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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Member: Multiple Listing Service of Mason County LISTINGS 426-3363 PROFESSIONAL REALTY OFFICE BUILDING WANTED 7TH AND RAILROAD AVENUE SUITE B SHELTON WE NEVER CLOSE -- EVENING OR WEEKENDS'CALL JUANITA NELSON, 426-9351 --JOHN YEOMAN, 426-1755 JERRY SMITH, 426-9131 MINI-RANCH 3 ACRES OF FENCED PASTURELAND. 2-BEDROOM HOME-- BEN FRANKLIN FIREPLACE -- SHOP AND DOUBLE GARAGE -- ONLY $14,000 Fisherman Fish from your back yard! Close to town with country setting. 2-bdrm. creekfront modern home. $27,500. Exceptional Value Benson Lake waterfront. *Rustic 1200 sq. ft. home. Split level. $32,500. 4BDRMS. NEAR TOWN Walk to town from this tri-level home. Large kitchen. Carpeted. Shop. Rec room. Quiet neighborhood• $24,500. XMAS TREE RANCH 20 acres sheared Douglas fir. Approx. 25,000 trees plus 600-ft. creek frontage. ~28,500, BUY A (Riverfront) LOT FOR CHRISTMAS e Beautiful 5 ACRES Riverfront Property $89 down $89 month 9% interest, 16-yr. contract $8,950 -- full price BDRMS., 3 BATHS Bayview Retired? Ideal cozy home for couple. Large lot for garden. Walking 3-bdrm. older home. Close to town. Very clean, large rooms. Fenced backyard. $16,950. distance to store. Only I$13,300. 1¼ ACRES W/HOME 2-bdrm. l~-bath, family room, Franklin fireplace. Garage. Creek frontage. Many extras• $23,500. CABIN Lost Lake area. Lake access. Needs some fixing but priced at only $10,000. FIXER-UPPER 1918 Stevens St. Good rental unit. A real handyman special. $9,000. 2 Miles to Town 1-year-old 3-bedroom home. 9/10 acre. Wooded. Large living room. Neat as pin• CarDeted. Arcadia area. $23,900. 9 ACRES, HIGHWAY 3 10 miles north of $helton. Highway frontage. Excellent investment. $8, 100. TIMBERLAKES Lots from $2,500. EMERALD LAKE Lots from $6,000. I II FAWN LAKE Lots from $4,500. ARROWHEAD LAKE Lots from $4,000. I SALT WATER 5 acres on Hammersley Inlet, wooded. $27,000. RIVERFRONT 1v2 acres. Heavy timber. Level. Low down. $4,500. I 20' WATERFRONT, Phillips V.A. OR F.H.A. financing on this Lake, 2-bedroom, 1Vz bath, 4-year-old home with full daylight oversize carport, shop. Appraised basement, sweeping view of the $34,900. 426-5919 after 3 p.m. Olympics. Fireplace, rec room, H12/11-1/1 garage. Asking $23,950. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. COMPLETELY ISOLATED and $12/11-1/1 surrounded by timberland.This 10 acres can be yours for only $6,500, easy terms, or $5,000 cash. More acreage available. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $12/11-1/1 INCOME PROPERTY -- 70' W/F on exclusive Hood Canal. Let the business rental make your payments. Priced for action. $59,500, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $12/11-1/1 4-BEDROOM family home with ranch-style kitchen. Appealing inside and out. Close to everything. Only $17,950, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $12/11-1/1 DISTRESS SALE -- 30 acres on John's Prairie. Was $19,500, now asking $15,000, easy terms. Ask for Vi. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $12/11-1/1 FOR SALE or rent, Mt. View 2-bedroom home. Fireplace, draperies, appliances, fenced backyard, covered patio and carport. Real nice. Must see to appreciate. Will rent for $180. 426-6576. K12/25tfn For Sale By Owner 2-year-old 3-bedroom split entry home. Rec room, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, double-car garage. Owner moving. Sacrifice price at $32,950 Phone 426.4819 12/4-25 426-3363 PROFESSIONAL REALTY OFFICE BUILDING 7TH AND RAILROAD AVENUE SUITE B SHELTON r! to everyonel Best Wishes for the Coming Year r~[ AL1~P " 2201 Olympic Highway N• at your service! Some things can't be put off -- we know. Even though these are busy days preparing for the holiday season, we are still desirous of taking care of your real estate needs. We will be keeping irregular office hours until after New Year's Day; however, feel free to call on us at any time, days or evenings• We consider it our privilege to be called on. Try the office phone, 426-5559, any time, or our home phones: Skip Ness, 426-3049 Bill Jackson, 426-5094 Jeane McKasson, 877-5458 Marge Denny, 426-8870 Dick Knauf, 426-8110 Have the Best of Holiday Seasons We hope your holiday is filled with good times..• good friends • . . good memories. May it ring true with lasting peace. REAL ESTATE REALTOI~ ' 121 Railroad Ave. 426-6592 Equal Housing Opportunity An olive branch ... a snow white dove. May these symbols of peace restore faith and brotherhood and shine the light love all over the world. t i Morley Preppernau Bobble Bamford Dave Thacher Carl Johnson Dick Wilma Downing Ed Stock • • Vince Himlie, Broker 6th and Railroad We will be closed Thursday, Friday, Saturday Boiling Torger Lee Vince Himlle 27 Fuller ' Holy Scriptures tell us of wise men from the East who came in search of the Christ Child. They followed a star until it came to rest over the place where the Child was... and "when they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy." We wish that joy to all who follow the star of Bethlehem. !1 P.O. BOX "Y" Shelton Knealand Center 426-5521 P.o. BOX 27 Hoo(isport Hwy. 101 877-6236 Rt. 1, Box 3S9' Union Near the Park 275-2826 e r~EA! 10D Page 30- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 25, 1975 For Rent 3-BEDROOM mobile 426-1955 after H12/18-1/8 6 MT. VIEW -- 2-bedroom, unit• Range, refrigera dishwasher and disposal inclu Garage for your car and Water and garbage paid. carpeted and drapes. Call County Realty, 426-4~ M12/11-1/1 NICE 2-bedroom mobile Close to town, but fl secluded. $160 per month damage deposit, water inclt Call Mason County Re 426-4486. M 12/26-1/1 NICE! 2-bedroom apart~ carpeting throughout, washroom, garage, utilities except heat and elect~ Evenings after 6 p.m., 426-6060. W 12/25-1/15 1-BEDROOM rental. 877-5527. S12/25tfn FURNISHED 1-bedroom m home, no pets. 426-32 B12/25tfn 1-BEDROOM apa 426-4220. W12/25-1/1 THREE-ROOM furnis apartment for rent, Mature person preferred. No 426-2838 or 1017 C12/18-1/8 2-BEDROOM unfu downtown. References, de $120 monthly. 4 O 11/20tfn FOR RENT -- Waterfront Shelton. 2-bedroom, ca appliances. No children month, $75 deposit. T 11/13tf n WALKING DISTANCE to 2-bedroom, l-level, Carpets and drapes, utility colored kitchen appliances. TV cable and garbage Adults only, no pets. monthly. 426-6251. M12 SMALL FURNISHED Lake Nahwatzel. $110 utilities included, $40 426-8323. N12/1 ltfn DELUXE DUPLEX -- You rent a large duplex unit master bedroom plus bedroom, walk-in size closet light. Fully carpeted, plus Family kitchen has wads counters and cupboa dishwasher, range and refrigerator. Utility sp= attached carport and tool Glass sliders to patio. Call M= County Realty, M12/11-1/1 APARTMENT FURNISH Older mature couple or si ~ referred. No pets. 10/30tfn. 4-BEDROOM home fireplace. 1-, 2-, houses, furnished. Apartmen' trailer spaces. W12/4tfn COMPLETELY studio apartment for 1 Referenc~es required, no Lawton Apartments, 703 Street. L7/10tfn NICE 1-bedroom furnisl apartment downtown month. Adults. Phone D 10/30tf n FOR RENT: Trailer to downtown. Call 10/8tfn 2-BEDROOM home on Lake, furnished, plus $180 per month. 1 ~rleferred. 426-5797 2/11-1/1 FURNISHED 2- and 3-bedroom, no reasonable rent. Ed¢ 426-4364. Highway airport. E6/26tfn MOBILE SPACE available. secluded, laundry. Walk to Call 426-3242. B9/5tfn MR. AND Mrs. Landlord. County Realty has com rental management service. provide all the forms, show property, check credit references, collect the rent deposit to your account. "Mitch" at 426-4486 for details -- we take care of headaches. M5/8tfn One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, & appliances, no pets. J 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 2 or 426-1916 MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnish Available NOW -- No CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 IN ]HE