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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1969
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p ted Homes, Businesses Brighten Area homes, with window decorations, The primary grade children where the program was held, and lights lining tile sundeck, and were dressed in their best, and the entire cast, directors and much more, all a joy to behold, they sang their little hearts out. teachers richly deserved the CHRISTMAS IN TACOMA One little miss, clad in ruffly ringing applause for a job well pink, stole the show. She done. Lewis and Faith Evans will continually seemed to be having A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE spend Christmas at the Tacoma troubles all her own, adjusting her home of their daughter, Sharon apparel, perhaps? Then there was Glitter of tinsel, green of Wahl, and boys, where the whole the little boy from the Lower holly, fragrant scent of pine. family will get together for the Skokomish. In leaving the stage Multi-colored Christmas lights occasion, he wandered off in the wrong winking on in the early darkness. COMMUNITY CLUB direction. But was quickly set The sugar and spice of Christmas There were eight tables of straight by one of his peers, who baking. The sound of carols in the pinochle in play at last Friday's grabbed him and pulled him air. The sending and receiving of card party at the Lilliwaup along. To the delight of the Christmas cards, linking old Community Clubhouse. Three audience, friends, old times. This is hundred pinochle was won by The Kindergarten youngsters Christmas. Walter Allison and Lucille were adorable. They came The hurry and worry of last Edwards. First prize score winners marching in carrying little minute gift shopping. The were Millie Diesen and Lucille flashlights like glowing candles frustrations of crowds and traffic. Edwards. Pat Nicholson and and jingling their bells. Sitting on Short days and shorter tempers, Ernesto Aura won second prize, the stage, their rendidition of from trying to do too much in The club will hold a New "Away in the Manger"wasnotso too little time. This too, is Years Eve Party Dec. 31, at which much discordant as different. All Christmas. time the pinochle series winners the little voices wandered off at Sober reflections of the will be announced. The Jan. 2 their own sweet will. meaning of Christmas, the business meeting has been In between acts there was a birthday of the Christ Child. Not cancelled. Next pinochle party perfect bedlam of youngsters a pagan ritual of the turning willbeJan. 16. dashing about, chattering seasons. Not a time for revelry or vociferously, debauchery. An inward renewal ORTHOPEDIC GUILD The tableaux of the Nativity of the faith of Christmas for The Blanche Radke put on by the Junior High almost two thousand years. There Orthopedic Guild held its annual youngsters was beautifully done. are other days and other Christmas party at the Potlatch And complete with one festivities, but Christmas belongs home of Mrs. John Kneeland. The mini-skirted little angel, to the Babe in the Manger, to Kneeland home was spectacularly There was S.R.O. in the gym Mary bending over the rude decorated in every room. Refreshments featured Mrs. Kneeland's home baked Christmas cookies. This is the third year the Guild members have prevailed upon Mrs. Kneeland to host the annual party. They feel it to be a perfect send-off for the Christmas season. SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PAGEANI Attended (under protest, I'm old enough to gracefully resign from such events) the Hood Canal Junior High Christmas program, and enjoyed it muchly. VIVIEN OLSON LILLIWAUP - The little town of Lilliwaup (and environs) IIways a lovely sight, nestled in its 0untain ringed cove, is ,'cially decorative these days nights. Driving north along The Driftwood Shop its many colored lites lYly at passing motorists. Beach is a lovely sight to along both sides of the looking like a bright card. Next, at Blue Ox Art and Irma lndahl's new is especially pretty, with its lites, the combination blues and greens along the side are most attractive. Restwhile features at least beautiful trimmed outdoor ring trees, plus many Ulticolored lighted dwellings. the Guest House Motel and !€ann's Beauty Shop are decorated. On down to the town proper, is the Lilliwaup Post Office illich Faith Evans and her "Teeny" Moffett keep so lovely 365 days a year. much so that it was awarded a for beautification from Johnson.) This year the display features the sill covered with a white bell tinge, on which stands a cone tree, a miniature scene, Christmas cactus, even Rudolph. Holly garlands draped over the window, and Window itself is outlined with lights. The Lilliwaup Store is gay its many lights, and its door wreath made from Olympic Peninsula's own reen huckleberry. North the highway, are many Ore beautifully decorated k]tlock ngers Have Pot Dinner Friday . bORA HEARING the holidays with the Earl Walker family and friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker and Janet of Tacoma spent Saturday with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer. t, !,t3 Jq.ier was the lucky person at Pinoehlo Club to hold 1,500 trump in clubs. She also baked a pretty anniversary cake to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing's 45th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Legacey and daughters of Tacoma called at the Edward Valley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford spent Tuesday at South Bend with the LeRoy Boothe's family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and Mr. and Mrs. David Valley and Krista enjoyed dinner at Lake Limerick Inn Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. David Valley's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert of Hoquiam were Sunday dinner guests of the Kenneth Howard family. Don Gribble of Long Beach, Calif. was home visiting his parents a couple days last week, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gribble. Don will report for army duty at Fort Ord, Calif. Jan 5. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chrisman of Tacoma spent Sunday at the Dick Tupper home. Mrs. Archie Kelley called on Mrs. Van Norman Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. ARchie Kelley spent Wednesday with his sister Mrs. Hazel McCollum of Montesano. Mr. and Mrs. James Leggett and family of Aberdeen spent Saturday afternoon and evening at the Archie Kegey home. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnes. MATI OCK .... Merry to all my friends and column. Matlock Grangers enjoyed a Luck supper Friday evening a program and exchange of A short meeting was held the group decided to have the New Yca¢ aty and the nexL'meeting until Pinochle Club was Saturday with Darl Goldby and Mary apPell host and hostess. High went to Rachel Valley and Bozarth. Pinochle to Carl Portman and Armstrong and Low score Mary Jo Valley and Elvin The next party will be 3 with the Hearings hosting Ladies Club and Christmas was last week Wednesday Dora Hearing hostess. Next ting will be Jan. 7. and Mrs. Earl Cash and ily of Everett spent the end with their folks the Max family. Weaver and Nellie Nelson Tuesday afternoon with Augusta Portman. and Mrs. Dan Walker and David spent the weekend in 3ma with the Neal Davis The Steve Dudics family a Christmas party with their daughter and of Port Orchard. Augusta Portman and called on Mrs. Marie aY and Mrs. Florence Lawton Thursday. and Mrs. William Barnes Mr. and Mrs. AI Jones of Friday. Spaulding returned last week Friday from the Community Hospital 'y. and Mrs. Garth Calkins Coleen of Santee, came Sunday to spend Greeting Drawn by Janice Simpson, 5th Grade, Mt. View Capital Restaurant and Topper Room Mabel Long makeshift crib. To the wisemen and the shepherds and the kings. To the beliefs we learned as little children. This is Christmas. To me, one of my loveliest Christmas memories is the candlelighting services at Christ American Lutheran Church in Waco, Texas. Sitting there among many people I didn't know, suddenly there were no strangers. As the light was passed from one hand to the next, each candle illuminating the rapt face bent over it, 1 felt an inward glow of peace and hope, of kinship and love. May this Christmas glow be ever a part of us all. And it came to pass in those days... Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 11 F. & A. M. Saturday, December 27 (St. John's Night) Stated Communication Lodge Opens 8 p.m. Victor T. Ellison, W.M. Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary / / / / KODEL and COTTON WHITE PERCALES ' The fine quality of kodel polyester and cotton blends give this superb no-iron sheet its' lasting beauty and durability. Come in and select yours now. Twin Flat Double Flat & Fitted & Fitted Reg. 2.99 Reg. 3.99 2 "sT 2.97 1.67 Cases Reg. 1.99 COMPARABLE SAVINGS ON EXTRA SIZES I i Quaker Tablecloths Popular and beautiful lace tablecloths by Quaker. Colors of natural, white, moss and gold. 42x42, Reg. $4.00 ..... NOW $3.47 54x54, Reg. $6.00 ..... NOW $4.47 54x72, Reg. $7.00 ..... NOW $5.97 63x84, Reg. $9.00 ..... NOW $7.97 72" Round, Reg. $9.00 • NOW $7.97 72x90, Reg. $11.00 .... NOW $9.97 72x90, Oval, Reg. $ i 1.00 NOW $9.97 72x108, Reg. $13.00 .. NOW $10.97 17x7 Napkins, Reg. $ .98 . NOW $.77 Polyesthelyne Liners to match or contrast. Regularly $1.00 and $1.25 NOW $.87 and $.97 i is Not Problem Marty was born with a serious birth defect most of each arm missing. Why? We don't know. No one knows. But we do know that science can find out. March of Dimes- supported scientists wiped out polio. March of Dimes- supported scientists will wipe out birth defects. Help us help them. #'€, to thq,.11ARf'll OF DI.00IES IT'S COLORFUL.... IT'S VALUE-PACKED SALE! OUR FAMOUS PEQUOT LABEL NO-IRON KODEL and COTTON SHEETS ALL FIRST QUALITY NO-IRON SHEETS IN A BLEND OF KODEL POLYESTER AND COTTON. KODEL and COTTON STRIPED MUSLINS Twin Flat & Fitted Double Flat & Fitted Pillow Cases " Reg. 2.49 Reg. 3.49 Reg. 1.79 \\; 1.9" 2.97 , . 1.47 KODEL and COTTON WHITE MUSLINS Twin Flat Double Flat Pillow Cases Reg. 3.59 Reg. 4.59 Reg. 2.59 2.67 3.67 2.27 SALEI KODEL and COTTON COLORED PERCALES Spectacular savings are yours on these all first quality no-iron sheets in blends of kodel polyester and cotton. Many attractive colors to choose from. Twin Flat Double Flat & Fitted & Fitted Reg. 4.19 Reg. 4.99 .77 4.47 2"57 Reg. 2.99 COMPARABLE SAVINGS ON EXTRA SIZES Thermal Blanket Here's the perfect answer to year around sleeping comfort ... the light and airy warmth of our thermal weave blanket. • • a blend of 50% polyester adn 50% rayon. Five lovely €olors. $4 47 Regularly $6,98 ........... NOW • Stamped Pillow Cases A lovely assortment of prints stamped on """°°"" 07 Regularly $1.59 pair ....... NOW • Acetate Sheath Lining 45" wide sheath lining. Stock up now with a wid, selection of colors. 47¢ Regularly $.59 yd ............ NOW Featherdown Dots 45" wide permanent press dotted Swiss. Light background and dark backgrounds. 97 € Regularly $1.39 yd ............ NOW SALEI ALL COTTON WHITE PERCALES Save now on these soft snowy white all cotton percale sheets. Such fine quality for lasting beauty and endurance. 2 27 °°u"'"'t 2.47 & Fitted • & Fitted Reg. 2.39 Reg. 2.79 PillowCases 1.17 Reg. 1.39 . COMPARABLE SAVINGS ON EXTRA SIZES i iii Salel Dacron filler Bed Pillows You'll feel the extra comfort instantly because these pillows are all filled with 100% dacron polyester. More plump, more buoyant and the filling is non-allergenic. 21x27, Reg. $4.98 ... NOW $3.97 21x31, Reg. $6.98 ... NOW $4.97 21 x37, Reg. $7.98 ... NOW $5.97 Pillow Protectors Save now on first quality, bleached white pillow protectors with zippers. Standard, Reg. $1.59 NOW 97c PR. Queen, Reg. $1.79 NOW $1.47 PR. King, Reg. $1.98 . NOW $1.57 PR. 3rd & Railroad ELECTRIC BLANKETS Our own best rest polyester, rayon blend blankets with nylon binding. They have fitted corners and are guaranteed for two full years. Twin, Single control, Reg. $14.98 .. NOW $12.87 Double, single control, Reg. $15.98 . NOW $]3.87 Double, dual control, Reg. $19.98 .. NOW $16.87 King, dual control, Reg. $39.95 .... NOW $34.87 I I I I I I " Bath Rugs A lovely addition to a bath is the "scatter puff", Royal Sheared terry rugs. Dacron filled, fringed, quilted end with a plastic back. Decorator colors. 21x27 Contour, Reg. $6.98 ........... NOW $4.97 27" Round, Reg. $6.98 ................ lOW $4.97 21x36 Oval, Reg. $7.98 ............... INOW $5.97 Lid Cover, Reg. $2.98 ................. NOW $2.27 II I Illl I I Illl II I I i I I Thursday, December 25, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Page 9 IBII lllll I1 l