December 27, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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LOOKING FOR serious self starters to
:work from home, no selling, earn $200-
$2,000 part-time, full-time, Melaleuca.
Call Karen (360) 898-0004. L12/6-2/21
CATHY'S IN-HOME Daycare has 2 full-
time openings. Intimate setting. Open 7
a.m.-5:30 p.m. Cathy (360) 427-7215.
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has open-
ings for 2 full-time infants and 1 full-time
over 2. Great learning environment and
USDA Food Program. (360) 427-3763.
PIANO TUNING, 40 years experience,
$150. Mobile state of the art audio re-
cording. Lessons and repairs. Dynamo
Music & Records, (360) 229-0381.
GIVE THE gift that plays. Piano and gui-
tar instruction in your home. (360) 352-
8426. H12/13-1/3
ADD ELEGANCE to your event with
affordable live music by Shelton cello
soloist, arranger and composer David
Pierik. Holiday bookings still available,
book now for your company's Christ-
mas party. Hear more songs you love,
from eight-plus hour repertoire of ro-
mantic pop melodies and holiday favor-
ites. From Bach to The Beatles, Paul
Simon to Sting, Celtic, and plenty of
hits from the 1940's too. Light, flowing,
fun and unobtrusive, each program is
specially selected and prepared to be
for weddings, anniversaries,
corporate events, banquets, a celebra-
tion of life or any special occasion.
Availability limited, event rates starting
at $100 and up. Paypal Visa available
on-line. Visit www.cellodad.blogspot.
cam, e-mail or call
cell (360) 490-4695 for advance book-
ings. P11/15tfn
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes music
theory, ear training and advanced tech-
niques. Over 20 years experience. Eve-
nings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and mu-
sical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360)
490-4695 or e-mail
for available times. P5/25tfn
South Sound Senior Services in Mason County
LOST -TWO yellow Labs, Harstine Is-
land 12/16/07. Children's pets. Reward.
(360) 432-9730. J 12/27
LOST 12/22/07 Shadowood area. Ger-
man Shepherd, female, 6 months old,
black and tan, reward. (360) 427-9227.
BOXER PUREBRED puppies, white
ones and fawn. Tails and dews intact.
$800-$1,000 with papers. $400-$600
without. (360) 352-8426. H12/13-1/3
AKC GOLDEN Retriever, 4 males, 16
weeks, hunting and obedience lines,
$250 each. (360) 877-5335. H12/20-27
1 YEAR old purebred female King
Charles Cavalier, not spayed, not
breedabie, needs training. $600. (360)
426-4926. $12/20-27
BEARDED DRAGON, 9 months old,
cage, aJl accessories, $120. (360) 490-
6363. R12/20-27
KITTEN (AND cat) Rescue of Mason
County has rescued, altered and im-
munized our county's abandoned
felines. With holidays coming soon,
could you find a place in your heart
and home for a wonderful new friend?
Reasonable adoption fee for these in-
door only kitties. Contact us at (360)
584-0594 or
AKC registered, gorgeous, German
and Hungarian import, national and
international show champion pedigree,
vet examined, shots/wormed, tails and
dew claws done. Short term health
warranty. $650-$750. (360) 490-4212.
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County.
Affectionate companion cats and kit-
tens. Reasonable adoption fee in-
cludes altering, immunization, test-
rag, and parasite control. Contact us
at (360) 426-2455, or cell (360) 584-
0594, website
K 12/6tfn
Call us at 426-4412
before 2pm Tuesdays to
place your ad.
CALLING ALL dogs and owners. Pup-
py and manners training starting every
month. Companion or competition dog
classes. Certified trainer. Family friend-
ly. We do gift certificates too. K9 Kapers,
Karen Cannard, CPDT. (360) 432-1478. K12/13-1/3
DOG LISTENER, solve and. prevent be-
havior problems. In-home behavior con-
sults, private and group training. Sep-
tember B. Morn (30+ years professional
trainer and best-selling training book
author). (360) 432-3633. M9/27ffn
CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe-
cializing in finish carpentry 0ncluding
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering,
sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
fences and repairs. Call Mike (360)
459-0237 (Olympia). License #CUS-
TOPC981 RE. C11/9tfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
(360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating,
demolition work, rockeries, retaining
walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-
up, curtain drains, rock and pit run.
(360) 426-9047, call Lot Hauling. Lic.
#ZlRKLTS1410W. Z3/1 ltfn
I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360)
490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for
Jerry. 11/15-1/3/08
W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
construction and repairs. 50 years expe-
rience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663.
Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn
ROAD AND driveway repairs. Call Bill
McTurnal Enterprises, (360) 866-4594.
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart-
ment. Open Monday thru Saturday,
"Your key to any automotive services."
All makes and models including mo-
torhomes. Call us - some services re-
quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
5585. G1/29tfn
I PAINT anything inside. (360) 490-
8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry.
TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LCC. Home
repair/remodel/new construction. Decks,
pressure washing, painting, roof and
gutter cleaning. (360) 490-0228. TC-
SHaH R933LN. S10/18tfn
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years
experience. Landclearing, septic sys-
tem installation, digouts, rock walls
and logging. Just about anything.
Quality work the first time. (360) 898-
7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30ffn
County, call for bids. (360) 426-9722
or (360) 590-1422. Lic. #RMREAM-
R935J P. Wl 2/13-2/28
HANDYMAN, GUI-I'ER cleaning, repairs
and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe-
cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin
(360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn
E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc.
10,000 lb. mini excavator and operator
for hire, utilities, foundations, French
drains. All types of excavation and land-
clearing. Call for details (360) 432-3147.
Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16tfn
I CAN fix anything and build anything.
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008. PERPEC931DL. Pll/15-
SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways,
excavating, utility ditches. Roan Con-
struction ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426-
7181. Jll/15tfn
TILE, TILE, TILE. Local business, li-
censed, bonded, insured. Call Burk Tile
and Design, (360) 250-6475. BURK-
TTD934CM. B12/20-1/10
clearing, flowerbed cleaning, haul-
ing, sod installation, pruning. Tree/
shrub planting. Rock/stone retain-
ing walls. Landscape maintenance,
bark spreading. Bonded and insured.
JOELSL*938N7. (360) 432-1900, Gar-
cia. G 12/20-2/7
pects of landscape installation, reorgani-
zation and reclamation, toxic-free. Con-
sultations. Extensive references. (360)
426-4598. No mowing or maintenance.
ing to work. Accepting clients in Mason
County. Flat fee quotes and references
available. Please call (360) 432-9753;
(360) 490-2268 ask for Marie. L12/13-1/3
STORM DAMAGE repairs by Bill Mc-
Turnal Enterprises, call (360) 866-4594.
B1 2/6-27
Topping Licensed
Chipping Bonded
Stump Insured
(360) 426-4663
1993 MERCURY Grand Marquis LS,
power everything, leather seats, good
condition, one owner, 127K. $2,750.
(360) 426-6722. M 12/27-1/3
1973 FORD Ranchero GT. Restorable,
everything works, no horn. $2,800. (360)
877-5663. C12/20-27
JEEP CHEROKEE parts. 1986-1993
models. Call with needs. (360) 791-
1152 or (360) 426-9023 please leave
message. L11/15tfn
NOW SELLING consignments. Cars,
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection.
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3.
Buy, sell, trade or cqnsign. (360) 426-
2907. S3/ltfn
SPACIOUS, NEWER, 2 bedroom plus
den, 2-car garage, W/D hookup, tile/
carpet floor, $825 monthly. Available
1/1/08. (360) 490-2870. R 12/20-1/10
PHILLIPS LAKE - 2 bedroom, 2 bath.
New carpet, auxiliary wood heat. No
pets. W/S/G paid. $795, $800 deposit,
B12/6-27 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 screening fee. (360) 426-3399. B12/20-
CALL PAUL Handy Person. 26 years Nora Haugan 27
experience, reasonable rates. Refer-360-877-0602 Fax:360-STT-0109________00:00 II ] A-LLYN STUDIO cottage on Grapeview
ences. (360) 427-5941. K12/6-27 I1 haugav Loop (Treasure Island). $395 monthly.
now s00o00n0 or 0o0,
-- Move in for Christmasl John, (206)
II 25+ years experience II
I I "Handyman Services" I II .Brush and roll I[
JJ Decks Floors Trim j II References II 123 WEST Birch. Large 2 bedroom
Jl Free estimates J l apartment, W/S/G paid, separate laun-
[I Interior/Exterior Repairs I II JlRdl *Seniordlscounts I/ dry. (360) 426-9134; (360) 229-0715.
tl Pressure Washing [ II 360-432.,-8847 I/ J12/20-1/10
II 360-490-4985 I/ A---em-e
L____ UcGARHAP*942__KH __ / looking for same to share home in his-
II Lance Goehring I uc c..942
II Lic#LGHAN**981PH J r ............... 't toric Shelton, non-smoking, responsi-
II 360,5074470'360.432.9649 I : TOP SOIL : ble, must like dog and cat. $500/mo. +
V2 utilities. Own bedroom, bath, garage
) I J Sludge-free space. Send inquiry to nicole.h98584@
Mondays and Thursdays in She/ton 9 to 2
Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3
Stars Adult Day Care located
in Shelton and Allyn
gentle exercises,
memory exercises, music, singing,
dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and
field trips. Lunch and snacks served.
Transportation available.
360-586-6181 ext. 115 c,,,,
Call Laude Lembke to schedule a visit
Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C.
Network System Engineering Services
Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery
Repair - Maintenance - Upgrades
fSpecializing in Microsoft, Novell & Group Wise
Onsite Service for Office & Home
Call for Free Estimate
360-490-7043 or 360-898-3800
A Full.Service General Contractor
All types of projects welcome
New homes Excavating
Remodels Additions
French drains . Foundations
Siding Finish
Free est,mates 360.432.3147
I Composted Top Soil
I Double-screened
I $299/22 yds Shelton I
I -- This price Is w/thin city limits only -- I
I Site Preparation * Landscaping I
I Ponds * Rockeries I
I Demolition Excavating I
I Haullnl Drainale I
I We buy timberl I
t Bill McTurna Enterprises t
I 360.432.0971 360.866.4594 I
I Senior Discount Available I
.. ...... .,&.N ...... j
Automotive Service"
Everday Low
Plus -
Quality Care Multi-
Point Inspection
All Fluids, Belts and
Hoses Checked
Includes complimentary
car wash
*Plus tax and disposal shop fees
Up to 5 qts 5W-30 bulk oil
Some vehicles slightly more
2 " Shelton exit off Hwy 101
I H12/20-27
FREE RENT. Reasonable deposit.
$1,200 per month. 3 bedroom, 2.5
baths, 2 stall garage. Agate area, water
view. (360) 426-4024. R12/27tfn
$950: IMMACULATE, 3 bedroom, 2
bath home at Union Heights. Situated
on 4 acres, 2-story shop and morel Pets
negotiable. $900 deposit. Call John L.
Scott, (360) 426-3319. J12/27
$650: CUTE 1 bedroom overlooking
Hood Canal in Union. 1-car garage plus
washer/dryer included. $600 deposit.
Call John L. Scott, (360) 426-3319.
J 12/27
$485: ROOMY 1 bedroom apartment
downtown, private entrance, coin oper-
ated laundry on site. Call John L. Scott,
(360) 426-3319. J12/27
Kneeland Park
3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family
unit, $700. Available now.
4 bedroom, 2 bath, large
family unit, $750. Available on
If interested please call
(360) 427-7909 or apply
1 215 Turner Avenue, Shelton l=
All real estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to the Fair
Housing Act which makes it illegal
to advertise "any preference, limi-
tation or discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex, handicap,
familial status or national origin,
or an intention, to make any such
preference, limitation or discrimina-
tion." Familial status includes chil-
dren under the age of 18 living with
parents or legal custodians, preg-
nant women and people securing
custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not know-
ingly accept any advertising for
real estate which is in violation of
the law. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings adver-
tised in this newspaper are avail-
able on an equal opportunity basis.
To complain of discrimination call
HUD toll-free at 1-
800-669-9777. The
toll-free telephone
number for the
hearing impaired is ,*.*L .ou,m
Thursday, December 27, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29
LOOKING FOR serious self starters to
:work from home, no selling, earn $200-
$2,000 part-time, full-time, Melaleuca.
Call Karen (360) 898-0004. L12/6-2/21
CATHY'S IN-HOME Daycare has 2 full-
time openings. Intimate setting. Open 7
a.m.-5:30 p.m. Cathy (360) 427-7215.
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has open-
ings for 2 full-time infants and 1 full-time
over 2. Great learning environment and
USDA Food Program. (360) 427-3763.
PIANO TUNING, 40 years experience,
$150. Mobile state of the art audio re-
cording. Lessons and repairs. Dynamo
Music & Records, (360) 229-0381.
GIVE THE gift that plays. Piano and gui-
tar instruction in your home. (360) 352-
8426. H12/13-1/3
ADD ELEGANCE to your event with
affordable live music by Shelton cello
soloist, arranger and composer David
Pierik. Holiday bookings still available,
book now for your company's Christ-
mas party. Hear more songs you love,
from eight-plus hour repertoire of ro-
mantic pop melodies and holiday favor-
ites. From Bach to The Beatles, Paul
Simon to Sting, Celtic, and plenty of
hits from the 1940's too. Light, flowing,
fun and unobtrusive, each program is
specially selected and prepared to be
for weddings, anniversaries,
corporate events, banquets, a celebra-
tion of life or any special occasion.
Availability limited, event rates starting
at $100 and up. Paypal Visa available
on-line. Visit www.cellodad.blogspot.
cam, e-mail or call
cell (360) 490-4695 for advance book-
ings. P11/15tfn
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes music
theory, ear training and advanced tech-
niques. Over 20 years experience. Eve-
nings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and mu-
sical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360)
490-4695 or e-mail
for available times. P5/25tfn
South Sound Senior Services in Mason County
LOST -TWO yellow Labs, Harstine Is-
land 12/16/07. Children's pets. Reward.
(360) 432-9730. J 12/27
LOST 12/22/07 Shadowood area. Ger-
man Shepherd, female, 6 months old,
black and tan, reward. (360) 427-9227.
BOXER PUREBRED puppies, white
ones and fawn. Tails and dews intact.
$800-$1,000 with papers. $400-$600
without. (360) 352-8426. H12/13-1/3
AKC GOLDEN Retriever, 4 males, 16
weeks, hunting and obedience lines,
$250 each. (360) 877-5335. H12/20-27
1 YEAR old purebred female King
Charles Cavalier, not spayed, not
breedabie, needs training. $600. (360)
426-4926. $12/20-27
BEARDED DRAGON, 9 months old,
cage, aJl accessories, $120. (360) 490-
6363. R12/20-27
KITTEN (AND cat) Rescue of Mason
County has rescued, altered and im-
munized our county's abandoned
felines. With holidays coming soon,
could you find a place in your heart
and home for a wonderful new friend?
Reasonable adoption fee for these in-
door only kitties. Contact us at (360)
584-0594 or
AKC registered, gorgeous, German
and Hungarian import, national and
international show champion pedigree,
vet examined, shots/wormed, tails and
dew claws done. Short term health
warranty. $650-$750. (360) 490-4212.
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County.
Affectionate companion cats and kit-
tens. Reasonable adoption fee in-
cludes altering, immunization, test-
rag, and parasite control. Contact us
at (360) 426-2455, or cell (360) 584-
0594, website
K 12/6tfn
Call us at 426-4412
before 2pm Tuesdays to
place your ad.
CALLING ALL dogs and owners. Pup-
py and manners training starting every
month. Companion or competition dog
classes. Certified trainer. Family friend-
ly. We do gift certificates too. K9 Kapers,
Karen Cannard, CPDT. (360) 432-1478. K12/13-1/3
DOG LISTENER, solve and. prevent be-
havior problems. In-home behavior con-
sults, private and group training. Sep-
tember B. Morn (30+ years professional
trainer and best-selling training book
author). (360) 432-3633. M9/27ffn
CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe-
cializing in finish carpentry 0ncluding
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering,
sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
fences and repairs. Call Mike (360)
459-0237 (Olympia). License #CUS-
TOPC981 RE. C11/9tfn
RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
Serving Mason County for 20 years.
(360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating,
demolition work, rockeries, retaining
walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-
up, curtain drains, rock and pit run.
(360) 426-9047, call Lot Hauling. Lic.
#ZlRKLTS1410W. Z3/1 ltfn
I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360)
490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for
Jerry. 11/15-1/3/08
W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
construction and repairs. 50 years expe-
rience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663.
Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn
ROAD AND driveway repairs. Call Bill
McTurnal Enterprises, (360) 866-4594.
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart-
ment. Open Monday thru Saturday,
"Your key to any automotive services."
All makes and models including mo-
torhomes. Call us - some services re-
quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
5585. G1/29tfn
I PAINT anything inside. (360) 490-
8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry.
TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LCC. Home
repair/remodel/new construction. Decks,
pressure washing, painting, roof and
gutter cleaning. (360) 490-0228. TC-
SHaH R933LN. S10/18tfn
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years
experience. Landclearing, septic sys-
tem installation, digouts, rock walls
and logging. Just about anything.
Quality work the first time. (360) 898-
7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30ffn
County, call for bids. (360) 426-9722
or (360) 590-1422. Lic. #RMREAM-
R935J P. Wl 2/13-2/28
HANDYMAN, GUI-I'ER cleaning, repairs
and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe-
cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin
(360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn
E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc.
10,000 lb. mini excavator and operator
for hire, utilities, foundations, French
drains. All types of excavation and land-
clearing. Call for details (360) 432-3147.
Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16tfn
I CAN fix anything and build anything.
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008. PERPEC931DL. Pll/15-
SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways,
excavating, utility ditches. Roan Con-
struction ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426-
7181. Jll/15tfn
TILE, TILE, TILE. Local business, li-
censed, bonded, insured. Call Burk Tile
and Design, (360) 250-6475. BURK-
TTD934CM. B12/20-1/10
clearing, flowerbed cleaning, haul-
ing, sod installation, pruning. Tree/
shrub planting. Rock/stone retain-
ing walls. Landscape maintenance,
bark spreading. Bonded and insured.
JOELSL*938N7. (360) 432-1900, Gar-
cia. G 12/20-2/7
pects of landscape installation, reorgani-
zation and reclamation, toxic-free. Con-
sultations. Extensive references. (360)
426-4598. No mowing or maintenance.
ing to work. Accepting clients in Mason
County. Flat fee quotes and references
available. Please call (360) 432-9753;
(360) 490-2268 ask for Marie. L12/13-1/3
STORM DAMAGE repairs by Bill Mc-
Turnal Enterprises, call (360) 866-4594.
B1 2/6-27
Topping Licensed
Chipping Bonded
Stump Insured
(360) 426-4663
1993 MERCURY Grand Marquis LS,
power everything, leather seats, good
condition, one owner, 127K. $2,750.
(360) 426-6722. M 12/27-1/3
1973 FORD Ranchero GT. Restorable,
everything works, no horn. $2,800. (360)
877-5663. C12/20-27
JEEP CHEROKEE parts. 1986-1993
models. Call with needs. (360) 791-
1152 or (360) 426-9023 please leave
message. L11/15tfn
NOW SELLING consignments. Cars,
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection.
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3.
Buy, sell, trade or cqnsign. (360) 426-
2907. S3/ltfn
SPACIOUS, NEWER, 2 bedroom plus
den, 2-car garage, W/D hookup, tile/
carpet floor, $825 monthly. Available
1/1/08. (360) 490-2870. R 12/20-1/10
PHILLIPS LAKE - 2 bedroom, 2 bath.
New carpet, auxiliary wood heat. No
pets. W/S/G paid. $795, $800 deposit,
B12/6-27 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 screening fee. (360) 426-3399. B12/20-
CALL PAUL Handy Person. 26 years Nora Haugan 27
experience, reasonable rates. Refer-360-877-0602 Fax:360-STT-0109________00:00 II ] A-LLYN STUDIO cottage on Grapeview
ences. (360) 427-5941. K12/6-27 I1 haugav Loop (Treasure Island). $395 monthly.
now s00o00n0 or 0o0,
-- Move in for Christmasl John, (206)
II 25+ years experience II
I I "Handyman Services" I II .Brush and roll I[
JJ Decks Floors Trim j II References II 123 WEST Birch. Large 2 bedroom
Jl Free estimates J l apartment, W/S/G paid, separate laun-
[I Interior/Exterior Repairs I II JlRdl *Seniordlscounts I/ dry. (360) 426-9134; (360) 229-0715.
tl Pressure Washing [ II 360-432.,-8847 I/ J12/20-1/10
II 360-490-4985 I/ A---em-e
L____ UcGARHAP*942__KH __ / looking for same to share home in his-
II Lance Goehring I uc c..942
II Lic#LGHAN**981PH J r ............... 't toric Shelton, non-smoking, responsi-
II 360,5074470'360.432.9649 I : TOP SOIL : ble, must like dog and cat. $500/mo. +
V2 utilities. Own bedroom, bath, garage
) I J Sludge-free space. Send inquiry to nicole.h98584@
Mondays and Thursdays in She/ton 9 to 2
Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3
Stars Adult Day Care located
in Shelton and Allyn
gentle exercises,
memory exercises, music, singing,
dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and
field trips. Lunch and snacks served.
Transportation available.
360-586-6181 ext. 115 c,,,,
Call Laude Lembke to schedule a visit
Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C.
Network System Engineering Services
Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery
Repair - Maintenance - Upgrades
fSpecializing in Microsoft, Novell & Group Wise
Onsite Service for Office & Home
Call for Free Estimate
360-490-7043 or 360-898-3800
A Full.Service General Contractor
All types of projects welcome
New homes Excavating
Remodels Additions
French drains . Foundations
Siding Finish
Free est,mates 360.432.3147
I Composted Top Soil
I Double-screened
I $299/22 yds Shelton I
I -- This price Is w/thin city limits only -- I
I Site Preparation * Landscaping I
I Ponds * Rockeries I
I Demolition Excavating I
I Haullnl Drainale I
I We buy timberl I
t Bill McTurna Enterprises t
I 360.432.0971 360.866.4594 I
I Senior Discount Available I
.. ...... .,&.N ...... j
Automotive Service"
Everday Low
Plus -
Quality Care Multi-
Point Inspection
All Fluids, Belts and
Hoses Checked
Includes complimentary
car wash
*Plus tax and disposal shop fees
Up to 5 qts 5W-30 bulk oil
Some vehicles slightly more
2 " Shelton exit off Hwy 101
I H12/20-27
FREE RENT. Reasonable deposit.
$1,200 per month. 3 bedroom, 2.5
baths, 2 stall garage. Agate area, water
view. (360) 426-4024. R12/27tfn
$950: IMMACULATE, 3 bedroom, 2
bath home at Union Heights. Situated
on 4 acres, 2-story shop and morel Pets
negotiable. $900 deposit. Call John L.
Scott, (360) 426-3319. J12/27
$650: CUTE 1 bedroom overlooking
Hood Canal in Union. 1-car garage plus
washer/dryer included. $600 deposit.
Call John L. Scott, (360) 426-3319.
J 12/27
$485: ROOMY 1 bedroom apartment
downtown, private entrance, coin oper-
ated laundry on site. Call John L. Scott,
(360) 426-3319. J12/27
Kneeland Park
3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family
unit, $700. Available now.
4 bedroom, 2 bath, large
family unit, $750. Available on
If interested please call
(360) 427-7909 or apply
1 215 Turner Avenue, Shelton l=
All real estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to the Fair
Housing Act which makes it illegal
to advertise "any preference, limi-
tation or discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex, handicap,
familial status or national origin,
or an intention, to make any such
preference, limitation or discrimina-
tion." Familial status includes chil-
dren under the age of 18 living with
parents or legal custodians, preg-
nant women and people securing
custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not know-
ingly accept any advertising for
real estate which is in violation of
the law. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings adver-
tised in this newspaper are avail-
able on an equal opportunity basis.
To complain of discrimination call
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Thursday, December 27, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29