December 25, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 25, 1975 |
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1 i • • • ""/3:" ' "~ \:'\ Greeting drawn by
I-I rl I : "" ' "'~~ MarkSt.|.
.f;..-" , )?, ',~ \ 5th grade, Everlreen
ARMI~.N YATES six dozen cookies and then last-minute preparations. Lisa aware of who writes all the great weeks ago Hilda Williams ught (~i " \,i ~;\ \
A eood-sized crew was on everyone selected a handful of Yates and Jane Erickson opened lines for these Christmas shows, a pretty bad cold and when she
"~ • each kind totaling six dozen the show foUowed by Harstine's it is Harstine's very own Shirl went in to see her doctor he ~ix i~" ~/ i ! i ~
the Tuesday prior to the
n's ....... Club Chr'tstmas artt) v assorted kinds to take home. The own elves, Shelia Ireland, Lori Larson. And this year she really decided to take no chances and . ,_ ,
ember 11 and the all-island only thing that might be added Snyder, Polly Campbell, Cammie had her work cut out for hersent her to the hospital. She is
tmas nartv December 13 is that each gal put her name on Sponic and Nita Goetsch. Then with just two short weeks toout and will spend some time / .i
Iouoh l~mis~d it this year i her own boxful and even include out popped the Christmas create, write, organize and with her daughter in Seattle to ' .,.,. ~ ( / • ~ ~ "~
'W rom many ore vio'us the recipe for anyone to copy mouse, Gwen Chapman, with a produce the show after she and f'mish recuperating. *'/' • !. " I] il
)eriences that "it is a who might wishto doso. poem and to sing Rudolph theGordon arrived back home from Claire Wingert was
:icularlv fun day with lots of Saturday evening the array of Red-nosed Reindeer. a six-week trip back east. Alittle hospitalized last week with all '" '""'" ' I ! t 1
itv cre atin a s'oecial warmth scrumptious food displayed at Next on the agenda is thebird told this reporter she awoke the symptoms of a stroke. A . "" " /'" i
t "floods "thee-hall and is the hall could have put the island gents' favorites: Harstine's in the wee hours one morningcouple of days ago she
tailoRs to all The end result country's best smorgasbord to very own Christmas chorus line, and wrote the lines for eachunderwent,surgery and, although -",
L buildin-s that is shame. The biggest problem was betters, known as "The Dingle member of this year's cast. she couldn t speak or even move . " 1 I /
aght t,,^ .... ,co with the seasonal trying to make a choice from the Bells. A last-minute substitution" " Rehearsal time," too, was cut to too much, at this writing she is /-1.7' . !
amines and is truly the huge selection and have room was necessary this year when the bare minimum. We all again able to talk and had cO: ii , i ||t [
~Jnnin~e of the Christmas enough on one's plate and, more Beth Minor was unable to be in overlooked expressing our recovered from the temporary
n h~,~-'~ ,,,"" the island, important,, in one's turn-turn for the program. Virg Bigelow did a combined heartfelt thanks to her paralysis.
A lot of the ~als who findthe little bit of this and little bit great job with only a couple of the night of the Christmas party. Pauline Carlson returned
for one reason or another of that' that made for some run-throughs just ahead of theHopefully, she will accept very back home to Island Shores after
are unable to attend the big pretty good-sized platesful ofshow. The other Dingle Bells belated, but most sincere thanks being hospitalized a few days ..... L l~.d..~ ...... ~ ..... ~ __ ....
sland Christmas nifty onchow. Then if you still could were Pat Dunlap, Gwen Thorsos here and now. Perhaps one ofafter Thanksgiving. She is still
rdav evenin~ electe(t tohave manage it there was a whole and Myrtle Parker. the best ways of letting Shirl pretty weak, but feeling Wayne Howland, OaveHowland, SteveHowland,
T'hursdav afternoon table full of great desserts. Next out was Leo Campbellknow how much we appreciate somewhat better now that she is Run Howlam:l, Rob Wagner, Don Burgess
stmas luncl eon vartv for - When everyone had appeaseddepicting a huge Christmas card her efforts is to say that with back home recuperating. •
gals. About thirty-plus gals their appetites (and then some) and John Dunlap as a, stuffed this second Christmas show, Peggy and Mark Anderson, Western Parts & Maehll
on hand for an afternoon the crowd sat back to relax and Christmas stocking, t acon ismnuers are talking ot a now spent a hectic 32 hours in a
nod food and conversation, visit while the cast for theappeared as a gailYedE Orkted annual event that is fast flight from Hawaii to Seattle duef C h rlS IS "
highlight of this year s party Christmas show got into their Christmas tree. Card "c son becoming a tradition. And to all the recent fog the Pacific
a cookie exchange in lieu of costumes. Gordon Larson led the came on as a bottle of Christmas anyone who can start a tradition Northwest has been experiencing. • \
sual gift exchange. Each gal spectators in a few Christmas spirits (liquid variety)and Helen is some kind of very specialThe plane was directed to
ng to participate brought songs while the cast made Olson was great as an person, indeed! , Portland and even to Denver,
old.fashioned Kissing Ball. Ivan Hopefully you 11 forgive your Colorado before finally reaching -- O~~Qso~C( ~;'~Y
~ Thorsos portrayed a marvelouson-again and off-again reporter its Seattle destination. They will
Christmas present complete with during these hectic weeks tobe staying with relatives in
| .... e,c • ¢..ill mstructm Do Not Open come By way of explanation of Belfair during their holiday visit. )U
] II r...D3 l,.J /I ,° '¢, " , -
(~ ~')F Til Christmas. last weeks missing column(s) The John Niemis' youngest
r-x , /_ _ , ,-, But there was sure not a newsday coincided with the daughter, Susan, and her
f shadow of a doubt as to who pouring of our new basementhusband, John, arrived on the
-'- stole this year's 1975 Christmas walls. And, needless to say, all island from Walnut Creek,
,. ,--, /" fl show. Who else but Bob Phillips that exciting activity just seemed California, where they are
[) NQ C 0 as the Christmas Angel complete to take a tiny bit of priority presently living, to spend the
, v t , .... " 6 "" with wings and halo. The over one slightly deserted and holidays with John and Cleta.
6 o O 0 I) o 6 fO o a costume was just terrific, but it generously loaned typewriter. Visitors at the John Budd
_ ,, ,. 6 00 t • o must had to be his sweet cherubic The project of pouring the residence have arrived from New I Gruting drawn by
O "., 5 ^ b II o " " " Brunswick, Canada. The guests I John Ton
• - - " u • b 0 face which added just the perfect new walls went off wah Just one
0 0 0 0 ~> b ~ 6 _ . ° " o touch. And everyone present small hitch. As we got to the are Johnnys brother Leonard I 6th grade, Bordeaux
t ~ ~ 0 o t) O ^ o ~ . would have ~iven their right arm opposite end of the first wall and his wife, who will be staying
_ 0 0/~ ~ ~ 0 0 . " " if somehow, some way a fire call bein~ poured, the corner gavetwo or three weeks. Johnny just
• 0 / o o (false alarm, of course) could way-under the strain and spilled recently returned from a months
// | ~ /.~ ~ 1~ . o have been arranged to summonfrom one to two yards of visit to see the rest of his family,
t Is /'[ n him to the fire station while he ready-mix. But a generous who still make their homes in
\ o . es was still in costume, amount of newspaper and several the New Brunswick area.
I) o o And Glenn just had to large clamps quickly healed the Jon Glaser arrived back home,
Ill rl \ o o reappear as he did last year due blowout and the spilled concrete after being gone for a couple of l[ Manley
Y I; O \ _ _ to the circumstances of thebucketed back into the formweeks to see her father in Texas.
I \ o Yates family. His costume, as per Vhile reoairs were ongoin the She had received word that his
last, was just a brief bit of fake rest of tie crew and the concrete health was failing and wanted to
IF "4 ! fur and he carried a thunderpot, truck moved over to the visit him and lend a helping hand
_ ! [ v • " " " ~ / / O _ But in writing his lines Shirl opposite wall and continued to her mom duringthecrisis.
I0"I i-/ [ O Larson expressed our own pouring By the time they Sunday before last we joined [ ~~0 ~ ~~
i~ 0 ol a,._Aun an rain hv [ ~ g'~ feelings so very beautifully: reached the trouble spot all was about 20 to 30 other nic0 island
O b ! Barre'tt-" O I lost my clothes, and all 1 got under control and the project folks at a Christmas tree cutting
" t 5th 9ride, Mt. View I " 0 p ~ is this white China tinkle pot was quickly completed. And the party at the home of Ivan and - !
. u But it's too small for all the first big step toward our newGwen Thorsos on Sunset Hill.. ~ ~ ,~ H~I~ O ~ .... !
• O heart home is now done. Friday the The couple had prepared
y '
ou ve shared w th us for aforms were stripped. Over the numerous tasty snacks and some
-- a~t /e • new start weekend Glenn and Rusty kept of their own wine, in a
Ever reefl ntealeGi ~ Merry Christmas one and all busy cutting the new beams, hot-spiced version that was very
_ God bless our friends here inA couple of island gals have yummy, it was a fun afternoon,
center the hall. been hospitalized in the past although the weather was a bit
And for those who are not couple of weeks. A couple of on the inclement ,side. That just
hastened everyone s selection of
to return to the house to get
another cup of hot-spiced wine
. " L • " " " to rewarm the cockles. [
@ , " Ronald G. Matson, 34, Box - .
129, Clatskanie, Oregon was
arrested in the Agate area about
7:45 a.m. Monday on a charge of I"
taking a motor vehicle without
Greeting drawn by J • / permission of the owner.
Celeste OIson -- / The arrest was made by
Z / Mason C°unty sherims deputies I
. 6th grade, Bordeaux B who were investigating a report
from an Agate area man that his
car had been taken. -
Matson was taken t° St" Peter [ ~t¢ ~ /,..x~~.£ ~aff--,.~ ~~ .~
~ H°spital in Olympia hter in theIday. ('~~ ,-' ~~ ~ ~)~I1(~~ ~ ~l~/d~a~ ~ ]
Formal charges have not been
f'fled against him. i
$¢hmidfs D.yton Orocery Allyn Serv|¢e Calm Cove Marlna/ C -lvl fl) I'
Howard Schmidt John Nichols ~ Mason Lake - John Moore / /i GreetingjimmydraWnDeanbY j
,r.or, Oro er,
Joe and Leah Anderson Larry Chamberlin Paul Sanchez / [ Gary's Shell
Cascade at Oly. Hwy. S. /
Thursday, December 25, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25