her home at Grapeview to Mr. and Mrs. Orle Gonter of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Marquis, and their daughter, Jerry Lyn, Shirley Jones, Laurice Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gosser and their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rudd of Seattle and Mrs. Jones' sons, Keith and Alfred. Spending the holidays with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Callahan, at their home in Alameda Calif., were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hutchinson of Shelton. The Hntchinsons will return imme after the holidays. The D, V, Remsberg home was tle scene of a family gathering Christmas Day with the Rems- berg children, Judy, Bar/-y and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Remsberg, Mrs. E. C. Remsbcrg and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rcmsbcrg present. Leaving SeattIe Christmas Day to fly to Santa Barbara was Otto hump who visited his daxg'hter and family. He plans to return around January 5, KETURNS I"IOM BOSTON Miss Dorothy PoweI's, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Powers returned home last week and will again make her lmme in. Shelton Miss Powers, formerly of Shel- ton, has been in Boston for the past two years. +NEW YEARS EVE DANCE Wednesday, December 31 IAY WALKER and His Band The brmd that plays because they like to MIXED DANCINGMUSIC FOR EVERYBODY Family Dinner Honors Birthday A[r. and Mrs. Claude Rhodes were host and hostess for a three- birthday celebration last Sund'ty at the Rhodes home. A dinner was served in honor of Pat Rhodes, home from Virgin- ia Mason hospital where she is in nurses training; Mrs. Edna Nash of Aberdeen and Mrs. Emery Stephens from Shatters Olympic Catnp. Those attending tlie family par- ty were Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Nash, Mr, Elton West of Aberdeen and the Rhodes' and their daughter. Pat. .............................. 73rd Birthday Honored Friday Mrs. Mary Way of Arcadia Road was pleasantly surprised last Friday when a number of ladies from Capitol ttill dropped in t,) help celebrate her 73rd birthday. The ladies presented her with a large birthday cake and a service or" glass crystal. Later in,the evenin coffee and cake was served by Mrs. Archer and aH wished Mrs. Wuy many happy returns of the day. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY 9:30 to 2 -- Refreshments and Sandwiches Donations (Continued From Pagn One) ingto,, t)regon, Idaho and Mon- [:11{1, THE SHIP is expected to make calls at Tacoma and Portland be- fore leaving on the long journey to its ultimaLc objective m Europe. Distribution of the food and clothing will be in the hands of organized international relief ag- encies and church groups, fore- most in the effort being the So- ciety of Friends who have been so active in foreign relief. The ship and its assistance to foreign sufferers has no connec- tion with any governmental agen- cy nor is it a part of the Mar- shall plan. It is promised that the food will go direct to those who are most in need and is the North- west's effort to parallel the idea of the Friendship Train. S H E LTO N'S contribution ls con- sidered by Chamber of Commerce officials as most surprising and satisfactory because of the lack of time that was thought necessary. to properly organize the fund rais- ing groups. Chairman George Andrews, nam- ed to head the drive by President Roy Ritner expressed his apprecia- tioi to businessmen and others who were a part of the relief help and he also wished to thank his committee workers for the splen- did results of their efforts. Thursday, December 25, DUCK HL00TE00S A Immediate delivery on Duck Boats. be carried on top of cars. KIMBEL MOTORS PHONE 601 707 SOUTH FIRST I Can ¸ HOLIDAY Season merriment cZint to every hearth and this joviality we add our personal wishes ]or alb time Christmas happi. hess and a Happy New Year. From Heinie Hilderman's CHATTERBOX CAFE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 2 SEPARATE BUT ALLIED FIRMS UNDER ONE ROOF QUALITY ELECTRIC WIRING Guaranteed Material --and-- Workmanship --C. P. Eliot WE HAVE IT---OR .WILL ,GET IT FOR YOU LAST MINUTE CLEARANCE I don't want to hold this good Christmas Merchandise for next year so I am offering XMAS TREE LIGHTS AT COST Registered Electrical Engineer Title Insurance Building, Shelton Perfectly good merchandise useful to you the rest of • the Xmas Season and for years to come. ELECTRICITY IS YOUR CHEAPEST FUE COMPLETE INFORMATION ON ELECTRIC HEATING FixtUres- Appliances -- Supplies --E. A. Cart Quality Phone 645 WAGES. TAXES. MARKETS. BUSINESS (00hri00tma00 Greetiug00 Best Wishes to the communities of the Shel- ton Working Circle from employees associ- ated with the Simpson Logging Company at: The McCleary Division Olympic Plywood Plant Reed Mill One Reed Mill Two Woodfiber Division Grisdale Forest Community Shelton and Seattle Offices loom, Shops, Railroad and Joint Power SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY SHELT.ON AND McCLEAR¥+ WASHINGTO N lay, December 25, 19 ! i