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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,m m , I • . Factory Approved - Chrysler - Plymouth - International SALES - PARTS - SERVICE "- We e Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild A Makes of Cars - Truck  Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment &apos;" In Our Service Building at "' SOUTH FIRST A.ND MILL STREET Electric Welding and Brazing PHONE 601 MOTORS i I & Pa e 14 , SHELT0.-MASON C0trN J0trRN  .... Thursday, December 25, I ad,.V, December 25 ' - .................................................. STADIUM. BELLARMINE HE,,r;E ........ FRIDAY' Wu00xlzatITw00/iFI A--y AS[ ........................... _:: i --- -PilBUCA00(:=': NEXT SHEL00ION RIVALS; POULSB0 SPILLED, 28-23 J (] 'POl 1 " I|/ ] The HO6Y)-cANA "",'. L,4 "-'" [-ewm?e for one. practice-game talcing the floor around 8:15[ The Hi hclimberswere never be [ NEWS Eift': ;q).. 'i'i:P..La'?J r') de.teat, \\;vs a;('hic, ved by the High- IN TURNING the tables on the ,.a ,, t g .... t,t RuaI¢ and An-[ V. " ( [ Umon"T,;IE NE [i]';) li:,bcr: Friday nigilt wizen they[ Vikings, who won a 42 to 30 vic- ": ........ "'Z.-'7".Y--'.7": - ----. I $1 COUn$''E]:OF WASIIINtI'rt)N 'i)illcd the j)tent Poulsbo Vikings,' tory at Poulsbo just a week earlier, aerson ge:ung nelton ozz to a € [ '  ISON COINTY,:,,h,." 28 to 23, i the. Shelton gym, and tile Highclimbers played sterling to 0 lead early in the going, and [,r*][-,' /'a-,- F l the .Mat'(qF'/h:'-'(he. Est (pp)rtunity to square accounts for defensive ball with long Norm the Vikings never caught up IY lllD[ t.JdllI1;:l  _ =  --gi!t Anne McDonald, :dso " ' " •  .... " , lster Mary CHI'I qha Dt'€'.( another c0mcs next tuesday when Buck and troy Glen Anderson key- u= €, ,^m-=m.v ............ t--J. TT_IE  O .......  ..... - lsmte'uu"  a EBY 'GIVF Shctton entertains the Lellarmme mg the Highchmber resmtance to . : ...... 1St llalI ilmOSoll | Fairbanks-Morse]b¢'fit;.naid 1.: Lions on tim Highclimber court. Poulsbo scoring efforts. 8 to 4, 13 to o, and l :o tz, anu -. "z ' *  1.  ......  ..... h}tel and lla..qt!alifi,d u The Lions won a 43 to "34 per- pa,. x ..... ,+a  ....... ^^,. after the first quarter Poulsbo IJIl | :llilllrl.Irl|l il  TT  T C ,:El_x of. tile a%w !(t ' .....  ' . ' , ' 'O uvtaat t$ta tatwat  tvua .L Aatllt ./ il I J | I IlYl 1 J . _eorgta Anne avtcwo.a,t, a,.- uct, m 'acoma. wo. weeics ago. of Viking ,shots after thev'dz left never was closer than five points -- 1 1 I..) iT& I  ,Sistr Mary Carme!ita. ,. D lcfore Bcllarmme appears here, ho hn,.r ho-.= oh h +n,,-,z ta the h,hhrnlv rauiti o" e SIMPSON BOWLING LEAGUE  , tl)at, all persons ltavmg lowevcr, the Highciimbers play morethan la°is share of Viking re- club. The Highclimber zonndeh:me (Final First Half) I 'eStart)w'a t:)st tiffs Friday night to another bounds off the backboards, while forced the visitors to fire from W L  .  _ __ , dulY v, q acorns club, the Stadiun Tigers, little Glen was all over the floor comparatively long ran/e, the Vik- Woodfiber .................... 26 .16_ | 'or tver :j]ot.s n ano.Lner pracuce-gan]e contest, worrying Poulsbo ball handlers and ings getting very few close-in mngmeers "i":: .......... 2-5 - | Puruose |:(t econd teams, open play on both intercepting their passes with dis- shots. Shelton, on the other hand, umoermen s averc .. za rt 1 x ttxju bewl.s:. : dates at 7 o clock, the varsities heartenip consistent,, could have made a rout of the rceed Mill 1 .............. 23 19 il TIIII qol%d" ittild__n, ............ ' ee game had Coach Chet Dombroski s v uc ..........................  o ". d as  TH[ VIKINGS weze also k nly  .... h"' an- sort of luck with Olympic Plywood. 18 24 I ELECTRIC CO.:[, awme of thei resence on offense, .  - - ......... "'" -- -- .... P Hi h xeea xvuu z .... 17 2) • uch I'TTrP VgTTI: ,. ruel tok high noint honors mer set-up shots, but the . g." a ...... +,, " ........... , o, I Govey Bldg. Phon 154-cue ch ,.J. .v_,., -:L U-Y-=A._,imerY.with four climbers were definitely out-el- =:.Y .......  "';'"';'"=:" " ',. 1 - - lcd • or tt x'xa;stt:, nt  l--llgn game--JaCK u¢war: zaa Vl late High total--Mark Fredson 584 baskets, two of them coming at the focus and had it not been for their opening of the fourth quarter to foul shot success would probably give the Highclimbers a ten-point have lost the decision, lead and take the pinch off a The lineups: threatening Poulsbo rally. Ander- Shelton (28) Poulsbo (23) son contributed seven markers to Cardiral 7 f Baker 1 the Shelton total, including 3 furl Tobey 3 f Fullerton 5 at the free thro:¢ line. [ Buck 8 c Anstonson 5 Accuracy at the foul line played I Anderson 7 g Sale 2 a vital part in Shelton's triumph, ] Clary 3 g Van Horn the Highclimbers netting 10 of 14 Subs: Shelton -- Carlson, Baze, free throws with tall Ken Cardinal I Rice, Skagen, McPherson. Pouls- the dead-eyed-Dick of the team bo--Hansen 11, Ingmate 3, Mar- with iris 5-for-5 record, iner 1. FOOD BILL Have those weeds plowed un- der this fall and have a good gardcu in the spring. Let 'era rot and watch the garden grow PHONE 59-W / / // / / / And Dangerously Illegal! # Tile Steel Act permits the sale of spiritous liquor in this state. It does not qiw to anyone the riqht to sell o use a combinaion of alcohol and qasoline. Such a combination is DEADLY for every drinkinq driver is a potential killer. These Sponsoring Firms Paid For t If you drive, don't drinL If you drink, don't drive. Set an example that will protect your riqht to use the open road without fear. Remember always that ALCOHOL is HELL ON WHEELS and you'll help qive Death a Holiday on the Streets and Hiqhways of Washinqton. This Ad: TO HELP SAVE LIVES! RAY00ON, IER 00INCORPoRATI00D WERBERGER-WINERY (;EO. M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION CO. ROY I KIMBEL ENTERPRISES Clinching matters by winning the first two games, Woodfiber won the Simpson Logging Com- pany bowling league's first half championship by knocking off the Engineers, 2 to 1, Thursday night in the final matches of the first half of the split-season the com- pany league will roll. The Engineers came back to hang up a big 973 score in the final tussle as Arnie Aronson hit '211 and Jess Daniels 205 but it was too late then to save the ba- con, for Bill Levett and Burl Brown had already sewed up the title for Woodfiber. The Lumbermen's Mercantile blew a chance to sneak in ahead of both clubs by losing one game to Olympic Plywood because Ho- mer White picked the second game to bang an over-average figure which won a 12-pin decision for the veneermen. The L.M., how- ever, had won the opener on Slim Gustafson's wood knocking, and took the finals with a remendous 996 total as Jack Stewart sizzled out a 244 game and Bah Stewart added a 211. Mark Fredson chipped in the night's best total, 584, including a 238 single game, to lead Reed Mill 2 to an odd game trttlmph over Reed Mill 1, and the Office's win- ning streak was halted by tailend Accounting, 2 to 1, in the last night's other matches. Lou Red- man and Emil Kruse got the tell- ing sticks for the victors. The lineups: L.M. (2) Olympic Ply. (1) Handicap 306 Handicap 495 Stewart 559[ E.Lumsden 386 Ashbaugh 2951 White 507 McCaslin 438[ Rodenberg 285 J.Stewart 577[ L.Lumsden 437 G.GustafSon 541 Nutt 441 840 880 996 2716 822 892 837 2551 Voodfiber (2) Engineers (1) Handicap ,240] Handicap 168 W.Woods 437[ W.Earl 474 Levett 4871 Aronson 502 B.Brown 452[ B.Carlson 476 Walton 4351 Snelgrove 445 Fredson 507 V.Daniels 509 852 860 846 2558 810 791 973 2574 Mill 2 (2) Mill 1 (1) Handicap 330] Handicap 366 Sergeant 481[ Dunbar 463 Drummond 378[ Temple 494 Jess Baxter 351[ Scott 393 496 Hokonson 391 M.Fredson 584 Bishop 481 904 826 870 2600[ 847 889 851 2588 Accounting (2) Office (1) Handicap 627 Handicap 315 Jim Forrest 379[ Marshall 463 Fortin 3961 Fttchitt 329 Kruse 372[ Batie 507 Redman 451[ Munich 437 Gruver 408 Funk 506 867 870 896 2633 888 859 810 2557 Electricians Halt Slide, Recapture Commercial Lead COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W L Simpson Electricians 26 19 Morgan-Eac'rett, Lbr. 25 20 Olympic Plywood .... 25 20 Local 161 .................... 24 21 Pantorium Cleaners .. 22 23 Kimbel Motors .......... 20 25 Grunert's Service ...... 20 25 Mell Chevrolet .......... 18 27 High gameCharlie Cole 202 High total--Charlie Cole 551 Halting a toboggan slide which has been underway for the past six weeks, the Simpson Electric- ins regained first place in the commercial bowling league last week with a 2 to 1 triumph over Kimbel Motors while their prin- cipal challengers were slitting each others throats. , Olympic Plywood climbed back onto the second rung with Mor- gan-Eacrett Lumber through an odd game verdic over the lumber dealers which Bob Miller paced with a consistent over.average performance assisted greatly by Bob Fletcher's one strong game. The pair offset the fine rolling of Charlie Cole. who hung up both top indicidual marks of the night but succeeded-in winning only the opening contest for the lumber- men. Jimmy McClymont got the Elec- tricians hooked up on the 'right circuit in the first game and Mary Leman did the trouble-shooting the ..second, but Bill Pearson and Chuck Berets tossed a short-cir- cuit at the Electricians in the finale. Local t61 held its fou'th posi- tion just two games out of first by spilling . tai!end Mell Chevrolet, 2 to 1, wi¢h Lee Friend iitting in the clutch to offset Nor- ris Rau's nice work for the Chev lineup. Grunert's Service gained ground with an odd-game nod o'er Pantorium Cleariers as Dan Cor- mier posted a 515 figure. Emery Lindeman Salvagedthe sandwich game for the Cleaners with a 211 conti'ibution. The lineups: H Coe . 331 Keeper " 319 ] Cormier 515 Kier 443 [ Rank 4491Lindeman 504 [ 772 761 799 2332[ 764. 799 788 2341 [ Local 161 (2) Mell Chev (lr) [ Handicap 384 Handicap 385 [ Friend 540 Gerhardt 403 [ Oliver 3501 McNeil' , 350 I  Sharpe 377[Toney ' ' 363 l Lunsford 330[Wiseman . 410 [ • ' ' 469 Jacobsen 402[ Rau 840 711 832 2383]'766 839 775 2380 Jess Daniels' 637 Bangs Associated Into Second Place CITY BOWLING LEAGUE W L Pastime ...................... 28 17 Associated Oil .......... 25 20 Beckwith Jewelry .... 24 21 Simpson Log .............. 23 22 Lake Cushman ....... 22 23 WHS Electric ............ 22 23 Active Club ................ 18 26 Lumbermen's Mere .. 18 27 High game--Jess Daniels 238 High total--Jess Daniels 637 Bagging one of the upper crust scores of the season to date, An- chorman Jess Danlels struck As- sociated Oil into second place in the city bowling league Friday night, the Oilers ousting Beck- with's Jewelers by decisioning W.H.S. Electric, 2 to 1, while the jewelers took an odd-game clout on the whiskers-from Simpson Log. Daniels closed out with a 238 game which ran his total for the night to 637, both high for the evening. He opened with a 218 but it failed to win for the Oilers because Lee Westlund and Don Woods cracked off average-fat- tening curtain raisers. The league leading Pastime five held its three-game edge on the field with a 2 to 1 verdict over tailend Lumbermen's Mercantile in a low-scoring match featured only by Bab Stewart's 226 open- ing game which still failed to win the nod for the L.M. Lake Cushman continued its up- ward march with a 2 to 1 victory over Active Club even though out- scored in total pins. The Activ- fans ran up a nifty 987 second game on strong games by Dick Gardner, Buck Price and" Harry Peterson, but Cushman consisten- cy won the opener and closer with the Carlson brothers, Laurie and Babe, having fingers in both pies. The matches wound up" the first half schedule and league play un- til after the Christmas holidays. The lineups: Simpson Log (2) Beekwith (1) Handicap 2041 Handicap 135 Anonson 450[ Merrick 526 Snelgrove 463] Dodds 502 C.Hokonson 468] Deer 522 Funk 486[ Earl 455 P.Fredson 529 Bayley 460 884 840 876 2600 854 856 790 2500 the said De(:easod or t y required Io s¢ duly ,erified with tle attached upon " ]xecUtI'iX or her A at the law office o I19 South Fourth g Sbeiton. Mason the same be ng tile ])lace for the tra business of the said cst clahns together with 1 with the C[erl of th( court within 6 montr of the first publication to- December 4. J94' so served and fih' barred, McDONALD CLII of said Estate R, LEWIS, said Estate, Street, Bell Bui Washington. 12-4-11. PROMPT, PERSON, NO, 1647. OF HEARING ON RE,'ORT AND I) MINISTI[ATU' DIS'PRII SUPERIOR COURT ( OF WASHINGTON ] THE COUNTY OF ]VIA In Probate. the Matter 0f th6 Combi E'. J. Millet' and both deceased. IS HERIOBy GIVE E. Michael, Adnllnisr above entitled estate, h: final account, rep sottlemen an0 the cstale of the d the Court is asked to account, and report, an of the estate tle Adminlstratrix. IS ,HEREBY GIVlq with an order made and entered on CLAIMS ,or Deeenlber, 1947, a heat P,d before the Court on st lnt report and petition , the 17th day of Janus BILL il o'clock, A.M., on said Qourt Room of said Cour ,l: House at Shelton, Wast PEARSON :.!r d this 13th day of D, • <'ARRY DEYETTE, District Agent .Jerk of the Superior Coul 'l,.ason County, Washinglol ':,EN C. BAYLEY. ..rney for Executrix, Ild. Insurance Building, 'liton, Washington. MRS ",r 12"1S'5" FARE / INSURANCE ! =----- [/ ROUP ,c OF °.c ON -1[.__ * _PORT AND PETITIO ,  TRIRUTION FAItMER| AgTOMOB L ,. , . 'IE SUPERIOR COURT iTE OF WASHINGTO .%,w_ SON COUNTY - - i- In Probate . atter of the Estate - " Deceased. lee IS HEREBY GIV Executrix of the Rabldeau. Deceased. l Clerk of the above )her Final Report and istribution, king the same, distribute erhons 'thereto said Execu THER GI% )ort and PeU be heard at on Saturday, • January 1948, in tl n the Court House in this 13th day of D HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of Sald Court. 12-18-25 Associated (2) WIIS Elec. (l) Handicap 2131 Handicap 243 Tucker 447] W,Woods 502 Skelsey 503 i L.Westlund 524 Foster 407 D.Woods 444 Holt 506 B.Smith 512 J.Daniels 637 I.H.Woods 482 76 927 910 2713.910 905 882 2707 Cushman (2) Active Club (1) Handicap 261 Handicap . 369 Durand 441 Gardner 518 L.Carlson 517[ Williams 342 Joe Forrest 462  SteverS0n .51 B.Carlson  Price ' 460 A.Robensin 445 Peterson '521 867 875 894 2636 844 987 830 2661 Pastime (2) L.M. (1) Handicap 108 Handicap 192 Kopperman 5071R.Stewart 531 Staley 481 R.Gustafson 436 Dotson 492 NIcCa.slin 446 K.Fredson 492 Mackey 471 Ferrier 486 G.Gustafson 476 892 814 860 2566 876 855 821 2552 Asparagus Stalks The flavor of the butt ends of the asparagus stalks is not sufficient-' ly good to warran canning them. The more tender portions, however, when cooked in the boiling water left over from the canning process are satisfactory for immediate serving or for soup. Overmature stalks are also good for soup. Slmp. Elec. (2) Kimbel Mtrs (1) Handicap 552 Handicap 354 M.Leman 453 B.Pearson. 485 Boardman 440 Berets 415 Coburn 345 McConkey 435 L.Leman 438 J.Pearson 374 /cClymont 3871 Phillips 447 905 849 861 26151766 796 948 2510 Plywood (2) Morgan Eacrett (1) Handicap 466 Handicap 159" Fletcher 4421 Gibler 450 Miller 494 t Nelson 427 Holt 396[ C.Cole 551 Jessup 3651B.Daniels 421 Dtckie 394 R.Anderson 477 813 928 836 2577 850 870 765 2485 Mr. O.K. Says By R and R Christmas lights a glow unknown at any other time of the year. The same lights after Christmas, . have lost heir so, you see it is really the Christmas spirit that lights our We wish you . every happiness this Christmas of 1947. o RAUSCHER & 1528 Olympic Hiway (H PHONE 585 ROT[ PUBLIO ACCOUNTI 8ERVICE Title. Insurance Bid PHONE 720 Shelton, Washingto Franldin Heu ATTORN EY-AT-LA Courthouse, Sheltol Phone 312 K. McCampt Ized Acoounl - 8ervloe Shelton; fr 3, Box ., Shelton 11 P. tle Insurance BI Plmne 645 May the glow of you Christmas candle refl'cct happiness for you the holiday season and the New Year to come. Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Security bldg., Olympi a , Wash. :[NEY AT L Bell B. SPR Tax 8e 8yte St. Ph INSURANCB HERBERT ANGLE at Angle Bul WITSIERS H( ,nsed Embalm witr .  Shelto