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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 TWO DONORS wait in line while a third get~ her blood pressure checked during the Mason County Blood Council blood drawing at the PUD auditorium Thursday. A total of 125 units of blood was donated to the Regional Blood Bank by Mason County donors during the project. f ]undreds of Christmas by local fourth, fifth sixth grade students were for use in the Journal's annual Christmas Greetings The special holiday used artwork by students k the Mt. View, Evergreen and Schools. The following submitted Christmas Adams, Troy Ahlf, Roy Albaugh, Cameron Steve Anderson, Thor Glenn Andrews, John Bamford, Mike Bateman, Bateman, Craig Bechtold, Bell, Brian Benitz, isle Bennett, Lee Bentley, Bernert, Leo Blakley, Scott Debbie Boelk, Leonard Terri Bftggs, Ray Brock, Brown, Linnie Bryan, Buechel, Becky Burgess, Burfiend, Carla Bush, Dan Carle, Tony Carlon, C arftngton, Tim Casey, Chakos, Dolores Challender, Ann Cole, John Coker, Rob Brian Collins, Karin ts, Myron Cornett, Tami Tom Crawford, Marty Joann Cunningham, Nancy Curtis, Davidson, Lynn Ann Tommy Depoe, Darren Carol Doebler, Gina bar, Michael Eaton, Cece Fo~o, Rene Fredson, Freeman, Robyn Frost, q ~uller, lecky Gibson, Patty Gibson, gigstead, Tom Gigstead, Pat h, Rock Glavin, Brad Glover, ii Glover, Pattie Goldsby, aid Goldsby, David hnith, Rube Gonzales, Carl ~lburn, Connie Goodburn, ~rie Gouley, Jerry Graham, ~4sa Halvorsen, Jeanine lin, Scoot Hankins, Tammy ~on, Todd Hanson, Sheila Zr, Jon Hart, Jill Hartline, ~e Hartsell, Dale Haselwood, " Hsa Haselwood, Randy itz, Joanne Henderson, Dawn Kim Hoover, Theresa House, 'les Howe, Debbie Hughes, e Hughes, Mike Huisingh, Jon bert, Julie Huson, lteve Johnson, Teresa !~on, Shawn Johnston, ~like Kane, Loft Kimbel, raine Kinnaird, Shelly on, Lucy Evankovich, Lisa Steve Lane, Alan Lauber, Leaf, Lisa LeCroy, LorE Tonia Lewandowski, Chris greetings Lewis, Curtis Likes, Brian Lisk, Darren Lohmeyer, Leon Longan, Loreaa Longlund, Mike Lovitt, Brian Lund, Holly Lund, Tracy McCoy, JoE McKim, Lore Mack, Paula Mak, Roger Manning, Meleki Manu, Sheila Marcy, Jeffrey Alan Martin, Tammi Mead, Mark Medcalf, Lisa Miljour, Mick Million, Shireen Mitchell, Greg Montoya, Loran Morgan, Jim Morken, Suzy Morkert, Jack Morrison, Jill Morrison, Todd Mortensen, Diane Muntz, Rita Murray, Duane Nault, Tina Neese, LeeAnn Nelson, Terry Nichols, Kevan Northup, Kim Patterson, Janet Peterson, James Pharris, Jeff Phipps, Mark Pierce, Gall Prisance, Gaff Porter, Carolyn Putvin, Sharon Putvin, Teresa Rathbun, Shaft Relier, Lonna Rice, Tammy Rickards, Stark, Janie Starks, Lora Stephens, Marian Stevens, Sterling Stock, Y. Strachila, Barbie Strope, Jonie Strope, Jeff Strozyk, Russell Strutz, Billy Swisher, Judy Swisher, Roxie Smith, Chuck Earl Smith, LorE Slusher, Susan Schank, Jeff Schneider, JuAnne Sandusky, Lisa Sandstrom, Vernon Sanehez, Mark Soper, Matthew Sunchelli, Shelly Twiddy, Sandy Turner, Lorrie Tremper, Judy Todd, Darrell Tidd, Bill Thompson, Vikki Thele, Cindy Thele, Darren Thacher, Bruce Terwilliger, Kim VanCleave, Raul Velarde, Deanne Marie Wybenga, Shane Wulf, Bonnie Woods, Richard Wood, Allan Wilson, REeky Willis, Denise Wilcox, Melody Wig#n, Pat Wheeler, Tim West, Kftsti Weber, Ran Weaver, Mark Warren, Andi Warren, Nita Wames, Dorena Warnes, David. Ward, Elizabeth Tim Rickards, Donald Robbins, Walker, Shelly Wagoner, LorE Mary Radius, Kyle Rohwein,` Wagner, Bryan Roof, Roxanne Rose, Toni Jackie Young, Paula Zangl, Rose, Matt Rosie, Bobby Russell, Pat Zangl,Robert Zachry. Steven Smith, Mark Soper, Danny Spezza, Carmen Stark, Pat After Christmas, Dried-out trees are dangerous/ | SHELTON VOLUNTEER FIREMEN I | will pick up your tree (within I CRy limits) and dispose of it safely. PICK-UP Sun. Dec. 28 or DATES: SUN. JAN. 4 DONATION: 1.00 per tree f We're nine resident volunteers and twelve who1 II I~IJU~ work at other occupations but are available byl I wnv radio at home. We drill every Wednesday night| I ~m with the oaid firemen so all can act as a team at/ | ~ I; the scene of a fire. We have our own organizatlonl |~IIIE. with officers and bank account for holding social/ II ,tUkl~lE$ and service functions that cannot be paid for/ k with city funds., , 1 M_A/_.L COUPON TODAY!! I PiCK UP TREE: [ZZIDEC. 28 V----IJAN. 4 I $1.00 DONATION AT TIME OF PICK-UP J I Mail Shelton V ol. Fire Dept. l I to:City Hall .... Sh lton 98584_ I Ad Paid for bY Lumbermen's 701 S. FIRST SHELTON Owners: Dan, Jim, John & Vern Stewart. Diesel Mechanic: Lyle Linton Open Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 5:00, Saturday 8:30 to boon. TRUCK SERVICE DEALER ck Parts & Sh Steam Cleaning Welding Engine & Transmission Rebuilding We work on all trucks, loaders, skidders, shovels, dozers, backhoes, farm tractors -- just about any piece of equipment you can drive, haul or tow through a 15' x 15' door. rmers Farmers will pay lower property taxes on their livestock, poultry, bees and agricultural crops in 1976 under a new law exempting a portion of their assessed value from state and local taxation. In Mason County, farmers will receive tax reductions of $861 on livestock with a value of $86,130.00 Regular levy savings in 1976 will amount to some $331,000 statewide. The amount of exemption will increase gradually over a 10-year period and when lower fully phased-in tax reductions are expected to exceed $6 million annually. County assessors reported to the Department of Revenue that livestock valued at $132.I million and $2 million in crop inventories were eligible for 25 percent exemption from 1975 property tax levies payable next year. The reduction will go to 30 percent in the 1976 assessment year, and then increase 10 percent annually until 100 percent exemption is attained in the 1984 tax year. A companion law is in effect for property personal property inventories held million for livestock and $1.5 by businesstaxpayers, million for the other exempt The counties with the largest properties. number of agricultural exemptions this year are Kill t heathers Whatcom, with $3,061,800; V~kima 19 £ ~ mlmn. ~na I can hire one-half of the working Grant';'$2.4 "n~"llion.'Eieven"other class to kill the other half. counties reported $1 million or more: Clark, Franklin, King, Kittitas, Lewis, Lincoln, Okanogan, Skagit, Snohomish, Stevens and Walla Walla. The net 1975 value after the 25 percent deduction was $99.4 Jay Gould Poison dosage Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy. Paracelsus OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open New Year's Day 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Here it is! By popular demand . . . and just in time for the holidays. Eleven beautiful silver gifts from famed International Silver Company. Designed to satisfy even the most discriminat- ing of hostesses. Yet perfect for everyday use. You asked for them, so we made this special purchase We know you'll love this enchanting silver assort- ment. Stop by and see the display at the TCF of- rice nearest you. They're perfect for Christmas gifts.., or just right for your own home. But hurry! Before the full assortment is gone. WELL 'N TREE TRAY °, S.0F [ ,,,ooo / I P_'~I WITH DEPOSIT OF I $2,S00 [ I Y_'~Yl w,~ mosir o~ I $~,ooo sago J SILVER PETITE TRAY FREE WITH DEPOSIT OF $300 4 PC. COffEE SET [ I $28 WITH DEPOSIT OF SS,O00 i $33 WITH DEPOSn OF $2,500 THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • One Free Gift Per Customer • • All Items Subject To Availabiflty At Time Of Deposit. • OLYMPIA eSHELTON eLACEY eTUMwATER Thursday, December 25, 1975 - Shelton-Mason .... , Journal - Page 11