December 27, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 27, 2007 |
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(Continued from page 16.)
Monday, l)ecember 31
Note: Due to the New Year's
Eve holiday, the following
events may have been resched-
uled. More information is
available by contacting these
organizations directly.
9 a.m., Take Off" I'ounds Sensi-
bly (TOPS) 1402, Harstine Com-
munity Hall, 3371 East Harstine
Island Roact North.
10 a.m., Shelton City Com-
mission Workstml), Shelttln Civic
6:30 p.m., Boy Sctmt Troop 160,
Faith Lutheran Church.
7 p.m., Mason County Search
and Rescue Explorers Post 740,
Island Lake Fire Hall.
Tuesday, January 1
Note: Due to the New Year's
Day holiday, the following
events may have been resched-
uled. More information is
available by contacting these
organizations directly.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Chtb,
5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church.
6 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrot)k Pro Sht)p,
330 East Country Club l)rive.
6 p.m., Forest Festival Plan-
ning Committee meeting, (h)dta-
ther's Pizza. ,
6:1.5 p.m., Shelton Lions Club
dinner meeting, Alpine Way Re-
tirement Center.
9 a.m., T()PS 1380 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740
North Lake Cushman Road, State
Route 119.
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake
quilting club, Hoodsport Fire Sta-
tion, Finch Creek Road, Hood-
l0 a.m., Mason County Board
of [iealtb, commissioners' cham-
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Ptn mds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and
,1 streets.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club,
Saint [)avid's Parish Hall.
5-6:15 p.m., Adult Grief Educa-
tfonal/Support Group, Faith Lu-
theran Church, 1212 Connection
6 p.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with din-
ner at 7, prom at 8.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Par-
ents, Head Start facility, 2412
West Raih'oad Avenue.
6:30 p.m., South Mason Relay
For Lit>, Peninsula Credit Union,
521 West Railroad Avenue, Shel-
6:30 p.m., Shelton Morning Star
Lions, Alpine Way Retirement
Apartments, 900 Alpine Way.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126,
Pioneer School Gym.
7 p.ln., Humane Society of Ma-
son C, ounty, McDonald's.
7 p.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union
Fire Ilall.
Kitchen gives bikes, presents
Santa's elves showed up early on the job
this year when guests at the Community
Kitchen in downtown Shelton received
an outpouring of Christmas cheer last
week. Folks at the kitchen hosted a com-
plimentary Christmas party, complete
with dinner, a piiata, songs and presents
last Thursday. Grant funding allowed
kitchen volunteers to provide a number
of new bicycles to children at the party.
Below, bicycle recipients line up inside
the kitchen to show off their new wheels.
The kitchen is located at 114 South Sec-
ond Street in downtown Shelton.
6:30 p.m., lh)od Canal Improve-
ment Club, Union Fire Hall.
7 p.m., American Legion and
auxiliary business meeting, Me-
morial Hall, Second and Franklin
7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Epsihm Omicron,
home of member.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, l)eal"bor1
Wednesday, January 2
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Me-
morial Hall, 206 West Franklin
Street, Shelton.
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Ki-
wanis Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
9:30 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class
of '45 (and spouses) breakthst,
9:30 a.m., five bingt, Maple
Glen Assisted 1,lying, 1700 Nortb
13th Loop Road, Shelton.
10 a.m.-noon, Mindful Parent-
ing Community, William G. Reed
Public Library, 710 West Alder
Street in Shelton.
Noon, Community Mobilization
Against Substance Abuse inter-
agency meeting, Roosters restau-
1 p.m., Mason County Wi<lows
and Widowers SUl:)p,)rt (]rotllb,
Shelton Roosters, 3001 ()lylrtl)ic
Highway North.
6 p.m., South Hood Canal
Business Association meeting,
Timberland Regional Library in
6:30 p.m., Shelton Model Rail-
road Club, Southern Peninsula
Rail Lines, historical museum
building, Mason County Fair-
7:30 l).m., Elks, lodge.
7:30 p.m., l,adi,,s tff' the Elks,
Elks Lodge.
Thursday, January 3
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hood-
sport, Hoodsport Library, 40
North Schoolhouse tfill Road.
9-11 a.m., Thursday MOPS
meeting, First Baptist Church of
Shelton, 428 West Cota Street,
Specializing in
brakes, exhaust
and custom work
"Quality and Trust
That's Hometowne
2008 Native Plant Sale
Plant Descriptions -
starts sold in bundles of 10
Douglas-fir l'srMotsuqa m<?nztesii '
q0 [t :!()() led tall Iiapidly growing for Christmas tree stock and
tl'[llh';i3lllln. (Jruws on xtremely dry, low elevation sites to
m()lsl m<)alam slies 12-18" Barn Root $8.95/10
Giant Sequoia SetNola,qiqanteum
151 h, ;!00 h,et tall The wrl(l's largest & most massive trees.
ti ws wall m mo;t areas w,th deep, rich soils Excellent
ofnat]l(qlla, I NittiVe tO Sierra Nevada Mountains. $14.95110
Grand Fir - ..tiws qt(oltli.s
'4() It'< ,11 t,b53y, datk gr(:eu to bn ight green needles, Grows in
(hv I( moqst c.r( o s m s a shade tolerant species• $8.95/10
Noble Fir - Ahles procera
'IH h 7!0( b:vt t/fir 5horl. f;ll[[, horizontal branches, l" bhe-green
n¢. ,I!,:.. l;lle( c+ues Imp¢)t;:mt be)ugh & Christmas tree species.
(;J,,',: I,',t .n hlgl,!t elvvations $8.00/10
Port Or[ord Cedar : ('hcm(O,parfs lawsonlana
(ir,',',':, ',, lilt) t,',' t,tll I)(,n!+ly pyramidal with soft graceful bluish
,-rr ', t btia!{,. (;m h(, closely planted and sheared into a hedge
I'ht; latqd!, :, r)w'lr. eye,groom is shade tolerant• $11.95/10
Quaking Aspen [',,puim'; fr,'rnloides
i ' t( ,4(I {:'i tall .' b('autifuI, fast growing tree that is extremely
<&t hardy ]bli,la(ttg wet. flpell conditions. Green. heart-shaped
; , l, 's I ;<i\< t (ll lhe sit,hwsl breeze. Brilliant yellow-orange tall
:( [ >J .'! L,o(d spet it'i L<,r (:,tully.nesting birds $14.95/10
Red Alder -,4hlas r@ra
0 t,) f_'0 hel tail I.ast grt)w.lg, high y adaptable deciduous tree
ih;tl is usHul I!)r ;lahitizing disturbed soils and revegetating
.uI..nI.Ve<t 'i, il:; Provi&'s loud and cover for birds, butterfly
(,ll,'!!>!];,ut, ,(llll @let wildlil(' Full surl to partial shade, $11,95110
Western Red Cedar lhula phcata
h,i , !,!: i,,< tll];)i,u!; dark green Miage, May be planted
aa,l; xi'l<{ n )l)iv; on moist stes Vigorous growing,
,/'1.mlt !lt,ll Irr'c 511.95/10
American Cranberry Vihurnum @ulus
II) t: I.' t:,.v.! tall tud Wiilt' White flower clusters appear in late
,q, ¢){ f all,v,'t'd !)y led Mia!{e in autumn with scarlet edible
i> li,,-; i:ILIi :.'n t( part sha@ in moist, well drained soil. $14.95110
Douglas Maple .,Icerylahrum
I'o % h,,'l tall *vhdli Slel;qnle(l small flee or Large dec:iduous native
lIIlil) l)l(:h.rh drv bliPS, Still OF shade l.eaves are wine-red in fall.
IL' ,':., (.ih'nt ,<! himhng, crt)slon control capabilities• $13.95/10
Evergreen Hucldeberry- l',,'( inmm at'all,Ira
, , h''t I:ll <r,un,ulal shrub witit pink, bell-shaped flowers
alid !,k;,, ,iiil,' helr<.,, l l,ls excellenl soil binding, erosion control
(Ai/iUliflh 5 ,vl!,l ct)rllfltuIt ill semi-opert woods, in soils high in
ot;!ant, nlattcl <;tea{ lor hedges $26.95/10
India. Plum )cnI[('rla cer.sbrmls
fi (, I', h,el Ialt. (,rcnish.while flowers form in early spring
t*,Jlow,',l hv hright yellow-green leaves. Grows in fult sun to part
;h;td,' r! nt01,I it)dry sites $13.95/10
Kinnlkinnick • Arc'toslaphvlos uva-ursi
(il'(fllttd (oVel t.:wrg/een /eaves with pinkish flowers and bright
Jed i,tli h,,rri,'s (ir()ws; ira sandy soil in filtered shade to full sun.
Maidenhair Fern Adianttm pedatum
I m ! M.t lld[ ,', l)eautiM plant for areas with partial shade, along
5Hfalll h/lfll\\;s or [/t*rld, Dellcat(' black-stemmed deciduous fern.
Mock Orange I'hk&'t.@us lewtsii
4 !- I M't lal] Fragranl. white 2" flowers. Arching green
t);iu( h,, whtt:h I,:tam [o]iage. Ihghly adaptable, grows in most
h,<.ttl(,rlS S 13.95/10
Nootka Rose i¢(),a ?ulkatla
", I, ; h+t tall (:lusters o[ large 2" pink flowers & red fruit.
(,u,ws wall in mosl al<ts t,ood {or erosion control & wildlife
hat)it;t! SI795t10
Red Flowering Currant- gibes sangulneurn
3 to 10 feet tall. Hummingbirds are attracted to the pale pink to
deep red flowers blooming March -June. Grows in clearings and
open forest areas that remain dry, $18.95110
Red-Osier Dogwood- Comus sericea
6 to 16 feet tall, Bright red winter branches, Large white flowers,
Grows best in moist areas. Good for erosion control on steep
banks, An excellent producer of food & cover for wildlife.
lamcpe Idmlle -
This package incltles 5 of each of the
following plant species for a total o1' 20 plants!
Mock Orange- See description.
Nootka Rose. See description•
Red Fl0wedng Currant- See description.
Vine Maple - See description.
Red, tern Ceanothus - ('eanothus sanguineus
3 to 10 feet tall Jail, open branching deciduous shrub with 4"
clusters of small white llowers A[te leaf fall, reddish stems are
attrac.tive in the winter landscape (;rows m sun or partial shade
and does well ira dry or moist soils Also known as Wild l.ilac.
Vine Maple - A('er circinatum
15 to 25 feel tall l)e(:iduous shrub or small tree does well in dry
Io moist sites. Grows in full sun to shady areas Tiny white &
drooping flower dusters, Provides good forage for wildlile
and attracts butterflies. Great faJ/color $14.95Jl0
Wildlife Package
This package includes 5 ot each oi the
bllowing plane species [or a total of 20 plants!
American Cranberry - See dcscrlpt,on
Pacific Crabapple
Pacific Ninebark
Serviceberry - Anlt'.iallchiei alniMi:
5 to 10 feet tall lartc showy white flowt:r dusters adorn this
multi-stemmed shrub I'b' dak pu H k' heroes art: (:ommercJally
harvested for syrup $34.95/20
Mailing Address:
If yes, how did you hear about the sale?
Phone: ................................................ . ...........................
City: ................................ ZIP: ......................
New Customer? rl Yes 13No
Plants atv Sold in Bundles of Ten, except tbr Landscape and ff/ihflife Packages.
Number of Description Plant Pricc per
Bundles Size Btmdlc
........................................................................................................................................... r ............................ t .................
l')nuglas-fir 12 " 18" Barc I(,( ,t $8,95
T;-;ii- gi; ............................................... i[TiV-iGi;iG,, " ...... s f-i]s
.................................. ]GZfi;i; ......................................................................... [-i.::g;; B;'rhL,;, t ss. )
....................... %i;i.-ig ................... : ................................................................... P-iii;i ................... j .......... {i:iiii-
..................................... iL-;(-6;g,;a-:f; ........................................................ Y v,;,,; It ........ S i.,},
....................... Q,,--,ki,-q-;k;i,,% ................................................................... I .............. S4:9
Red Alder 12 lg'" Barc Ro.t i $11.95
• i
Western Red Cedar 12 = 18" B:trc R,>\>t $11..)5
American Cranberry 12 - 18" Bare lh,<, ! $11.95
........................... TB;g ,-:.k-;,l;, i ,:- ................................................. ........ s1 .'5
Evergreen [lucklelxrry 5" Plug I $26.')5
................................ q,,;i pl--Z, ................................................................. i-3,;;i,,, h;;; I ...... SLY.')
............................... :7q'TT ...................................................................................... ,; ......................... ,, ........
] Klnntkmmck 6 - 1_ ' Barc tG u.t S I I,€;5
........................... :k-iiEdi;:i}- ...................................................................... :Pig; .................. kBti
Mock Orallgc 12 - 18" Barc Rosa i Sl !.95
......................................... -Ni;;';ika"i{,Ss-;,: ........................................................................... i27[S;"iiart: k;;i;i' i .......... S t 7.%
.................................."fi(:iw,:ri;lg"Cir;ia',;t ........................................ 12-i8 ; Bar/. "R, ,'r I Si s.%
Red-.()sicr Dogwood 18 - 36" lSat'c I( <)r $13,95
1 ....
................................. "-i(;L:mG-gl;i:; .......................................................... i. : i:; ia,.. I(;;';/ s!).,s
Vine Maple 12 18" Barc ROot " gl,l.u5
..................................... 00+iia,i0000 i,a.+ ........................... :t ..................... I .....
................................. ..................................................................................... '] ............................. { Subtotal [
........................... t ..................................................................................... I ............................. ..... 8 ..... i
.. ""
.................................... i5"6-i-6 S£Rfi'ikMgRT RY Tii I g "IaiME ................ Ti,'al .............
yma.- Pkx.00 Order!
()nre we haw received your completed order form, we will reserve your order and send you a bill. All orders
ntttsl tie ir( '. paid to secure your order. Plants are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. Quantities are limited
;m(l s,nle sle(ies always sell out so please order early. Several species of native plants not listed are available ,
III fl(lll I II(!S O[ 9";"
.... ) or inure. Call for availability and pricing. Orders will be taken through Friday, January llth. I
t'k:k up y)ur (haler Friday, February 22nd, between 9 AM & 5 PM or Saturday, February 23rd. between I0 AM
& 2 PM at ihe Mason County Fairgrounds.
If y<)u have any questions please call (360) 427-9436 or (800) 527-9436 \\;
450 W. Business Park Rd, • Shelton, WA 98584
Order form at: 00,masoncd,org
] hursday, Decernber 27. 2007 - Shetton-Mason CoLnty Journal ,- Page 17
(Continued from page 16.)
Monday, l)ecember 31
Note: Due to the New Year's
Eve holiday, the following
events may have been resched-
uled. More information is
available by contacting these
organizations directly.
9 a.m., Take Off" I'ounds Sensi-
bly (TOPS) 1402, Harstine Com-
munity Hall, 3371 East Harstine
Island Roact North.
10 a.m., Shelton City Com-
mission Workstml), Shelttln Civic
6:30 p.m., Boy Sctmt Troop 160,
Faith Lutheran Church.
7 p.m., Mason County Search
and Rescue Explorers Post 740,
Island Lake Fire Hall.
Tuesday, January 1
Note: Due to the New Year's
Day holiday, the following
events may have been resched-
uled. More information is
available by contacting these
organizations directly.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Chtb,
5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church.
6 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrot)k Pro Sht)p,
330 East Country Club l)rive.
6 p.m., Forest Festival Plan-
ning Committee meeting, (h)dta-
ther's Pizza. ,
6:1.5 p.m., Shelton Lions Club
dinner meeting, Alpine Way Re-
tirement Center.
9 a.m., T()PS 1380 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740
North Lake Cushman Road, State
Route 119.
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake
quilting club, Hoodsport Fire Sta-
tion, Finch Creek Road, Hood-
l0 a.m., Mason County Board
of [iealtb, commissioners' cham-
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Ptn mds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and
,1 streets.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club,
Saint [)avid's Parish Hall.
5-6:15 p.m., Adult Grief Educa-
tfonal/Support Group, Faith Lu-
theran Church, 1212 Connection
6 p.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with din-
ner at 7, prom at 8.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Par-
ents, Head Start facility, 2412
West Raih'oad Avenue.
6:30 p.m., South Mason Relay
For Lit>, Peninsula Credit Union,
521 West Railroad Avenue, Shel-
6:30 p.m., Shelton Morning Star
Lions, Alpine Way Retirement
Apartments, 900 Alpine Way.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126,
Pioneer School Gym.
7 p.ln., Humane Society of Ma-
son C, ounty, McDonald's.
7 p.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union
Fire Ilall.
Kitchen gives bikes, presents
Santa's elves showed up early on the job
this year when guests at the Community
Kitchen in downtown Shelton received
an outpouring of Christmas cheer last
week. Folks at the kitchen hosted a com-
plimentary Christmas party, complete
with dinner, a piiata, songs and presents
last Thursday. Grant funding allowed
kitchen volunteers to provide a number
of new bicycles to children at the party.
Below, bicycle recipients line up inside
the kitchen to show off their new wheels.
The kitchen is located at 114 South Sec-
ond Street in downtown Shelton.
6:30 p.m., lh)od Canal Improve-
ment Club, Union Fire Hall.
7 p.m., American Legion and
auxiliary business meeting, Me-
morial Hall, Second and Franklin
7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Epsihm Omicron,
home of member.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, l)eal"bor1
Wednesday, January 2
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Me-
morial Hall, 206 West Franklin
Street, Shelton.
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Ki-
wanis Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
9:30 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class
of '45 (and spouses) breakthst,
9:30 a.m., five bingt, Maple
Glen Assisted 1,lying, 1700 Nortb
13th Loop Road, Shelton.
10 a.m.-noon, Mindful Parent-
ing Community, William G. Reed
Public Library, 710 West Alder
Street in Shelton.
Noon, Community Mobilization
Against Substance Abuse inter-
agency meeting, Roosters restau-
1 p.m., Mason County Wi<lows
and Widowers SUl:)p,)rt (]rotllb,
Shelton Roosters, 3001 ()lylrtl)ic
Highway North.
6 p.m., South Hood Canal
Business Association meeting,
Timberland Regional Library in
6:30 p.m., Shelton Model Rail-
road Club, Southern Peninsula
Rail Lines, historical museum
building, Mason County Fair-
7:30 l).m., Elks, lodge.
7:30 p.m., l,adi,,s tff' the Elks,
Elks Lodge.
Thursday, January 3
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hood-
sport, Hoodsport Library, 40
North Schoolhouse tfill Road.
9-11 a.m., Thursday MOPS
meeting, First Baptist Church of
Shelton, 428 West Cota Street,
Specializing in
brakes, exhaust
and custom work
"Quality and Trust
That's Hometowne
2008 Native Plant Sale
Plant Descriptions -
starts sold in bundles of 10
Douglas-fir l'srMotsuqa m<?nztesii '
q0 [t :!()() led tall Iiapidly growing for Christmas tree stock and
tl'[llh';i3lllln. (Jruws on xtremely dry, low elevation sites to
m()lsl m<)alam slies 12-18" Barn Root $8.95/10
Giant Sequoia SetNola,qiqanteum
151 h, ;!00 h,et tall The wrl(l's largest & most massive trees.
ti ws wall m mo;t areas w,th deep, rich soils Excellent
ofnat]l(qlla, I NittiVe tO Sierra Nevada Mountains. $14.95110
Grand Fir - ..tiws qt(oltli.s
'4() It'< ,11 t,b53y, dat k gr(:eu to bn ight green needles, Grows in
(hv I( moqst c.r( o s m s a shade tolerant species• $8.95/10
Noble Fir - Ahles procera
'IH h 7!0( b:vt t/fir 5horl. f;ll[[, horizontal branches, l" bhe-green
n¢. ,I!,:.. l;lle( c+ues Imp¢)t;:mt be)ugh & Christmas tree species.
(;J,,',: I,',t .n hlgl,!t elvvations $8.00/10
Port Or[ord Cedar : ('hcm(O,parfs lawsonlana
(ir,',',':, ',, lilt) t,',' t,tll I)(,n!+ly pyramidal with soft graceful bluish
,-rr ', t btia!{,. (;m h(, closely planted and sheared into a hedge
I'ht; latqd!, :, r)w'lr. eye,groom is shade tolerant• $11.95/10
Quaking Aspen [',,puim'; fr,'rnloides
i ' t( ,4(I {:'i tall .' b('autifuI, fast growing tree that is extremely
<&t hardy ]bli,la(ttg wet. flpell conditions. Green. heart-shaped
; , l, 's I ;<i\< t (ll lhe sit,hwsl breeze. Brilliant yellow-orange tall
:( [ >J .'! L,o(d spet it'i L<,r (:,tully.nesting birds $14.95/10
Red Alder -,4hlas r@ra
0 t,) f_'0 hel tail I.ast grt)w.lg, high y adaptable deciduous tree
ih;tl is usHul I!)r ;lahitizing disturbed soils and revegetating
.uI..nI.Ve<t 'i, il:; Provi&'s loud and cover for birds, butterfly
(,ll,'!!>!];,ut, ,(llll @let wildlil(' Full surl to partial shade, $11,95110
Western Red Cedar lhula phcata
h,i , !,!: i,,< tll];)i,u!; dark green Miage, May be planted
aa,l; xi'l<{ n )l)iv; on moist stes Vigorous growing,
,/'1.mlt !lt,ll Irr'c 511.95/10
American Cranberry Vihurnum @ulus
II) t: I.' t:,.v.! tall tud Wiilt' White flower clusters appear in late
,q, ¢){ f all,v,'t'd !)y led Mia!{e in autumn with scarlet edible
i> li,,-; i:ILIi :.'n t( part sha@ in moist, well drained soil. $14.95110
Douglas Maple .,Icerylahrum
I'o % h,,'l tall *vhdli Slel;qnle(l small flee or Large dec:iduous native
lIIlil) l)l(:h.rh drv bliPS, Still OF shade l.eaves are wine-red in fall.
IL' ,':., (.ih'nt ,<! himhng, crt)slon control capabilities• $13.95/10
Evergreen Hucldeberry- l',,'( inmm at'all,Ira
, , h''t I:ll <r,un,ulal shrub witit pink, bell-shaped flowers
alid !,k;,, ,iiil,' helr<.,, l l,ls excellenl soil binding, erosion control
(Ai/iUliflh 5 ,vl!,l ct)rllfltuIt ill semi-opert woods, in soils high in
ot;!ant, nlattcl <;tea{ lor hedges $26.95/10
India. Plum )cnI[('rla cer.sbrmls
fi (, I', h,el Ialt. (,rcnish.while flowers form in early spring
t*,Jlow,',l hv hright yellow-green leaves. Grows in fult sun to part
;h;td,' r! nt01,I it)dry sites $13.95/10
Kinnlkinnick • Arc'toslaphvlos uva-ursi
(il'(fllttd (oVel t.:wrg/een /eaves with pinkish flowers and bright
Jed i,tli h,,rri,'s (ir()ws; ira sandy soil in filtered shade to full sun.
Maidenhair Fern Adianttm pedatum
I m ! M.t lld[ ,', l)eautiM plant for areas with partial shade, along
5Hfalll h/lfll\\;s or [/t*rld, Dellcat(' black-stemmed deciduous fern.
Mock Orange I'hk&'t.@us lewtsii
4 !- I M't lal] Fragranl. white 2" flowers. Arching green
t);iu( h,, whtt:h I,:tam [o]iage. Ihghly adaptable, grows in most
h,<.ttl(,rlS S 13.95/10
Nootka Rose i¢(),a ?ulkatla
", I, ; h+t tall (:lusters o[ large 2" pink flowers & red fruit.
(,u,ws wall in mosl al<ts t,ood {or erosion control & wildlife
hat)it;t! SI795t10
Red Flowering Currant- gibes sangulneurn
3 to 10 feet tall. Hummingbirds are attracted to the pale pink to
deep red flowers blooming March -June. Grows in clearings and
open forest areas that remain dry, $18.95110
Red-Osier Dogwood- Comus sericea
6 to 16 feet tall, Bright red winter branches, Large white flowers,
Grows best in moist areas. Good for erosion control on steep
banks, An excellent producer of food & cover for wildlife.
lamcpe Idmlle -
This package incltles 5 of each of the
following plant species for a total o1' 20 plants!
Mock Orange- See description.
Nootka Rose. See description•
Red Fl0wedng Currant- See description.
Vine Maple - See description.
Red, tern Ceanothus - ('eanothus sanguineus
3 to 10 feet tall Jail, open branching deciduous shrub with 4"
clusters of small white llowers A[te leaf fall, reddish stems are
attrac.tive in the winter landscape (;rows m sun or partial shade
and does well ira dry or moist soils Also known as Wild l.ilac.
Vine Maple - A('er circinatum
15 to 25 feel tall l)e(:iduous shrub or small tree does well in dry
Io moist sites. Grows in full sun to shady areas Tiny white &
drooping flower dusters, Provides good forage for wildlile
and attracts butterflies. Great faJ/color $14.95Jl0
Wildlife Package
This package includes 5 ot each oi the
bllowing plane species [or a total of 20 plants!
American Cranberry - See dcscrlpt,on
Pacific Crabapple
Pacific Ninebark
Serviceberry - Anlt'.iallchiei alniMi:
5 to 10 feet tall lartc showy white flowt:r dusters adorn this
multi-stemmed shrub I'b' dak pu H k' heroes art: (:ommercJally
harvested for syrup $34.95/20
Mailing Address:
If yes, how did you hear about the sale?
Phone: ................................................ . ...........................
City: ................................ ZIP: ......................
New Customer? rl Yes 13No
Plants atv Sold in Bundles of Ten, except tbr Landscape and ff/ihflife Packages.
Number of Description Plant Pricc per
Bundles Size Btmdlc
........................................................................................................................................... r ............................ t .................
l')nuglas-fir 12 " 18" Barc I(,( ,t $8,95
T;-;ii- gi; ............................................... i[TiV-iGi;iG,, " ...... s f-i]s
.................................. ]GZfi;i; ......................................................................... [-i.::g;; B;'rhL,;, t ss. )
....................... %i;i.-ig ................... : ................................................................... P-iii;i ................... j .......... {i:iiii-
..................................... iL-;(-6;g,;a-:f; ........................................................ Y v,;,,; It ........ S i.,},
....................... Q,,--,ki,-q-;k;i,,% ................................................................... I .............. S4:9
Red Alder 12 lg'" Barc Ro.t i $11.95
• i
Western Red Cedar 12 = 18" B:trc R,>\>t $11..)5
American Cranberry 12 - 18" Bare lh,<, ! $11.95
........................... TB;g ,-:.k-;,l;, i ,:- ................................................. ........ s1 .'5
Evergreen [lucklelxrry 5" Plug I $26.')5
................................ q,,;i pl--Z, ................................................................. i-3,;;i,,, h;;; I ...... SLY.')
............................... :7q'TT ...................................................................................... ,; ......................... ,, ........
] Klnntkmmck 6 - 1_ ' Barc tG u.t S I I,€;5
........................... :k-iiEdi;:i}- ...................................................................... :Pig; .................. kBti
Mock Orallgc 12 - 18" Barc Rosa i Sl !.95
......................................... -Ni;;';ika"i{,Ss-;,: ........................................................................... i27[S;"iiart: k;;i;i' i .......... S t 7.%
.................................."fi(:iw,:ri;lg"Cir;ia',;t ........................................ 12-i8 ; Bar/. "R, ,'r I Si s.%
Red-.()sicr Dogwood 18 - 36" lSat'c I( <)r $13,95
1 ....
................................. "-i(;L:mG-a7;i:; .......................................................... i. : i:; ia,.. I(;;';/ s!).,s
Vine Maple 12 18" Barc ROot " gl,l.u5
..................................... 00+iia,i0000 i,a.+ ........................... :t ..................... I .....
................................. ..................................................................................... '] ............................. { Subtotal [
........................... t ..................................................................................... I ............................. ..... 8 ..... i
.. ""
.................................... i5"6-i-6 S£Rfi'ikMgRT RY Tii I g "IaiME ................ Ti,'al .............
yma.- Pkx.00 Order!
()nre we haw received your completed order form, we will reserve your order and send you a bill. All orders
ntttsl tie ir( '. paid to secure your order. Plants are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. Quantities are limited
;m(l s,nle sle(ies always sell out so please order early. Several species of native plants not listed are available ,
III fl(lll I II(!S O[ 9";"
.... ) or inure. Call for availability and pricing. Orders will be taken through Friday, January llth. I
t'k:k up y)ur (haler Friday, February 22nd, between 9 AM & 5 PM or Saturday, February 23rd. between I0 AM
& 2 PM at ihe Mason County Fairgrounds.
If y<)u have any questions please call (360) 427-9436 or (800) 527-9436 \\;
450 W. Business Park Rd, • Shelton, WA 98584
Order form at: 00,masoncd,org
] hursday, Decernber 27. 2007 - Shetton-Mason CoLnty Journal ,- Page 17