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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1969
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Harstine Island Groups Observe Chris By CARMEN YATES tlARST1NE - The very best of the Season&apos;s Greetings are extended to each and every reader this week. Perhaps this is the appropriate time of the year to extend my deep appreciation of )'our continuing support and forgiving nature in light of the errors and mistakes that occur from time to time here in this SPot. For without the help and COoperation that comes from you, the readers, this portion of the Journal would not be possible. And another heart-warming thought as well as a real morale booster are the nunlerous people Other than Islanders (we admit we expect them too) that take the time to read this column each Week. All of the aforementioned items really make the time and effort very much worthwhile. As long as everyone gets behind me and continue to he!p so much I'll try to do my best for you each Week, I extend to each and everyone of you a simple, but huge thank you. With that big day just three days away from now, time is at a real premium for this writer as Well as everyone else. So with that thought in mind we hope you Won't mind too much if this Week's colunm is short and sweet. (it won't take so much of your time to read that way!) The Chuck Bridges family and the Glenn Yates family aCCompanied by Grandma Lila attended the Pioneer Christmas Program and had a delightful evening last Friday night. The gYm was packed with proud Parents and grandparents and brothers and sisters of the Performers. The climax for the Srnall-frv was when Santa arrived to make a greal evening a real thrill. The December (-;range • eeting held Saturday evening (this rnonth only) had both festive and solemn moments. Over twenty members gathered around the food laden dinner table. If the pot luck meal had been planned we're sure none of the Saturday diners would have made a single change, for it lacked neither variety, color or any other of the requirements for a perfect meal. (Right down to the traditional Christmas cookies.) During the meeting a solemn note occured as the Charter was draped for itarstinc's last Charier member, Lee Carlson. Ills daughter, l)orothy Chapman expressed her thanks and appreciation to the Grangers for both the floral piece and also especially for the Gravesidc service which included 23 members. Grace Campbell reported thal her daughter, Signie Tenaplcman had given birth to a baby boy, Clark Thomas Jr., Dec. 11. The new baby who joins a sister at home weighed in at 10 pounds three ounces. During Lecturer's Hour the youngsters lent Lecturer, Beulah ilitchcock a helping hand. Aflcr each member divulged lhcir favorite Christmas dessert the program went musical. Firsl Oliver Chapman played a trombone sol()accompanied by his Mona. Then he played a second number alone. Following that Alice Chapman played a Christmas number on the piano. Then Alice and Lisa Yatcs volunteered to sing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Jingle Bells. The program ended with a gift exchange. The (}rangers also reccivetl a letter from Vera Miller in thanks for forwarding the cookbook she had ordered at the Smorgasbord to her home in California. The Millers were vacationing in the Northwest and had camped on tile canal. They read about the event in the paper and attended. In the letter she expressed how much they had enjoyed their 'Island' evening and also ordered four more cookbooks for gifts. Mrs. Millet also inquired as to the difference in the spelling of tile Island's nt, mc, which will certainly bring a reply from yours truly. Ierhaps s)mcday the spelling of tire Island's name will be straightened out just as the spelling of Jarrell's Cove finally WIS. The Map (ommittec reporled the map ()t tire Island was ready to be pul up and relocated near the l:}ritlge as soon as they gel. permission for lhe location of the spot they want to use. I1 was proposed that a bulletin board for (7o m m u n I I y n(tices be incorporaled with the Map. llowever, the (;range members voted to go ahead and get the map put back up and discuss the bulletin board a liltlc more and inslalt that al a later dale. Dan Johnson, son of Thor Johnson, surprised an old lriend with a visit lifts past weekend. I)an who works in Jrclncrlon dropped in It) say "lli' Io Marie (Trouch Sun(lay altern()tm. Greeting drawn by Joe Simpson 6th Grade Mr. View CHRIS' ICE CREAM Greeting Drawn by Terri Moran, Age 12, Bordeaux C. C. COLE and Sons, Inc., Standard Oil Distributor Serving Mason County Through Waterwheel Store Duane Mead Service "Short Stop" Dayton Restawhile Park Mel Thompson Store Oyster Bay Store Bayshore Grocery Walt Rae Service Greeting drawn by Patty Showalter, 6th Grade, Bordeaux SHAUB-ELLISON CO. Shelton Puyallup Bremerton Tacoma tmas With Parties During The Past Week Aml lhc Jim Olds reported repair work on oil rigs about 100 accompanied by son, Ed and New York steak dinner, after over this last weekend. The Ihey had received a call trom lheir miles off shore, tie reports he daughter (?indy and her husband, which the awards of the year were funeral is to be held December y<)ungest son, Luke, after lie dives to about ihe 200 foot level. Bill Bingham attended the Annual presented. 27, at 1 i a.m. at the Fisset-Brown arrived in Mt)rgan ('ily, La. lie The workers get to and fronl the Motorcycle Banquet last Saturday Word was received jusl prior Mortuary in (2hehalis. On behalf said he'd had no trouble locating o i l rig either by boat or evening. The event was held at the to sending this week's column of the Islanders we extend work almost immcdialety after he helicopter, new llalhnark Inn with 48 in that a former Islander, Paul sympathy and condolences tothe arrived in the area. tie is doing (;eorge and Maxine Waite attendance. The group enjoyed a (?haffee had died in Vancouver family. I I DARIGOLD Ist 2 Ctns, reg. price Freshie 1st 2 ctns then reg. price ½ Gal. ICE CREAM CANNED YAMS Jack 0'Lantern 303 Tin € Red Delicious Washingt,gn's Finest lb. FROZEN VEGETABLES All Varieties POLAR Except Asparagus & Brussels Sprouts 10 oz. Pkgs. € FRUIT COCKTAIL 1st 4 Tins then reg. price Standby 303 Tin , 7 Campfire ..... 1I'9 Marshmallows ,oz € Pkg. Tom Scott Canned Mixed Nuts 13OZ" 58€Tin Heavy Duty-- 18 in. wide Wearever Foil 38' Roll POTATOES 0,O.o  oo,w°°* 3/$1 SHRIMP Sea4 'k ouncesLife Cocktail 2/83  CREAM CHEESE Kraft Philadelphia8 ounces 32  PITTED OLIVES "'°°°'00 .,o'°°e  ,,0o 2/7T DETERGENT c.,.,oo ounceLiquidBt,.-- 10€ OFF 38  TOPPING Dream Whip for Desserts "7€ 8 ounces //4 COCKTAIL SAUCE .alleys 32  12 oz. Btl. CHERRIES 0o10 oz.Maraschin°,Jar 33  CRANBERRY SAUCE Ocean Spray 69  48 oz. 1"in NAPKINS Chiffon Dinner o ,. ,. 26  PICKLES Farmans-- Plain or Kosher 2/79' Style Dill. 22 oz. Jar HILLS BROS. COFFEE °ou°0 $1.49 HIGHLAND COFFEE .oun.. $1.37 WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES . WHY PAY MOREl * LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED STORE HOURS Mon. thru Thurs.: .... | 1 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday: ...................... 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: ................... 9 a.m. - S p.m. Thursday, December 25, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15