December 25, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 25, 1947 |
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'il : " I II III I I . . J III
.... ............... " ....... ........ ...... ' '"" ........... " " Canal. u"'oma='s T
SHELTON-MAS0N COUNTY JOINAL ,T}Uraday, Deceniber 25rsday, December 25,
. i ._.__ i i i, ii I i III, i i| i i i il , _ [ ..... i ,111
Tennis and Badminton
0000F.TS R00STRt00G
Prbvides Equal Tautness- Perfect Stringing
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. , r-
I j, L I L II j.
ooc,a= r=vents SEASON S GREET IN
Illlllll I I , .,
Christmas Party Fence 00IIII00l S E t
%7o0000erfo]i%/::g <by Sh,r,ey Tho'r.) I Meeting Relates Holds Yule Party
nlorning business session. ' .,,.Vvv,V.T.,,vT,v,.
Red ornaments on pine boughs 'Tis the day of Christmas and
and tree-shaped lights decorated all thrbugh the houses,
the table where Mrs. J. R. DeBard, Ewn'yone is stirring, especially
president, presided. The Yuletide the" mouses.
atmosphere was furthered also by The wrappings are sirewn
a smartly-dressed Christmas tree
with a pile of gifts underneath.
Reports on the December 6
building bazaar were received with
interest and enthusiasm by the
members, who expect to add to
the proceeds with a party early
in the year to dispose of remain-
ing articles. Plans will be made
at the January meeting.
A CH.ISTMAS. donation was
voted for the Bethany Children's
Home in Elms, to be financed by
a "Bring and Buy" sale at tim next
meeting of the club.
Department chairmen made
their monthly reports. Reading
and study on vital problems and
more interest by women in work-
ing to prevent war were urged
both L by Mrs. Frank Robinson,
legislative chairman, and Mrs.
Warren Lincoln, international re-
'round with not much care
And the stocking pulled down
to see what WAS there.
Santa and Mrs. sit hack--high
above--and watch all their
children with "lotions of
• They see bright lighted trees
and children, So exerted, so let's
watch with th*em and see what's
happening it/ Shelton . •
;!: $ *
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jest and
younger daughter, "Bubbles," wel-
comed their daughter, Nora, home
from Washington State College.
Another tmmecoming daughter
and son-in-law is Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Delcambre of San Antonio,
Texas. Tley will spend about
eight days here with Mrs. Delcam-
bre's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
lations chairnmn. Their depart-
POI *151;.| ments will be in charge of the The G. C. Ryan family, includ-
m two be s Dawd aud Pat, will ]
program for January. " g Y• ' . , " . at'on of the fine work she has
81 s end t°da with Mt Ryans par ne
A repd oh the' D¢ceaber m'eet, P. - ' y - - "- ' - " : do for the organization the past
ezlts aar and Mrs pavia r.yan, var n if€ vA=id=.+
w *+ ing of tl DiStrict Health and ' ' "" - An '' ...... r ..........
at their new country nome, "i "'r E'" "
Welfare o*flncll to Whl5l Dlstrift " " ':" " o, a s .ne Sherwood was aP-
........ "'= "£-e I P lea cnairman ot the n0w eom-
Federatfl cllb s6hd,delegatoa, other son" and his zgmily wtl sis -gin"- " ' " .... "
" :-•' ' ; * -"--n I mlttee oz aUSlC in schools and
was made by Mrs. J. R. DeBard', oe tnere, utr anu 2ar ,uau ...... - •
rtyan ana meir Iour cnuure ..
7 district public welfare chairman, " "h re "1 woneges
Santa was very ousy e "'r-" ' ....
who heads the Council. . ..... :• • , vt n'a uoson, program
A real amity get-togetner s - •
THE DELEGATES are inter ........ gin on at tne home ot vzs" i cnairman. . . or the. evening,, pre-
ested, she said, in making a sur- g g ........ x " sentea a program in keeping with
Cora Hepner 'mere s t • anu m's the true
vey of the social services avail- ' " • " " -/ --'i e . Lmristmas spirit
grin -az'Ks ana uaugnter, A c " " i "
able in this area, such as was ........ A cno'us o e ght women under
home trom conege, .lr, aim -rv[rs. I fhta divaoflnn af "lr¢ ]:)al't-
made for the Community Chest ............. ert ................... ' v"
Roy eetor, mr ana mrs uu ened th ............ " '
• ...-' .. e program with 'Lets
0 00ANY F I' E N D ies.planning in Seattle and other cit- andKimbelMrsandttarotathreeL:naseCnnaren'ana tm"wo] Have an Old ".. . .'asni°n Christmas.:'
" . .. " .... , wz's orvotct gave th back-
T They have been asked also to children, MI ana zs At too- ound hmtoz '
cooperate in cancer education and ' " • • "" " .... tx¢l I g' " 'y of beloved carols
win and two cnitaren, all OI - The choru membez
financing campaign• The Coun- s 's, wearing red
cil holdts its next meeting Friday, =" ..... .^- =+ ..... her I and green hoods sang. from the
vtr, ana mrs. u,,, ...... v-,. stairway with lighted candles,
January 9, in Shelton. and two boys of Puyallup and Ed- "her i Jo " "
Hostesses were Mrs. Mabel Av ...... i r e s y vtrs Marguerite
win Hepner nome trom scnool m - . : •
ey, Mrs. Ernest Worl, Mrs. Jack Los Angetes' " antl" a zrleno, .... joe 'erweraa. quoted scripture, from
..11 Cf ; Warner and Mrs. G. E. Yoeom, iso thee Ithe Bible in bringing" the Christ-
Botts, are a ' l
who served a buffet luncheon, - _.' -- . and I has Story to the group, begin-
ml and Mrs tlen t:nase ....
with the Christmas theme in their '" • "" " ..... re nmg witn [ne prophecy of the
children, Dick aria vattt jean, a . ., ....
colorful decorations. Following r ..... _ .. loz'a s mrtn as given in the book
spenuing a qmet tJmustmas y ......
.... " 0 and Or lsalafl
luncheon there was an exchange at thei home witl' their s n The strin tzm 1 d t m 1
. " ' of small gifts, with • Santa Claus firs Wife and' child,' Mr. and Mrs. I,,j s ' [g" "' "p aye . ovely
(Mrs. J. C. Bacon) doing the dis ...... Bill Chase ana teven uuests e.u _am°m°'. :.AS ne story pro-
tributing. - .... "-::: - A gresseu trom tne second chapter
from Seattze, wr ana ars "v ..... . •
' MRS. DOUGLAS Grout and .... " ..... " 'h o ,uKe, many oeautiful numbers
Soule, wm also speno the cay w
Mrs. Bacon were in charge of the tin voice and music were given in-
decorations and program, which " .. - e ltermtttently
Several Sheton people ar ...... ' - , .....
included the singing of Christmas ....... r ' ac¢ tewar sang 'o itue
"0, spenoingtoaayinTacoma. ..........
carols. -- .... '- ;we ' Town oi etmenem with the
and Mrs 'rancls acrett ana t ' - ......
Two numbers were contributed -: ......... cnorus summing' narmony in fle
lAi boys. oo ana l.enny, are vtslI:lng .........
by Judy Palmer, Carolyn DeBard ...... k uacgrouno Joan oper gave a
the home ot 2n.z' ana mrs Tan mot f" "" ' "
. . . AND MAY TIlE and Janet Rosquist, following . L: . . " i'h s e tectwe solo ' No Candle
G Bampton lawng over w ....... ':. ' ,,
,,/t el L/I/VV5 ,i ,€ T which assembly singing was led " • " "" "- -- lia was Tnere, me ,'ire
them was nis moaner, Mrs. :me
94/7 SPIRI OF THIS y Mrs. Archie Callahan. -- rett I Norma Davidson anr Marylyn
ac . . . ,, .
Guests included Mrs. George .............. "*r - Wal Dotson sang the beautiful Silent
AlSO there m vtv. a.u v . " Ni " " '
Robertson of Seattle and Mrs. O ....... ter JcKert oz r---viewape , Mz'. and ght. .. as a duet wth the prone
DAY LINGER ON, K. Linscott's two daughters, Mrs. --, --obez:t Bam-ton and ~irls, anu ceuo adding color. The chorus
BRINGING CHEER John Hadley and Mrs. Robert alarL and Roerta, andSMr, sm.g a. lovely .,arran.gement of
Raises. ]amptu,-- *--'. .,,,..,*'-^- ,,,rs.. Mable '±'ne l'lrst:, iNoell Wltfl uescanL.
........... The Chmstmas Story closed wth
7-.r. s Jennmgs oz x'ort,a.u, " '
A N D C O M F O R T Mrs. I'L.IU --" ...... -,,,,,- ."--"*-h'=* ,dinner. is the birth of Christ... Jack, Stewart
.... - ^- -* *- xrr,'=n Earl hoze sang the magnificent O Holy
! Mrs 00arrs sister and brother-00n-
'L.O N G A F T E R The HiHcl;est Catholic Ladies' law, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Fisk and 'rhe group of eight led in sing-
Circle held their Christmas m6et- daughters, Jean and Marie, are ing by Mrs. Dotson and supported
CHRISTMAS DAY ing Thursday, December 18, at the here from Clallam Bay. by the chorus, sang two timely
home of Mrs. Joseph Hill. And Mr. and Mrs. E arl's rounds, "Ave Maria," and "Bless
The Hill home was artistically son and family, Mr. and Mrs. War- All Friends Here." The chorus is
ITSELF IS GONE. decorated with holly, pine cones, ten Earl, Jr., and daughter and composed of Joan Soper and Mes-
and the traditional tree for the husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert dames Packard, Horton, Steinberg,
occasion. Tembreull and Bill Besch, are also Sherwood, Dotson, Hermes and
A 1 p.m. pot luck luncheon was seated at the table. Norvold. The members of the
MT rVldM?s yUBII __j served to the 16 members present heldAn°ther familYis at the lmmedinner being string trio are Mesdames Win-
. at the beginning of the party, of Mr. and iecki, piano, Bampton, violin, and
Gifts were exchanged and ac- Mrs. Jack Miller. Mrs. Miller's Ashford cello.
tivities of the club discussed, son, Jack Kalinosld has a friend
.... oy en The next regular meeting will visiting for the hqlidayfl from Ca- (1 ..... J g-___l_ l
' 1 •
be held at the home of :lfrs. A. F. go'hid Grant Howdrd i-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-ii_lll.u.urmooeolc
• . , ,. Boylan. Several Seattle guests are pr s-
.... enL among them Mrs. Miller's 2-xU2klllttl Formed
br0ther, . csptain I. H. Johnson, Th Evergreen Orthopedic Aux-
also of Seattle.
Yule Birth Story
The Shelton Music Study Club
enjoyed a memorable evening
Wednesday, December 17, at the
imme of Mrs. Nena Roberts.
A social hour followed. Mrs•
Roberts was assisted b'y Mrs. Grace
Olstead and Mr:,. Caroline Lentz.
The rooms were made .festive
with artistic Christmas decora-
tions that adorned the house
The business meeting opened
xv.ith the reading.of the Club's
Collect, Mrs. Lillian Norvold, pres-
ident, presiding. It was the con-
sent of the club to affiliate with
the Washington State Federation
of Music Clubs this year, as has
been done in tim past.
The club moved to organize a
Junior Music Club in Shelton',
naming Mrs. Opal Packard, coun-
teller and Mrs. Alice Palmer, ad-
visor. In behalf of the club, the
president presented Mrs. Roberts
with a Past President's Pin and
a year's membership in the Past
Presidents Assembly, in appreci-
Cranberry Sauce 69¢
Ocean Spray .................... 3 CANS
Ripe 01iv#s €
Large ................ ...................................
Large Navele .................... 10.LBS.
CocktailSauce CAN 19=
Pineapple Juice
35 €
No. 2 Cans ................ 2 FOR
Tomato Juice
No, 2 Cans ................ 2 FOR
NO, 2z Cana ............................
Christmas Delicacies
PINEAPPLE --- Fruit Cake
Freshly Droad ........................ LB.
Freah Beef ................................ LB,
UVER 39 =
Freah ............................................ LB.
Shoulder of Veal ........................ LB.
::?'..._% .""/ ' ]'7' , ....... .... ,
Another family gathering iS
takig.vIac in Aberdeen:, Mr. ad
Mrs. FPed Collins and t;o daugh-
ters, Pearl and Patty, are enter-
taining Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Thorpe and Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Bel|inghausen, from Shelton and
Jerry Crawly. Seattle relatiyes
also' tten'ding are Mr. and Mrs.
E. . McIntyre Mr. an'd M;s. Pat-
rick Fitzgerald and Bill Collins.
, Once again the R0beTts resi.-
dense Will reverberate Wth Christ-
mas cheer as Mrs. Nena Roberts'
fmlies and their childre con-
gregate in the hdme on Fou'rth'
Street duding the holidays,
Th6te will be ir. anc :Mrs. Ed-
ward S. Mot,oh and Children, Jan,
Edward and Chauncey from El-
ma, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rob-
errs and daughters, Terry Lu and
Gerry Ann, of Bremerton,
Also there will be Mx. and Mrs
Theodore B. Mouson and children,
Billie, Patty Jo and Teddy, of Se-
attle; Mr. and Mrs. P.almer Rob-
erts and son, Richard; and Mrs.
Irvin Palmer for Christmas sup-
per and the tree to follow.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Robert
and Richard will spend Christmas
Eve in Kirkland with Mr. and
MrS. O. E. LaBarr, returning to
Shelton Christmas Day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Phillips
] traveled o Hood Riv¢, Ore,
I| where £hey spent Christmas week
lwttl lr. philltIs' prehts and
I/!atlyes Mr. a/d Mrs. G W,
I r IilIips.
Hospital Housekeeping ,
Staff Enjoys Annual '
The annual Christmas party of
the housekeeping department of
the Shelton General Hospital was
held Friday evening at the home
of Mrs. Nena Roberts.
"The Song of Christmas" Jr.
ranged by Roy Ringwald for Fred
Waring and hts Pennsylvanians
was played and enjoyed.
• The rerainder of the evening
was spent playing games and sing-
ing Christmas carols.
A late buffet supper was served
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrier,
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Johnson. Mr.
and Mrs. William Robertson, Mr.
and iIrs. R. Bell, Miss Ruth Mast,
Miss Frances Dowell, Mrs. Pearl
Arneson, Mrs. Beatrice Grout,
Mrs..]tna Preston and the hostess.
The Hood Canal Garden Club
will hold its next meeting at the
home of Vera Linscott at Lake
Cushman January 8.
The meeting will begin with a
12 noon potluck luncheon•
i]iary .organized at the home of
Mrs Peter Zopolis Thursday eve-
ning, Decenber 18.
Officers for the coming year are
Mrs. Peter Zopolts, president and
Mrs. Lloyd Van Blaricom, secre-
Meetings will be held the first
Thursday of each month except
for the first meeting which Will
be at the home of Mrs. Walter
ElUgtt, Jr,,. Jnuary 8, .
.Mmbers of the Auxiliary in-
clude Mesdames Joe Alexander
Clsre¢e Anderson, Dean, Balkema,
Ben Briggs, wa'Ite Elli0tt.. Jr:,
Louis Keyser, Logan Mitchell, Ed
Muller, Everett Recma, Robert
Tabke, LbU]S Tylezak, Z0olis arid
Lv. Lv.
Seattle Bremerton
1:10 a.m. 12:55 a.m.
*5:45 5:55
6:15 *7:00
7t1 7:30
8:10 8:30
9:00 9:25
10:00 10:15
i0:40 11:15
11:30 11:55
12:45 p.m
12:30 p.m.
1:05 1:45
2:00 2:20
3:30 4:15
4:30 4:55
5:30 6:15
7:00 7:30
8:00 8:15
9:00 9:15
10:30 10:15
11:45 11:45
".*Daily except Sundays and
At Diesen Home
Mrs. Charles Die:en entertained
the Eldon Ladies Club at their an-
nual Christmas party Friday af-
ternoon at her home on the Ham-
ma Hamma river.
Dinner was served at 1 p.m.
after which Christmas gifts were
exchanged around a beautifully
decorated tree.
The dinner tables were prettily
decorated with Christnms favors
and red candles. Holly and ever-
greens were used throughout the
rooms adding to the Yuletide at-
Those attending the party were
Mesdames Stella Morken, l'rances
Evans, Julie McKasson, Ollie Dan-
do, Kate Ahl, Allie Ahl, Addle
Schaufler and daughter, Roberta;
Eleanor Pierce and daughter, Jan-
ice; June Hoard and children,
Kathryne and Ralph; Doris Case
and children, Nancy and Larry;
Ann Webb, Viola Bayers, Minnie
Sauers, Mrs. Dick and the hostess,
Millie Diesen.
Mrs• Doris Case asked the group
to meet at her home January 9.
Baptist Ladies
P tyS
ar uccess
The ladies of the Baptist Church
held their annual Christmas par-
ty last Thursday.
A 1:30 dessert luncheon was
served at the tables decorated in
a Christmas motif. Mrs. Edith
Dunning had charge of the hmch-
con committee.
The rooms were gayly decorated
with native greens and poinsettas.
Decorations for the hall and tree
were under the direction of Mrs.
Martha Hawley.
Mrs. Blanche B. Bell gave a
reading of the Christmas Story,
after which an exchange of gifts
was made anmng the 40 guests.
Visitors for Havens
Visitors at the home of Chief
of Police Claud Havens and Mrs.
Havens during the Christmas hol-
idays will be Mr. and Mrs. D. E.
Stevenson, of Grand Junction,
The Stevensons will arrive in
Olympia Monday and stay until
Iriday, dividing their time be-
tween the home of the Havens' in
Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Hibberd, Jr., of Olympia, daughter
and son-in-law of the Havens'.
Mrs. Havens reports that their
chief interest in visiting here will
bc the Hibberds three-year-old
son, Scott, whom both the Havens
and the Stevensons think is a
"great" great-nephew.
Isabella, ClUb Holds
Annual Christmas Party
2he Lake Isabella Club met for
its annual Christmas party at the
home of Esther Baise December-
Gifts were exchanged among the
14 members and three children
A potluck hmcheon was serveu
and the next meeting planned for
January 14.
they really get results.
The ,Savage Family
Helen -- Leona -- Charles -- Keith
May the New Year
Secure World Peace, Prosperity
and Happiness for all
• .. the £amily gathered
around the heavily-laden
table.., turkey and dress-
ing, mince and pumpkin
pies.., the Christmas tree
with its tinsel . . . the toys
beneath... May you enj oy
these deep sweet pleasurea
tlis Christmas o£ 1947.
The Board of County Commissioners
HERB DICKINSON, Chairman, District No. 2
LYLE O'DELL, District 1 -- ROY CARR, District 3
0d luok to you--and m
, Job easier for yourself
:ing us take care of t
of your
in Washh
221 S. 2nd Phone 66