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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1969
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Shelton High School Students Having Yule Activities By SIGRID CRABTREE Christmas is a very special time of the year and the students of SHS have been participating in many activities to celebrate the occasion. Dec. 10 the French club held it's annual Christmas party to which the Latin and German clubs were invited. Wednesday the German club held it's annual Kaffee-Klatch to which the faculty was invited. Thursday the Latin club held it's annual Eatin' Meetin' to Rev. Carlsen Is Going To New Church Rev. Carl J. Carlsen, who has been serving Faith Lutheran Congregation for several years, has accepted a call to Christ Lutheran Congregation, Opportunity, a Church located ten miles east of Spokane. The Carlsens will be moving to Spokane approximately Jan 7. Dr. Clarence Solberg, President of the North Pacific District of The American Lutheran Church, will install him as Pastor of Christ Lutheran Jan. 11. Rev. and Mrs. Carlsen and their family have lived in Shelton since September, 1959. Their new address will be: 12703 Guthrie Drive, Spokane. which the faculty was invited. Also on Thursday the annual Choir Christmas program was held. The choir performed selections from the Messiah such as: Glory to God, "For Unto Us a Child is Born", "And the Glory of the Lord" and "Every Valley Shall be Exhilarated".. Soloists included Alison Wilder, Bob McClanahan, Cindi Rice, all seniors, and Cheri Watson, junior. They were accompanied by Cinda Watson. Also performing at the Christmas program were the f STEVE ELLINGSON, RADAR Controller, TPN 8, Ft. Rucker, Ala., recently stopped to visit his father, Kenneth Ellingson, Shelton, on the way to San Francisco, on his way to Viet Nam. Steve's wife, Nancy, and their son, live in Minneapolis, Minn. Swing Choir and Mixed Choir, and the High School Band. The choir is directed by Robert Miller and the band is directed by Bruce Moorehead. FUND RAISING By purchasing a ticket from one of the Girls' Club executive board members you may be helping someone afflicted with Tuberculosis to better health. The fund raising is part of the Girls' Club annual TB drive and the prize is an AM/FM radio. Tickets are on sale for 50 cents apiece or 3 for $1. All profits go toward the TB Fund. Because of the Christmas season sale has been slow but after students return to school the sales should pickup. The winner will be picked during half time at the basketball game here Jan. 16. TEACHER Bruce Kreger received the Key Club Teacher Appreciation award at a recent Pep Assembly. Kreger has been teaching at Shelton for 16 years. Presently he is teaching Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculas. Born in Seattle he later moved to Eastern Washington where he graduated from Almira High School. After graduation he attended Eastern Washington State College. From there he went to the University of Santa Clara where he received his Masters Degree in Mathematics. CAP AND GOWN Seniors have chosen their class colors. This years seniors chose coronet blue for the boys and light blue for the girls. The seniors have also ordered their announcements and other graduation items. GIRL OF THE MONTH Sandy Pozorski was chosen as the December Girl of the Month under the title of "Courtesy". Sandy is this year's Girls' club president and has been on the tennis team for the last three years. SKI TRIP The debate class is offering another fabulous date for some lucky couple. A ski trip to Crystal Mountain is being awarded for 25 cents a ticket. The couple will be able to choose the date they want to go, and transportation will be provided if it is necessary. if the couple can not ski they will be provided with free lessons. The debate team is sponsoring the date to pay for their trip to various college debate matches. AFS Approximately $700 has been raised by the AFS toward their goal of $2500. Projects which have helped to raise the money include a car wash, a dance, selling Halloween insurance, having a workday and the movies which are being held on Saturday for elementary school children. During the Christmas AFS plans to show films. Dec. 24 a matinee will be held from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Also an adult movie is being planned for Jan. 2 and 3. THE ENGAGEMENT OF Miss Diane Carol Dennis to Richard Lee Halliday of Hawaii is announced by her parents, Mrs. Herbert S. Anderson and Charles L. (Jack) Dennis. Miss Dennis is a former resident of Shelton, and is now a senior at the Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Selma Dion, and the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Dion and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dennis of Shelton. Richard Halliday is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Halliday of Port Townsend. A March wedding is planned. IRGINIA ALLISON displays the cookbook compiled by Qbers of the Lilliwaup Community Club, and for which designed the cover. The area from Belfair to Port Ludlow canvassed to acquire recipes and household hints. 'ceeds trom the sale of the book are to be used to finance lew roof for the club house, which offers the only meeting on the canal for club members, most of whom are lior citizens. The book includes a history of Lilliwaup rst published 25 years ago and reprinted by special trfis.,ion of author Christine M. Ahl. Mrs. Allisoh is irman of the "Kukbuk" committee and may be reached at home in Millo's Trailer Park for further information. ! Boy Suffers Head Injury Darren Devaney, 4, suffered a cut on the left side of his forehead and bruises when he was struck by a pick-up driven by Donald Wilson. The accident occured Friday evening in the 200 block of Cota St. Witnesses told officers the boy ran in front of the vehicle and that the driver stopped almost immediately, but, was unable to stop in time to avoid hitting the boy. Ire .RLEY KRAMER, CITY LIBRARIAN on this is but one of several donations made Y I e  eft, receives a check for $20 from Lynn annually by the organization to various civic o ¶naueh, treasurer of the Welcome Wagon. projects. The funds will be used to purchase tP  ht-  I ' ne right is Laura Wallingford, presdent, books of local interest. bY IjQ money was raised by a bake sale, and ... ,. L tla Ill • ,,, 00wk00,stmas Fund t")oes Over Its Goal Keep up on . "ore than one hundred Frank, Jean P. Eliot, Olsen current i County families will have a r Christmas thanks to the of their neighbors. em of the 40 & 8 Lure were busy this week boxes with groceries and toys for distribution to the in the county, using collected by the 40 & urr Christmas Fund. this week pushed :Otal to $1164.25, well over 1,000 goal. Every bit of it )e needed, however, since f2hristmas finds more persons usual suffering misfortune. to the fund this were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ty, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Licensed Practical Nurses A. W. and Anne LOWREY & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Jamy's Musi€ Box Open 'tll Ildl0 p.m. Furniture, Mrs. Martha Witsiers, Warren Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Angle and three anonymous donors. Post Office Has Job Opening The Post Office has applications available for a janitor position which is open at the, Shelton Post Office, Postmaster Frank McGuire said this week. The position became vacant with the retirement of James Walker last month. McGuire said the annual salary for the position is $5,286 and the job is open to veterans only. BIO KLEAN is here Ask your grocer I affairs the easy way Read the Pulitzer Prize winning Christian Science Monitor. Rarely more than 20 pages, this easy-to. read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp of national and world affairs. Plus fashion, sports, busi- ness, and the arts. Read the newspaper that 91% of Congress reads. Im= mmll  mll  mllm  mmm i Please send me the Monitor for [] 1 year $26 [] 6 mos. $13 [] 3 mos. $6.50 [] Check or money order enclosed [ Bill me name street__ city stats zlp PB 18 THE CHIQSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR® Box 125, Astor Station Boston, Massachusetts 02123 GOLDEN YEAR for KEY SAVINGS ACCOUH Let us cut for you a PERSONALIZED: 18 Karat Gold Plated , WITH YOUR OWN INITIAL IT'S FREE/ ... for opening a New Account of $50.00 or adding $25.00 to your present savings Account. • BEAUTIFULLY MONOGRAMMED with your own 18 Kt., Gold Initial! ! • CUSTOM-CUT at our office to fit the ignition of your own car! I COMPLETE WITH safety.locking 18 Kt. Gold Plated Key Ring! I • KEYS FOR ALL AMERICAN-MAKE CARS • PERSONALLY INITIALLED KEY RINGS exquisitely designed, for owners of foreign cars. 14 $1 X-MONTH ilO00.O0 SILVIWR CERTIFICATE ACCOUNTS WHEN COMPOUNDED ANNUALLY " i SHELTON -- First & Railroad. 426-8211 Home Office: Olympia Olympia -- Montelano -- Vancouver -- Shelton i ii ii t Thursday, December 25, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7