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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 25, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 25, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Episcopal Church Welcomes You ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:1S a.m. ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday ! I :! 5 a.m. CHRISTMAS EVE: St. Nicholas ........... 7-.'30 p.m. St. Hugh's ........... 9:30 p.m. Greeting drawn b~ 1 Lorri Bleil I 5th grade (~ ~r..~ I Huson Bros. / Tahuya ] Ricky Lott 5th grade LakeLalul V=ll nderson & Sons, Inc. Greeting drawn by Kathy Hamill 5th grade Earl Lincoln COnstruction, Inc. BELFAIR Greeting drawn by Diane Angus 5th grade From all of us at the Tidal Wave Beauty Shop *****~c*********************** ***********~*******;**** " Along the 01d aelfair Highway FUNERAL CHAPEl services set Serving families ,r~'~" "' ~" ~, L y NORA FEDENK CR 5-2774 Christmas Eve F.uchalists will ~.u.,,.i-nAt-'h~unity 4;.~'~ ~'.(j i" i" J' --' .~.I~" ~k~r~"k'k~r~t~lk~t~tlr,kilr~r,k~klk~lr~tlktlr~~~~~~*~ be held Dec. 24 at Episcopal since 1909 " M ~ . .F~.~I,~=-|~'~ • • . churches in Tahuya and Allyn. -'. " " ....... ~,'-~ ", This week the Reverend Leo brought to mind with the present worshzp the Great Spirit. The Reverend D J Maddux and - " ~ "~':" "~ '~ W. Hamar joins the Huckleberrysign situation with words runningOne Christmas Eve, many the Reveren" R"ch rd Rowland 5303 Kitsap Way Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3836 Herald family as guest writer for along, "Do ships have eyes whenyears ago in Mexico, a little boy ... a z .a .... tester M. Lewis, Sr. Lester M. Lewis, Jr. ....... 9" ...... " ....... Will conceleorate at aaln[ ~ -- ~__ the Christmasmessage.AS msmey.go to sea. ann. IOIIOWeQ arnvea at the church, saoann Nlcllolas's......... lanuya atI'.~u p m., sons Tom and Valen are home wzthmore patter of thzs type.tearful. Heknelt outside andtold , . .: .... ;, _.. " . ~ "-- ~ • ano at ~alnt laugh S, &llyn, az - ' " * " ., from Central. Washington College,,News items are as scarce as the Lord he was so poor he could 9 : o ........ u p m ~ne services wuJ , ' " ~'~. e r p ~ " C ~"fl'~ 6 [ /'4'1 d5 I " " " .i a call was m order for news of the hen s teeth with good reason as not afford a gift for the Holy includ "" ~ ........ • he Cam ..... e traamonm music, uturgy , -- " ~1 ~ Greeting drawn by : ] other three boys in t dy. everyone zs busy setting up the Child. On opening h~s eyes he .......... ' ana aecorauons, incluolng canoles " , = ~, " ~ •Tommy Harris ' ] After Tom was graduated Christmas tree and getting ready saw growing at his feet a plant ............. . " {L 4th grade Grapeview School from NM in 1973, he went to for the family day at home. This with dazzling flowers. Entering dn~ iesuvewreatnsas, weuas trees )ol1 • hisas " " . "orateo Dy me cnuoren oI me • " ". -" " ~"~ •., '~lt ," " Olympzc College for socmte zs a good time to share some of the church, he presented has floral ............ ! ..... churches llle ptlOllC IS lnVlteO degree and the U of W, majonng the many legends and traditions gift. Since then the poinsettia ~- " "- " "" ' ~ ' ~-. ¢ ~ " r • "hess "nistration . there win De no regular zn busz admz and of the Christmas season that never blooms every year at Christmas ......... o , .. . ~ , , ..... ~unaay morning worsmp at ~amt accounting. Valen ~s a graduate of grow old. Some are taken from time to brzghten the entire N ........... the schools in Kenai, Alaska (The those old old songbooks givencountry with its glorious color ~ zcnoias s or ~a]nt rtugn s on . /--'/ ' forme ome and ' • " aunday Dec 28, only Instead , ~ ~ t d , / / Hamars r h ) was ears a~o bv banks and soline A Spamsh tradition says that . . ' • . " ' • " m y .~ _ ga . . . the two congregations will join ', . " ~ , . twice state wresthng cha p there, companies. No credits were gwen during a short rest on the fhght of tha" f Sa" " "~ "" Shelton at ~" • After his three years in the to the original writer and the Holy Family into Egypt Mary t o mt pavia s, , . "" " eshm • ' a gala Christmas mass ano military, Valen is a fr an at researcher of customs, lazd her purple mantel over a ............ , " " " " the college with interest geared In Holland Saint Nick nrefers rosemary bush Originally the celeorauon at ~amt An orews chitec ~ . " . House Retreat Center in union, ' towards church ar ture. a great white horse for his j'ourney bloom of thzs plant was whale, o ......... " Albert is the older son and ison St Nicholas Eve Wise littlebut in reverence to Mary the . n rtzgnway I uo, at J ~ a.m. L -Th stationed in Germany as a Hollanders fill their'shoes with flowers changed to the present vis!tors are invited to the service, • • | communications specialist with hay and carrots and leave them in deep lavender Legend also says which will be followed by an 9's Fair Harbor Marina .............. that the fra " e ~'-e bu h wa informal brunch In addition to GRAPEVIEW |/ me air aeiense, front oi me zirepJace, just to granc o[ tn s s . - . e cond son Loren " - . , • . . affording a chance for memoers . I S is make sure the Rood Saint s horse acqutred when the V~rgan hung ....... wall known locaUv as a pastor wn,,, n~o thor~-I-,, hat l-lolv lnfant'e ewnclclllno Ot the three congregations to join _"_-S- easil-" re-o~--ized as *h" --.~.~,, .... ,,.~;~os.. .... ,--,_----.~... ................... in worship, it will be the final ann y c gn t e women s llD, taKe heart, in clomes on 1L Sunda " "" "" Count volunteer pianist with the highItaly Santa's a she~ Legend goes May your Christmas be merry "y in the mason y chool choir at this week's --"' ....... " - an ..... ' missions forFatherRowlana, s mat La~elana was summoneo a your new year nrignt .............. • e . . • WhO Will begin IUU-ume WOrK at Christmas concert. Anoth r son, by the wzsemen to bring gifts to Saint Paul's Parish in Seattle Jan Timothy, has his home in Port the child in Bethlehem. But she I " Orchard and will have his family delayed and lost the trail of the joining with the Hamars over the wisemen in the snow. Ever since, holidays, on Epiphany Eve, Befana bringsMAN ARRESTED 17AgTI~i/N .qTAR • cr .......... Remember that sign that presents for the good boys and Glenn Lund, a form "" """ e wo a Belfazr Chapter 241 Socml designated the future hom forgirls. And sometimes she takes ark-release counselor t Kitsap *' the Full Gospel Church? It wasplayful poke at them with a County jail, was arrested Dec. 15 Club will meet Dec. 29 at the posted on a tree, but it is now broom to fly right in the new year in Belfair by the Mason Countyhome of Alice Pope. Noon lunch gone. If every tree can yell for to come. Sheriffs Department for allegedly will, be potluck with games and help to the environmental group, One of the most beautiful is driving with defective equipment, exchange oz gzfts to iouow, eu~ es O E S members are welcome ~ ~ ~ D / signs will be on posts, y ; on of many countries that hold to A search of his pickup turned up .... trees, never. (Editors s note: The the tradition that at midnight, a small amount of marijuana and future library sign also was before Christmas, the cattle fall to he was taken to Mason County °rdered rem°ved bY the State their knees t° celebrate the birth jail" Meanwhile' Land failed t° BUDDHA THEFT ~ ....* ~"1"~-~ e=,~ Highway Department because of the Savior. This tradition has show up in Kitsap Superior CourtA complaint was received in Highway 3 in Belfair is a scenic spread to America where many that day for sentencing on charges the sheriff's office Dec. 17 of highway.) Years ago in grade Indians say that in the forest the of bringing drugs in the Kitsap jail theft of a cement Buddha from a school there was a song that was deer kneel at Christmas to last September. driveway in Allyn. ~1~ ~~ Greeting drawn by F Greeting drawn by ~ [ ~ k~._~S~ Sr~~:th ngHd~ / ~ Susan Noyes / / t ~ 5thgrade // Greeting drawn by / ~_ (~~-"~ | | l/,/~¢ ~ Ginger Porter From all of us at the 5th grade The Clothes Line Belfair i ~-- ~ Greeting drawn by ~ ~ 6 Carol Weyerman 5th grade [ From all of USatthe // ~- , ~~ | A | ] I From Lennie & Blair ~ ~ L rocery J [ Belfair Trading Post Greeting drawn by Kenny Conwell 5th grade From all of us at Belfair Greeting drawn by J'Anna M. LaBerge 4th grade, Grapeview From all of us at & Motors Greeting drawn by Lance Schoening 5th grade From all of us at the Belfair TV Greeting drawn by Mike Clark 5th grade From S & R Small Engine Repair BELFAIR I Jesfield Construction BELFAI R Greeting drawn by Donny Dimmen 5th grade From the staff :al December 25, 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3