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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Warner II In Vietnam Navy Boatswain&apos;s Mate Third Ronald L. Warner, son of and Mrs. K. P. Warner, is serving with the U. S. Support Activity in lnang, Vietnam. The Activity moves as much rgo as the port of Baltimore. It Pports more than 160,000 U. S. Ind free world forces in the five 0rthern provinces of South Off-loading ocean going ships, dlors work around-the-clock to love supplies by shallow-draft ft up the rivers and coastal to NSA detachments. the DMZ to Sa lluynh (120 es south of Danang), the supply combat with everything from food d clothing, to mortar shells and Ition gasoline• N S A's Seabees provide COnstruction maintenance Vehicle overhaul and utilities throughout the 1 Corps• 1'o Direct eart Fund Gerry K. Winner, Olympia 1 estate man, has been named direct the February lleart Drive in Mason and counties, W. A. "Jerry" of Olympia, state vice ¢llairman, announced today. Washington State Heart ociation provides training in troke patient rehabilitation for of this area and offers free for physicians to keep up to date on heart patient The agency supports 17 Search projects, and endows two posts at the University of ton. Ties Buckles Slip-Ons in WEYENBERG and FREEWAY Edward B. Auseth Is Set For Dec. 27 Christmas Trees Bring Comments Fifty Douglas Fir - flown from the fresh air and invigorating rains of Washington's Olympic peninsula flicker with tinsel and Christmas spirit today on Capitol Hill. Shelton, businessmen -- calling their home "Christmastown, U. S. A." - air freighted the trees to Congresswoman Julia Butler Hansen, D- Wash. She distributed them to all women memhers of Congress, key bi-partisn leaders "'and assorted other friends and supporters of our forests and natural resources." Noting that the trend toward artificial Christmas trees had grown to four million sales, Rep. Hansen said "besides the warmness of this gift - it is a good promotional idea for genuine Christmas trees." Responses from Congressmen have been encouraging and warm, she said. "1 can only say that the fragrance and beauty of this 'Shelton "Free' has certainly cast an overwhelming joy to all of us," Congresswoman Leonor K. Sullivan, D-Me., wrote Mrs. llansen. Congressman Wayne N. Aspinall, power chairman of the 1louse Interior Committee whose job in legislation is equal to Rep. ttansen's in appropriations, wrote: "This lovely tree is adding a to 52 million natural (hristmas trees." Shelton trees, carefully cultivated and manicured for market, are shipped across the Nation and to Hawaii. In Washington, Ilawaii's Congressmen were overjoyed by their Mason County trees: "The unequalled beauty and symmetry of the Douglas Fir Christmas Tree," wrote Rep. Spark Matsunaga, "is a joy to behold! The beauty and fragrance of my Shelton tree will indeed bring much happiness to the Matsunaga household as we spend this Itoliday Season away from llawaii." "Thank you for your kindess in sending me a Christmas tree from Shelton, Washington," Rep. Patsy Mink, D-Hawaii, said. Republican House leader, Rep. Gerald Ford, said: " . adorable -- and just the right size for the Ford's Christmas this year." "1 can well understand why Shelton is called the Christmas tree capitol of the world," wrote Rep. L. Mendel Rivers, chairman of the tlouse Committee on Armed Service. Georgia's Richard B. Russell, dean of the U. S. Senate, said: "It is now being decorated by my staff and will have a prominent place in the reception room of my office during the Christmas season." festive note to our office during "The tree has been decorated Masonic Installation this holiday season." for my office," said Congressman "The Shelton Christmas Tree A1 Ullman, D-Oregon. "The charming and scentful Shelton. Other officers who will be installed are Alex Amith, senior warden; Robert Tobey, junior warden; Loui Larson, treasurer; Arnold Chency, secretary; Charles Morrison, senior deacon; Loy tticks, junior deacon; Jack Powell, senior steward; Thomas Savage, junior steward; Leonard Cole, marshall; Jack C. Smith, chaplain and Fred Ferris, tyler. Acting as installing officers will be Lawrence Fisher, T. J. Watts and (;eorge ltoward, installing masters; Claude Rhodes, installing marshall; Lorell Seljeslad, installing chaplain; William Batchelor, installing secretary; Mrs. Loui Larson, installing organist and Stanley Phillips, officers usher. Others participating in the ceremony will be Linda Auseth, who will furnish music: Victor Ellison, woghipful masJ;, who will welcome the audience and Mrs. Edward Auseth and Mrs. Stanley Phillips, who are in charge of arrangements. Fisheries Honor Two For Service Edward B. Auseth will be installed as worshipful master of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 11, F. and AM, at ceremonies at 8 p.m. Dec. 27 at the Masonic Temple in MEN'S HOE SALE Regular Stock Specials William James of McCleary and Bolo Sarkowitz of Shelton were honored this week upon completion of their first decade with the Washington State Department of Fisheries. They received ten-year service plans from Fisheries Director Thor C. Totiefson in ceremonies at Olympia. James is a scientific aide in the Hatcheries division at the Department's Olympia headquarters. He is a graduate of Elma ltigh School and Grays llarbor Junior College and attended College of Puget Sound in Tacoma. He, his wife June, and their family reside on Route I, McCleary. Sarkowitz is an equipment operator in the Stream Improvement division. He is a graduate of Sheridan High School in Wyoming. With his wife Carmen and their family, Sarkowitz lives on Star Route 1, Shelton. i i is the most beautiful in the world," wrote Congressman Carl Albert, Ilouse Majority leader. "Rep. itansen noted that besides the "magical effect a naural tree has at Christmas time" the economy of the Northwest benefits greatly. She noted that some 45 million trees - retailing at some $160 million .... were expected to be sold this year and by 1975 the volume would be up Sizes: 7-12 Width: B-C-D-E Regularly to $20.00 NOW Douglas Fir Christmas Tree now adorns my reception office," Rep. Emanuel Celler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said. Congressman Jack Flynt, of Georgia, noted "we may not get to Georgia in time for Christmas . . . The day before it was delivered, Patty and I had talked of getting a small tree for our house in Virginia. Thank you and Simpson Bidding For Building Research Simpson Timber Company today received word from the Federal Housing and Urban Development Agency that it was among 37 bidding groups which have qualified for further consideration in projects to develop mass production of low-cost homes. ' Secretary George W. RG'mney'' :' announced that 20 final winners in the nationwide competition for federal funds to be allocated by HUD will be chosen during the coming month. Simpson Timber Company joined with Levitt Technical Corporation of New York, one of the nation's largest homebuilders, in presenting plans for "Operation Breakthrough", the Nixon Administration's major program designed to solve the Nation's housing needs. Robert J. Seidle, Simpson vice president-research, said Simpson has proposed sub-systems in three areas: ceilings, interior closet walls and doors, and resin-impregnated "skins" for lightweight foamed concrete structural members. Seidle said that winning one of the contracts could mean that a substantial amount of federal funds would become available for further research into low cost housing by Simpson. Preparations for Simpson's participation were made by John Gould, associate product development director at the Simpson Research Center in Redmond, and Dave Hillstrom, planning analyst in Simpson's Seattle headquarters. . .. $99o Simpson Timider Company operations in Washington, Oregon and California manufacture a full line of homebuilding materials. SAVE $1. PLAYTEX ® LIVING ® LONG LINE BRAS (or % length) with bias-cut side panels: only $5.95, reg. $6.95. 34A-44D (D cup, $1 more). With stretch sides, back and straps: only $6.95, reg. $7.95.32A-44D (D cup $1 more). Stretch long llne with 2" waistband: only $7.95, reg. $8.95. 34A-44D (D cup $1 more). PLAYTEX ® CROSS- YOUR-HEART ® LONG LINE BRAS (or'4 length): only $4.95, reg. $5.95, 32A-44D (D cup $1 more) the Shelton-MtJson ('ounty Christmas tree from Shelton is Chamber of ('ommerce for your almost as pretty as those we'grow t bought fulness." in Oregon ! " ... A token of the arca's "Since you are iust across the natural wealth and beauty," is River we feel that would be no how Congressman Joseph disloyalty in displaying a Mcl)ade, R-Pa., described the Washington evergreen in the tree. office during the holidays." The Nation's only woman .... Fhe trees were beautiful", Senator, Margaret ('hase Smithof said Congresswoman ttansen. E L E C T R O N I C S Maine, said: "1 am indebted to "'They were most rewarding TECHNICIAN Michael you for the very attractive gifts." Bloedel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christmas tree, just the right size Charles Bloedel, Hoodsport, for a lone woman . . ." The trees als<) furnished ! m y s e I f h a v e b e e n recently called his parents lighter nloments. Rcp. Wendell particularly careful never to say a from Vietnam. The call was Wyatt, of Astoria, Ore.. a civil word tt> the tJnited States. I made via Navy radio through Republican member of Mrs. have scoffed at their inhabitants a ham radio operator in ttansen's appropriations as a nation of villagers. I have Oregon and by telephone committee for Interior and defined the 100% Atnerican as from there. He has been in Related Agencies, wrote: q9% an idiot. And they adore me. Vietnam since March and 'The beautiful little George Bernard Shaw plans to be home in April. Notice to shareholders of National Bank of Mason County: A cash dividend of $1.00 per share will be paid on January 15, 1970, to all stockholders of record as of December 15, 1970. Board of Directors National Bank of Mason County IEX o o;x SAVE $1.00 PLAYTEX CROSS- YOUR-HEART SLIGHTLY PADDED BRA with stretch sides, back and straps: only $4.00, reg. $5.00. 32A-38C. SAVE $1.00 PLAYTEX ® SOFT- LINE ® PADDED BRA with stretch sides, back and straps: only $4.00, reg. $5.00. 32A-36B. SAVE $1.00 PLAYTEX CROSS- YOUR-HEART STRETCH BRA with stretch sides, back and straps: only $4.00, reg. $5.00. 32A-42D. (D cup $1 more). SAVE $2,00 PLAYTEX ® 5 Ibs. Thinner TM Girdles only $9,95, re6. $11,95. Zipper girdle: only $1 t.9S, reg. $13.95. Sizes: XS, S, M, L. (XL $1.00 more). PLAYTEX ® Magic C0ntr011e# Girdles only $6.95, reg. $8.95. Zipper girdle: only $7.96, res. $9.95. Sizes: XS, S, M, L. (XL $1.00 more). I IIIII AS SEEN ON TV 3rd & Railroad to s14 9° SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE of WOMEN'S SHOES CONTINUES I #O'It£#£AND00V£] Starts Friday, Dec. 26 ,,,°.Cote=re.,, APPLIANCES • TV • STEREO • FURNITURE ,o,,. ,,, ,,,, dAN UARY SAVE $1.00 PLAYTEX ® LIVING ® STRETCH BRA Only $3.50, reg. $4.50. With stretch straps: only $3.95, reg. $4.95.32A-42D (D cup $1 more). SAVE $2.00 PLAYTEX ® made with LYCRA* GIRDLES Double Diamonds ® Birdie: only $8.95, reg. $10.95. Panty: only $10.95, reg. $12.95. Long Leg Panty: only $11.fl5, reg. $13.95. Sizes: XS, S, M, L. (XL $1.00 more). Sale prices in effect from Dec, 26, 1969, through Jan. 25, 1970. i i i All Brae end Girdles--White. *DuPont's registered trademark PLAYTEX made with LYCRA* Girdle: Beck panel: 74% acetate, 16% rayon. 10% spendex. Crotch: 100% nylon. (Elastic sides: 80% nylon, 20% spandex.) Exclusive of other elastic. tf/ll mY INTERNATIONAL pI.AYTEX €ORpORA'lION PRINTED IN U*tt, A, Thursday, December 25, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13 aiR