December 25, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 25, 1969 |
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RANDY LEWIS (22) battles a Montesano man for control
of the ball during a jump in the Climbers' game with the
Bulldogs in Shelton Gym Monday niqht. Mike Sparks, (34),
was the game's high point man with 22. The Climbers won
handily, 80-50.
Shelton Still Unbeaten In League
Keel,inl, the/r perfect league made most of the difference• It The Wolves took an early
rct:ord inlacl, Shelton's was the best defensive game of lead, and were ahead 13-9 at the
Ilight:limbcrs knocked off the the year for Shelton point wise. close of the first quarter. The
Soulh Kitsap Wolves in Port They only let South score five ttighclimbers not only clamped
Olchard Friday night, 61-45. points in the third quarter, and down on the Wolves, but opened
1lead tkat:h Terry Gregg of went on to post a 2-0 league up themselves in the second
the Clirnbers said thai the record and a 4-2 record for the stauza.
defusivc rebounding of Shelton season. M i k e S p a r k s, s e n i o r
sharpshooter, made two more
points in the second quarter alone
than did the entire South squad.
The Climbers were helped along
by senior Brad Jones' six points
to outscore the Wolves in that
period, 24-10, and walked off the
court with a 33-23 halftime edge.
They had come from four points
down to lead by ten.
Junior Bob Turner scored six
Blazers Matmen
Mike Sparks made Ion po/nts
in the setrorld quarter of the
Shelton llighciimbers" game with
Montesano Monday night and
went on Io gel 22 as the Climbers
demolished the Bulldogs in
She:lion Gym, 80-50•
t/nabte 1o pull away from the
visitors in the early stages of the
ame, although they never trailed,
the (:limbers put on a second
:luartet defensive show and
parks led the scoring to put
,helton ahead hy II at halftime,
The firsl quarter saw Shelton
eke a 44) lead, and then keep a
hree to four point lead for the
'est of the period. Jim Corey got
even points and three other
?limbers had four each. Trailing
y just 19-16 at the close of the
irst quarter, Montesano had
aken advantage of a leakin
lefense. It turned out to be their
,est quarter in the scoring
olumn, as Shelton tightened the
Beat Reeves
Shelton Junior ]tigh's Blazer
wrestlers improved their win-loss
record to 2-1 last Wednesday by
beating Reeves Junior High in
Olympia, 42-36.
At the end of their first three
matches, the Blazers boast three
undefeated grapplers.
Brooks Farrell, who has lost one
in three matches, got the Blazers
off to a good start when he
pinned his Reeves' opponent.
Brad Stiles, another
unbeaten Blazer, pinned his man
in' the 82 pound class in the third
round to make the score 10-0 in
Shelton favor.
Looking very strong in the
lighter weights, the Blazers have
yet another undefeated man in
the 96 potmd class where Mark
Lewis makes his home. Lewis
pinned his Reeves opponent after
team mate Tom Sagmiller won by
decision in the 89 pound class and
Shelton had an 18-0 lead.
Shelton lost the next match,
and then Mike Coleman, a
returning letterman from last
year, won for the first time this
year by a pin to make the score
23-5. However, Shelton lost the
next five matches and were
behind by 26-23 at the 152
pound class. Both teams forfeited
there, and Shelton won the next
three matches to sew it up. One
of those wins included Ray
Wiltman's, in the 173 pound class.
He is the other unbeaten Blazer.
Here is how the individual
matches went:
75 - Farrell (S) pinned Lewis
(R), first round.
82 - Stites (S) pinned Carr
(R), third round.
89 -- Sagmiller (S) dec.
Cannon (R), 2-0.
96 -- Lewis (S) pinned Turner
(R), second round.
103 .- Grindstaff (R) pinned
Frost (S), first round.
110 -- Coleman (S) pinned
Tricklett (R), third round.
117 - Hays (R) pinned Rank
(S), second round.
124 Andersen (R) dec.
Hergert (S), 2-1.
131 -- Kenaston (R) dec.
Howard (S), 7-5.
138 .- Burns (R) pinned
Miklethun (S), third round.
145 ..... Bryant (R) pinned
iik y O points to lead his Climbers in
.... Lea ds be rs ..... St.,bring inShelton got the third quarter asl 5 and heki South,to
a .,,'re five• By the end of (hat H;ohcl;mher
period, it was Shclton 48, South
To t,or ver Monte
oo ,.o Jayvees Post
bench got to play in the final
quarter and South scored 17 to '-"-'rmn Win
The Bulldogs made only 14 of
30 from the charity line. It was
the Climbers 37 field goals that
made the big difference. The
visitors had three times the
chances from the line, but made
only 18 from the field, not even
one half as many'as Slelton.
(?limber scorers were Sparks
22, Corey 16, Jones 14, Rusty
Corey 9, l)orcy 6, Turner 5, Bac
4, Fredson 2, Cole 2.
the bench tbr the second straight
game. They got to the 50 point
mark, but the Climbers were a big
30 ahead to take their fifth
victory in seven tries this season.
They have lost only to Ehna
The Climhers made six of ten
free throws. Two of them were
made by Jim Corey, who now has
an 88 per cent mark for the
season. He has made 22 of 25
from the line.
Bowling Results
Shelton 13, but the game was
almost on ice when the jump to
open the fourth quarter was held.
it turned out to be the Wolves'
most productive quarter, but left
them 16 short of the Climbers' at
the horn's final blare.
Coach Gregg said that Sparks
and Jones, the two high point
men for the Climbers, both had
an excellent night, scoring and
grabbing lots of rebounds off the
boards. He also commented that
senior Randy Lewis and junior
Kevin Dorcy came off the bench
to play good ball.
The Climbers had just a
slightly worse free throw
percentage than South, hitting on
11 of 19 to the Wolves I! of 18.
For the hosts, Tom Crossman was
the high point man wit h 18. He
was beaten for the game's honors
by Shelton's Mike Sparks, who
garnered 21. parks had quarters
of one, twelve, five, and three
. Balanced scoring led the
Shelton Highclimber junior
varsity past Montesano's for their
fifth victory of the season last
Monday night. Ten Climbers had
five points or more, yet no one
had over ten points as it all
totaled up to beat the visiting
Bulldogs, 63-40.
Taking an early 16-11 first
quarter lead, the Climbers even
had well balanced scoring in the
quarters with 16, 14, 14, and 19.
Mike Bac and Tim Fredson had
five each in the first quarter to get
Shelton off to a good start. Bill
Bacon led scorers in the second
quarter with six as the Climbers
held a 30-19 halftime lead. The
Climbers coasted on in for the
victory in the last half, and kept
improving the lead.
Free throws played an
important part in the game.
Montesano made 22 of 38 from
Women's Hi Game= Ann Cole 204
Women's Hi Series: Ann Cole 523
Standings: Lumber 38-18,
Engineering 33-23, Purchasing
29.27, Olym'#ic 27-29, IBP 27-29,
Accounting 25-31, Loggers 24-32,
Research 21.35.
Research 1-3, Jeanne
Women's Hi Game: Margaret
Bibbee 19]
Women's HI Series: Margaret
Bibbee 505
Shelton Recreation 43-17,
Harpers 34-26, Rainier 33-27,
Dairy Queen 31-29, B & J Mart
27.33, Hoodsport Lbr. 25½-34%,
Austin (S). first round.
152 .... Both teams forfeited.
159 - Oling (S) pinned
Campbell (R), first round.
166 - Robinson (S) won by
173 - Wiltman (S) pinned
Riley (R), third round.
Unl. -- McBride (R) pinned
Ream (S), first round.
The Blazers had one penalty
point taken away from them for
their wrestlers coming onto the
mat when they were not supposed
to, this accounting for 42 points
instead of 43.
Hood Canal
Hood Canal's ninth grade
team lost to Rochester 37-36 in a
squeaker last week. Johnson was
the high point man for Hood
('anal with 14 points. Endicott
added 8 more, Miller 6, Bourgault
5, and Toby 3.
Rochester's scorers were
England 17, Pankon 14, Fossum,
Sandy, and Bodine all 2.
The eighth grade beat
Chimicum 45-32 with Lindgren
scoring 14 points for the winners.
Bearden had nine, and Bolender
came off the bench to score
seven. Others scoring for Hood
(;anal were Tozier 6, Molinero 4,
Dudrey 2, and Deyette I.
Chimicum's seventh grade
slaughtered that of ttood Canal,
63-26. For Hood Canal, Grindle
had 10, Jarvis 7, Miller 6, and
Johnson 3. Chimicum's scorers
were Kilmer 15, Lowrie 14, Perter
lO, Jackson 5, Young and Daggert
4, Smith 3, Butts, Nelson and
Anderson 2, and Lowie and
Ritter, I.
$1t$ Letters
Are Awarded
Shelton High Schoet's winter
sports letters were awarded
recently at an assembly. Those
earning• their letters in, football,
croci c0ntry and gts t* , tennis
,: received the felt.
Thirteen seniors made their
letters in football. Head Coach
Jack Stark gave seniors Brad
Bransford, Steve Bostrom, Curt
Stracke, AI Olsen, Don Cox, Mike
Neau, Dan Cush, Bob
McClanahan, Scott Larson, Jack
Stentz, Russell Denny, Harvey
Farrimond, and Dallas Gunter
their due recognition.
Others who lettered on the
gridiron were Dan Bolender, Gary
Burger, Rick Fitchitt, AI McGee,
Dave Myer, Rocky Nutt, Larry
Olli, Cary Settle, David Stole,
Lane White, Paul Wittenberg,
Tracy Armstrong, Tom Brigham,
Bill (;ray, Don Neth, Mike Sheetz,
Neal White, and Mark Wittenberg.
Ten boys lettered in cross
country. Coach Lowell Stewart
awarded Jim Connolly, Phil
Krogh, Ken Smith, Jim Johnsen,
George Lamagie, Rich James,
Randy Wiltman, Mark Grubb,
Mike ConnoUy and Dave Frank.
Coach Mrs. Ruth Willard
lettered Sandy Pozorski, Kim
Sowers, Sue MeDowell, Margie
DR. HARRY DEEGAN of Shelton admires the trophy ,re
received upon being named to the Tacoma-Pierce coun Y
Hall of Fame. The picture of Deegan below is from a TacOma
newspaper of 1912.
Deegan t,,row In
Hall Of Fame ,
A distinguished athletic career
as a youth and a life-long interest
and participation in sports has
earned a place in the
Tacoma-Pierce County Hall of
Fame for Dr. Harry Deegan of
The retired dentist was one of
10 nominees honored at a
banquet on December 11 at
Tacoma's Top of the Ocean.
Dr. Deegan was a
quarter-miler on Stadium High
School's track team and a football
end while attending that
institution. Highlight of his prep
career was a 107-yard touchdown
gallop in 191 i.
Following graduation from
Stadium, he went on to
Washington Sate College (now.
University) where he earned a
varsity track letter as a freshman.
From there he went to the
University of Pennsylvania's
school, of dentistry. He served in
World War !.
The widest recognition he
achieved in the world of spOt
came as one of the f)undir
fathers of the thoroughbr
racing industry as an owner a,
breeder of race horses. He helP*
draw up the state's turf code, st
the version he co.auth0tl
remains extant, alm0
Bowling News
Men's Hi Game: E/don Todd 200
Men's Hi Series: Eldon Todd 534
Women's Hi Game: Barbara Wynn
Women's Hi Series; Becky
Schreiber 480
Standings= Tyee Well Drilling.
401/z-23%, VoWs Floor Covering
39-25, Harry s Hoodsport Texaco
38-26, J & J Service 37-27, Lake
Cushman Sales Co. 34-30, Eacrett
Lumber 33%-30%, Evergreen
Florist 28-38, Dick's Diggers
27-39, Allyn Shell 22-42,
Hoodsport Care 22-42.
J & J Service 2-2, Lucille
Chapman 468; Evergreen Florist
4-0, Jame Elmlund 380; Lake
Cushman Sales 2-2, Harold Bibbee
472; Eacrett Lumber 0-4, Eldon
633 S, 1st
i i
We will be closed from Wed. Noon, Dec. 24
until Monday, January 5, 1970.
Eacrett Lumber Co.
1332 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4622
1306 Olympic HwY. "=
710 Cedsr • Leroy Dale • 41152
CaB for Free Estimates
]e I0 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 25, 1969
00 dll I #
Replacements of all kinds
For Appointment Call
Alex Toney 42S-3971
Timber Bowl
Tylczak, Leslie Einarrson, Jackie Todd 534; Lannings, Hoodsport
Mays, Debbie Witcraft, and Cafe 2-2, Mile Dilley 430; Dick s
Valerie Sparks in tennis. Diggers 1-3, Ed Olson 475; Allyn
Shell 0-4, Harold Hillman 423;
the line and Shelton coverted
ise in the remainder of the NB of MC 251/e.34gz, Lucky Lager Campbell 431 Vs Olympic 3-1, Senior Jim Corey got ten on Managers for football were T"ee .... I .......... J
ontest. , 201k-3972. Ann Cole 523; Lumber 1-3, Jean . _ . y we f ur.,ng z-z, uel _.___.._...,ii
......... points in "the contest, hitting on 15 to 19. Five Climbers shot 100 Phil Henderson ano Chuck t:arey Stormo . ' Flnnr
• • ' .- 485; Von ......
The t.lirnbers scored the same _ ltt l;an v8'ngCoe:e?sg 1:' four of five free throws to keep per cent from the foul line, The tennis manager was Leshe Cover!ng 3-1, Barbara Vynn 468; .
,, . oo,,,,ooo.., irULL IT
ul bar of Ix)tats in me secono M .............. including Mark Johnson who ,ao, We"e- Harry s Hoodsport Texaco 4 O,
uarler as in the first," but .... tneir Menen'stliame'sHiSerie-'-eoLe°rault2Z4Nault5-,," Norene Stevens 424 Vs up a fantastic average for the made four of four in the fourth ....... e,,. John Schreiber 522. "
: - o Purchasing 4-0, Dot McNamara season, 20 in 23 attempts. Jones
rnproved det'ense was the key to Women,s Hi e Hele Rico enjoying a good season so far, i WOER PROVE ,l i.
.... Gam : n .... 4067; .Ac.counting.2.2,.Jane Whit e was number two for the Climbers quarter.
he good sized midgame edge. 182 uvsttJvzz MaryLouwlcKen The jayvees have been "
Women's Hi Series: Helen Rice 508 " ' with 12 points. He collected ten
Sparks got eight more in the 466 " in the first half. Junior Kevin aving only lost to South Kitsap ."
hird period when the Climbers .S.tan.dings:.. Ri_tos 41-19, SIMPSON MEN'SBOWLING Dorcy had a five point fourth
; o " € t" • - u!lneacls 3b-Z€, EIUZZ Bombs
peneu up t nay ne,r r)est 33 27 F rebals -- . FlrstHalfFln,l quarter and made seven for the and .their opener to Centralia, land. y :
Iontesano'': left Shelton ahead``28raensHiGame:GaeAbrechtgamehrCimbersrerswerewhmtheyaterbeaMen's Hi Series: George Wisecup Montesano ... 17AIS00p00l Ire'e'v00a Irm ..,
uarter. Jim Corey garnered 29-31, Miklethun Electrc 27-33, 239 . The scorers for Shelton in the
///,/I I '\\;
vel, and four other learn mates 4 of Us 25-35, Chantrels 20-40. Men's H ¢.,=ri,,:. c.= ah,,,-., Rusty Corey 4, Tim Fredson I.
andled the rest of the scoring. M C T were Bac Irl:"
'he 25 points to only ten for ,ER HA.,NT_5_ ............ 612 - ................ The Climbers played their last
Standings: Boom 33-23, Mill game of their non-league season 9, Bill Bacon 9, Tim Fredson 7,
Jeff Okano 7, Rich Walker 6,
, ,,,=,, n,a,,m: nucwntez3z 4 30-26, IBP 30-26, Mill 3 last Tuesday night, and will Bruce Cole 5, Larry Olli 5, Neal FIX-UP IlOm mint
2L9ae26.2C, hPhPers229217 , resume their league schedule White 5, Mark Johnson 4, Clyde ]1 I'11 BE PREPARED!
2-37 at the end of the quarter. 607
, , , , . .. Standings: Capital 41/v18Lk,
urea Jones, wno ned 14 White's 38-22 TCF 34 2a Railroad 22-34, ' which goes for another twelve Rains 4, Tom Brigham 2.
• " ' "-' YOUR "'--'- "
0rots in the game, got sx of Prepp s 29.31, Boon's, 28-32, games. The resumed league play
......... enecers 27-33 Kimbel s 26-34, The pursuit of perfection, will start after the holidays, on
ose )n the ilnal quarter as NB of r" o_nu.
hton sat on theu lead and NB of MC 1k.2½ D Wilson then, is the pursuit of sweetness January 6 when the Climbers ---------------------------.-------
.... " .... ' • and light, travel to West Bremerton to face , ,= AND LET US HELP YOU!
crcased it shghtly. Kcvm Dorcy 451 VS Capital, Mac 544;
at in two shots from the field Boon's 4-0, G Wisecup 607 Vs .... Matthew Arnold the Wildcats. Ilin a, ,.ur _ starts as easy [t
1' .imbels o-.,..0., I WE HAVE THEM ALLi .._...__.__ ['l |!:
):r our points. Montesano could Pre--'s ...... :" .... "
.......... .. v, MONTE as the new ., |,
roster omy I. points m tne rest Renecker s 1-3, D Stanley 544.
,,..,o..... ... .... w,,,.,, ..0, w,,,o,,0 HOMI:IlTE"
"F-- " "- - ""'-- Aluminum 18'7 Olympic Hwy. No.-- Mr. View CARLO e I *WEATHER STRIPPING and STARTING ASSURES
Sash, Shower lind Tub Doors, Every Saturday INSULATION EVERY TIME...
Storm Doors and Window Glass Complete Automotive Serv/co at 9 p.m.