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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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A ~. A ~-/,. andMONEY STOLENReportSmoney OfmissingtWO homeSwere receivedentered ..... /~t---~-- ................ P & --G .......... TREE-- ............. SERV|CE------------ -----------------" in the sheriff's office last week. ~ TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED Money from a piggy bank was ~ FULLY INSURED taken from the South Shore home ~ Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 tou Dobbs TR 6-4783 --'-----"~~ ~ On Dec. 1 8 the cub scouts of of A• O• Luther of Seattle and old :.:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-..-------_-_-~-_---_-_-_-_~-------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~-_-_-_-=_-_-_-..-:_= ~ ~ -""'-~~ :-"~~Y~~ ~'~ Belfair Pack 513 held their I coins from a gallon jug were missing from the Mission Creek ..... -_ ~ .. Christmas meeting. Den 3 I reportedR°ad home of Kim Griffey, both Dec. 15. ~~~'~'~ ~_.~k-~ ~J ~T) k~['t ~,,~ t"b : ~ ~b..~ .~ . e,~ performed the opening flag I % ceremony, then awards for the I ~~ •~ month's achievements were ! "" passed out. 1 MAIL VANDALS ';~'~/~X ,'~ Pat Funke . Den 3: Pat Heath, wolf badge ~ A North Shore resident ~ L~'#~ t'V ~/I and a gold arrow; Brian Ruff, two | reported to the sheriffs office~ "~/] , ~/) silver arrows and a pen and pencil | Dec. 16 that someone had taken d~t ~/J ~Q set for recruiting his mother, | mail from her mailbox, opened it /JU~ /"A ]i'] J~k Bonnie Ruff, as a den leader. I and had thrown it in the woods.~]~ ~ ~/ .~! Den 4: Bobby Kobloth, a | silver arrow; Carl Heath, bear ! [ ~[l_~_'-~"'-~-~''"7"~.,~--'-----J~.- ....... ~---. i~ badge; Danny Wenger, assistant I .__•1 ] "~, ~ I ~. i ~•. " denner cord; Jon Minerich, an i L~] ,7-'~ ,~ IOU for a bear badge. ,! / Webelos: Tracy Owen, lO[J i [L~4"~-- --- ~'r"""~JI-~~J .~i I-- ,L-.I 1 - i, ,....t ....... for a bear badge; David Mutillo, I / e Glass replacement / ~ ~'~" ~"~'~ ~'~"~ -r ' • Custom storm sash Greeting drawn b showman badges; Keith Jensen,won. Details in Cub Scout column• Y k "~ citizen and engineer badges; Joe | i II 'J.~ 5th grade • o utdoorsman and engineer / Hood Canal Gloss / [ o. badges; Matt Cook, citizen badge; ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .i,,. 9,. ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~m. | 275-2623 / I ~ /-. i Charles Kehrberg, aquanaut andJ~ J[ |~ fib ~ Jk | I ~ [ ..... Lt ..~_~... : ..... ~.. ~ L citizen badges; Travis Allen, ~'~r~r~ ..'l~r~[[l~r~l INI¢~T~:~¢ 275-2080 ui J located throughout the entire ~fl/ 275-2032 ~, /I/~ / / • rttdo; BELFAIR - me t/t/ore Greeting drawn by , j 5th grade ' -- -- ' "' --- -- Grable,citizen andaquanaUt'sportsman citizen,badges; " . v--,,, v,, V--'~,~ • • ~¢'11 ~ I ' ' ' I I ...... T~ }--.: - i ! { Rod BRanch, naturalist badge;Jim By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421 II CHRIST LUTHERAN [ ]I I ........ ]-"~ "'" / tt~" Pollard, sportsman ann snowman From all of us badges and a pen and pencil set ~--~-~ 9.. 4-...- .... 4. ....... I Church at Belfair I [ From all of US at for recruiting his father Roy We have just heard the storypursue their business, Audrey and [ Service of Worship & ] I at Pollard, as a Webelos leader; Sid of Gus and Gussie, a marriedBarbara have been running the I Sunday School 10 A.M. I [ Belfair Texaco Villines, citizen badge;Bert Allen, couple who settled down to live mini-mart, trailer park and geogolist, naturalist, artist and with the Bill Cummings and laundromat. They say business is I COME AS YOU ARE I citizen badges; Jim Sellers Walter Bridges families and were a little slow in the winter but they geologist, naturalist, citizenl very neighborly with the will keep the mart openallyear. I Christmas Eve I athlete badges; Mike Clark community. Gus and Gussie were It is time again to say MerryI ........ I Greeting drawn by ~1 traveler, citizen and sportsmana pair of seagulls. They don't Christmas to everyone ' i.aro,,nganu • ] Greetingdra.w. nby t g f f Y C h r, ~ -~/d~ ~ ..~ badges seem to have taken to the higher everywhere. To those harried I Candlelighting I I J;:hGgrr:be~ Ever .... :-"ned in the sin°;n" inspirations of the Jonathan people who will be wrapping I ,,--,--.,,0,,. II ...... I ~#~ " Greeting drawn bYEllen Works oi" someYU"~ j~,traoitional .... tmnstmas'f"~ Livingston seagull type, being of a. . presents, on Christmas Eve and I CHEF-RIO LODGE I I ~ ~ l~ col Boa "e Ruff accom-anied more uomestlc sort, interested in those efficient ones who had I 1/4 mile west of I [ t.- ~,~f~---- y- ,~o ~" ~o 5th grade ar s. m " - P -. a nermanent home and their cards out on time and presents I Belfair State Park I [ | i [L ~ ~ US on the piano and threeglrls, -... ' AIys°nRuff,ShelleyWinfreyand year'ynatch°fchildrenLikeau wrappedanddec°rati°nsup-t°] NurseryProvided II J o .... v=,..,,o,.. ~ed the sin-;n- stories of living things, this one all a Merry Christmas. ..... ~ ,. ...... "~ " cubs s~ol~has a sad ending. Gussie - at least Correction: November's ticketLa:tto t%c:~nhiefUseattle Scout it is thought it was Gussie - was rainfall was 12.80 inches, not ICR 5-3354 I I [ Show-t the Seattle Center And"found one morning after a 1.80 inches as reported in our "-" Pease was °ur t°P salesman' Th; win'dst°rm in a televisi°n antenna c°lumn last week N°vember's [s ' ' [ I ~~ ......... st six wim a t)roKen necK. ~ow tius rain was spectacular. Part of the //~'' \ K.-.~ ~ IOuOwlng cuds sOlO at lea • • ' . • . ~ yl ~i' tickets and nu"lified f°r "rizes• th°ugh he IS taking n°urishment' t lie I t rain ed sideways" ur)day ~ervic°s And" Pease ~Todd LaRueVSteve paces disconsolately up and down Horizontal sheets of water were .~. v " "" ' "~" " ~ " "; th the bulkheads, a lonely widower- driven by the southerly gales. It J~, ./I \, ,. n~larK, m~Ke.t~mrK,, rat ~laeam or just possibly a widow. Only he was a good month to be in Palm I 8:30 a.m .... Worship Service I I ~ .~ ~ -,-~. ]k,. ~0 ~ "I',"L If/ ~"."°.°~.."".".'";.';'.'~"jim - or she - knows for sure. SpfingsorWic .nberg•NovemherI I [ /']"0 ,amnKen.,mp..~onn n,g~ns,R ff Somewhat belatedly we 1974 the total rainfall was less annver, r~ettn Jensen, tman u _ . , .......... , 9:45 a.m ..... Sunday School and Kevin Vetters report that Herinann Audrey only l o.tu inches. In r~ovemner I7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship [ • Martin and Miles and Barbara 1973 we had 15.025,inches of During the ttme of the hcket • " " Brainard have bought Terra Linda rainfall at B. W. Waite s weather sales, mystery houses were from AI Logan. Miles and Herm station on the North Shore. I A,~ are also partners in M & M Metals November is always a good month Chief Seattle Council Cubs who • "" in Bremerton. While the men for ducksandhomingsalmon. I COMMUNITY II "- knocked on the door of a mystery house to sell tickets received gifts ,. ,, ,, ~, ' "' I BAPTIST Jl and had their name entered in a ~ ..... _ _ drawing for a ten-speed bicycle. ~'~ U~mmm~ d~l~--~m, JLm-,-~ ¢'~ On Nov. 22 during the scout show ~ IIVli~;:I m • ~ u m m l=ll= u mu=l I P.O. BOX 407 I I _ From allof us at From all of us the drawingwasmade. Outofthe ,. "1 II ~~el r Nome 500 or so names entered, Kevin ~ ~ .... __.~, John Senn, Postor Bear Creek Mini Mart Vetters~.of Pack 513 was the ~. 7.1Ur ., o. ...... t fai Cenl r winner. He found out about his ~ I ~ i~/ ....... ,~.R. ~ua, t~ F--riCH ,J,,./ "r" ~ wonderful good luck on Dec. 1 ~a~ k'~IMASON when his bicycle arrived at the ~ __ elementary school. Since then his ~ A ILL,., /~--.~A,*A,U fi ~ ~ bright red bike has been stored in ~ "'" --llTll I C his bedroom, waiting for the ~ 97g~,, rl..;~-~. ~o,, 11 _9 ~ U NTY .. warm spring sun. Federal Gifts were exchanged and the ~11 II II Lewis Funeral Chapel and the~l I Poulsbo Mortuary provided a cub It- -- I Ik,dk.-I scout calendar for each cub.~ I . . .~t>.t~. Remember to practice , .1 Aall llml I [ Credit Union j~,~~ ~ sh°°ting marbles °vet the I I holidays, Cubs. I "'-"=- I • r0hRr RHEo~dTc II For Inventory l----D-e C-e m -b er . Greeting drawn by ..'~ £ a¢, ¢!~ ~-'. ~\ Sout e anal. I I i Mll