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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Appearing on the docket in Mason County District Court before Judge Carol Fuller during the past week were: Justice Court Richard Gates, Rt. 4, Box 204, Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; Pete W. Kruger Jr., Rt. 10, Box 583, Shelton, minor in possession of and consuming intoxicants, $50 forfeit; Larry Breshears, Rt. 4, Box 385, Shelton, failure to use due care and caution, $25 forfeit; Brett O8g, Rt. 10, Box 136, Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; Darrell Andrews, 1510 Monroe, Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; Paul Stokes, Rt. 5, Box 535, Shelton, no operator's license on person, $10 forfeit; Richard Arnold, 306 S. Third, Shelton, defective exhaust, $20 forfeit. Municipal Department Mathew McRea, 1 119 Franklin, Shelton, negligent driving, $65 forfeit; Eric Benson, 102 Cedar, Shelton, driving while license suspended, failure to heed siren, $25 fine, sentence on driving while suspended deferred; Ardith Moore, 2317 Jefferson, Shelton, negligent driving, $85 forfeit; Jay Turner, 1205 Olympic, Shelton, animal running at large, $25 forfeit; Ronald Augustine, 1113 Tobin, Shelton, driving with expired license, $15 fine; Ronald m t mulal !UL =-'',", "It" IloaWlIronll "" q naloy glUM~ lWII CULUII UlIIUgl Coast to Coast 126 So. Second II I Augustine, 1 13 Tobin, Shelton, consuming intoxicants in public, $10 forfeit; James Mell, 442% N. First, Shelton, illegal possession or consumption of intoxicants, $50 forfeit; Richard Rice, 2128 Monroe, Shelton, no valid operator's license, no valid vehicle registration, license and registration to be submitted to officers within three months; Timothy Allen, 7 Springwood Lane, Shelton, speeding, $25 fine; Donald Bina, Rt. 2, Box 873, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $250 fine, 30 days in jail, suspended. SHELTON POLICE A door to Shaub Ellison was found open. A door to the Mt. View School Annex was found open. Vehicles driven by Michael Gonzales and Kenneth LeBresh collided at 13th and Spring Road. William Blucher reported wrenches, a power pull and camera equipment taken from a motor home. Audrey Austin reported gasoline siphoned. John Pearson reported a battery taken from a vehicle. A parking meter head was found in a creek. Mary Olson reported a bicycle and a Christmas tree found at her place. A purse found at the Capital Restaurant was turned in to the police department. A burglary at the Methodist Church was reported. Terrie Bracy reported a purse taken from a vehicle. G uy Lusignan reported colored light bulbs taken. Rabble Giles reported Christmas decoration lights taken. Larry Bradley reported a vehicle taken. Gordon Steensen reported a wallet lost. Vehicles driven by Walter Lindahl and Loren Hobbs collided at Fifth and Railroad. A pair of glasses found at Shelton High School was turned in to the police department. Denise Shefler reported a purse lost. Mike Krise reported tires slashed on a boat trailer. A set of keys found at the Timber Bowl was turned in to the police department. , Alan Biehl reported vandalism to a residence. John Perkins reported two tires on a vehicle slashed. Frank Travis reported a chain saw and a splitting maul taken. Ray Florek reported a fire extinguisher taken from the Middle School. Vehicles driven by Michael CARS FOR SUPER GRIPPING P(3~flER! SALE $4 33 """ CHOICE OF 16 EXCITING MODELSI 'OtteSl p~od~¢t~,~ medal He I rm ¢~¢ anm¢ ~t~ $2.66 Hobby & Toy Store 222 Cota, Shelton I Bariekman and Maxine Olson collided at Seventh and Alder. Maria Burlett reported a fence hit by a vehicle. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Betty Beasley reported a bicycle taken from her residence. A door at Pioneer School was found unsecured. Charles Gregg reported a cabin broken into. Waterskiis and a sleeping bag were found in the Webb Hill area and turned in to the sheriff's office. Dan Davidson reported cows loose on Highway 3. Alan Smith reported a cabin burglarized. A goat was reported lying along the road on Highway 3 between the Thomas and Benson Lake Roads. Edward Tratnick reported cedar taken. Bruce Morrow reported the burglary of a residence. A flute was reported missing from the North Mason High School band room. Dale Hinchcliff reproted a Holstein heifer missing. Break-ins were reported in several places in Colony Surf. Clyde Lett Jr. reported the burglary of a residence. Cedar was reported taken from the Panhandle Lake property. Dale Campbell reported building items taken. Ruth Nelson reported a concrete Buddha taken. A pair of men's glasses which were found in the Victor area were turned in to the sheriff's office. Charles Hanna reported a power saw, food and money taken. Donna Bland reported items taken. Nancy Price reported mail taken from a mail box. A soap machine at the Belfair Laundromat was reported broken into. Matt Smith reported a parked vehicle hit. Dan Bourgault reported two Afghan dogs lost. They were found by the owner. Carl Roush reported a wallet lost. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were to Steve Booth, porch addition, $75; Ralph Parsons and Steve Peterson, enclose porch, $343. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Planner's Office during the past week were to Dave Benyon, residence, $37,044; Delson Lumber Co., chip storage bins, $40,000; Delson Lumber Co., wiring and electrical shed, $1,200; Delson Lumber Co., storage shed, $1,200; Verna Ellison, mobile home, $1 1,900; Douglass Halversen, residence, $12,000; Carl Johns, mobile home, no value listed; Lumbermen's of Washington, residence, $21,638; Curtis Macomber, mobile home, no value listed; Leonard Mantel, residence, $31,130; Gordon Nielson, residence, $9,792; T. R. Pierson, residence, $27,000; Geral Rodgers, garage, $3,582; Frank Simon, garage, $3,052; Rick Songster, mobile home, $7,500. FIRE DEPARTMENT December 20, 12:10 p.m., Baird Barr residence, 919 Euclid, chimney fire. December 21, 7:08 a.m., Mrs. T. Deer residence, 920 E. Ellinor, fireplace flue stuck, smoke-filled house. SUPERIOR COURT Dissolutions of Marriage Cathy Montane and Gene Montane. Mary Kennedy and Daniel Kennedy. Sandra Larson and Ronald Larson Gladys Flakus and Rudy Flakus. New Cases State Department of Labor and Industries against Shelton Printing and Stationery, unpaid taxes. Leonie Miller against Kay Buell and Olympia Investment Corporation, abstract of judgement. CBI Collections against Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Johnson, debt. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. John Blanton against Mr. and Mrs. Nell McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury, abstract of judgement. Skokomish Indian Tribe against Ken Paul and American States Insurance Company, damages for breach of construction contract and bond. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Burnham against Stanton Burnham and Capital Savings and Loan, collection on promissory note. Pauline Moore, change of name. FIRE DISTRICT FIVE December 11, 4:13 p.m., aid call, Grapeview, sudden illness, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital. December 12, 10:33 a.m.,aid call, Grapeview, sudden illness, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital. December 12, 9:45 p.m., aid call, Allyn, injury, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital. December 16, 10:45 a.m., aid call, Rustlewood, logging accident, transported to Mason General Hospital. December 17, 10: 14'a.m., aid call, North Mason Gym, injury, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital. Most natural form I believe democracy to be of all forms of government the most natural, and the most consonant with individual liberty. In it no one transfers his natural rights so absolutely that he has no further voice in affairs, he only hands it over to the majority of a society, whereof he is a unit. Thus all men remain, as they were in the state of nature, equals. Benedict Spinoza The most respected See it now at: name on chain saws DICK'S SAW SHOP OHererk'~ }$ ~ql5 2215 Olympic Highway North Mt. View Shelton Phone 426-4639 Page l0 - Shelton-Maso~= County Jo =rnal - Thursday, December 25, 1975 Committee nam, use PREPARE NOW! A Citizens Committee organized to assist the Olympic National Forest with its current land use planning effort has been named. Various organizations, representing a diverse cross-section of the public that might be affected by planning of the Canal Front Unit, were requested to identify an individual that would be willing to serve on the committee. "We have held our first meeting," said Forest Supervisor Wynne Maule, "and I am extremely pleased with the cooperative effort of the group that has been named. This degree of involvement at the earliest stages of planning will help us better define the concerns of the public and provide improved communication back to the IlUllnllllUllllllllnllllllllllllllllUUlllllllUUlUl ;~" These tides are for the Union area. For Shelton and Oakland Bay add an hour and a half and 2.4 feet. Thursday, December 25 Low ....... 3:05 a.m. 2.9 ft. High ....... 9:54 a.m. 13.2 ft. Low ....... 4:50 p.m. 2.5 ft. High ...... 10:48 p.m. 8.8 ft. Friday, December 26 Low .......4:05 a.m. 4.5 ft. High ......10:38 a.m. 12.9 ft. Low .......5:49 p.m. 1.3 ft. Saturday, December 27 High ......12:31 a.m. 9.2 ft. Low .......5:15 a.m. 5.9 ft. High ......11:22 a.m. 12.7 ft. Low .......6:48 p.m. 0.1 ft. Sunday, December 28 High ....... 2:01 a.m. 10.2 ft. Low .......6:33 a.m. 6.9 ft. High ......12:14 p.m. 12.5 ft. Low .......7:43 p.m. -0.9 ft. Monday, December 29 High ....... 3:10 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low .......7:49 a.m. 7.5 ft. High ....... 1:03 p.m. 12.2 ft. Low .......8:33 p.m. -1.7 ft. Tuesday, December 30 High ....... 4:06 a.m. 12.0 ft. Low .......8:57 a.m. 7.6 ft. High ....... 1:55 p.m. 12.0 ft. Low .......9:21 p.m. -2.1 ft. Wednesday, December 31 High ....... 4:54 a.m. 12.7 ft. Low ....... 9:55 a.m. 7.5 ft. High ....... 2:45 p.m. 11.8 ft. Low ......10:04 p.m. -2.2 ft. individuals and organizations interested in planning and management of the forest," he continued. The committee members, their home town and the organization they represent are: Ken Sweeney, Port Angeles, Clailam County; Carroll Mercer, Port Townsend, Jefferson County; William Hunter, Shelton, Mason County; Tim McNulty, Port Townsend, Olympic Park Associates; Dave Howard, Olympia, Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs; Chuck Gaff, Olympia, Industrial Forestry Association; William Cramer, Lacey, Washington Contract Loggers Association; Alan Drengson, Seabeck, Hood Canal Environmental Council; Buzz Chevera, Edmonds, Washington State Sportsmen's Council; Norm Eveleth, Shelton, Olympic Peninsula Heritage Council; Bob Haugland, Port Townsend, Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society; Charles Smith, Quilcene, Hood Canal Advisory Commission; Bart Robbins, Lilliwaup, Hood Canal Shellfish Gowers; and Terry Wynkoop, Tumwater, Sierra Club. The public is welcome to communicate their concerns about national forest land and resource management through the Citizens Committee. "The forest service serves the public," said Maule, "and the best way to know what the people want is to provide a forum through which they may be heard. Our land use decisions will be most responsive when we have achieved a high degree of coordination and communications." How forming in the Bremerton area for the March 13 Salesman & Brokers State Exams. For information call: JOHN MYKUT REAL ESTATE SCHOOL Phone: EM 4-5149 Seattle Collect t~ Merry Christmas ( vergreIn lveqlreen Squoro • 426-34S6 • Shokl~m Irrors Framed & Custom Cut Wide selection .............. ...... Excellent ~lassi~v Now as low as Gifts from Too Late to FIREWOOD, DRY, cut, split, We else hove delivered, $30 per cord. 426-5064. W12/25 Nationally Advertised BACHELOR LOOKING for "Vandal Panel". live-in homemaker. For interview call 426-5051. H12/25 FOR RENT -- 2-bedroom home SH !LT@N with garage and fenced yard, ) ( Hillcrest area. 426-2402. R12/25-1/1 FOR RENT -- Downtown Olympic Hwy. No 2-bedroom apartment. Available January 1. $87 month. 426-3000. W12/25 00 tO In order for our employees to enjoy the holndays, the bank and drive-in wundows Christmas New Year's Eve Ilia TIONAL BANtf MLMSLR r DIE 425 Franklin St., Phone: 426-8295