December 27, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 27, 2007 |
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Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun-
teer group whose placement services,
kennels and spay-neuter assistance
program are financed through month-
ly garage sales held on the second
Saturday of the month at 210 (]rove
Street. AIR dogs are vet-checked and
spayed or neutered.
Call 432-3091 to set up a kennel
visit. To donate items call 426-4269.
For spay-neuter assistance call 426-
5523. More inlbrmation is available
at on the
Feline Friends
Feline Friends is a nonprofit vol-
unteer group whose mission is rescu-
ing and finding homes tbr homeless,
abused or abandoned cats and kittens.
The group provides tbster care in vol-
unteers' homes until the animals can
be placed in permanent homes. Adop-
tion fbe includes spay-neuter service,
feline AIDS test and parasite control.
To adopt a kitten or adult cat, call
426-2588 or 360-866-0599. Donations
are accel)ted at P.O. Box 27, Shelton,
Kitten Rescue
Kitten Rescue of Mason County is
a nonprofit volunteer group which res-
cues and finds homes fi)r abandoned
kittens. Adoption tie includes spay-
neuter service, tMine leukemia test
and immunizations. Qual%erly garage
sales support the group.
For infi)rmation on kitties awfilable
fi)r adoption or to donate items tbr the
garage sales, call 426-2455 or go to
City of Shelton
Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75 plus $5 tbr a
city license. New dogs are brought in
all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the
shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs
currently available may be viewed at:
Shelton.petfinder.eom on-line.
Hours are 11 to 5 p.m. Monday
Ginger is a 1-year-old border
collie/shepherd mix. "She just
loves everyone. She gets along
well with cats, kids and other
dogs. She needs room to run
and someone who would be
home with her most of the time.
If you have room in your home
and in your heart for this lov-
ing, sweet dog, call or e-mail
us today to set an appointment
to meet Ginger. Youql be glad
you didI" a volunteer said.
Adopt-a-Pet requires a secure
environment for its dogs. Call
432-3091 to meet Ginger.
through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Here's a listing of some of the dogs
available this week:
Labrador retriever, male, 1 year
Pit bull mix, male, 3 months old.
Rottweiler, male, 5 years old.
Pit bull mix, nfale, 3 months old.
Chow/Labrador mix, l t/2 years
Shay and Ergon enjoy one another's kitty company. "They would
make a wonderful addition to a family. Both cats are loving and
friendly. We have over 50 cats and kittens of all colors, ages and
sizes ready and waiting for adoption," a volunteer said. They are
immunized, vet-checked and ready for adoption. Kitten Rescue
of Mason County can be reached in the evenings at 426-2455.
ii n UUl i i i i i i i i
00ommunity ealendar
Thursday, December 27
6:45 a.m, Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport IAbrary, 40 North School-
house ttill Road.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
l0 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and J
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodspo%.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
Noon, Mason Matters, Shelton Civ-
ic Center.
6 p.m., Parents tielping Parents,
tlead Stm facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
6 p.m., Mason County Conservancy
Board, Mason Conservation District
meeting room, 1051 SE State Route 3,
Suite G.
6:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
7 p.m., Southside School Board,
school library.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio-
neer School Gym.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks
Lodge, Craig Road.
Friday, December 28
10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, Hoodsport.
Sunday, December 30
Mason County invites you to attend
the church of your choice.
'(Please turn to page 17.)
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
(25 + Years Experience)
General Dentistry
full service practice
Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings)
Extractions Full & Partial Dentures
Repairs * Relines
Most Insurances Accepted
S. Peters, DPD C. Ngo, DDS
tl ill t i i i i ,i i
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 27, 2007
Auction aids children's Christmas
Seated among piles of presents under-
neath a Christmas tree are organizers
of the 12th annual Kids "R" Christmas
fund. This event provided gifts for sev-
en local families at Christmas this year.
Proceeds from a dart shoot and auction
held December 8 at Shelton's Town Tav-
ern helped fund the cause which also
was supported by many other communi-
ty contributions. Among the donors were
Lumbermen's, Wal-Mart, Jolly Jesters,
Hiawatha, Cook's Tree Farm and Union
Local 77. Pictured from left are: tavern
owner Linda Trout, Head Start employ-
ee Sandi Johnson and Becky Bechtolt,
along with dogs "Santa" Jack and "Rein-
deer" Hay, the tavern mascots.
Library plans
two programs
Two progrmns are planned for
Tuesday, January 8, at the Hood-
sport Timberland Library, 40
North Schoolhouse ttill Road.
The Friends of the ttoodsport
Timberland Library will meet from
1 to 2 p.m. The group raises funds
to support projects and activities
at the library. New members are
welcome, and meetings are open to
the public.
PageTurners, a book discussion
group tbr adults, will also meet
from 1 to 2 Participants will
join in a discussion of 7'he Hamlet
by William Faulkner.
For more inlbrmation about ei-
ther program, call 877-9339.
district plans
meeting today
Supervisors of the Mason Con-
servation I)istrict plan to meet at 4
o'clock this afternoon at 400 West
Business Park Road. A spending
plan fi)r 2008 and a contract with
the Wasbingon Department of
Fish and Wildlitb are on the De-
cember 20 agenda.
Share club
news events
To help members of local
clubs, organizations and non-
profit agencies spread the word,
about their ,, prqjects and work,
The Journal has an informa-
tion sheet called "Reporting
Your News."
It's available in the Journal
newsroom or business office to
publicists and others who want
help preparing press releases.
The office h)cated at Third and
Cots streets downtown is open
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. week-
Call today for a
on a new Trane system!
lE" Olyapic Heating & Cooling, LL.___CC
Sales * Service * Installations
It'sHard To StopA Tmne:" Repairs * Heating Air
Conditioning Refrigeration
426-9945 * 754-1235 * 1-800-400-9945
11/2 HOUR
I Gift Certificates Available I
l,lc. #MA00023577
two Chenin Blanc * two Sauvignon Blanc
two Chardonnay
two Madeleine Angevlne four Rhubarb
59.99 per bottle
tectal S119.88 12-bottle case
four Orca Merlot
four Cabernet Sauvignon
two Island Belle TM
Spe !,, 159 9
Vintage Case N
Rhubarb Raspberry Sauvignon Blanc
Chardonnay Apple Chenin Blanc
Lembeer.Cab Island Belle-Merlot
Orca Merlot Pinot Noir
Cabernet-Merlot Cabinert Sauvignon
$9,90 per bottle $119.88 per
lbur unique locally roasted Whole Bean Co[fees
in I6-oz. bags
Reg $12.99 Special Price $10.99
Hood (?anal Breaklast Puget Sotmd Dt:cal
/rll[li Peninsula Roast Itoodspolt Gold M(:d;ll
Holiday Case Specials
two bottles each
Syrah Orca Merlot
Lemberger-Cab TM * Island Belie'"
Merlot * Cabernet-Merlot
Cabernet Sauvignon
$11 t/) pt!r }tott'['
SpttciaJ $13tJ g2 [i/-})ollic c,t!;('
tWO Raspberry * two Blackberry
two Rhubarb * two Apple
two Peat" two Bella Cranberry
$9 `)( p(!l botth"
Special $11 (88 I 2 b()uh' case
Rhubarb Raspberry Sauvignon Blanc I
Chardonnay *Chenin Blanc Pear I
Orca Merlot * Island Belie Syrah I
Island Belle-Merlot bemberger-Cab I
Cabernet Sauvignon ]
$9.99 per bonle $ 19.88 t(r (asJ
Otlr own (XC ISiV(! h,lrld-tliptlml ( h ,, ,[,l, /
Large Gift Box (8 oz.) SlSq') l
ur jumbo traffics each )ndividually ]
boxed (9 OZ.) SIt, 00 /
r Wine Card q Phone: 1-800-580-9894
16th case is half price I or 1-360-877-9894
[ 1 Fax 1-360-877-9508
Order earlv -- case specials are limited Must order full case for discount
OPENEVERY DAY -- YES, WEEKENDS 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Shipping and mailers are an addition,t] cost
Select Premium Washington State Wines N. 23501 Hwy. lOl
Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun-
teer group whose placement services,
kennels and spay-neuter assistance
program are financed through month-
ly garage sales held on the second
Saturday of the month at 210 (]rove
Street. AIR dogs are vet-checked and
spayed or neutered.
Call 432-3091 to set up a kennel
visit. To donate items call 426-4269.
For spay-neuter assistance call 426-
5523. More inlbrmation is available
at on the
Feline Friends
Feline Friends is a nonprofit vol-
unteer group whose mission is rescu-
ing and finding homes tbr homeless,
abused or abandoned cats and kittens.
The group provides tbster care in vol-
unteers' homes until the animals can
be placed in permanent homes. Adop-
tion fbe includes spay-neuter service,
feline AIDS test and parasite control.
To adopt a kitten or adult cat, call
426-2588 or 360-866-0599. Donations
are accel)ted at P.O. Box 27, Shelton,
Kitten Rescue
Kitten Rescue of Mason County is
a nonprofit volunteer group which res-
cues and finds homes fi)r abandoned
kittens. Adoption tie includes spay-
neuter service, tMine leukemia test
and immunizations. Qual%erly garage
sales support the group.
For infi)rmation on kitties awfilable
fi)r adoption or to donate items tbr the
garage sales, call 426-2455 or go to
City of Shelton
Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75 plus $5 tbr a
city license. New dogs are brought in
all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the
shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs
currently available may be viewed at:
Shelton.petfinder.eom on-line.
Hours are 11 to 5 p.m. Monday
Ginger is a 1-year-old border
collie/shepherd mix. "She just
loves everyone. She gets along
well with cats, kids and other
dogs. She needs room to run
and someone who would be
home with her most of the time.
If you have room in your home
and in your heart for this lov-
ing, sweet dog, call or e-mail
us today to set an appointment
to meet Ginger. Youql be glad
you didI" a volunteer said.
Adopt-a-Pet requires a secure
environment for its dogs. Call
432-3091 to meet Ginger.
through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Here's a listing of some of the dogs
available this week:
Labrador retriever, male, 1 year
Pit bull mix, male, 3 months old.
Rottweiler, male, 5 years old.
Pit bull mix, nfale, 3 months old.
Chow/Labrador mix, l t/2 years
Shay and Ergon enjoy one another's kitty company. "They would
make a wonderful addition to a family. Both cats are loving and
friendly. We have over 50 cats and kittens of all colors, ages and
sizes ready and waiting for adoption," a volunteer said. They are
immunized, vet-checked and ready for adoption. Kitten Rescue
of Mason County can be reached in the evenings at 426-2455.
ii n UUl i i i i i i i i
00ommunity ealendar
Thursday, December 27
6:45 a.m, Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport IAbrary, 40 North School-
house ttill Road.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
l0 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and J
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodspo%.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
Noon, Mason Matters, Shelton Civ-
ic Center.
6 p.m., Parents tielping Parents,
tlead Stm facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
6 p.m., Mason County Conservancy
Board, Mason Conservation District
meeting room, 1051 SE State Route 3,
Suite G.
6:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
7 p.m., Southside School Board,
school library.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio-
neer School Gym.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks
Lodge, Craig Road.
Friday, December 28
10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, Hoodsport.
Sunday, December 30
Mason County invites you to attend
the church of your choice.
'(Please turn to page 17.)
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
(25 + Years Experience)
General Dentistry
full service practice
Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings)
Extractions Full & Partial Dentures
Repairs * Relines
Most Insurances Accepted
S. Peters, DPD C. Ngo, DDS
tl ill t i i i i ,i i
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 27, 2007
Auction aids children's Christmas
Seated among piles of presents under-
neath a Christmas tree are organizers
of the 12th annual Kids "R" Christmas
fund. This event provided gifts for sev-
en local families at Christmas this year.
Proceeds from a dart shoot and auction
held December 8 at Shelton's Town Tav-
ern helped fund the cause which also
was supported by many other communi-
ty contributions. Among the donors were
Lumbermen's, Wal-Mart, Jolly Jesters,
Hiawatha, Cook's Tree Farm and Union
Local 77. Pictured from left are: tavern
owner Linda Trout, Head Start employ-
ee Sandi Johnson and Becky Bechtolt,
along with dogs "Santa" Jack and "Rein-
deer" Hay, the tavern mascots.
Library plans
two programs
Two progrmns are planned for
Tuesday, January 8, at the Hood-
sport Timberland Library, 40
North Schoolhouse ttill Road.
The Friends of the ttoodsport
Timberland Library will meet from
1 to 2 p.m. The group raises funds
to support projects and activities
at the library. New members are
welcome, and meetings are open to
the public.
PageTurners, a book discussion
group tbr adults, will also meet
from 1 to 2 Participants will
join in a discussion of 7'he Hamlet
by William Faulkner.
For more inlbrmation about ei-
ther program, call 877-9339.
district plans
meeting today
Supervisors of the Mason Con-
servation I)istrict plan to meet at 4
o'clock this afternoon at 400 West
Business Park Road. A spending
plan fi)r 2008 and a contract with
the Wasbingon Department of
Fish and Wildlitb are on the De-
cember 20 agenda.
Share club
news events
To help members of local
clubs, organizations and non-
profit agencies spread the word,
about their ,, prqjects and work,
The Journal has an informa-
tion sheet called "Reporting
Your News."
It's available in the Journal
newsroom or business office to
publicists and others who want
help preparing press releases.
The office h)cated at Third and
Cots streets downtown is open
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. week-
Call today for a
on a new Trane system!
lE" Olyapic Heating & Cooling, LL.___CC
Sales * Service * Installations
It'sHard To StopA Tmne:" Repairs * Heating Air
Conditioning Refrigeration
426-9945 * 754-1235 * 1-800-400-9945
11/2 HOUR
I Gift Certificates Available I
l,lc. #MA00023577
two Chenin Blanc * two Sauvignon Blanc
two Chardonnay
two Madeleine Angevlne four Rhubarb
59.99 per bottle
tectal S119.88 12-bottle case
four Orca Merlot
four Cabernet Sauvignon
two Island Belle TM
Spe !,, 159 9
Vintage Case N
Rhubarb Raspberry Sauvignon Blanc
Chardonnay Apple Chenin Blanc
Lembeer.Cab Island Belle-Merlot
Orca Merlot Pinot Noir
Cabernet-Merlot Cabinert Sauvignon
$9,90 per bottle $119.88 per
lbur unique locally roasted Whole Bean Co[fees
in I6-oz. bags
Reg $12.99 Special Price $10.99
Hood (?anal Breaklast Puget Sotmd Dt:cal
/rll[li Peninsula Roast Itoodspolt Gold M(:d;ll
Holiday Case Specials
two bottles each
Syrah Orca Merlot
Lemberger-Cab TM * Island Belie'"
Merlot * Cabernet-Merlot
Cabernet Sauvignon
$11 t/) pt!r }tott'['
SpttciaJ $13tJ g2 [i/-})ollic c,t!;('
tWO Raspberry * two Blackberry
two Rhubarb * two Apple
two Peat" two Bella Cranberry
$9 `)( p(!l botth"
Special $11 (88 I 2 b()uh' case
Rhubarb Raspberry Sauvignon Blanc I
Chardonnay *Chenin Blanc Pear I
Orca Merlot * Island Belie Syrah I
Island Belle-Merlot bemberger-Cab I
Cabernet Sauvignon ]
$9.99 per bonle $ 19.88 t(r (asJ
Otlr own (XC ISiV(! h,lrld-tliptlml ( h ,, ,[,l, /
Large Gift Box (8 oz.) SlSq') l
ur jumbo traffics each )ndividually ]
boxed (9 OZ.) SIt, 00 /
r Wine Card q Phone: 1-800-580-9894
16th case is half price I or 1-360-877-9894
[ 1 Fax 1-360-877-9508
Order earlv -- case specials are limited Must order full case for discount
OPENEVERY DAY -- YES, WEEKENDS 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Shipping and mailers are an addition,t] cost
Select Premium Washington State Wines N. 23501 Hwy. lOl