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Help for flood victims
Bob Appel, chief executive officer at Mason General
Hospital, and Commissioner Scott Hilburn of Public
Hospital District 1, stand beside one of the bins used
at the hospital to collect items for flood victims. Leigh
Bacharach, director of development for the hospital,
said the week-long community drive filled four large
automobiles with food, clothing, pet food and cleaning
supplies, and there were also contributions of more
than $300 in cash. Items were distributed through the
Mason County Department of Emergency Services.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., Alcoholics
125 West Cota Street.
5 p.m., AA, New Community
of Union, 310 Dalby Road,
7 p.m., AA, nonsmoking-nonswear-
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Friends of Bill W. Chapter
Hood Canal Community Church,
Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport.
Noon, A1-Anon family group, Saint
Episcopal Church. Call 427-
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., AA, 125
Cota Street.
5:30 p.m., First Baptist Church
celebrates recovery, 419 Railroad Av-
enue. Childcare provided.
7 p.m., AA, nonsmoking and handi-
Shelton's United Meth-
1900 King Street.
7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport library.
7:30 p.m., AI-Anon, Coffee Compa-
ny, 24240 Highway 101, Hoodsport.
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Elli-
nor Room, Mason General Hospital.
Power going
out during
Electric power to nearly 400
will be cut off by PUD
late on Saturday night to allow
Bonneville Power Administra-
to complete repairs to equip-
at a BPA substation in Shel-
ged during the December
The planned outage will begin
11:45 p.m. on December 29 and
last approximately six hours. Cus-
in the following areas will
aflbcted: Alpine Way, Cherry
Christmas Village, Export
Island Lake Manor, Island
Road, Spring Road and
Officials of the public utility
are sending letters to cus-
in the affected areas. They
to turn off electronic
appliances and equipment and
them unplugged until power
restored for at least 20 minutes.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street.
7:30 p.m., Friends of Bill and Bob
Chapter at the Skokomish Tribal Cen-
ter, 80 Tribal Center Road.
10 p.m., The Point Is, Easy Does It,
125 West Cota Street.
8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.,
AA, 125 West Cota Street.
4-6 p.m., Freedom in Recovery,
Gateway Christian Fellowship, 405
South Seventh Street.
7 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Mat-
lock Grange Hall.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street.
4:30 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Saint David's Church.
6:30 p.m., AA/AI-Anon, parish hall
of Saint Edward's Catholic Church.
7 p.m., AA, nonsmoking and non-
swearing, Saint David's Episcopal
Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, New Community Church office,
310 East Dalby Road, Suite 300,
Union. For information call 898-6962
or 898-7855.
7:30 p.m. Mondays, AA, Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation Center,
2430 North 13th Street.
10 a.m., Maple Glen Assisted Liv-
ing, 1700 North 13th Loop Road,
Shelton. For information call 360-556-
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., AA, 125
West Cota.
6:30 p.m., AA open meeting, Hood-
sport library.
7 p.m., Ala-Teen, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar.
7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
the Pershing Room of Mason General
Hospital, 901 Mountain View Drive.
9:30 a.m., Al-Anon tami]y group,
T.C. Room of the Skokomish Tribal
Center, 80 Tribal Center Road.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street.
Noon, Overeaters Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third
and Cedar.
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym-
pic Highway North.
Marlenc "laylor, CLU
Closed Monday 12/31
We wish everyone
New Year
Have a great 2008
lI A .:r v(o. Dm )
104 E. "D" St. #1 Shelton, WA 98584
360-427-1989 * 360-426-5595
Food han(llers gell ,checked
for red, blue probl(00m areas
Mason County Public Health
identified risk factors in the han-
dling of tbod at Bordeaux Elemen-
tary School and seven other places
during inspections conducted this
fall by Jess Mosley and Rose Swi-
Bordeaux was one of seven
schools inspected October 15, 16
and 19. No violations were detect-
ed at Pioneer, Evergreen Elemen-
tary, Mountain View Elementary,
Olympic Middle School and Grape-
view School, but Bordeaux was
docked five red demerits because,
according to their report, its walk-
in cooler was "not holding at the
proper temperature."
No violations were detected at
Southside School when it was in-
spected on October 29, Shelton
High School and Oakland Bay
Junior High School when they
were inspected on November 2 or
CHOICE Alternative School when
it was inspected on November 20.
Red violations involve improper
practices or procedures which pro-
mote foodborne illness, and the
county requires food handlers to
correct deficiencies within a set
time. High-risk factors may be
reinspected to ensure compliance
with repeat high-risk violations
subject to enibrcement actions.
Blue demerits are assigmed upon
detection of low-risk factors that
enhance the addition of pathogens,
chemicals and physical objects
into food items. Deficiencies in the
low-risk areas must be corrected
by the next routine inspection.
conducted by Mosley and Swier
detected some problems. Kapow-
sin Air Sports, Jumpers Caf6,
Shelton, got 15 red demerits on
October 5 for inadequate hand-
washing fhcilities and no accurate
thermometers available to moni-
tor temperature of hot or cold food
items. Michelle's Home Style Bak-
ery, Shelton, got five red demerits
on October 12 because food worker
cards were not current. Fred Mey-
er, Shelton, got five red demerits
on October 26 because food worker
cards were not current. Hoodsport
Grocery, Hoodsport, got 10 red de-
merits on October 30 because fbod
worker cards were not current for
all employees, and inspectors de-
tected improper hot holding tem-
perature in a dell box.
Randy's Short Stop, Belfair, got
15 red demerits on November 19
when inspectors found food worker
cards were not current for all em-
ployees, an improper hot holding
temperature in a dell box and a
missing thermometer in a hot case.
Alderbrook Country Store, Union,
got 15 red demerits on November
21 when inspectors found food
stored less than six inches above
the floor and chemicals stored im-
properly adjacent to food items.
The Tides Restaurant, Hood-
sport, got nine blue demerits on
October 30 when inspectors found a
water-damaged ceiling in the dish-
washing aea, improper lighting
in walk-in and dry-storage areas
and missing thermometers in cold
holding equipment. McDonald's,
Belfair, got two blue demerits on
November 26 because physical
facilities were not properly main-
tained. Jack in the Box, Shelton,
got five blue demerits on Novem-
ber 27 because a gasket in the cool-
ing equipment needed replacing
and food handlers were wearing
jewelry while preparing food.
Union Store, Union, got five
red demerits on November 20 be-
cause food worker cards were not
available for inspection and two
blue demerits because the man-
agement was unable to locate the
county health permit. Sandi's Dell
Mart, Belfair, got five red demer-
its on November 20 because food
worker cards were not available
for inspection and two blue demer-
its having to do with a light shield
in the food storage area. Red Apple
Market, Shelton, got 15 red and
13 blue demerits on November 21
when inspectors found food work-
er cards not current, improper
storage of food items, food contact
surfaces not clean, improper use of
a produce wash sink and a hand-
wash sink not stocked. Alderbrook
Resort, Union, got five red and five
blue demerits on December 5 for
there being improper cold hold-
ing temperature in walk-in coolers
and not having test kits available
for sanitizer concentration.
NO VIOLATIONS were detect-
ed at Tobe's Bistro, Shelton, and
Bob's Philly Cheese Steak, Shelton,
on October 12; Mendoza's, Shelton,
on October 24; Hoodsport Coffee on
October 30; Smoking Mo's Kitchen,
Shelton, on October 31; The Girls
CafG Hoodsport, on November 5;
The Rice Bowl, Belfair, on Novem-
ber 15; Big Bubba's Burgers, Allyn,
on November 20; or Denny's Res-
taurant, Godfather's Pizza, Happy
Teriyaki and Shop N Hop, all of
Shelton, on November 21.
The inspectors looked at McDon-
ald's in Shelton to review condi-
tions during a remodel and handed
out numerous temporary permits
to the following during OysterFest,
held October 6-7 at the Mason
County Fairgrounds: Lilliwaup
Community Club, Mason County
Optimists, Hood Canal Aquanuts,
Shelton Lions Club, Shelton High
School Band Boosters, Mason
County Fire District 5 Firefighters
Association, Mike Johnson Memo-
Blood center will visit Shelton
The mobile unit of the Puget
Sound Blood Center will be in
Shelton on Saturday, January 5,
for a blood drive at Wal-Mart.
Donations of blood will be taken
from 8 to 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 to
2 p.m. in the Wal-Mart parking
lot at 100 East Wallace Kneeland
The center helps patients in
more than 70 hospitals and clinics
in 14 counties of Western Wash-
ington and also supplies tissue
and transplant support to 185
hospitals in the Pacific Northwest.
Michael Young, director of com-
munications at the center, said it
operates the largest transfusion
service in the world.
"Patients with leukemia, can-
cer, burns, hemophilia and trau-
matic injuries depend on the
breakthrough discoveries made by
blood center scientists," he said.
For more information, call 1-
rial Art Scholarship, Adopt-a-Pet,
Little Skookum Community Club,
Peninsula Art Association, Canal
Court 79 Order of Amaranth, Fu-
ture Generation Hospital Guild,
Mary M. Knight Ptu'ent-Teach-
er Organization, Shelton High
School Dance Team, Prince of
Peace Church, Miss Mason County
Scholarship Program, Evergreen
Elementary Parent-Teacher-Stu-
dent Organization, Mount Olive
Lutheran Church Youth Group,
Shelton Kiwanis Club.
Also: Quick Water Swim Club,
Mason Fire District 4 Firefighters
Association, Shelton High School
Newspaper Club, Southside Boost-
er Club, North Mason Chamber
of Commerce, Hood Canal Lions
Club, Boy (Z, cout Troop 160, Shel-
ton High School I)ance Team Club,
Northside Baptist Church, Altrusa
for Mason County Students, Quil-
cene-Brinnon Student Program,
Mason General Hospital Arts
Commission, Boy Scout Troop 110,
Squaxin Island Canoe Family, Xi
Gamma Psi, Mount Moriah Lodge
11, Centennial Hospital Guild,
Morning Star Lions Club, Mason
County Christian School, Hood Ca-
nal Improvement Club, Habitat tbr
Humanity, Electric Extreme All
Star Cheerleaders, Northwest Fili-
pino American Association, Jolly
Jesters, Mason County Association
of Realtors, Senior Services for
South Sound, On Paddles' Wings,
Shelton High School SADD, Turn-
ing Pointe Domestic Violence Ser-
vices and Shelton Rotary Club.
Still here
Come to the Cove, relax, touch
and Nature in all her beauty.
Buy if you lille, or browse.
Beautiful agate boolends $12
• Zen gardens
• New dragonfly magnets & pens
• Artist onsite
Aroma therapy
. Boo/s & tapes
• RocL mineral &
drifttvood gallery
10-Yard Tru ck
most sizes
delivered into Shelton
$185 Two for $312.
for Special savings to outlying areas.
just Call for details and pricing to other areas.
Plus tax, Price effective 5/15/07. Prices subiect to change without notice,
3" Minus
Located on Highway 101
between Shelton and Olympia
Year-round delivery
Call for details!
(360) 426-4743
FREE Amethysts
FREE Nature center tours
FREE Educational material
Complete Flooring Showroom
Full Lapidary Shoppe
,d ' '; cv .
Open lO: 30am-6 :OOpm
i hOOam-5:OOpm Sunday
510 SE Old Arcadia Road
2.3 miles out Arcadia Road,
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 426-8111
Linda filendenntng & E/son Baugh
Thursday, December 27, 2007 - Sheffon-Mason County Journal - Page 7
Help for flood victims
Bob Appel, chief executive officer at Mason General
Hospital, and Commissioner Scott Hilburn of Public
Hospital District 1, stand beside one of the bins used
at the hospital to collect items for flood victims. Leigh
Bacharach, director of development for the hospital,
said the week-long community drive filled four large
automobiles with food, clothing, pet food and cleaning
supplies, and there were also contributions of more
than $300 in cash. Items were distributed through the
Mason County Department of Emergency Services.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., Alcoholics
125 West Cota Street.
5 p.m., AA, New Community
of Union, 310 Dalby Road,
7 p.m., AA, nonsmoking-nonswear-
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Friends of Bill W. Chapter
Hood Canal Community Church,
Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport.
Noon, A1-Anon family group, Saint
Episcopal Church. Call 427-
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., AA, 125
Cota Street.
5:30 p.m., First Baptist Church
celebrates recovery, 419 Railroad Av-
enue. Childcare provided.
7 p.m., AA, nonsmoking and handi-
Shelton's United Meth-
1900 King Street.
7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport library.
7:30 p.m., AI-Anon, Coffee Compa-
ny, 24240 Highway 101, Hoodsport.
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Elli-
nor Room, Mason General Hospital.
Power going
out during
Electric power to nearly 400
will be cut off by PUD
late on Saturday night to allow
Bonneville Power Administra-
to complete repairs to equip-
at a BPA substation in Shel-
ged during the December
The planned outage will begin
11:45 p.m. on December 29 and
last approximately six hours. Cus-
in the following areas will
aflbcted: Alpine Way, Cherry
Christmas Village, Export
Island Lake Manor, Island
Road, Spring Road and
Officials of the public utility
are sending letters to cus-
in the affected areas. They
to turn off electronic
appliances and equipment and
them unplugged until power
restored for at least 20 minutes.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street.
7:30 p.m., Friends of Bill and Bob
Chapter at the Skokomish Tribal Cen-
ter, 80 Tribal Center Road.
10 p.m., The Point Is, Easy Does It,
125 West Cota Street.
8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.,
AA, 125 West Cota Street.
4-6 p.m., Freedom in Recovery,
Gateway Christian Fellowship, 405
South Seventh Street.
7 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Mat-
lock Grange Hall.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street.
4:30 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Saint David's Church.
6:30 p.m., AA/AI-Anon, parish hall
of Saint Edward's Catholic Church.
7 p.m., AA, nonsmoking and non-
swearing, Saint David's Episcopal
Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, New Community Church office,
310 East Dalby Road, Suite 300,
Union. For information call 898-6962
or 898-7855.
7:30 p.m. Mondays, AA, Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation Center,
2430 North 13th Street.
10 a.m., Maple Glen Assisted Liv-
ing, 1700 North 13th Loop Road,
Shelton. For information call 360-556-
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., AA, 125
West Cota.
6:30 p.m., AA open meeting, Hood-
sport library.
7 p.m., Ala-Teen, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar.
7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
the Pershing Room of Mason General
Hospital, 901 Mountain View Drive.
9:30 a.m., Al-Anon tami]y group,
T.C. Room of the Skokomish Tribal
Center, 80 Tribal Center Road.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street.
Noon, Overeaters Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third
and Cedar.
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym-
pic Highway North.
Marlenc "laylor, CLU
Closed Monday 12/31
We wish everyone
New Year
Have a great 2008
lI A .:r v(o. Dm )
104 E. "D" St. #1 Shelton, WA 98584
360-427-1989 * 360-426-5595
Food han(llers gell ,checked
for red, blue probl(00m areas
Mason County Public Health
identified risk factors in the han-
dling of tbod at Bordeaux Elemen-
tary School and seven other places
during inspections conducted this
fall by Jess Mosley and Rose Swi-
Bordeaux was one of seven
schools inspected October 15, 16
and 19. No violations were detect-
ed at Pioneer, Evergreen Elemen-
tary, Mountain View Elementary,
Olympic Middle School and Grape-
view School, but Bordeaux was
docked five red demerits because,
according to their report, its walk-
in cooler was "not holding at the
proper temperature."
No violations were detected at
Southside School when it was in-
spected on October 29, Shelton
High School and Oakland Bay
Junior High School when they
were inspected on November 2 or
CHOICE Alternative School when
it was inspected on November 20.
Red violations involve improper
practices or procedures which pro-
mote foodborne illness, and the
county requires food handlers to
correct deficiencies within a set
time. High-risk factors may be
reinspected to ensure compliance
with repeat high-risk violations
subject to enibrcement actions.
Blue demerits are assigmed upon
detection of low-risk factors that
enhance the addition of pathogens,
chemicals and physical objects
into food items. Deficiencies in the
low-risk areas must be corrected
by the next routine inspection.
conducted by Mosley and Swier
detected some problems. Kapow-
sin Air Sports, Jumpers Caf6,
Shelton, got 15 red demerits on
October 5 for inadequate hand-
washing fhcilities and no accurate
thermometers available to moni-
tor temperature of hot or cold food
items. Michelle's Home Style Bak-
ery, Shelton, got five red demerits
on October 12 because food worker
cards were not current. Fred Mey-
er, Shelton, got five red demerits
on October 26 because food worker
cards were not current. Hoodsport
Grocery, Hoodsport, got 10 red de-
merits on October 30 because fbod
worker cards were not current for
all employees, and inspectors de-
tected improper hot holding tem-
perature in a dell box.
Randy's Short Stop, Belfair, got
15 red demerits on November 19
when inspectors found food worker
cards were not current for all em-
ployees, an improper hot holding
temperature in a dell box and a
missing thermometer in a hot case.
Alderbrook Country Store, Union,
got 15 red demerits on November
21 when inspectors found food
stored less than six inches above
the floor and chemicals stored im-
properly adjacent to food items.
The Tides Restaurant, Hood-
sport, got nine blue demerits on
October 30 when inspectors found a
water-damaged ceiling in the dish-
washing aea, improper lighting
in walk-in and dry-storage areas
and missing thermometers in cold
holding equipment. McDonald's,
Belfair, got two blue demerits on
November 26 because physical
facilities were not properly main-
tained. Jack in the Box, Shelton,
got five blue demerits on Novem-
ber 27 because a gasket in the cool-
ing equipment needed replacing
and food handlers were wearing
jewelry while preparing food.
Union Store, Union, got five
red demerits on November 20 be-
cause food worker cards were not
available for inspection and two
blue demerits because the man-
agement was unable to locate the
county health permit. Sandi's Dell
Mart, Belfair, got five red demer-
its on November 20 because food
worker cards were not available
for inspection and two blue demer-
its having to do with a light shield
in the food storage area. Red Apple
Market, Shelton, got 15 red and
13 blue demerits on November 21
when inspectors found food work-
er cards not current, improper
storage of food items, food contact
surfaces not clean, improper use of
a produce wash sink and a hand-
wash sink not stocked. Alderbrook
Resort, Union, got five red and five
blue demerits on December 5 for
there being improper cold hold-
ing temperature in walk-in coolers
and not having test kits available
for sanitizer concentration.
NO VIOLATIONS were detect-
ed at Tobe's Bistro, Shelton, and
Bob's Philly Cheese Steak, Shelton,
on October 12; Mendoza's, Shelton,
on October 24; Hoodsport Coffee on
October 30; Smoking Mo's Kitchen,
Shelton, on October 31; The Girls
CafG Hoodsport, on November 5;
The Rice Bowl, Belfair, on Novem-
ber 15; Big Bubba's Burgers, Allyn,
on November 20; or Denny's Res-
taurant, Godfather's Pizza, Happy
Teriyaki and Shop N Hop, all of
Shelton, on November 21.
The inspectors looked at McDon-
ald's in Shelton to review condi-
tions during a remodel and handed
out numerous temporary permits
to the following during OysterFest,
held October 6-7 at the Mason
County Fairgrounds: Lilliwaup
Community Club, Mason County
Optimists, Hood Canal Aquanuts,
Shelton Lions Club, Shelton High
School Band Boosters, Mason
County Fire District 5 Firefighters
Association, Mike Johnson Memo-
Blood center will visit Shelton
The mobile unit of the Puget
Sound Blood Center will be in
Shelton on Saturday, January 5,
for a blood drive at Wal-Mart.
Donations of blood will be taken
from 8 to 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 to
2 p.m. in the Wal-Mart parking
lot at 100 East Wallace Kneeland
The center helps patients in
more than 70 hospitals and clinics
in 14 counties of Western Wash-
ington and also supplies tissue
and transplant support to 185
hospitals in the Pacific Northwest.
Michael Young, director of com-
munications at the center, said it
operates the largest transfusion
service in the world.
"Patients with leukemia, can-
cer, burns, hemophilia and trau-
matic injuries depend on the
breakthrough discoveries made by
blood center scientists," he said.
For more information, call 1-
rial Art Scholarship, Adopt-a-Pet,
Little Skookum Community Club,
Peninsula Art Association, Canal
Court 79 Order of Amaranth, Fu-
ture Generation Hospital Guild,
Mary M. Knight Ptu'ent-Teach-
er Organization, Shelton High
School Dance Team, Prince of
Peace Church, Miss Mason County
Scholarship Program, Evergreen
Elementary Parent-Teacher-Stu-
dent Organization, Mount Olive
Lutheran Church Youth Group,
Shelton Kiwanis Club.
Also: Quick Water Swim Club,
Mason Fire District 4 Firefighters
Association, Shelton High School
Newspaper Club, Southside Boost-
er Club, North Mason Chamber
of Commerce, Hood Canal Lions
Club, Boy (Z, cout Troop 160, Shel-
ton High School I)ance Team Club,
Northside Baptist Church, Altrusa
for Mason County Students, Quil-
cene-Brinnon Student Program,
Mason General Hospital Arts
Commission, Boy Scout Troop 110,
Squaxin Island Canoe Family, Xi
Gamma Psi, Mount Moriah Lodge
11, Centennial Hospital Guild,
Morning Star Lions Club, Mason
County Christian School, Hood Ca-
nal Improvement Club, Habitat tbr
Humanity, Electric Extreme All
Star Cheerleaders, Northwest Fili-
pino American Association, Jolly
Jesters, Mason County Association
of Realtors, Senior Services for
South Sound, On Paddles' Wings,
Shelton High School SADD, Turn-
ing Pointe Domestic Violence Ser-
vices and Shelton Rotary Club.
Still here
Come to the Cove, relax, touch
and Nature in all her beauty.
Buy if you lille, or browse.
Beautiful agate boolends $12
• Zen gardens
• New dragonfly magnets & pens
• Artist onsite
Aroma therapy
. Boo/s & tapes
• RocL mineral &
drifttvood gallery
10-Yard Tru ck
most sizes
delivered into Shelton
$185 Two for $312.
for Special savings to outlying areas.
just Call for details and pricing to other areas.
Plus tax, Price effective 5/15/07. Prices subiect to change without notice,
3" Minus
Located on Highway 101
between Shelton and Olympia
Year-round delivery
Call for details!
(360) 426-4743
FREE Amethysts
FREE Nature center tours
FREE Educational material
Complete Flooring Showroom
Full Lapidary Shoppe
,d ' '; cv .
Open lO: 30am-6 :OOpm
i hOOam-5:OOpm Sunday
510 SE Old Arcadia Road
2.3 miles out Arcadia Road,
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 426-8111
Linda filendenntng & E/son Baugh
Thursday, December 27, 2007 - Sheffon-Mason County Journal - Page 7