December 25, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 25, 1969 |
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RS. SANTA CLAUS, above, proved to be exceedingly
:amera-shy, and throughout the interview persisted in playing
)eek-a-boo between the petals of a large poinsettia
00rs. Santa Claus Gives
Husband's Favorite Recipe
In an exclusive interview with
drs. Santa Claus, it was learned
:hat she is, indeed, a woman of
nany talents.
She believes that idleness is the
'oat from which springs the
)ramble bush of unhappiness, and
he prefers to keep herself well
She tends Santa's reindeer, who
at absolutely nothing but holly
md Gingerbread Boys; she paints
heir hooves with red nail enamel
md sprays gold paint on their
terns. She raises puppies and
:ittens for her husband's business
nd also a few ponies and horses,
mt these larger pets pose
:ransportation problems.. Ot one
ccasion, the entire side of Mr.
?Jaus's sleigh was kicked to a
hambles, spilling gifts all across
;entral America whose
ahabitants thought it was some
tew sort of foreign aid. Also,
ceording to Mrs. Claus, Santa
inds very few stockings that will
tretch sufficiently to
ccommodate equines, and those
nly among the out-size
Mrs. Claus cooks and she bakes,
nd she makes all sorts of goodies
acluding candy canes, in which
he has this year wrought a
.'volutionary change. Heretofore
er canes have always been white
ith red stripes; now she is doing
sits in fr(,nl of the fireplace
burning o/d Christmas trees and
picking nits out of Santa's beard
that she dreanls up all the clever
new toys and delightful novelties
for the coming year.
She is the one who packages
the unassembled Kiddie-Kar with
689 parts anti the crucial bolt
missing; and the outdoor lights
with the lazy one at the top of
the ridge-pole.
When questioned about her
beautiful snow-white Imir, Mrs.
Santa Claus replied archly that
only her hairdresser knew for
sure, but it seems highly probable
that she ,ea a wig. She seems to
feel thrquite neeesaary to
preserve her ilDage, but one sort
o f wonders if, perhaps,
underneath it all she isn't much
like - well, like a mother.
It was suggested that her
husband's favorite food was no
doubt Plum Pudding, and she
said, "Heck, not It's
3 C. milk (Heat until
warm but do not scald.
Allow to cool to lukewarm.)
1 C. sugar
3 heaping Tbsp. cornstarch
4 eggs
3 Tbsp. butter
! heaping Tbsp. Peanut butter
i1,, ,,1, iiiii , ,,, , , , i,,,
lem in red with white stripes.
they now express the real me,"
te states.
She also makes dolls. She has
lade dolls that cry and dolls that
ugh; dolls that talk, walk, run,
ance, skip rope, wet the bed, and
fit up; and now she has made a
all that makes dolls.
Asked to comment upon life,
Jan Danford, Society Editor
Marie Fitzgerald Marries
Yellow and lavender
chrysanthemums decorated the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints for the November 15
wedding of Marie Fitzgerald and
Don E. Waggoner, Jr. The Bishop
James Farrimond performed the
double ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fitzgerald of
Sandy, Utah, and was given in
marriage by her father before 150
She was attired in a long
white empire-waisted satin gown
with bell sleeves. Her veil and
train were edged with lace, and
she carried yellow
chrysanthemums with lavender
Her maid of honor, Kathy
Stodden, wore a long lavender
gown and carried lavender
chrysanthemums. The six
bridesmaids, Susan and Mary Ann
Fitzgerald, Nancy and Judy
Waggoner, Linda and Lauri
Holms•ram, wore long yellow
dresses with lavender empire
bows, and each carried yellow
chrysanthemums. Lavender
dresses and lavender mums were
the choice of the three flower
girls, Rhonda Woodward and
Leslie and Rhonda McAferty.
The groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Don E. Waggoner, Sr.
tie selected as his best man Dick
Cressy, and as ushers Harvey
Farrimond, Dave Fitzgerald, and
Mark Fitzgerald. The ring bearer
was Richard Fitzgerald.
Karen Burgess Bake played
piano and organ, and vocal
selections were given by Kathy
Allen of Sandy.
The mother of the bride was
gowned in a dark yellow dress and
the mother of the groom in pink
knit. Both chose white
The lavender and yellow
theme was repeated in bells,
By Jan Danford
'Twas the Night before Christmas
And all through the house
My kitten was stalking
Her catnip mouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Don E Waggoner
candles and mums for the
reception following the wedding.
The cake was formed of four
heart shaped layers, topped with
an ornamental bell and decorated
with taurus.
Serving were Vonnie
Farrimond, J ulie Farrimond,
Elsie Savage, Valene Fitzgerald,
Karla Fitzgerald, and Margarett
Woodward. Roberts Fitzgerald
presided at the guest book, while
the gift table was attended by
Jamie l-lickson, Debbie
Munsell,and Mabel Cammack.
The bride attended Shelton
ltigh School and the Jordan lligh
School in Utah. The groom is a
graduate of Shelton High School
and is now serving in the U. S.
Army in Germany, where his wife
will join him in the near future.
The stockings were hung
By the chimney with care
And her little pink nose
Mix sugar, cornstarch, egg yolks, Went prospecting there.
and % C. milk; pour into
remaining milk, and cook until
thick. Add butter and Peanut
Butter. Pour into baked pie shell.
Add meringue made of:
4 egg whites
4 tsp. sugar
½ tsp. tarter
Pinch of salt.
Whip egg whites with cream of
tarter and salt until very stiff. It
'Twas a gaily wrapped package
Beneath the tree
With a card that read
"To Kitty from me."
In spite of my threats -
In spite of my warning,
She did not wait
Until (ristmas morning.
Beta Zeta
Raises Funds
For Charity
The regular meeting of the
Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsilon
Sigma Alpha was held at the
home of Mrs. Bob Seibert on
December 10. Plans were made
for various caterings.
The group toured the
Certified Manufacturing Company
with Robert Funkhauser as guide.
Following the tour refreshments
were served by the hostess and
co-hostess Mrs. Tom Ogden.
Winner of the fund-raising
drawing held December 17 was L.
G. Bead, with the consolation
prize going to Cecil Crow.
Proceeds will be given to the
Exceptional Foresters.
New members of the chapter
are Mrs. Lucille Lathom and Mrs.
Edward Campbell.
Music Club
And Guests
Hear Program
Members and guests of the
Shelton Music Club met at the
home of Mrs. James Barrom on
December 16 for an evening of
Christmas music.
Hymn of the month, "Thou
Didst Leave Thy Throne" was
sung, and the history was
explained by Mrs. Bill Henderson.
A composition by Mrs. Alice
Palmer entitled "Christmas Bells"
was sting by a group including
Mrs. Steinberg, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs.
Norvold, Mrs. Puhn, Mrs. Engen,
and Mrs. Beck. A selection "Wind
in the Olive Trees" was presented
by Mrs. Agnes Neth, Mrs. Jean
Lee, Mrs. Betty Tweed, Mrs.
Gerry Himlie and accompanist
Mrs. Sue Johnson from the Faith
Lutheran Church. Singing with
the group was Mrs. Joan
Among selections by the men's
quartette from the United
Methodist church were "Lo, a
Rose" and "Shepherds Left Their
Flocks". Comprising the quartette
were Messrs. Soloos, Herrick,
Thacher, and Folsom.
A speaking choir composed of
Lorna Erickson, Esther Norton,
Ruth Smith, Etta Rector, and
Nine Roberts read "To a
Christmas Tree" by Frances
Frost. This was followed by piano
renditions of the "Nutcracker
Suite" by Frances Sanderson and
Joan Samaduroff. The concluding
number was a solo, "O Holy
Night" by Rand Peterson.
A gift exchange was held
during the reading of "The Night
Before Christmas" by Pauline
Barrom. Gifts changed hands at
each repitition of the word "the",
each person receiving the gift held
at the end of the reading.
The Shelton Music Club is a
member of the National
Federation of Music.
New Year's Dance
Tickets Available
Tickets for the New Years
Dance sponsored by the Mason
County Democrat Club arc now
on sale.
The dance will be held at the
Dayton Hall.
Information can be obtained
from Robert Whitmarsh,
426-3032 days and 426-6569
Wendy Bolender i
High School Spotlight
Wendy Bolender was born in secretary for the Associated ii!
Olympia on March 20, 1952, and Student Body; a member of the il
student faculty committee, and
came to Hoodsport when she was
6 years old.
A senior in Shelton High
School, she studies psychology,
sociology, senior literature,
personal typing, civics, and
advanced drama. Of these, drama
is her favorite; she was in the cast
of "Look Homeward, Angel" last
year; she and two other girls
wrote and directed "Heidi" for
Children's Theater.
She has belonged to Pep Club
for three years, and to the
American Field Service as a
.sophomore and as a junior; she
was a Thespian last year, and
again this year; an Honor Society
member for two years; she is
she was on the tlomecomin$
In addition to all this, she
tutors algebra after school, and
enjoys sewing and reading and the
summer sport of water-skiing'
Last summer she worked in the
Marc-One Drive-In in Potlatch.
She plans to major in sociology
in the Centralia Junior College.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur J. Bolender, and has a
sister who is a junior at the
University of Washington and three
brothers at home, -- Dan, Dave,
and John. There is another
member of the family, Kip, a
50 pound dog, half Norwe
Elkhound and half K
who is, she says, "really neat".
Wendy has dark blond
hazel oyes, and she is
inches tall
Service Set
There will be an early
Service at 6:30 p.m. at
Methodist Church. This year
will be a combined chC
presentation of "ttow Far Is
Bethlehem?" by Ronald
During the latter part of
presentation the children will be
invited to join Rev. Hofa
Mounts around the manger scen
This service is open to the pub, ¢
and families are invited to
their children.
There will be an I1 P
service which will feature
reading, "Under The Cloak"
Vasanta Panchami and will
presented by members of the r
-Job's Daughters | Senior High Youth Group.
te seemed to be quite favorably should hold shape in peaks. Add Without so much This will be followed bAY
1pressed. "! like it," she said. sugar gradually and continue to
I beat until thoroughly dissolved. Ass "by-your-lave"
She opened her present Hold Meeting And special musical numbers a
congregational singing of tce: Im- €
Pile meringue onto HOT pie On Christmas Eve! K
r filling, sealing carefully to edge of • . • Christmas Party THESE SHELTON MANOR Nursing Home neeland, Lena Hancock, Elizabeth Miller, Christmas Carols. There will II|lrl
baby sitting provided for tll:',
:, crust. Bake in 40O degree oven for • residents are making gift tags out of RuthSimon, ElnoraWarnes, and Onie Mead. service. The public is welcome. I
€ 8 to I0 minutes until delicately My Christmas gift came C. O.D.; Honored Queen Linda Koch Christmas cards. They are, left to right, Edna
. browned. My card came postage due; presided at her first meeting when
on the next If desired, this pie may be served So all you re donna get from me the Job's daughters met in the l)iore
is, Lrin hose with whipped cream instead of lsacheerfull.O.U. Masonic Temple on December l6. Old Christmas Cards Used
ing wh, she meringue. * * * A Christmas party followed. I1 Cosmetics [ It•raRity
Mrs. Santa, Visitors were Kitty Aslin, Past IkJ_ |lem
On Santa's knee, Honored Queens Raylin Whallyn ¢"fO * [r;
ROUND 1'HEal Saidtohim, and Joyse Powell, and deputy It was almost a year ago that by Mrs. Myers, whohasasmaU children, and several types of wall r YOU b
Reproachfully: instructor Whallyn. Mardi Myers walked into the paper cutter. Ruth Simon does all decorations. Attractive plaques o
| |E toys
"You're going out Plans Were discussed for a Shelton Manor Nursing home and the folding. Folders are made in are made from scraps of i[fortun
gY[lWN |/ Again, Isee; slumber party and painting volunteered her time and talents various sizes, most of them pre-finished plywood cut to the Aoo?_G.ERy?MpkE tiiloney
You MlGHTspendChristmas session to be held on Monday. to assist the residents in the approximately two inches by proper size. A picture is mounted _ ,X20Ny [
Eve with ME!" Plans were also made for enjoymentFrom tMs°f handicraftS.small beglnnm an three inches, in such a way as to leave a border ] t to_a[|latir°urn
attendance at the Mt. Moriah ' . . . " " g, Thelma Maxwell. second grade of wood. After gluing the picture
.2 f your • • • installation, extensive project nan grown " -- i lace three |fu'.'lo-o-nQ"'co'mol-exlO|totall
............. • teacher at Evergreen school, cuts n p.. , .. separate .co.ats of a | le na sers_tonefs, iotidn_s,,|i$].,O0(
lrtminer'houselO Monday,Ch°ice" Dee. 29 Heaven's portal, 1 suppose, Initiation will be held at the Aoout a oozen nUtes ann an from the cards suitable pictures varmsn caued "collage finish" are | vaa"iyl: [ be n,
Stands open constantly; next meeting on January 6. ever°CCasi°nalwednesdaygentleXnaafternoon°r two meetfor for mountino on the folders. .. Most applied,, withe thorough rubbing j %V. ]|Chist
PUD No. 3 commission The door He'd never think to close, " Y- " " a " talented m such things s Mrs. with steel wool between each
or so m no, app.=ion ,.0 "..',
2s, 7 p.m., room.meeting' 1 p.m., PUD conference For born in a barn was He .... ere ' ""
room-wRh-a-vtew wh they nieturesoue scran coat. I a.n =flemish yoou co=m=ea l[ontrit
Yule n "-rarly make ....... beautiful things ,out of ........... .... , • imilar on - - - ! were
--I, .... . .ao The meeti-- The ladies - using E gl
t,rls[mas caluo. - *,,n in a
10 a.m., 10 a.m.,SheltonCOurtBridgehOUse. Club, 7:15 Sweet with joy and peace tonight, l" :,J ,, assumes nartv nronortions with literally by the quart - paste the cover g rectangle of cardboard Y,
So soon row silent Held, r,00ar ' ; %0* ....... ,qoh,-es ,-*hofn,ae-s centerin, with cloth, using Elmer's Glue, Lie
p.m., PUD auditorium. I
the serving ox coltee ano cuoxles : ........... " " ' - -'* o- o-nt;-- "- .... *"" "^"
t te ooraer =,,u a. atb tits; t, ut'VUt ph.ture
-nd sometim .... music Helen nem to leave a neat whi .
Goodwill truck in town. II Illl I I ......... The Shelton Multi-Service .................. " .... -on e v"
Phone426-4847 for pickups. How is it that the American, Center had an excellent turn out Stansbury often plays accordion .The enttre group p_arUcpates m there _,_1 a mg a. border of
t oacxgrounu, aria ramming rne
f,-r *he ladi*s --* • hen -ossible ne tinishing of the tO•acre.
Tuesday, Dec. 30 once he has attained his majority, for its Christmas party Dec. 19. " ............ " t n " . • edge with gilt braid, or other
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, appears to us as the perfect The party was for children four to her daughter, Barbara When o Mrs. ..... Ohve Raab, who is blind ........ stataote material
Timbers restauranI, conformist. It is, perhaps, because 12 years of age. joins in on the organ. Requests uoes all counting ann pacgagmg. "
City commission meeting, 8 he has exhausted during his The children played games are played, and the ladies enjoy They are neatly wrappeu in
2onsidering the alternative,
d it quite acceptable."
Although Christmas is a year
und business with the Clauses,
m. Santa admits that they relax
Uttle after the holidays, before
ginning work
fletide season. It is during those
ag January evenings, when she
day, Wednesday, Dec. 24
Drivers license examiner, 10
n. 5 p.m., court
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Jti.rvie center.
Mason County
strict Commission,
rt house.
unday, Dec. 25
Christmas Day
day, Dee. 26
Chamber of Commerce board
eting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
:)F hall.
p.m., city hall.
childhood and adolescence and had refreshments while they
singing their favorite songs. Mrs.
, plastic bags.
The Nursing Home is most I
appreciative of the donations of
tristmas cards which make J i "
ssible this enjoyable and HdllS Pkonn=Y d
fitable pastime.
DON'T THROW THOSE | E .nr_ ncy
| Fifth --rn anklin St -426"31E ILA
AWAY! Next week's L Open Oaily 9:30 to 7:30 ii m
)rin tou de! ed Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 * Ol
for making of
:urday, Dec. 27 Wednesday, Dec. 31 practically all his indiscipline and
Drivers license examiner, 10 Drivers license examiner, 10 anarchy, so that he has no
n. - 5 p.m., court house a.m. - 5 p.m., cOurt house difficulty later in life in
ement, basement, integrating himself into a
Salty Sashayers, 8:30 p.m., Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., collective society, which he
Iprounds. multi-service center, himself fully accepts.
aday, Dec. 28 Thursday, Jan. 1 - Andre' Siegfried
$lt0n churches invite yo u -- New year' s Day .... --I I. IL II IIII I II III
6- Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 25, 1969
waited for Santa Claus to arrive to
give out gifts. John Drebick was
Santa. Each child received a gift.
The Multi-Service Center
would like to thank Simpson
Timber Co., The Moose, The Elks
from Olympia and the PUD for
thei Donations for the party.
lva Wolfe furnishes cookies every
Many. uses are found for
Christmas cards, but the making
of gift tags is a full time, year
round mivity, First. folders must
be mare of white construction
paper. All cutting is done at home
In the past year, thousands of
these little cards have been made
and sold through bazaars, gift bars
and similar outlets. They were
exhibited at the Mason County
Fair, where awards were won.
Also from Christmas cards, the
ladies make scrap books for
profitable pastime.
column will bring you detailed
attractive and useful baskets.