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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SUBSCRIBE TO The HOOD CAI NEWS Union, Wash• $1.50 year in Mason Fairbanks-Morse PUMPS For Every Purpose SIEELTON ELECTRIC Gooey Bldg. Phone 154- RIGHT NOW/ PROMPT, PUBLICATIONS NO. 1!147 TO CltEI)ITORN TO I&apos;RE- FII, E CI,AIM. ['tIE SUPERIOR COUPJP OF TlllC TE OF WASIiINGTON FOIl COUNTY. hi Prohnie the 5all('r of the Estate of Annl ]V[cDonald, Ills() kno,'n Carnwlita, Dr•ceased. EBY GIVEN that s McDonald Clinton has h,ff'n ,inted and llas qualified ts Exe- of the Last Will and Testament Anne McDonald, also lcnown Mary Carmelita, Deceased that all persons llavh)g clainm the said Deceased or the said :e al' hereby required lo serve tbc. duly verified with the notes- attached upon the un- Executrix or her Attorney at the law office of Cbas. 119 South Fourth Street, ;uildlng, Stelton, Mason County, 'ton, tile same being desig- the place for the transaction business of the said estate and claims together with proof of with the Clerk of the above court within 6 months after of the first publication of this to-wit: December 4, 1947, or all not so served and filed shall barred. McDONALD CLINTON, of said Estate • R. LEWIS, .rncv for said Estate L$o• "Fourth Street, Bll Building lion Washington. .... 12-4-11-18-25-4t NO. 1647. OF IIEARING ON FINAL ItEI'ORT AND PE'rf- I"(11t IBUTIt)N SUPERIOR COURT OF THE OF WASHINGTON IN AND R THE COUNTY OF MASON, t the • In Probate. Matter Of the Combined Es- of E: J. Miller and Mary E, both deceased. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that E, Micllael, Admlnistratrix of above entitled' csfate, has filed final account, report and settlement and distribu- the estate of the deceased, the Court is asked to approve iaccount and report, and Inke 'butlon of the estate, and dis- the Adminlstratrix. IS .HEREBY GIVEN. that with an order of said made and entered on the lath CLAIMS SERVU December, 1,q47" a hearing will beforc the Com't on said final pc title,1 on Sat- BILL of dano,ry. 19400. • ., on said day in of said Court in the House at Shelton, Washington. P00AI¢00a00T this m, day of De00e,nbe,'. JL Jl-,4 .l k.) IL.J ,Ik  ' DEYETTE, ARR 'i nCgl u ,it. for :- . ,.. lton Washington, 12-18-25--1-1-8-4t FARMERS IHSURAHCE GROUP NO. 1876 "tdP TRIIIUTION " FARMEAS AUTOMOBILE __Lv'I'IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ,-- IRB01tRRCE . )1et"'-'=':----t'l:A_Tl OF WASHINGTON FOR [ " • -.._SON COUNTY In Probate Matter of tile Estate of Frank Deceased, ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Executrix of the estate of Rabideau, Deceased, has filed .Ihe Clerk of the above entitled ;r[her Final Report and Petition _MI L)istribution, skin the court to Mr. O.K.  :,l!tove the same, distnhute tile prop- -'p,' D{ t0 the perhons thereto entitle(1, ] | '& |:0t° discharge said Executrix Says k,, ,, TICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that ..V, linal RepOrt and Petition for 'tbtltion will be heard at the hour By R and It ...--.2L.9, o'clock On Saturday, the 17til !:bf January, 1948, in the Com't ___.O{in the Court House in Shelton, : r, t 0000gton. this lath day of December, r, " " t HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of Said Court. Christmas lights 12-18-25--1:1-8-4t a grow unknown at any other time ': CARDS of the year ...... The same . ,lights, ROTTER after ,r,smas,. ACCOUNTI NG have lost heir . SERVICE so, you see , "rillPHONEinsurance720BIdg. it is really the Shelton, Washington Christmas spirit that lights our We wish you , Franldin Heusto every happiness ! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW this Christmas ; Courthouse, Shelton of 1947. :,  :: L Phone 312 il K. McCampbeli llized Accounting • Service $"- Shelton; ,/¢g'-, s, Box 4A RAUSCHER &  Shelt°n !I!W 1528 Olympic Hiway .......... PHONE 585 P. glow of you zs candle reflect 's for you the season and the r to come, ton County d Savings & Association arity Bldg., no)a, Wash. "CTRICAL ENIGINEER Insurance Bldg , ' Pllone 645 I."LEWIS' T , ATLAW } i-', Soutl Fourth St. Bell Bullting s00e]00n, was0000ton i • r LAW Insur Building Firat Nfl:onal B,Lk B. SPRING Tax Servlou ping System= ! St. Phone O. INSURANGla } ERBERT O. ' ! at Angle Bulldm • WITS00ERS NO. 5015 RUMMONS FOR PUIIIJCATION IN 'PIIE SUPEI{lOI% COUItT OF TIIE S T A T IC ()b" WASIIIN(IT()N FOIl. MAS()N COI!NTY. N,'llie M¢lllhews, Pin)eli,f, vs. lfaunah Potarson, Gnardian of F, slate 0f till an IAbby, : n Insane P('Fson, 'rh(,lliaS Shll, tlol," Ellen ]rOUlIK, Joseph L, Young, }{annah telol'son. Liiliall Libby, lfannab Andol'SOll. l l'nc. / L. Aud,wson, Arthur Andcr,noll, Anion All- (h, rsoll, Freak C. WilhLv and lIary N. Wilh'y, husband aud wire. tlatlie Pai- nter. Elmer Wil]ey, Edith Lark)n, llb'utl¢ Willey. Clyde Dcegall and Hal'- r'v I)(,egan, The I]'nkllo,'u 1-]('irs of Vl'lloI ila Siocllln, ] )o('casPd. 'r}l( IJ|l" known Heirs of Eltcu Yoollg, l)occascd. The Unknown Ileirs uf Josvph L. Y,,ung, Deceased, The l)'nknown ]hJr. of llannah Pet( rs( n, ])c,'cased Tlh' ' llnknown Heirs of Lillian Libby. De- ceased. Tile IJnknowa Hfdrs of [-Iannah Andcraou, Deceased, rJh( Unt{nown Iteirs of Ernest L. Anderson, Deceased` The Unknown If,qrs of Arthur Ander- son, Deccascd, Tile Unknown Hch.s of Anion Anderson. Deceased. Tim Un- known th, irs of Frank C. Will,w, De- ceased. The Unknown ]loirs (,f Mal'y N. iliey, De<'cascd, and All Other Persons Ullknown having or claiming to have any right, title, eslate, lien interest or equity ill and to the here- inafter descrd/ed ]'cal pr(,lmriy, Dc- lcndanls, I THE STATE OF WASIIINGTON. TO: The said. Hannah Pcterson. Guar- dian of Estate of Liiliau Libby, an Insane Person, Thomas Slocaln, Ellen Young, Joseph L. Young, IIann'fll Pe- terson, Lillian Liiby, Hannal Andcr- son, Ernest L. Andcrso,L Arthur An- derson, Anton Andcrson, Frank C. Willey and Mary N. Willey, husband and wife. Hattie Pahner, Elmer Willey, Edith Larkin, Frank Willey, Clyde Deegan and 'Harr D.cegan, The un- known heirs of 'Illomas Slocum. de- ceased, the unknown heirs cf Ellen Young, deceased, ttv, mlknown heirs of Joseph L. YounK, deceased, the un- known heirs of Hannah Peterson, de- ceased, tit(*, unknown heirs of Lillian Llbby, deceased, the unknown heirs of Hauna Anderson, deceased, the un- known heirs of Ernest L. Anderson. deceased, the unknown heirs of Ar- thur Anderson, deceased, the unknown heirs of Anton Anderson, deceased, tile unknown heirs of Frank C, Willey. de- ceased, the unknown heirs of Mary N. Willey. deceased, and all other persons unkuown having or ciainling to have any right, title, estate, lien, inllerest or equity in and to the hercin' after described real proIlerty; you anu each of you are hereby snmmoned to appear within 60 days after the date of tle first publication of this Sum- mons, to-wit: Within 60 days after the 20tl day of November, 1947, and defend the above entitled action in the I above entitled Court, and answer the [Amended Complaint of the Plaintiff, I and serve a copy of your Answer upon [ the tmderslgned attorney for the Plain- I tiff t iris office below stated; and in [case of your failure go to do, Judg- ]ment will be rendered against you ac- t cording to the demand of the Amended ] Complaint, which has been filed with ! the Clerk of the said Court. The ob- ject of this action is to quiet the Plaintiffs' title in and to the following described lands situated in Mason County, Washington, to-wit: A tract of land situated in the SWV.t of the NEV, Section 19, Twp. 20 N. Range 3 West, W.M. in Mason County, Washington, more l)articuiarly de- scribed as follows: l,eginning at S,E. corner of Storts estate, which is North 230.30 ft.; thence N. 86 = 19' W, 154 ft. from'S.E, corner of S.W. of N.E.4, Sec, 19, Twp, 20 N., R. 3 W., W.M, (The said S.E, corner of S.W.,4 of N.E.t is marked by a 2" pipe, driven deep, sticks up 10" and has a cap nlarked "N.P." and is on the West line of Kneeland Park about midway), Theuca, along Nortl side of Park St., N. 70 ° 25' 28" W 259,65 ft.; thence oN,, 57 ° 38' W. 69. ft, to initial point this uescrlption. Thence continuing the same course 162 ft. to SE corner of Aitken's lot: thence N. 29" 12' 11" E. 103.50 ft,; thence West 40 ft, ; thence S. 73 ° 48' W. along Easterly line of Frank Willey's Tracts 39.90 ft. (Equation between our Meridian, which is the East line of said SWA of NE/I, and that of Frank ,Villey's plat is 2 ° 23' to right•) Thence N. 34 ° 35' W. 158.26 ft. (the WiIIey plat shows this line to be N.36 ° 58' W) ; thence N, 41 ° 41' E. 81,d0 ft. to iron post on dike South of Goldsborough Creek; thence along dike, S, 65  32' ^E. 170.35 :ft. thence S. 63  46' E, 125.!17 ft. to Wilcox s West line; thence S. lg ° 10' W. 245.38 ft. to initial point of this description excepting therefronl the following described real estate: A tract of land situate in the South- west quarter (SW4) of the Northeast quarter (NEPAl of Section 19, Town- ship 20 North, Rayge 3 West, W.M., particularly described as foll6s: COMMENCING at the Souiheast corner of the Southwest quurter (SW£) of the Noi'thea§t ' quarter (NE,4, said Section, Township and Range : run thence North, along the East line of said Southwest uarter (SW£) of Northeast quarter 230 feet, more or less. to an set on the North line of thence terl ing ah)ng tne North line .Street, North 86 ° 19' thence Norlh 70 ° 25' ,28" feet; thence North 57 ° 38' fet to tim Southeast corner initial point of the tract of by deseribed; thence cc the North line of sai )rth 57 ° aS' West 162 beginning and the init: South 18 ° 10' West to NO. 5);23. SUMMONS FOlt PUI|IJCATION IN TIIE SUPEI{'IOR COURT OF THE STATE OF "WASIIINC, TON FOR :MASON COUNTY Annie N. Olson, a widow, Plaintiff, VS • Ilcrman Wittevcen and "Jane Doe" Wi(t(w*'ell, hnsband and Wi;C, and the llllkIlll*'ll hoil's of [lel'lllan Witteveen all(l "Jaal 1)(3(!" WiltcvPen, if any and else all ()lhec porsL)|l Ol' pIlr[tcs un- known claiming any right, title, estate, iil,n or intel'cst in the real (is{ate tie- scribed in the conlplainl herein, D(,- fcndants. TtIE STATE OF WASIII'NGTON to file said I-ternmn Witicveen and "Jane l)oe" Wit)croon. husl)and and wife. slid the tulkn(vn heirs of IIcrnlan Wiiteveen and -Jane Doe" Witteveen if :[ll," and n|SO all (;)her persons or parlics unl{Ilown clailuing any rigllt, lille, cslate. }i,,u or inhwt!st in lhe real eslale dPscl'ibed ill |he conlplaint ]l(,/'cin : You are hereby sunlluoned to appeal. wilhin sixty days after tlt{} date of tim first puhlieation of tiffs slunnlons, to- wit: within sixty days niter the 13th (lay of November, 1947, and defend the above entitled action in the ailove " cnti[l('d CollrL and allswer the COIll- plaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answcr upon lhe under- signed attorney for plaintiff, at lfis offic.c hclow stated: and in case of your failure so io do, judgment will bc ron- do 'ed agahlst you according to the dcnmnd of the cotnplaint, which hns I)-en filed with tim Clerk of said Court. Tile objecl of bringing this action is to quiet title to tllc follow- ing descril)ed protlerty: The South half (SVz) of the South- east quarter (SEe'I) of Northwest Quarter (NWkl) ad the Northwest Quarter (NWi.i) of Southeast Quar- tel" (SEUI) ,f Northwest Quarter (NW) of Section Thirty - ix (36), Township Tweuty-one (1) North, Range Two (2) West W.M, situated in the Counly of Mason State of Washington. CHARLES T. WRIGI-IT, Plainliff's Attorney P,O. Address: Angle Bldg, Shelton. Mason County, Washington, 11-13-20-27--12-4-11-18-25-7t NO, 1962, NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESF, NT AND FILE CLA|MS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In Prol)at In the Matter of the Estate of Ber- tla L. Fik, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN thai, Travis M, Fisk has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Bertha L Fisk, Deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said Deceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified with the necessary vouchers attached upou the undersigned ExecutOr or his Attorney of iE, % ,hCol00g of cz00, R. .w,, 9 S u h Str ,, Bell Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington, the same being desigo nafed as the place for the transaction of the business of the said estate and filc such claims together with proof of service with the Clerk of tl)e al)ove entitled court withtn' 6 months after tle date of the first publication of tbis notice, to-wit: December 4, 1947, or" all claims not so serveu and filed shall be forever barred. TRAVIS M. FISK Executor of said Estate CHAS, R. LEWIS Attorney for said Estate 119 So. Fourth Street, Bell Building Sheltom Washington. 12-4-11-18-25-4t NO. 1883. N()TICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Jaunita M. Roundtree. Deceased. NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN: that the undersigned, Hattie F. Round,roe, has been appointed and has qualifies as Administratrix of the Estste of Jaunita M. Roundtree, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said etate are hereby required to serve them, duly verified` upon the Administratrix c;r upon her auly aIIpointed agent and attorney nanled l)eh)w, at his office in the Govey Building, Shelton. Washington, the same having b#mn designated as the place for the transaction of the busi- ness of said estat and. £ile the ,;alne, with the Clm.l¢ of above entitled court, tog,-'tl3¢'c with proof of such service, witMn six n,mtlls after date of first public,tion of this notice. to wit: D.e- comber 18th, 1947, or Said claims ill bb forever barred. HATTIE F. ROUNDTREE. Adminl.fftratrix p f said etate, 5. W. GRAHAM, Atto'ney for Adnltnistratrix, Govey Bldg,, Shelton, Wasllington, 12-1-25--1-1-8-4t NO. 1903 NOTICE OF IIEARING ON FINAL REIOIUr AND I'I*VII'rlON FOR 1,l'r ItlIUTION IWTI-IF, SUPERIOR COURT OF HORE STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY In l'rabate In the Yla'tter of the Etae of Wil- liam E. Nohlett, Deceased, . • p NOqCE IS HEI.EBY GIVEN that earl E. Nohlott, A dministratrix of the estate of Willaff E. Noble)t, Deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above dntitle caurt her .FtnI Report and Petition for Dlstrtbut(gh, asking the court o approve te S.e distrilute the P.rpprtY , to . thb persoP. herto .e%it[d. and to discharge Said A:dmin- lstraTrL ; ......... . . NOTm zs FKR qlVN ka{ Said Finfi epoft ad p dtitiort Ibr JiSi trlhutign tl[ be agrSt at tile :hollr pf 10 0'ql0qk 0,atqr'a,, .he 2flth dgy bf /aLn'la'ry 1048, ,in.. the. gurt =09)i] "in tnt court Hduse in heltom, Wash- ln:h this 20th day of Deember, 947. SEAL) HARa¥ l'geTE, Clcrk of Said Courf. 12-25---I-1-8-15-4 ginning, and to perpetually liar.anti ojoin you NO. 1913 and each of you Tom asserting apy NOTII OF II]P:ARING ON FINA right, title, claim, equity, hen or In- REPO]T AND 1 ITITION FO )crest therein and thereto and fro' a I)IM'!IBUTION. decree adJudgin her to be the owner IN THE' SUPERIOR COURT OF THE bf the sid laaact$ ds. • STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR B. FRANI/(LIN I:IUSTON, MASON COUNTY . . ttrncy, ;m" Plaintiff. ' In' Probate Qffi, ee & ae% Offlc6 Address; Ifi the Matte' ot.:.the Estate of G, uourt Hot/So ..... Dawn Drjraf06hd. Deceased, Shelton, Washlngfbn, , , , NOTIC I. :IIBY GIVEN tba 11-20-27/12-4-11-18-25/1-1-7t Alfred W,. rmnmon, Adfiinistrato of the s{at of , Da:,n.orummond, Deceased, has flied wlh the,Jerk, ot the above entitled court his Ffnal Re- NO. 1961 NOTICE TO CREDITORS port and Petition for DiStribution, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE asking the court to approve the same, STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR distribute the property to tim persons MASON COUNTY, thereto entitled, and to discharge said In the Matter of the Estate of Addle Administrafoi,; , . , I. Bishop, Deceased. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tlmt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that said Fingl Report and petition for the undersigned, Lester E, Bishop, Distribution will be heard at the hour has been appointed and has qualified of 10 o'clock on Saturday, the 24tit as Administrator of the Estate o[ day 0L January. 19:8, tn the Court Addle I. Bishop,. d$c,ased` and that Room in the Court House In Shelton, all persons havln(:llms against the Washington. saia etate are nercbfy i required to Dated this 20th day of December, ser)'q, h 1,, dmy vei'ifed upqn the 1947. .. . Administrator. or P0P hie :amy ap- (SEAL) L HARRY DYEPTE, ' poltca age'n anq a%torney ,i'ad Clerk of Said Curt, below, at his of'leo in tile GoVey Bldg,, ' 12-251-1-8-15-4t Shelton, Washington, the same havig " " been aesignated as the place for the COMtiISSI0ERS ]F]OC]EDINBS transaction of the business of said OCTOBER, 1941 estate, and file the same with the Clerk o£ aove entitled court, together Monday, October 9, 1947. With proot hf st er¥ice, within six Board met In. regular session. Pres- monthrs after aae oz xrst publication elat, Chair,nan Dickinson and members of this n0tie, to wlt :\\; December 11th, O'Dell and Cart. 1947 or said clahns will be forever Ferry receipts for week entng Co- barred. "" R E tober 3 were $126,00, Deposited in LESTE . BISHOP, Treasury to credit of County Rod Administrator of said estate. Fund. J. W. GRAHAM, Attorney for Report of Associate Extensl0'n Agent Administrator, Suite 5 Govey for nlonth of September (,. Bldg., Shelton, Washington. pplieations mr renewal o nqg'o'r 12-11-18-25--1-1-4t licenses were ap_pr0ved, as follo: Esther and Harol Rfdley,..Mr. View Center. Class E; D0nald Mr "BC- ,, NO. 1801 ' man,. Refill Hood L0ag Class DE; NOTICE OF HEARING F/NAL AC- H, iW. Kewett, Kewett Tavern, ums COUNT AND PETITION FOR DIS- ACEF; Mabel SOuth, • South's Store, TRII|UTION. . Belfair, Class. EF. 'L " " ' IN TItIil SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Final ,estimlte of Walter D, Brea'r STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR on C,R,P, No,. 86 approved in the MASON COUNTY. an!otln.t Of $2 fld0.2Q .... - In Re Estate of G. R, Milbourn, de- esmuti'dn re uoffstruction of Weaver cease e e ili Crsk :Bridge agned " , . .. Not c is herebg giV"tl', at, W,, A. This V¢ig thi time set for nob*leg GleasOh,of G, R, adminiSttqrMilboUrn ola:o ril .o ,'°f the In.esta'teh,e onit was)he m0Vedfinalbu°etana seconcedf°r the yearthat hear-1947, office of the Cli' f. id urt I tag be continued until the following final account na.petitioP. Ior dis- ddy, ,Carried. trlbution, aeldng ,,t.! Feurt .t0 ttie Claims allowed, saia account, to dlttttlt, he !r0P.  flMeeting= continued until the following erty to the persor :th'ereto" dell)led, and to discharge satd,W. ..,Ol(as0n; and that saidreport and petition will Tuesday, October 7, 1947. be heard on the 17th day of January, Board met, All members present. 1948, at th hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Day spent oonidering budget for ¢ourtro_om of the above entitled court, 1948, Hearing continued until the fol- DAT]D THIS 10th day of :Dec, 1947. lowing day. HARRY DETTE. ounty Clerk and EX-Offielo -- Wdff6sdYe$" 8, 17.., Clerk of the Superior Court. o'tra met. All. ncmD6r¢,:renh 12-18-25--1-1-3t )ay spent cons)acting uagets or SI-TELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL • '- ..: ........ __L _-. .... i • - - " ' ..... - ........ ..... _. First Baptist Church ltev. J. O. Bovee Rev. Bovee reports an overflow crowd Sunday night when the Baptist Sunday School presented their Christmas program and hc announces that the Watch-night serwce will again be observed on December 31st beginning a 8 o'clock and closing at 12:10 Jan- ua¥ 1st. There will bca time of fellow- ship, a program and a Iight lunch at 10 o'clock, a lalf hour of prayer at the close. % welc.ome is ex- tended to all. First Methodist Church %Vaync Wrlgllt, Minister Next Sunday is stndent recogni- tion day, Some of the returning college students will take part in the morning worship at 11. Sunday School is at 9:45 with classes for all ages from three year's up. The Youth Fellowship will meet at 6 p.m. for fun and worship. Don't let the babies keep you from church. There is a nursery for the small children. The M.Y,F. has reserved the Shelton roller rink for Monday, Dec. 29, for an all church skate. St;, Edward's Catholic latlter Mark Wieehmann Sunday masses will be .held as u jsul at 8 a,m, and 10:30 a,m., ith the opening of 40 hours devo- tion at the high mass at 10:30. On Monday and Tuesday ther will be high masses a{ 9 'a.m, as past of the devotions, with devo- tions and sermons appropriate to the 'Blessed Sacrament a'nd bene- dictions Stinday, Monday and Tuesday evenings. There will be masses at 8 and 10:30 a,m. New Year'S Day, with benedictions following the second mass. Care Urged As 24 Million Go Back to School Twenty-four million American school children look upon Septem- ber with apprehension, "Back to school" means carefree vacation days are over. The National Safety CounCil and state and city authorities also look upon September with appre- hension, because "baCk to school" to tbem means more children on the streets and a greater, chance for traffic tragedy. To meet the threat of a growing child death toll as young Ameri- ca sets ou on foot, bicycles, in car,,i and busses for the classroom, September has been designated as "Back to School Saftey Month" and a special effort is being made tO educate thildrdn..and motorists in safe habits. Parents Asked to Help Parent, teachers, civil author- ities and local safety groups are being asked to step up child safety work during the month, when the millions of youngsters going to and from sehool, many for the first time, will greatly increase the risk of accident "Last year. 2,600 children of eb- mentary school age and 7,650, young people of high school and college age were killed in traffic accidents," said Ned H, Dearborn, president of" the National Safety Council. "Accidents are the chief cause of death among children. For example, they claim six times as many lives in the 5-14 ag group as pneumonia.". Two-Fold Program Planned Mr. Dearborn stated the two principal lines of attack during the month: 1. Parents and teachers must unite to teach Children to cross streets and ride bicycles safely, and they must see that adequate protection is present at dangerous crossings, 2. Motorists must realize the necessity for slow and alert driv- ing in school and residential areas, especially in the morning and late afternoon. Police should step up enforcement in danger areas, A highlight of the month's ac- tivities will come when Tom Mix, radio 'star who has been named special safety deputy by the Coun- cil, vill devote all of his national broadcasts during the week Of September 22 to the project, 1948. Hearing continued until tile f.I- lowing day. Plans and spc(,JfJcathns for Weaver %)I'eek Bridge in l.Hstri('1 2 WOI'O ])l'C- by Counly Engil:Oel' alld ill)On allpi'oval 1)y t}l, Boa/'(l |l}! nullllIPl' of "CRP 100--Uait 3 Weaver Cr('(,k I:l, ri(]go" was assigll(,d llll(l the ))]fills "WOre forw:u'ded to lho Stab, lUg}l- %vay DopaFtlc('at for |'teal llppl'OVll• Rep(wt of Andrew •Kruiswyk, Jr., Coun/y li]xtollsion Ag(,n|, f,)l' lll()lllh ()[ Atlgtlst a0pl'()ved. Meeting conthluf, d until the l',.lh)w- ing (lit,,,'. 'rhorsday, ¢)c|ob,', • 9, 11117. Board luot, All lcel:lhei's pres(,nt. lhqlll)el's [)f the hoar(I, l'l'(is,coting Ath)rllOy Itetlstoll, a/ld Auditor StIsie E. Paulcy ,.olll'*,rn'ed with /he ]')ivisiou of ]Vlunicipal (ht'lorati(uls. ,'ogal'dinK budget it(!lns. Clalols allowPd, Final bu(Igct adopled as [}el" t'osohl- tion. ulso tax h!vics 'el' th" yellr 11t,18 ad/)llied. roeling continued until ()ell,hi r ]1 1947. ;aturday, [)etcher H, 1917. })card lilt). All IIl('lllbll•S present. It was lnoved and seconded that Zolt Swaltlp I:Iridffc be posted for iliad liluil of 5 Ions. as )}CI Chal)ieF 21 Laws of 1921. Carried. Minutcs or the lllCe{[llg of C,}lllllliS- sion(ws oi the three counth,s of th(" 24th Legislalivc District l'('g'Ill'(tillg tile filling cf vacancy caused by resigna- tion of SPnalor Black, 5feethlgs of Soptenber 18th and October 9 pre- senled to the Board. Meeting continued until Monday. el'tel)or 14ill. 1947. Monday. October 14, 1947 0 Board met. All nlembers present. This being the time set fox' hearing, 0n proposed Plat of Skookunl Paint,. I)y Carl Morgan and Roy Castle, rop- rcsented I)y Alden C. Bayley. Thel'e being no objections it was nlovcd and seconded tllA Plat bc accepted. Car- ried. This bcin the tin],; set oil henring to establish the Mill Creek Park Road, all walver8 having been pre- sented to the board and no persons objecting, motion was made by Com- nlissioner Carr, seconded by COmlnis- stoner O'Dell that Mill Creek Park Road be established. Carried. Notice of call for bids for olleration of Airport. Claims allowed. Revocable permit for personal, prop- erlly h)cated in Government quarters "A" at Naval Auxiliary Air Statim Call for bids nlade for snow plows. Ferry receipts for" week ending No- vember 10th in the amount of $142•75 received and turned over to the Treasurel to credit of County Road Fund. County Treasurer Smith appeared regarding sale of all tax title property owned by the County, It was moved and seconded that Auditor be , in- structed to prepare lists of tax title prolerty to be presenled to the Coun- ty Conlmissinners. Carried. Rev6cable i)ermit for use ef Personal Property at the N,A.A.S, signed and all cppies returned to Seattle for final approval. Meeting eontimmd until Monday, October 20th. blonday, ()ctel)e,r 20th, 1917 Board met. All membe,'s present. Ferry receipts for week ending Oc- tober 18th in the amount of $66,25 re- eeh, ed, and turned o'ver to, Treasurer to credit of County Road Fnnd` Reimbursement war r ant .In the amount of $9,897.65 received from State Dept, of Public Welfare. Deposited in Treasury to credit of Public Assist- ance Fund, Auditor's count o Treasurer's caslt for October 1, :1947, approved. It was moved and sec)nded that let- ter bc written to Capt, C. E. Harf't- man limiting free far(; to County Ex- empt licefises only• Carried, Application for renewal of class 23CB Winery License approved for Rudolph Werbeger, Clahns allowed• Letter u) Mrs, Elizabeth McElroy Allison r6garding road on Harsttno Island. Jkpproved plans for C,R,P, 100 unit 3 (Weaver Creek Bridge) received hNnt State Development Board, Sub-Project 26-2-129. Order to cancel Public Assistance Warrant No. 33 issued to Burroughs Adding Machine Company in tile anlount of $1.80. Meeting continued to OctQber 27th. Monday, Octoher 27th, 1947, Blard me. All members prestlt. Claims allowed, Notice of ternlination of. Coma- sation to W, S. Brown, Matlock, re- ceived from Department of Labor & Industries. Filed. Application for EF license approved for William. C. Black, Matlock Gen- oral Store, Matlock, Wn. C..Nolan Mason appeared present- ing preliminary Plat of Nolle Beach Tracts. in Lot 2 Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 1 West W.M. Date of hearing set for November 17th. 1947, at 10:00 a.m. Call for bids nmde on new or used shovel, Meeting adjourned to meet Novem- ber , 1947. BOARD OF COUNTY COMIV£1S- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON. H. R. DICKINSON, Chab'man. ATTEST : SUSIE E. PAULEY. Clerk of the Board, 12-11-1t COMMISSIONERS' I'ROCEED]NGS Novemher. 19-i7 Monday, November 3, 1947. Board met. Present, chairman Dickinson nd members O'Dell and Carr, Ferry receipts for week eading Nov- 1, in amount of $115.75 deposited in treasury to credit of County Road Fund, . Remittance of $29.60 from U. S, Treasury covering ferry fare for mail carrJgr for quarter ending Septonlber 30, t947, deposited in treasury to cred- It o1 Count" Road fund. Report o county agent for month of September approved, Report of As- eo¢iae Extension Agent for month of Oct,. ber approved` • Bids .were opened on snow pow dquipment, Bid of Howard Cooper accepted, P,titin of H P Jones at 1 ,,fr eJitdblLshment of county road In Sec, 29-0%8 Joining Dickinson Aven U6 d- AT{:Xla.'oad filed with BoarS, - glneer directed to examine and re)Brt. Claims allowed. Notice from Wash. State Lfquor Cgntrol Board of discontinuance of license4 perations by Vlrgin'}a C, Howard, dbla Forest Bcacl Tavern, Union, Notice O claim of Pierce CounW agatn_t .Non High School fund 0f lVasoq'.0, flied by co. supt. , Ferry re,reipts fg.r week ending No- Meekn continued` , '.  vember 15th deposited in treasury, Tue.a:Y, November 4 1947 Bora ReD0rt of County Agent for onth met. , At[present ..... ." ' of October apprnved, and eomblned Dan_'de,P0rmit issued to Old itll Ta- annual Lrep0rt, of otty agent an¢i ern. l,o0asport, for one year. . home dezanatfmtton ae/)t approved, Clallna' .allowed. . . ' Claims allowed, Pefiit0requesting vaeati0' of pal'-, TelePhone recc Dis from ferry land- in, deposited rtn trCasm', f" street in MountainEVlY¢ ....... )esented by B P A ' llgin- Beer license l)proved fo F IT. E. 4 to exandne and r6phrt,.  i,: Lkeburg. The Pines. Shelton, iiion line easement grafft&I Notice frnm Dept. of Lbor  Yndus. to cross NWIA of SEW of of claim of EIzle E, Fuller filed, Twp, 20, N. R. 3 W. ADDlicalJ0 01; I-iarvev Rendsland to te vacate streets' in purchase land, aprov6d. ew Addition stgn_0 ....... BId apee6 ,on nuetr, yard shovel. , by Geo. M. Grisale and bid Of NelSon mqmpment Corn-. or grader rental ¢lepdailed pan'v aeeented., t to credit of county r6ad Emery'once :ReSOhlilOn stoned cav- ering exDe,d)ture in Assessmas and; ,ntinued. November 5, 1947, CnmmDdiondr's, offcm Permission ,ranted P.II.T), to us5 )resent. fr,.v in mlttln power lino across P]kring Pssage. .Petition of J B. B.rtlett e al fo.' tmprovegmnt of streets in L.kewood Plt received and ]>lced nn file, Roa,'d meetIfig continued. . Wednesday, November lt. 1947. mrd met. PveRent Commissioners Dekinson ,rod O'Dell and Prosecuting A+rn0y Iaeuston, Yaearln" held on alrnovt ooeraiions and mhna'ement, Ae'reed hat wter SulaDly and sewage dtsposal manage- men, and oneratlon b ssumed lv Shltn ALr Service "Au ghts to be m¢,terr as sonn am, pos'sible. rvreeUn- C0ninued, Monday. November 24th. Board met, All nresent. lelms a11owerd, Dance perm It tu,t ta olden basant and Belfah' Tavern for one year, Permit gr-nt-d ROy Ttor- to %m.1 ove,.lenth losd over MacRae Road north of Airnort. . Ferry ec;nt. fo,' ,.,eek cndig No- vemb," 2 d#nosl¢d in treasury, Lsnd sel No. oq aDm'mmd and em'- tiftsd to County Treasurer. qin,.ts nr month of October read apd rmr,.d. :Raard ad,,-n,,! ,,nll fandav. D- cem,'  39 ,('t  n ^.r. .TnW vw ,TASON COUNTY, xrA .HTla'r T-r. W. DICKINSON, A'rT,q  : of the Board, Hood Canal Church Special music at the Homemak- er's group Christnlas party held December 15, in the home of,Mrs, Elaine Bates of I-Ioodspert. was furnished by a vocal rendition, "Oh. H01Y Night," sung by Mrs. Alma Moore. accompanied by Mrs. Batcs at the piano. The nineteen ladies present lis- tened tO Reverend Patti Sweeney who gave a devotional talk on tle true meaning of Christmas, Christ- mas gifts were exchanged and a surprise stork shower" held in iron- or of Mrs Elizabeth Hall who ex- pects a' fleW arrival in Jannary. The next group meeting will be held on January 26 at the homc of Mrs. Mildred Wilson. A special New Year's Watch Night service is being planned for the Hood Canal C o m m u n i t y Church. During this service there will be a devotional period, a gen- cral recognition service of all things done for the Churctt during the pst year and a social hour, The newly acquired church bell will ring the old year out and the New Year in. Everyone is invited, A Sunday School program was held Sunday night featuring a children's program, with all de- parentments taking part, There were spectal treats for the small folRs, Children from Mrs, A 1 m a Moore's primary deparmeut each spoke a piece as did also Mrs. Thelma Brinson's pupils, A bar- monious duet on two violins was payed by Grace arid Millicent Moore entitled "Joy to the World." Outstanding in Johnny Joyce's class,were Eugene Sweeney, How- ard Wilson and James Sweeney, who between them recited a whole chapter from the Bible, Mrs, Richard Bates' class en- acted a short sketch. Short verses were said by each child in Mrs. Quigley's class• The Junior Y/i Choir sang, under the direction of Mrs Rtchard Bates. There was a gif£ under the large Christmas tree for each boy and girl. Mount Olive Lutheran Rev,] William Albach • The Lutheran Women's Mission- ary League and the Lutheran Lay- men's league will meet at 8 p,m. Friday. The Junior 2V[embership class Will meet as usual at 9 a,m Saturday. For Sunday, Bible classes and Sunday School will meet at 9:45 followed by worship services at eleven, The sermon theme will be "The .Importance of Bethlehem," with the text taken from Micah, 5:2 and 5. Friends of Yours? You May Meet Them Time ', BY PAUL JONES 'National Safety Council Meet *Danny Dodger, Shortcut Susie, Gertie Gawker, Bertram Bookworm and Bennie Bullbead! You should know them now be- cause tiey won't be with us long. You see, they are pedestrians-- the people you are likely to run into, Here are their des cripti6ns: DANNy DODGER ..... Gallops tKrough traffic skirts a taxicab dodges a truck and hops on a streetcar With a triumphant grin. The performance would make a football coach ha'ppy, .but the motorists who gained a few grey hairs are not pleased with Dalmy's end run. SHORTCUT SUSIE---She spies a friend across the street and wants to show her a new hat. She darts directly across, in the mid- del of th block, yoo-hooing al- most loud enough to drown out the squealing brakes, GERTIE GAWKER--She clfngs to the boyfriend with both hands looks soulfully UP into his face. She depends on him to guide her, But with Gertie such an eyeful, the boyfriend:s mind isn't on the guiding business. He meanders dreamily across the street obliv- ious o traffic. BERTRAM BOOKWORM---He finds an interSectlon' a handier place to read than a library, He usually gets his somewhere he- tween the sport page and the classified section. BULLHEAD . the street by a c • galhSt a iflddle of the block, or step out from between parlced cars, or walk on the right side of a road at night. 12,000 "Other Guys" Killed But National stfety Council fig- ures shoVr hat thdre were nearly" 12,000 of these "other guys" wlm literally walked themselves to death s year, 0he out f hree of our n'ational traffic t011. Now that fall is corn,rig on and it gets dark earlier, you "&ill b' running into these crazy pedes- trians more and more. The Danny Dodgers and the Shortcut Susies will regard the streets as their constituhonal playground, dedi- cated to liberty but not, alas to life and happiness. ASKS RE'TURN OF BOOKS The Rayonier Canteen fund has been donated to the hospital for books and magazines" for the pa- tients' library, Mrs;. avies s01ec the books aIld disfributes th6 tWO aftdr- n0ns a week fo #11 e pa!efit& This library., has b6o: enJ6yd by e'¢ery0ne W, hO h b n hospital- lied i the iat tew ar. • . lVafiy df new a:n m0St etl- staidq$ boR$ law been taken boise y rtstak6 nd rS.I Davies wquld aPpreclt6 It i I ;rey are re, tu÷ned to tie he, ital, eitl/er 0rought in or by mail. Protein Shartnge In the Orient, there has been s shortat2c of prote]rls for c'ner:]fions, Saviour. which is Christ the Lord. .... Luke 2:11 ])el, year, m of contractm'J J. F. Walter D, Brear .piroved.. report on acat]:on f alley in Mt. Vi6w Addi- i and hearing set fro' Db- 1947, at 10 a,m, continued, November 10, 1947, Board present. ceipts for week ending Nee. :ed in treasury to credit of Road Fund, • , e from Sutp, of Labor & Ind'(]s, of claim of Win, S, Brown re-opened` ,fled Clatms allowed, , . Resolution cancelling various county warrants signed, Plans and specifications for wer- bcrger Cove Grading & Culvert Con- struction C RP 100 Unit No. 4 approved and forwaraed to Stae:Hignway Dept, mr approval, Dance permit Issued to White Spot Tavern. Remainder of. cla, spert ciiecling lists of oultty tanqs, 'M.e.en[[ gItinuea. ' . .toao.y. lIovember 17th. Boa;d mt, All.pr4sent ...... tar]rg on Nello Befi'oh Ptat was p0ti)ofled  0ntil Dec 1 at 10:80 a.m:" Foursquare Church 910 E. Dearborn St. Sunday School--9:45 Worship Service---,l1:00 C'rnsader Serviee---6;d5 Evangcllstic Service--7:45 REV. RUSSELL DORNBAUGH Pastor For unto you _ ., is horn this] day in the City of David a. First Baptist Church J. O. BOVEE, Pastor Sunday Schnol at 9:,15 A.M, Classes for' all ages. Morning Worship nt 1.1---Sub- jeet "Lessons in the ]ooit of Acts." Young People Service. 6:30 P.M. Evening Message, 7:30 ....... New Years Message A singing' Chm'ch with n, Gospel message. You are invited MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHAPEL Rev, Thee. W. Chapman, Pastor Morning Service 11 a.m, Evening Service 7:30 p,m. PASTOR'S NEW YEARS MESSAGE WORSHIP WITH IN OUR NEW EDIFICE AT 130 EAST PINE STREET U S ASSEMBLY of GOD TABERNACLE Rev. Sam McGIII, Pastor THE TRUTH FOR THE YOIITH Mt. Olive Lutheran Church The Church of the Lpthdran tour HiLLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE Telephone 395-M and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 11 a.m. First MethOdist Church "A Friendly Church tn a Friendly Community" Fourtll and Pine Sunday School at 9:45 a,m. Morning Worship 11 "00 a.m. This is "Strident Recognition Day," wilh returning College Students taking pat':[ in the servioe. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branch of The Mother Church, Th First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK W'DNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, , open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4, o clock. and WedI16dVfr' 6:45 to 75 'o clock, " All are ordially invi'ted to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH A'r 302 ALDER STREET " ' - , L _ Charles Thomas Shaffer Chancellor in Sacred Literature Specializing in Prophecy Consultation Free Correspondence Invited Res. Lakeside (Uost Prairie) Mason Co.. Wash. Box 66-A, L, L. Rte,, EIma, Washington I