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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 27, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 27, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Study: Mason County ranks third in state in tobacco sales to minors By NATALIE JOHNSON natalie(~i~ma, Mason County has one of the highest rates of retail- ers selling tobacco products to minors, according to a re- port released by the Wash- ington State Department of Health (DOH) on Dec. 12,. Out of 24 compliance checks carried out county- wide between January and June 2012, minors were able to buy tobacco at seven of those checks. That puts the county's under-age tobacco purchase rate at 29.2 percent, only Yakima County's 30 percent and Okanogan County's 30.4 percent came in higher. Statewide, 16 percent of retailers were 'caught sell- ing tobacco to minors, up from 11 percent in 2011. Percent of sales of tobacco to minors were not available for 2011. "This is unacceptable," Washington state Secretary of Health Mary Selecky said in a statement. "Our young people should not have ac- cess to these deadly tobacco products. Most adult smok- ers start as teens, so if we can keep tobacco out of the hands of kids, it's likely they'll never take up this dangerous habit." Compliance checks for to- bacco sales in Mason County are performed by the Wash- ington State Liquor Control Board. The seven stores that sold tobacco to minors dur- ing compliance checks in Mason County include the Food Mart at 108 N. First St. in Shelton, the Ag- ate Store at 3840 E. Agate Road., the Belfair QFC at N.E. 201 State Hwy 300, the Deer Creek Store at 5881 E. Highway 3, the Matlock General Store at 17490 W. Shelton Matlock Road., the Taylor Towns Store at 70 Lynch Road and Bear Creek Country Store and Feed at 3530 N.E. Old Belfair High- way. The Mason County De- partment of Health used to perform these compliance checks, but two years ago, the department's funding to do these checks did not sur- vive budget cuts. "It looks like from the data, (retailers) have gotten complacent because they don't get checked as often," said Heidi Iyall, who works Heidi Iyall, who works with the Mason County Health programs, demonstrates material given to retailers to funding for smoking preven- tion programs, tobacco com- Smok|ng in panics spend $80 million on advertising each year in Washington alone, accord- ing to the state DOH. 13 percentdWashingt0nresidents smoke Kirkpatrick said anti- smoking advertising cam- 26 ~rcent d ~0n Count/residents paigns have been used in smoke the past, but, without new funding, have all but disap- 70200 min n Wmh ngton make peared. "Those were determined 50 teefl~e~ start smoking each day to be pretty effective," she said. 7,900 Wmhington residents die each year With law enforcement from tobacco-related diseoses agencies stretched thin on property and violent crimes, Source: Washington State Depa~t~nt of enforcing laws against the Heol$ sale of tobacco to minors is not a high priority, said Chief Deputy Dean Byrd of with tobacco prevention pro- the Mason County Sheriffs grams at the county's public Office. health department. "Tobacco products have While funding was cut for traditionally not been at the compliance checks, the pub- top of the list," he said. lic health department still In the past, the sheriffs has some funding each year office has made efforts to to educate retailers about curb sales of alcohol to mi- the importance of checking nors. In summer 2011, the identification and not sell- sheriffs office joined with ing tobacco to minors, the Washington State Li- "With a lack of funding, quor Control Board to do our focus is on education," compliance checks on liquor public health Director Vicki stores. Kirkpatrick said. "By the end of that pro- While public health de- gram, we found that the partments have limited compliance rate had signifi- co-related diseases, accord- ing to the DOH. If the rate of retailers sell- ing tobacco to minors exceeds 20 percent statewide, Wash- ington -- which is at 16 per- cent'-- could lose nearly $14 million in federal funding for drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention and treatment, according to the DOH. Clerks who are caught selling tobacco to minors can be fined up to $i00 and store owners can be fined up to $1,500. After multiple vi- olations, a store can lose its license to sell tobacco per- manently. The Washington State Department of Health Tobacco Quit Line is 1-800-QUIT-NOW. Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Department's anti-smoking education discourage sales of tobacco to minors. Cell Phones • taptops cantly improved," Byrd said. smoke. "If there was an emphasis "We do have a high adult on tobacco, we would do us- tobacco use rate," Kirkpat- sentially the same thing." rick said. With budget cuts, law en- To combat adult smok- forcement simply does not ing, the Mason County and have the money to investi- City of Shelton commissions gate tobacco sales to minors have enacted resolutions Byrd explained, to ban smoking in public "We are not in a position parks, she said. to do that kind of enforce- "It's only in recent years ment and regulatory work," that it hasn't been complete- he said. ly socially acceptable," Kirk- About 13 percent ofWash- patrick said. ington residents smoke, ac- About 70,000 minors cording to the state DOH. statewide smoke cigarettes, That number has droppedand about 50 teens start by hal£in the past 12 years, smoking each day. Roughly In Mason County, more 7,900 people die every year than 26 percent of residents in Washington from tobac- s995 & UP Used Cars &" Trucks Now Available Again At Addt;e~S/:s!!:i~: :S/~lton 5961 E. State Route #3 (Deer Creek ,Area) We Buy- Sell- Trade Closed Sundays Call: 360.426.2907 t OIL DIST. CO LUoB~Cp~NNTS we de'iver I i ]rI ; C We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson _ Industrial Park Calls reported to Shel-Assaults ton Police, Mason County At 6:27 p.m. on Dec. 20, Sheriffs Office and tribal an assault was reported agencies included: in the 400 block of North Fourth Street. Burglaries At 9:52 a.m. on Dec: 18, Sex crimes a burglary was reported in At 3:11 p.m. on Dec. 20, the 200 block of East Will- a sex offense was reported char Boulevard. in an undisclosed address in Shelton. At 12:22 p.m. on Dec. 18, a residential burglary Domestic violence was reported in the 1400 At 12:12 p.m. on Dec. 18, block of east Eagle Point adomestic disturbance was Drive. reported in the 100 block of West Grizzly Ridge Road. At 8:41 a.m. on Dec. 19, a burglary was reportedThefts in the 1400 block of Wing- At 10:50 a.m. on Dec. 18, wood Place. a mail theft was reported in the 100 block of South- At 12:16 p.m. on Dec. 19, east Old Arcadia Road. a burglary was reported in the 2000 block of East At 10:54 a.m. on Dec. South Island Drive. 18, a theft was reported in the 100 block of East Agate Drive. At 8:45 a.m. on Dec. 20, a residential burglary was reported in the 200 block ef At 12:33 p.m. on Dec. 18, South Seventh Street. a backpack was reported stolen in the 100 block of At 11:17 a.m. on Dec. 20, West State Route 108. a residential burglary was reported in the 5200 block At 6:13 p.m. on Dec. 18, of East Mason Lake Drive a backpack was reported West. stolen from the 100 block of West State Route 108. At 4:43 p.m. on Dec. 20, a residential burglary was At 1:48 p.m. on Dec. 19, reported in the 200 block of a mail theft was reported East Agate Loop Road. in the 600 block of Holly Drive. At 11:08 p.m. on Dec. 20, a residential burglary At 3:31 p.m. on Dec. 19, was reported in the 100a toolbox and other items block &Southeast Lupinewere reported stolen in Court. the 1000 block of East En- chantment Drive, Union. [ ~!iC!'A CELEBRATION OF CHRISTMAS IN DOWNTOWN SHELTON in:duding Estimated value is $1,500. N~I~ ~f:the Lights Tree Lighting on Friday night and the Christmas Town USA Christmas At 9:41 a.m. on Dec. 20, I i~ej°yfulkick°fft°theh°lidays it was meant t° be" a theft was reported in the ~ the Shelton Kiwanis, Hiawatha Evergreens, Comcast, Hood Canal Communications 100 block of East Wallace .... ~CityofSheltonformakingourtownshinebrightandmerryfortheHolidayseason. Kneeland Boulevard. We ~ank Peninsula Credit Union and Little Creek Casino Resort for believing in the magic of : ~ual Christmas Parade through their continued sponsorship year afrer year. Peninsula... At 10:42 a.m. on Dec. thehotCocoawassocomforting!!! 20, a generator was report- O~elming thanks to Amy and Forrest Cooper & the Downtown Merchants Association for edly stolen in the 100 block :: ~oRab0rating with us in bringing Joy to our community and maybe a little financial help to our of East Flaggwood Lane, merchant. Union. Estimated value is i ~ks ~o Washington State Lt. Governor Brad Owen and his mother Laurel Willis for lighting $3,500. our Christmas Tree! At 11:28 a.m. on Dec. : i: ~ur Gratitude t° the ever p°pular Dale Hubbard and KMAS f°r taking°nther°le°femcee 20, a puppy was stolen ~ndannouncer. reported in the 100 block ~ankyou to Elizabeth Berndt, the Hartstine Island Choir and the music directors and kids of Southeast Mill Creekfrom local schools that participated in making the night sound joyous and welcoming to all. Road. ~ank yon to Mason County Christian School- Shepherds & Angels also for a great ~rformance. At 11:44 a.m. on Dec. 20, Santa and Mrs. always...our thanks for being you...for sharing LOVE, HOPE and a theft was reported in the ~OY. 1700 block of North 13th ~dtothe following ......... we could not have done it without you ........ ffwe left anyone out it Loop Road. Estimated val ....... ue is $500-$700. was not intentional....just old age ..... ::: At 2:52 p.m. on Dec. 20, Septic Tank PumpingEllen Julian Kay Pearson a theft was reported in the Ed & Cheryl Stanley Jenny Durago Billy Corral 100 block of West State ..... :: GailBrewer Lorraine Coots Bruce&TerriGierke Route 108. : EriE Thompson Jimmy Hunter Vern Gonzales Olsen Furniture City of Shelton Shelton Mason County At 5:51 p.m. on Dec. 20, Tozier Brothers GlenLatham Chamber of Commerce a gray 2011 Hyundai So-40et8 MerideeAnderson GregLinder nata was reported stolen in Madeline & Elizabeth Miller Roger Pearson Travis Shank & Kids the 100 block of Southeast :Elma Feed & Farm SupplyTim & Shari Underhill Venture Crew 9110 Clemantis Avenue .................. Kayla Gustafson Muddy & Melody Gill Mike Oblizalo Fires ~ighthouse Electric Mason County Optimists At 1:23 p.m. on Dec. 18, a structure fire was reported in the 200 block of South- :::.: east Clematis Avenue. ...... ....... :,> At 2:07 a.m. on Dec. 19,i::'i:: 2 a structure fire was re- .... : ported in an undisclosed .... address on East Dartmoor of Kristmas Town Kiwanis members- thank you for letting us have the time to do this project!/t! Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012 - Page A-5 I I