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Letter to the editor ...
Cancer touches us all
Editor, The Herald:
Is there anyone left out there
whose life has not been touched
by cancer? Most likely someone
you know has had some form of
the disease.
Did you know that every
June; Belfair comes together as
a community to celebrate the
lives of those who have battled
cancer, to remember loved ones
lost to the disease and to fight
back against the disease that
takes too much?
The North Mason Relay For
Life is sponsored by the Ameri-
can Cancer Society and will be
held June 13 and 14 at the high-
school track. It's a community
thing. Find a relay team to join
or start one in your neighbor-
hood or at work. A full 100 per-
cent of money raised by teams is
used in the fight against cancer.
Now is the time to get involved.
Guyla Vann
Itll I II
(Editor's Note: Many groups will
adjust their meeting schedules
around the winter holidays. It's
always a good idea to check with
meeting organizers to confirm
times and locations, especially
around the this time of year.)
Thursday, December 27
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, at the Mary E. Theler
Community Center in Belfair;
card playing, dancing and lunch.
For reservations call 479-4874 or
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community 'Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-.
tion call 277-5300.
6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter
1197, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
6:30 p.m., North Mason School
District Board of Directors, dis-
trict offices. For more information
call 277-2300.
Friday, December 28
3:45 p.m., Brownies at Prince of
Peace Catholic Church. For more
information call 277-0540.
Sunday, December 30
North Mason invites you to wor-
ship at the church of your choice.
Monday, December 31
2:15 p.m., Girl Scout Juniors,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call
2:30 p.m., Brownies, Mary E.
Theler Community Center. For
more information call 277-0540.
Tuesday, January 1
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center in Belfair; card
playing, dancing, and lunch. For
reservations call 479-4874 or 275-
Noon, North Mason Kiwan-
is, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, Belfair chapter, Puget
Sound Genealogical Society, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
3:30 p.m., Girl Scout Juniors,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church.
For more information call 277-
6 p.m., Girl Scout Studio 2B,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church.
For more information call 277-
6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Mary E. Thele Community Cen-
ter. For more information call
Robin at 275-9262.
6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up-
stairs meeting room. For more in-
formation call 372-2613.
6:30 p.m., Girl Scout Cadettes
and Seniors, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center. For more informa-
tion call 277-0540.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7 p.m., Port of Dewatto Com-
missioners' meeting, Port of De-
watto Building. For more informa-
tion call 372-2755 or access online
7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles
Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair.
For more information call 674-
Wednesday, January 2
8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
Belfair. For more information call
9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321,
Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For
more information call 277-0362.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group,
Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair.
For more information call 275-
Noon, North Mason Lions Club,
Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla-
za. For more information call 275-
Thursday, January 3
7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As-
sociation no-host breakfast meet-
ing, Lennard K's, Allyn. For more
information call 275-9744.
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-5300.
Noon, Mason Benson Club
monthly seniors potluck. For more
information call 427-0785.
1 p.m., Seniors Association
Board meeting, Conference Room
1, Mary E. Theler Community
Center, Belfair. For more informa-
tion call 275-4898.
6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter
1197, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
FEMA, SBA have opened
up shop at Theler Center
The Federal Emergency Man-
agement Agency (FEMA), the
United States Small Business Ad-
ministration (SBA) and the Wash-
ington Emergency Management
Division have opened a disaster
recovery center here in Belfair.
The new center is housed in the
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. It will remain open from 10
a.m. to 8 p.m. on a daily basis until
further notice. The Theler Center
is located at 22871 NE State Route
The disaster center provides
residents an opportunity to meet
face to face with representatives
from state and federal agencies
to find answers to questions they
may have about the recovery pro-
cess. People should register with
FEMA before going to the center.
Some phones and computers are
also available at the site for those
without access.
INDMDUALS can register for
assistance by calling 1-800-621-
FEMA (3362) or TIT at 1-800-462-
7585 for those who are hearing- or
speech-impaired: The FEMA ap-
plication line is open 8 a.m. to 6
p.m. Pacific Standard Time seven
days a week, until further notice.
Folks can also register on-line at
P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to I p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there Is a mall slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Sheton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn, Grapevtew, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
SBA representatives are at all
disaster recovery centers to meet
individually with each resident
or business owner to answer any
questions about SBA's disaster
loan program, help them complete
their disaster loan application and
accept their completed applica-
tions. Anyone not able to visit a
center should call 1-800-659-29.
for SBA assistance or visit the
Web site at
FEMA coordinates the federal
government's role in preparing
for, preventing, mitigating the ef-
fects of, responding to, and recov-
ering from all domestic disasters,
whether natural or man-made, in-
cluding acts of terror.
SBA IS THE federal govern-
ment's primary source of money
for the long-term rebuilding of di-
saster-damaged private property.
SBA helps homeowners, renters,
businesses of all sizes, and private
nonprofit organizations fund re-
pairs or building efforts, and cover
the cost of replacing lost or disas-
ter-damaged personal property.
These disaster loans cover unin-
sured and uncompensated losses
and do not duplicate benefits of
other agencies or organizations.
Since 1982
Valerie McLeod,
Physical Therapist
70 NE Medical Center Road
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, December 27, 2007
William Alguard
Grapeview resident William
Chesley Alguard died Thursday,
December 13, at Harrison Memo-
rial Hospital after an 8-year battle
with multiple myeloma. He was
He was born
in Spokane on
February 3,
1926 to William
P. and Wanda
Alguard and
moved to the
Kitsap Peninsu-
la as an infant.
After grad-
uating from
Bremerton High
School in 1944,
he enlisted in
the Army Air
Forces. When William
discharged from Alguard
military service,
he attended Seattle University
and graduated as a mechanical
engineer. Moving to Edmonds, he
went on to pursue a career with
the Army Corps of Engineers and
retired in 1985 as chief of opera-
tions of the Seattle District. In
retirement, he and his wife of 60
years, Virginia Beach Alguard,
lived in Grapeview.
Wrong name,
were listed
The source of metal shelving
loaned to the Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center for use in flood-
relief operations was incorrectly
identified in the December 13 edi-
tion of The Herald.
The shelving came courtesy of
Doctor Don LePere, a member of
the local Kiwanis club. We mis-
spelled his name in the original
article and mistakenly identified
him as a Lions club member. We
regret the error.
Mr. Alguard loved hunting
his dogs, fishing and cars. To
children and many others, he
thought of as a "mechanical 8
nius" who could build or repa
almost anything. He spent mm
enjoyable hours puttering in
workshop. Family and friends s
he was a humble man of integri
that will be missed by the mm
whose lives he touched.
Mr. Alguard was preceded
death by his son, Raymond ,
guard, and his grandson,
He is survived by wife,
ia; his daughters Billie Evans | m
Scottsdale, Arizona, and Judy TeJ dl
of Edmonds; his
Kristi Richardson, Jeff
Jennifer Tell and Joahna Tell;
his great-granddaughters
and Samaria Richardson.
A private memorial service
interment were held for
family members at
lawn in Bremerton on
December 16. Memorial
may be made to the Chi]
Hospital Foundation, P.O.
5002, No. S-200, Seattle, 98145.
An important legacy
Complete obituary
is not only an appropriate
to the deceased but a part of
tory. The Herald provides
and is happy to print
on the lives of residents and
mer residents. Please stop by
office in the Log Plaza if we
of any help.
Credit Union. I
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor County
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton
Topsoil * Bark * Mulches * Fill Dirt * Rockery Rock * Crushed Rock * Washed Rock
Land Clearing * Free Estimates * Certified Scales
Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete *
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri." 7-5
heat t!?i00gs p
t00iS Winter!
Ladies & Couples Welcome
Videos & DVDs 5ales & Rentals Magazines
Lovers Packages- Lotions Games
Videos & DVDs
Elm's Adult Books
Serving Puget Sound Since 1969 0p 1 I)ays A Week. M0n-Sat 8am-2arn Sun 10am-101ms
, Holiday Specials. Gift Certificates
Mon-Sat 8am-8pm, Sun llam-5pm
3530 Old Belfair ttwy, Belfair (Next. to Bear Creek Store)
'95 Ford FI50 Extra Cab Short Bed 4x4
XLT Eddie Bauer (Over S38K new)
One owner
All power options
351 V8
Matching hard tonneau
Original factory sticker
82K miles
Expeudve? But worth every dollar/
Next to Shell
NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair
See Bob, Mark or Jackie
For 11
Letter to the editor ...
Cancer touches us all
Editor, The Herald:
Is there anyone left out there
whose life has not been touched
by cancer? Most likely someone
you know has had some form of
the disease.
Did you know that every
June; Belfair comes together as
a community to celebrate the
lives of those who have battled
cancer, to remember loved ones
lost to the disease and to fight
back against the disease that
takes too much?
The North Mason Relay For
Life is sponsored by the Ameri-
can Cancer Society and will be
held June 13 and 14 at the high-
school track. It's a community
thing. Find a relay team to join
or start one in your neighbor-
hood or at work. A full 100 per-
cent of money raised by teams is
used in the fight against cancer.
Now is the time to get involved.
Guyla Vann
Itll I II
(Editor's Note: Many groups will
adjust their meeting schedules
around the winter holidays. It's
always a good idea to check with
meeting organizers to confirm
times and locations, especially
around the this time of year.)
Thursday, December 27
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, at the Mary E. Theler
Community Center in Belfair;
card playing, dancing and lunch.
For reservations call 479-4874 or
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community 'Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-.
tion call 277-5300.
6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter
1197, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
6:30 p.m., North Mason School
District Board of Directors, dis-
trict offices. For more information
call 277-2300.
Friday, December 28
3:45 p.m., Brownies at Prince of
Peace Catholic Church. For more
information call 277-0540.
Sunday, December 30
North Mason invites you to wor-
ship at the church of your choice.
Monday, December 31
2:15 p.m., Girl Scout Juniors,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call
2:30 p.m., Brownies, Mary E.
Theler Community Center. For
more information call 277-0540.
Tuesday, January 1
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center in Belfair; card
playing, dancing, and lunch. For
reservations call 479-4874 or 275-
Noon, North Mason Kiwan-
is, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, Belfair chapter, Puget
Sound Genealogical Society, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
3:30 p.m., Girl Scout Juniors,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church.
For more information call 277-
6 p.m., Girl Scout Studio 2B,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church.
For more information call 277-
6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Mary E. Thele Community Cen-
ter. For more information call
Robin at 275-9262.
6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up-
stairs meeting room. For more in-
formation call 372-2613.
6:30 p.m., Girl Scout Cadettes
and Seniors, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center. For more informa-
tion call 277-0540.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7 p.m., Port of Dewatto Com-
missioners' meeting, Port of De-
watto Building. For more informa-
tion call 372-2755 or access online
7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles
Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair.
For more information call 674-
Wednesday, January 2
8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
Belfair. For more information call
9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321,
Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For
more information call 277-0362.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group,
Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair.
For more information call 275-
Noon, North Mason Lions Club,
Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla-
za. For more information call 275-
Thursday, January 3
7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As-
sociation no-host breakfast meet-
ing, Lennard K's, Allyn. For more
information call 275-9744.
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-5300.
Noon, Mason Benson Club
monthly seniors potluck. For more
information call 427-0785.
1 p.m., Seniors Association
Board meeting, Conference Room
1, Mary E. Theler Community
Center, Belfair. For more informa-
tion call 275-4898.
6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter
1197, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
FEMA, SBA have opened
up shop at Theler Center
The Federal Emergency Man-
agement Agency (FEMA), the
United States Small Business Ad-
ministration (SBA) and the Wash-
ington Emergency Management
Division have opened a disaster
recovery center here in Belfair.
The new center is housed in the
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. It will remain open from 10
a.m. to 8 p.m. on a daily basis until
further notice. The Theler Center
is located at 22871 NE State Route
The disaster center provides
residents an opportunity to meet
face to face with representatives
from state and federal agencies
to find answers to questions they
may have about the recovery pro-
cess. People should register with
FEMA before going to the center.
Some phones and computers are
also available at the site for those
without access.
INDMDUALS can register for
assistance by calling 1-800-621-
FEMA (3362) or TIT at 1-800-462-
7585 for those who are hearing- or
speech-impaired: The FEMA ap-
plication line is open 8 a.m. to 6
p.m. Pacific Standard Time seven
days a week, until further notice.
Folks can also register on-line at
P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to I p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there Is a mall slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Sheton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn, Grapevtew, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
SBA representatives are at all
disaster recovery centers to meet
individually with each resident
or business owner to answer any
questions about SBA's disaster
loan program, help them complete
their disaster loan application and
accept their completed applica-
tions. Anyone not able to visit a
center should call 1-800-659-29.
for SBA assistance or visit the
Web site at
FEMA coordinates the federal
government's role in preparing
for, preventing, mitigating the ef-
fects of, responding to, and recov-
ering from all domestic disasters,
whether natural or man-made, in-
cluding acts of terror.
SBA IS THE federal govern-
ment's primary source of money
for the long-term rebuilding of di-
saster-damaged private property.
SBA helps homeowners, renters,
businesses of all sizes, and private
nonprofit organizations fund re-
pairs or building efforts, and cover
the cost of replacing lost or disas-
ter-damaged personal property.
These disaster loans cover unin-
sured and uncompensated losses
and do not duplicate benefits of
other agencies or organizations.
Since 1982
Valerie McLeod,
Physical Therapist
70 NE Medical Center Road
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, December 27, 2007
William Alguard
Grapeview resident William
Chesley Alguard died Thursday,
December 13, at Harrison Memo-
rial Hospital after an 8-year battle
with multiple myeloma. He was
He was born
in Spokane on
February 3,
1926 to William
P. and Wanda
Alguard and
moved to the
Kitsap Peninsu-
la as an infant.
After grad-
uating from
Bremerton High
School in 1944,
he enlisted in
the Army Air
Forces. When William
discharged from Alguard
military service,
he attended Seattle University
and graduated as a mechanical
engineer. Moving to Edmonds, he
went on to pursue a career with
the Army Corps of Engineers and
retired in 1985 as chief of opera-
tions of the Seattle District. In
retirement, he and his wife of 60
years, Virginia Beach Alguard,
lived in Grapeview.
Wrong name,
were listed
The source of metal shelving
loaned to the Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center for use in flood-
relief operations was incorrectly
identified in the December 13 edi-
tion of The Herald.
The shelving came courtesy of
Doctor Don LePere, a member of
the local Kiwanis club. We mis-
spelled his name in the original
article and mistakenly identified
him as a Lions club member. We
regret the error.
Mr. Alguard loved hunting
his dogs, fishing and cars. To
children and many others, he
thought of as a "mechanical 8
nius" who could build or repa
almost anything. He spent mm
enjoyable hours puttering in
workshop. Family and friends s
he was a humble man of integri
that will be missed by the mm
whose lives he touched.
Mr. Alguard was preceded
death by his son, Raymond ,
guard, and his grandson,
He is survived by wife,
ia; his daughters Billie Evans | m
Scottsdale, Arizona, and Judy TeJ dl
of Edmonds; his
Kristi Richardson, Jeff
Jennifer Tell and Joahna Tell;
his great-granddaughters
and Samaria Richardson.
A private memorial service
interment were held for
family members at
lawn in Bremerton on
December 16. Memorial
may be made to the Chi]
Hospital Foundation, P.O.
5002, No. S-200, Seattle, 98145.
An important legacy
Complete obituary
is not only an appropriate
to the deceased but a part of
tory. The Herald provides
and is happy to print
on the lives of residents and
mer residents. Please stop by
office in the Log Plaza if we
of any help.
Credit Union. I
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor County
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton
Topsoil * Bark * Mulches * Fill Dirt * Rockery Rock * Crushed Rock * Washed Rock
Land Clearing * Free Estimates * Certified Scales
Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete *
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri." 7-5
heat t!?i00gs p
t00iS Winter!
Ladies & Couples Welcome
Videos & DVDs 5ales & Rentals Magazines
Lovers Packages- Lotions Games
Videos & DVDs
Elm's Adult Books
Serving Puget Sound Since 1969 0p 1 I)ays A Week. M0n-Sat 8am-2arn Sun 10am-101ms
, Holiday Specials. Gift Certificates
Mon-Sat 8am-8pm, Sun llam-5pm
3530 Old Belfair ttwy, Belfair (Next. to Bear Creek Store)
'95 Ford FI50 Extra Cab Short Bed 4x4
XLT Eddie Bauer (Over S38K new)
One owner
All power options
351 V8
Matching hard tonneau
Original factory sticker
82K miles
Expeudve? But worth every dollar/
Next to Shell
NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair
See Bob, Mark or Jackie
For 11