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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page :12 $IOJJf.P d,S,@ IPo|||ro IMF |r LA &ALL& IISJEYArO$.*HA@A. CALlfOIIIN |iil|ii A.00I00RI00Y. Ci'i RIST00 WE KNOW OF NO BETTER TIME THAN CHRISTMAS TO GIVE RECOGNITION TO OUR MANY FRIENDS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED SO GREATLY TO OUR SUCCESS DURING THE PAST YEAR. rA MERRY OHR|STMAS AND iiii lu, i i iiiii iii iiii ii1 SiELToN'-MAsoN' 00UNTY JOURNM ..................... i . [ r| I I I Iii I '1 I I I I " illl THE OLDT00,ER RECALLS Recollections from 50 Years Ago By Lafe Redafe Wal, here it is nigh Christmas time, an I ain't got my rrlas shopping done yit. I bin so bizzy readin' up on some o' them old ,/ournals I got layin' around here, I just ain't had time fer nothin'. (Cilrlstmas tree in America: Thet Yessir, thet wuz shore an wuz the first year they wuz m interestin' old paper Grant C. New Amsterdam. The tree as a emblem o' Christ- Angle 'useta put out round here. Fer the Xmas issue back in '97, he had a special supple-ment with a huge big picture (; Father Christmas on the front. Yep, nowadays, they don't even know who Father Christmas in. They all calls him Santa. Claus 'round here, but I recall readin' that they still calls the same die feller Father Christmas back in the Ohl Country, that is England. IVAL, I recall readin' in this special supple-ment o' ole Grant C.'s thet the xmas tree is a insti- tution more than 30 centuries old. Thet's a long time fer a xmas l tree to keep. Seems the idee o' the tree fer Christmas begun back in the old times with the DruidiCal religion. The Druid religion WuZ a com- bination o' worship o' natul'e, sun an' fire. The Tree wuz wershilped as part o' nature, all' eventually led to our Olrlstmas tree when Chris- tianity wuz adopted bY the civil- izexl countries, '(R)rdin' to the Joumml. TIlE TREE itself has changed, but the decorations which s used today in every home is almost directly traced back to the ancient religions. The glass globes and colored balls we use now.-adays wuz orig'inally used to represent the sun an' the moon. The e-lectrie lights which now take the place o' tim older candles is also traced back to the old re- ligions when the torch and "fire wuz important in their ceremon- ies, 'cordiW to this story. The linked paper chains we have the kids make every year wuz or- iginally used as so many emblems n' eternity. TIlE OLD yule log, too, which wuz nsed for so many years in A HAPPY NEW YEAR and also ta this'country, an' is still to be found in some plabes o' the worM, originated in the ancient Germ'hnic tribal cere- n Furnitu.00 01se Bits o' the ashes wuz used fer , 14Dr' special incantations, an"p/eces O' cMtrcoal is still treasured by Y9ung boys as possessln' special powers o' a supernatural nature. The exact date o' Christmas Company. "Fine Furniture for ihe Home'" 328 Cots Phone 102 which we celebrate now-adays is also a resnlt o' ancient celebra- tions o' Saturnalia, or sun wor- ship, which begun in Italy. BY BEIN' persuasive, the early priests and preachers o' Christi- anity wuz able to change the an- nual celebration to become in hoi]- or o' Christ instead o' the Sun's return every year. Before that time, His birthday wuz celebrated anywhere from December ] to January 15, and mas didn't get; to become popular with the Puritans until after 1800. They associated it with the Papal church, an' they didn't want noth- in' to remind them o' that. Later. though, they got the Christmas spirit, mid now prac- tically everyone in the country uses evergreen trees to celebrate Christmas. Even down south, where they can't always grow their own. Times shore hain't changed much when it comes to Christ- mas, I reekin Former Teacher Dies in Seattle A former teacher .in the Shel- ton public schools, Mrs. He,ward Hunter, trie former Edith Hart- zell died at Swedish hospital in Seattle November 29 after an ill- ness of .qeveral months, it was re- ported hy Mary :M. P'ofitt of Olymp!a last week. Mrs. HunteY wis a teacher in the third grade at the .Bordeaux school for tWO years.and was very active in Girl Scout work here. FROM SHELDON she went to Thurston county where she be- came deputy superintendent of schools and treasurer of the Wash- ington Education Association. .She was born ih, Langdon, N. Dak., April'26, 1920 and went to public sdhool in Monroe, Wash., and to Central Washington Col- lege of Educafidn in Ellenslurg. She is survived by tmr husband, Howard Hunter, Olympia,. her parents, :Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hart- ze11, Monroe three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Lars0n and Mrs. Doro- thy Countryman, Seattle, and Mrs. Violet Countryman , Berkeley, Calif.. and two brothers, Ivan Hartzcll, Oakland, Calif., and Nor- man Hartzell, Monroe. The funeral service was held December 3, fn Monroe. Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour and 55 minutes eanlier) SHELTON TILDES ThurSday, Deee'mber 25 High ........ 5:t2 a.m. 13.6 ft. Low .......... 10:25 a.m. 7.6 ft. High ........ 3:24 p.m. 14:4 ft. Low .......... 10:58 p.m. -1, ft. .Friday, December 26 High ........ 6:30 a.m. /4.6 ft. Low .......... 11:2:[ a.m. 8.0 ft. High ........ 4.:05 p.m. 14.5 ft. ] Low ......... 11.:40 p.m. -2.7 ft. ] Saturday, December 27 High ........ 7::7 a.m. 15.3 ft. Low .... .....12:15 p.m. 8.2 ft. High ........ 4:48 p.m. 14.6 ft. uillill I'1 ¸ II III1"1 III i I I I " '" Hoodsport Kids Present Pageant At Canal School UnuSual en'tertainment wa of- fered at Hoodsport school last Fri- (lqy evening wllen a Christmas pageant and cantata was pre- sented for the entertainment of friends and parents by the school children. Original dialogue, writ- ten by Principal Sparks. wan com- bined with Bible quotations to form the story of the play as nar- rated by Carolyn DeBard at the microphone. Twenty-seven students formed the choir which was seated in three rows, each child clad in a white robe. They sang Christ- mas music accompanied by Mrs. Helen Cook at the piano, for the background of the pageant de- picting the Christmas story. Members of the pageant were: wise men, Bill McKasson. Wallie Smith and Eddie Burling. Shep- herds, Eugene Sweeney, James Sweeney, LOuis Day and Dale Os- terholm. Angels, Patsy Seymour and Jeanne Pkercc. Mary was en- acted by Lois Robbins and Joseph by Russel Simpson. Assisting as stage hands were Arden Pierce and enneth Neagle. Intermission numbers were fur- nished by Hoodsport pre-scho01 pupils who sang songs led by Mrs. Merle Smith to piano music by Mrs. Helen Bowles, and a com- bination of first and second grade ,pup.tls who. formed a rliythm band un(ter the direction of their teach- er, Mrs. Lee Wiggs, :Mrs. Cook at the pianO. Special numbers were presented by Jim Radtke who played "Silent Night," and "Brahms Lullaby," on his musical saw, and a girls trio consisting of Judy Palmer, Janet Rostquist, and Carolyn De- Bard who sang, "White Christ- mas,' were encored. Hoodsport pupils are receiving unusually fine dramatic instruc- tion this year due to monthly gen- eral assembly Programs when one room each month is responsible for the stage presentations. In this way every student in school re- ceives special training. A lighted Christmas tree formed a background following the pro- gram when Santa Claus passed out sacks of Christmas candies, nuts and orangvs which were gen- erously donated by citizens of the community.and business houses. Special thanks to large contrib- utors should go to Wally Hanson, who gave a box of candy weigh- ing over 30 pound's, Steve I4ale who gave orangesp Fred Paine who gave nuts, Archie Calahan, Cal Wilson and other merchants who gave sizeable cash donations. Hoodsport PTA ladies who col- lected donations under the chair- manship of Mrs. Alice McClana- hen, also deserve thanks as well as the sacking committee, :Mrs. Alice :McClanahan, Mrs. Mtllie Deschamps, :Mrs. EIeanor Addle- man, Mrs. Helen Kirk, Mrs. Wil- liam Gilbert, Mrs. Sid Jarvis and Mrs. Jack :Manley. tmporan rooa In hospitals milk is an important toed and is also used in pharmaceu. licals. Cloquallum Th0 Cloqnallum G)'ange will have their Christmas party for their members and also anyone of the community who wishes to attend lu'e welco/nc to come lllt] bring their friends. All Grangers tre invited to be there. There will be a program and treals for the children. Mrs. Zell0 Makoviney was called back East to see her nlother who was ill. She has since returned af- tel" the recovery of her rnother u) the exten timt she could leave. I Mr. and Mrs. Bethworth are ex- pected to return home soon as the fishing' season is over'. There were only two of our members who were to be installed that were not present at the in- stallation at Shelton Valley last Sunday. The work was well car- ried on by the installing officers • ] of a visiting grange. The hall was very effectively decorated in the l seasonal manner with holly and evergreen and red Christmas bells. And last but not least, those who did not attend missed a wonderful dinner. Those attending the Cloqual- lure Christmas party are requested to bring doughnuts as there will be doughnuts and coffee served for refreshments. 5P'V V W" qlP'V V VV"WI"V I'p,V - --'V 'qP Dewatto @ qP"vvV'v'qrvv _ -vvvvvB'w Anne King spent several days in Tacoma with her mother last week and accompanied her Christmas shopping too. Mr. Armour and son, Charles, have made several business txips to Bremerton recently, John Mat- son to Ollala, while Ward Staight acompanied Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beebe to town. It must be the Christmas spirit that takes us all to nearby shopping areas, Friends of the George Ellis fam- ily are happy to hear of the birth of their .second son, Thomas Hal'- ry, on Nov. 23. Mr. Ellis taught school a Dewatto some years ago and often returns to vacation here. He is now principal of one of the Port Angeles schools. :.! i ¸ ............................. Thursday, December 25, tNday, Deeem, ber 25, Amanda Petey Dies hi Veterans' Hospital Amanda Jane Petey, a patient at. the Washington Veterans' Hos- pital at Retail. died there Satur- (lay morning. She was born in Ontario, Canada, May 6. 1864. and had been a resident of Washington state for 5(,) years. She was the mother of Mrs. A. W. Wright and Mrs. Ray Sharpe, Sr.. of Shelton, and R. E. Smith of Syracuse, N Y.. and P. W. Smith of Portland. Oregon. She is also survived by eight grandchildren and seven great- gra ndehtldren. Mrs. Petey was a charter mem- ber' of Mad, rona Chapter, O.E.S., in tnaeortes, and a member of the Mother Church Christ Scien- tist, in Boston, Massachusetts. A Christian Science funeral ser- vice was conducted at the chapel in Retsil yesterday, with burial at theh Retsil Home cemetery. Christmas KILLER IN PELLET FORM Positively Kills lIoles. :M back guarantee. Compo from the moles natural Used successfully for 30 Fox" sale and recommended ally by red Holm Fee Auto LoanS,. O'Nell Bldg,y ton, Flowers . . POINSETTIAS SAIN PAULAS cYCLAMEN MIXED POTS CU. FLOWERS AZALEAS nd CAMELIAS COOK PLANT FARM Rt. 3, Box 265  2 miles off Olympic Hiway on C01e Road Santa's heading in • ,. ,p_  th your direction ,.. with wishes from ! us for a glorious  /T and joyous , yuletide. " .... it wasn't until 500 A. D. that our Sunday, December 28 pARAMOUNT present day wuz decided upon. In Englan', tlle Holly, or Holy Low .......... 12:24 a.m. -3.3 it. High ........ ,7:59 a.m. 15.8 it, tree is used most extensively fer LOw .......... 1:07 p,m. 8.2 it. " celebratin' Christmas, 'cordiu' to High ........ 5:36 p.m, 14,6 ft. ' .  __aT- .-..-:,=_._......:.,,.,:-a " this article in the Journal. It is Monday, December 29 , .,, i. :'(::,'-."-':;:" .-':.:. :. . ...... , .=.,.?..-- . .. .... .:'(,t, , because it stays green all year Low .......... 1:10 a.m. -3.5 ft. ":"r-'L'E''/" :'"" " "'''"'"'>'":t Vi[7"f;$''''f':':)''1:''-:''''' .,.-,v:,,,,,#':"::::;:*:" Ill T It E A T R E " l an' produces be/Ties just at the High ........ 8:43 a.m. 16.1 ft, , tf. Christmas season that they as-  X soeiate it with Christmas festivals: Low .......... 2:00 p.m, 8.0 ft. ]il!i![]i[!i! ]i[]ii ii[  HOWEVER, in, the High ........ 6:29 p.m. 14,3 ft. Tuesday, December 30 [!i traditional tree is a evergreen. Low ....... .. 1:57 a.m. -3,1 ft. []!. This tradition wuz begun back in High ........ 9127 a,m, 16.2 ft. TH [ New Amsterdam, which is now Low .......... 2:57 p.m. 7.5 ft. i!l---______ql__  -:.,¢;:. New York, when the sturdy Dutch High ......... 7:27 p.m. 13.8 ft. " ,'i 9 ' --  , " hungimmigrantSisland'presents°Wnedfer everyManhattanmember LowWednesday' December 312:45 a.m. -2.3 ft. [': I4--1r, "/] -- J The governot" an' his lady had High ........ 10:12 a.m. 16.1 ft. Low.: ........ 3:58 p.m. 6.8 ft. lfi'L,i/-,["'_'r J fl ]V -t,,,,. o' rite colony on the cedar tree High ........ 8:28 p.m. 13.1 ft. ,, ..u. which is recorded X, VUZ the first , "1 • , .... ".'¢'V SKE ON -- " - 1) l 1.  .  Santa is at the throttle and good fellowship has the right of way. Full speed ahead for the of them all! Times have changed since we started business in this com. muniity many years ago, and we have seen a great many changes. But one thing always remains the same. We continue to serve in the best possible manner the very best people it is possible to serve. We could ask fo no finer list of cua- t0mers, no better group of friends. And to all of you our entire organization wishes loads of good cheer and a gerluine old-fashioned merry Christmas! Roy J. Kimbel Enterprises KIMBEL OIL CO. KIMBEL MOTORS Distrlbutor of Richfield Oil International Trucks Products Ch'rysler and Plymouth Cars I SPECIALI.COMPLETE COVERAGE OF ROYAL WEDDING SUNDAY- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28-30 PLus -- SECOND FEATURE Wed., December ,31. 2 Features "THE AFFAIRS O1 SUSAN "THE FIGHTING FRONTIERSM& 'with ail ill FOSIER - NRICK. SHEFFI[LD end nttodMg 4 BIG DAYS PLUS DO Wednesday "Rift Raff" Starring Pat O'Brien - Walter Slezak Outlaws::': rom&ne and musio ride th range t. Moriah Lodge No. 11 F. & A. M. &TED COMMUNICATI Saturday, December 27 8p.m. W. A. Batchelbr, Secy. Wilbert Catto, W.M. Calvin PHONE 10 , PLUMBING PLUMBING E FURNISHED GL# See Us Fc MECtt00l For Your WedneSday -ThUrsdity Friday - Saturday Dee. 24-25-26-27 E FEATURE Tliui, sday, Dee. 24-25 "Along the Rio Grande" Tim Holt- Ray Whitney Ann Jeffreys - Percy Kilbride Betty Jaffe Rhodes Friday and Saturday, Dee. 26 - 27 |da Lupino ,.no C,ark "Deep Valley" B,,.t0r Wayne .Morris Henry Hall Adventure to Thrill YoU -- Love to Enthrall You BATHRC Electric RANGt00 Automati ELECTRIC MIDNITE SHOW New Years Eve ! ! FUN FOR YOUNG AND OLD Admission: Adults 50¢; Kids 25¢ (inelnding tax) Sunday- 0ndaY "The Bachelor NEE - uesday, Dec. 28-29-30, and the B0bby.Soxe00' Cary Grant- Myrna 12oy Shirley Temp/e - Rudy Valee Ray. Collins- Ha'ry Davenport headlining THIS ROMANTIC RIOT k3 IO KIMBEL LOGGING COMPANY S( GENI Savin 11 40neq was wr]tt "hot mix, D/ckens' i Enjoyme prone to t "I kno capable ot us is) tha and mak have no c at Bob Cr effect on been at 1 Negus--;