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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications legal Publications We wish 7ou a and pray that you are celebrating the "GOOD NEWSI" And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ Lord." Luke 2:1 1 HE AND ONLY HE IS THE MESSAGE OF CHRISTMAS! REALTY REALTOR ® CALL "THE ACTION OFFICE" 426-1141 or. 1st & Cedar (Opposite Dairy Queen) Shelton Christmas is friendships. • • all. We wish 422 North First a time to rekindle sharing its good times you a Merry Christmas! 426]5555 old with REALTOR" NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION SUMMONS BY OF FOREST PRODUCTS OF VALUABLE MATERIAL NO. 12566 PUBLICATION VALUED AT NOT MORE ON STATE LAND IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NO. 12586 THAN $10,000.00 STATE OF WASH I NGTON, O F T H E S T A T E O F THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Notice is hereby given that on DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL WASHINGTON IN AND FOR WASH INGTON FOR MASON Tuesday the 30th day of RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, THE COUNTY OF MASON. COUNTY December, 1975, commencing at Commissioner of Public L~nds E M I L Y E S T R A D A, IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF ten o'clock in the forenoon inthe Notice is hereby given that on Petitioner, and ANTHONY PATR IC IA L. HUGHES, South Puget Sound Area Tuesday the 30th day of M I C H ALL ESTRADA, Petitioner, and EDWARD C. Headquarters of the DepartmentDecember, 1975, commencing at Respondent. HUGHES, Respondent. of Natural Resources, the ten o'clock in the forenoon of T H E S T A T E O F T H E S T A T E O F following described forest said day, at the South Puget WASHINGTON to the WASHINGTON TO: EDWARD C. products will be sold at public Sound Area Headquarters, located respondent, Anthony Michael HUGHES, Respondent: auction to the highest bidder,at Enumclaw, County of King, Estrada. Y O U A R E H E R E BY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The State of Washington, by the Area Y O U A R E H E R E B Y SU M M O N ED TO APPEAR Manager of said Area, the timber SUMMONED to appear within sale is composed of all timber bounded by clearcut boundary tags and property lines on part Wl/zSWl/4 of Section 4, part SEV4 SEM4 of Section 5; all timber marked with blue paint outside the clearcut boundary tags on J~art WVz SWV4 of Sec. 4, all in wp. 22 N., Rge. 3 W, W.M. Mason County, Washington. CASH SALE on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to wit: MASON COUNTY Application No. 38358 Pleasant Cove Thinning located approximately 6 miles by road west of Belfair. The sale is composed of all ~imber marked with blue paint, bounded by sale sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons,to-wit: within sixty days after the 4th day of December, 1975, and defend the above entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer the Petition of the Petitioner, and serve a copy of your answer upon the attorneys undersigned for the within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-wit: Within sixty (60) days after the 4th day of December, 1975, and defend the above entitled action in the above Court, and answer the Petition of the Petitioner, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned Attorney for Petitioner at his address below Forest products will be sold area boundary tags and propertypetitioner at their office below stated; and in case of your failure on a cash basis. Minimum lines in Unit No. 1 on part stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be acceptable bid will be $5,870.00. WVzNWV4 of Section 2, part so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to On or before December 30, 1975, NE~/4NEV4 of Section 3, Township rendered against you accordingto the demands in the Petition, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M.; all the demand of the Petition, which make a minimum deposit of timber marked with blue paint $587.00, in the form of cash,bounded by sale area boundary money order or certified check, tags in Unit No. 2 on part Said deposit shall constitute an SVzNEV4, part N~/2SEl/4,of Section opening bid at the appraised 34, Township 23 North, Range 2 price. On the day of sale, the West W.M., containing 88 acres, purchaser must pay the balance more or less, comprising between the bid deposit and the approximately 210,000 bd. ft. of full bid price, plus a $5.00 bill of Douglas fir, 30,000 bd. ft. of has been filed with the Clerk of this Court. The object of this action is to obtain a dissolution of marriage. /s/PAUL R. LICKER PAUL R.LICKER Attorney for Petitioner Puget Sound Legal Assistance Foundation sale fee, plus $1 50.00 for Iodgepole pine, and 10,000 bd. ft.529 W. Fourth payment to the Access Road of hardwoods, or a total of Olympia, WA 98501 Revolving Fund. This balance 250,000 bd. ft. (206) 943-6260 may be paid by personal check. Minimum acceptable bid: 12/4.11_18.25.1/1.8.6t Upon award of this sale, the $18,200.00. respective deposits shall be Timber will be sold on a cash returned to the unsuccessful or installment plan basis. Timber which has been filed with the Clerk of the above Court. That the purpose of this action is for a dissolution of the marriage of the Petitioner and Respondent on the basis that the marriage is irretrievably broken. /s/JOHN C. RAGAN JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Petitioner JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney at Law Shelton, Washington 98584 Telephone 426-5576 12/4-11-18-25-1/1-8-6t I bidders. All checks, money must be removed prior to October NOTICE OF FILING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION orders, etc., are to be made 31, 1977. Franchise Application No. payable to the Commissioner of On or before December 30, NO. 12558 Public Lands. 1975, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder 333 Amendment No. 3 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ~, ~- ~_-_--_-_--_-_-_-_-_- BOND: Within 30 days 'of must make a minimum deposit of Mason County Public Utility THE STATE OF WASHINGTON date of sale, the purchaser must $1,820.00 in the form of cash, District No. 1, a corporation, has IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Legal Publications Legal Publications provide a surety bond of money order or certified check, filed with the Washington State MASON $2,500.00, to guarantee Said deposit shall constitute an Highway Commission, under theJO ANN KINCHLER, provisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW Plaintiff, vs. GILBERT F. compliance with all terms of bill opening bid at the appriased and amendments thereto, an JOHNSON, individually; '/:~J NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE TO CREDITORS of sale. price. Upon award of this sale, the application for a franchise to RICHARD YEARLY and JANE ~'~ i Any sale which has been respective deposits shall be construct, operate and maintaina DOE YEARLY, his wife; "~ PETITION FOR NO. 4681 offered, and for which no bids are returned to the unsuccessful 12.5/7.2 KV aerial power cableF R A N C I L H O L L A R D, DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF received shall not be reoffered bidders. On the day of sale, the upon a portion of State RouteBENJAMIN CLIFFORD, and W. Probate No. 4563 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON until it has been readvertised. If purchaser must pay the balance No. 101, in Mason County, F. SAUNDERS, partners and the (RCW 11.68.100 and FOR MASON COUNTY all sales cannot be offered within between the bid deposit and the 11.76.040) IN THE MATTER OF THE the specified time on the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of Washington, at the following P A R T N E R S H I P O F locations: N O R T H W E S T L A N D S U P E R I OR COU RT O F ESTATE O F JAMES W. advertised date, the sale shall sale fee, or may, if the purchaser Beginning at a point opposite ASSOCIATES, Defendants. WASHINGTON FOR MASON SULLIVAN, Deceased. continue on the following dayso elects at the time of sale, pay milepost 331.96, located in the T H E S T A T E O F COUNTY The undersigned has been between the hours of ten o'clock an additional amount to bring the SW1/4 SWV4 of Section 12; WASHINGTON to the said Estate of JOSEPH KRIENER, appointed and has qualified as a.m. and four o'clock p.m. total amount of the deposit, continuing in a southerly GILBERT F. JOHNSON, JR., Deceased. personal representative of the Forest products must be exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of direction along the easterly side Defendant: NOTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL estate of the above-named removed prior to October 31, the full bid price based on theof SR 101 to a point opposite YOU A R E H E R EBY PERSONS INTERESTED IN decedent. Each person having a 1977. cruise estimate, provided that milepost 332.75 located in the SUMMONED to appear within i ABOVE ESTATE THAT: claim against the deceased must Located approximately 14 such deposit shall not be less than NE]/4 SE]/4 of Section 14, all in sixty days after the date of the (1) LOUISE RISHEL as serve the claim on the miles by road West of Belfair.$5,000.00. This balance may beTownship 22 North, Range 4 first publication of thissummons, personal representative (PR) of u n d e r s i g n e d p e r s o n a I Accessibility Mount Rainierpaid by personal check. Purchaser West, W.M. to wit: within sixty days after the the above estate has filed with the representative or on the attorneys Council Boy Scouts of America must also furnish within 30 days NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 27th day of November, 1975, and i clerk of the above court: of record at the address stated Easement, Private, and of date of sale a surety bond of (a) The final account and below and must file an executed Department of Natural Resources $1,000.00 to guarant3e that this franchise application defend the above-entitled action may be granted by the in the above-entitled court, and / petition for distribution of the copy of the claim with the clerk Access. compliance with all terms of the Washington State Highway answer the complaint of the - estate, requesting the court toof the Court within four months A copy of the forest products bill of sale. All checks, money Commission or its designee, with plaintiff, and serve a copy of your settle the final account, distribute after the date of first publication bill of sale contract is posted at orders, etc. are to be made the property of the estate to the of this notice or within ;ourthe South Puget Sound Area payable to the Commissioner of or without hearing, in the absence answer upon the undersigned - heirs or persons entitled thereto, months after the date of the filing Headquarters of the Department Public Lands. of receipt by the Highway attorney for plaintiff at the office A C C E S S R O A D Commission of any written below stated; and in case of your and discharge the PR. of a copy of this notice with the of Natural Resources located atREVOLVING FUND: $80.00 to inquiries or objections within 14 failure to do so, judgment will be Season s greetings and best wishes for your (2) The final account and clerk of the Court, whichever is Enumclaw. happiness. To our loyal customers .... sincere thanks. petition for distribution will be the later, or the claim will be BERT L. COLE be paid on day of sale. days from this notice, rendered against you according to heard in the probate departmentbarred, except under those Commissioner of Accessibility: Via public and DATED at Olympia, the demand of the complaint, of the court at 10:00 a.m. on provisions included in RCW Public Lands Department of Natural Resources Washington, this 12thday of which has been filed with the December, 1975. clerk of said court. The object of January 23, 1976, at which time11.40.011. 12/25-1t access. /s/John H. Cooper the above entitled action is The and place any person interested inDate of filing copy of Notice ~ -- Co m plete contract and the estate may appear and file to Creditors: December 17, 1975. specifications may be examined atJohn H. Cooper Issue of Fact/Law. objections to and contest the Date of first publication= NOTICE TO CREDITORS South Puget Sound Area Roadway Develogment November,DATED1975.THIS !9th day .0~ petition and/or fipel account. December 25, 1975. Headquarters I ocated at Engineer i2/18-25-2t /s/PII|I~ P. Malone '~ Date of Publication: HELEN R. SULLIVAN No. 4674 Enumclaw, County Auditor's December 25, 1975 Personal Representative THE SUPERIOR COURT OF office, and officer of the PHILIPP. MALONE /s/Louise Rishel P.O. Box 445 WASHINGTON FOR MASON Commissioner of Public Lands, ~ Attorney for Plaintiff Louise Rishel, Executrix Belfair, Washington COUNTY Date of first publication: PHILIP E. BILGE 98528 IN THE MATTER OF THE Olympia. To be sold at South Puget November 27, 1975. of BILGE & FARR SANCHEZ, MARTIN & ESTATE OF KENNETH BUD Sound Area Headquarters NOTICETO CREDITORS PHILIP P. MALONE 1224 Griffin Avenue ARMSTRONG, Attorneys MOORE, Deceased. (E n u m c law), on Tuesday, NO. 4677 Attorney at Law Enumclaw, WA 98022 for Estate The undersigned is the C)ecember 30, 1975, at 10 o'clock IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 153 1st Avenue 309 Great Northwest Building appointed and qualified Personal a.m. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Poulsbo, Washington 98370 825-3538 12/25-1t Bremerton, Washington 98310 Representative of said estate. Additional information on FOR MASON COUNTY IN (206) 779-5518 " 12/25-1/1-8-3tPersons having claims against the terms and procedures of sale are PROBATE 11/27-12/4-11-18-25-1/1-6t IN THE MATTER OF THE deceased must serve the claim on contained in the "Public Auction ESTATE OF WILLIAM J. ------------------------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS the undersigned, or the attorney Sale" pamphlet. of record, at the address stated Said timber on said land will BERRINGER, Deceased. No. 4682 NOTICE OF " below and must file an executed be sold for not less than the The undersigned is the SPECIAL MEETING IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF PUBLIC MEETING copy of the claim with the CJerk appraised value, as appraised by appointed and qualified personal NOTICE THE STATE OF WASHINGTON A public meeting on an of the Court within four months the Commissioner of Public Lands representative of said estate. The Pioneer School Board will FOR MASON COUNTY application for designation of a after the date of first publication in the manner provided by law, a Persons having claims against the hold a special meeting Jan. 5th at In the Matter of the Estate ofSouthwest Washington Health of this notice or within four notice of which is now on file in deceased are required to serve the 6 p.m. M ARGA R E T MAY SM I TH, Systems Agency will be held on months after the date of the filing the office of the Auditor of same in duplicate, duly verified, This will be a closed personnel Deceased. . January 14, 1976, at 1:00 P.M. at of a copy of this notice or theMason County, and in the office on the undersigned or the session involving the Pioneer The undersigned is the the Hallmark Inn in Centralia, claim will be barred, except under of the Area Manager of South attorney of record at the address Staff. appointed and qualified Personal Washington (Interstate 5 Exit No. those provisions included in RCW Puget Sound Area. stated below, and file the same 12/25-1/1-2t Representative of said estate. 82, Harrison St.). 11.40.011. /s/BertL. Cole with the Clerk of this Court, Persons having claims against the Creation of this Agency is Date of filing copy of notice BERT L COLE together with proof of such deceased mus{ serve the claim on required under P.L 93-641, The to creditors: December 12, 1975. Commissioner of Public Lands service, within four months afterNOTICE OF P.U.D. NO. the undersigned, or the attorney National Health Planning and Date of first publication: 12/4-11-18-25-4t December 11, 1975, or the same 3 BUDGET HEARING of record, at the address stated Development Act of 1974. The December 18, 1975. will be forever barred, under Notice is hereby given that below and must file an executedpublic is asked to attend and /s/Emily S. Moore provisions included in RCW Mason County Public Utility copy of the claim with the Clerk EMILY S. MOORE 11.40.011. District No. 3 will hold a public Date of filing Notice to hearing in the Conference Room Creditors: Dec. 5, 1975. of P.U.D. No. 3 at 1:00 p.m., Date of first publication: Dec. December 29, 1975 for the 11, 1975. following purpose: Edith Berringer TO REVIEW AND ADOPT Personal Representative THE FINAL BUDGET FOR BUZZARD & GLENN, P.S. 1976. Attorney for Estate M.D. Parrett, 121 South Fourth Street Secretary, Board of Shelton, Washington 98584 Commissioners 12/11-18-25-3t 12/25-1t of the Court within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of a copy of this notice or the 110 Railroad 426-4447 Evenings and Sundays call: Ao ROY DUNN ................ 426-4601 DON BROWN .................. 426-6388 JIM ROUSH .................. 426-8522 F~EAL lOFt" f~EALTO~¢ express their views on the qualifications of the applicant, c/o JOE L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Attorney for Personal Representative 125 North Fifth St., the proposed composition of the Agency's governing body, and the Agency's proposed work program. Copies of the application have NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4680 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASH INGTON FOR MASON Shelton Land & Homes Salutes rills SPACE CONTRIBUTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY THE PUBL[SHER claim will be barred, except under been placed in all local libraries in P.O. Box 26 COUNTY those provisions included in RCW the ten counties of Southwest Shelton, Washington IN THE MATTER OF THE 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of noticeWashington for public review. 98584 ESTATE OF DELBERT J. Any questions regarding this 12/18-25-1/1-3tHOLLEY, Deceased. to creditors: December 19, 1975. application or this process should NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Date of first publication: be directed to Dennis Delahunt, that the undersigned has been December25 1975. 753-8135 (Olympia) or Bob SUMMONS BY appointed~ and has qualified as /s/Marie~l. Gudger McGuirk, 695-1354 (Vancouver). PUBLICATION personal representative of this MARIE M. GUDGER 12/25-1t NO. 12554 estate. Persons having claims Personal Representative c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER --~ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF against the deceased are required Attorney at Law THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to serve the same, duly verified, 125Vz N. 5th Street NOTICE OF HEARING FOR MASON COUNTY on the undersigned or the P.O. Box 396 EMERGENCY BUDGET DOROTHY L. COOK, attorney of record at the address Shelton Washington 98584 EXTENSIONS Executrix of the estate of Gordon stated below and file the same • • • " .... 12/25-1/1-8-3t WHEREAS, unanticipated S. Peterson, deceased, Plaintiff, with the Clerk of this Court, Our December Semor Cit, zen expenditures have arisen in the vs. ROBERT D. SCOTT and together with proof of such following 1975 budgets for which CLARA K. SCOTT', his wife, and service within four months after This month's Senior Citizen has been.ver.y.busy getting ready there are no funds to cover; and ROBERT LENNING, Defendants. December 11, 1975, or the same ~r Christmas Not only is Alice Eiet~Y trunK!rig or gifts for her WHEREAS, in the judgment T H E S T A T E O F will be forever barred. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the Board of County WASHINGTON TO: ROBERT /s/JOHN C. RAGAN =rl,e children" and one grandchild, she s alsoDeen worl