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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 27, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 27, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By NATALIE JOHNSON to be fully involved, to put out the fire, but were The occupants had four Both residents of the not successful," Centralcats, three of which have home escaped the fire with Mason Fire Chief Tim McK- been found alive. minor injuries, ern said. The fire did an estimated A fire destroyed a home They were transported "The district was able to $80,000 in damage to the at 21 E. Dartmoor Drive to Mason General Hospi- respond very quickly to the mobile home, which has early in the morning on tal with minor burns andfire because its Lake Lim- been dec'lared a total loss. Dee. 19. smoke inhalation, merick station is across the Fire crews determined Central Mason Fire & The residents were awo- street from the home," he that the blaze was EMS crews responded to ken by the fire burning in said. caused by a candle left the fire just after 2 a.m. on their home. A dog belonging to the burning near combus- Dec. 19, and found the fire "They made an attempt occupants died in the fire. tible items. A home located at 21 E. Dartmoor Drive was destroyed by fire on Dec. 19. Courtesy photo JAC K FROST TAN DS TALL Courtesy photo Ana Newell stands next to the snowman she created with her father Allen Radke on Christmas Day at 1536 May Ave., Shelton. Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Oakland Bay County Park, which includes more than 80 acres, 2 miles of trails, three quarters of a mile of Melaney Creek and a half mile of shoreline on Oakland Bay, is scheduled to be opened to the public this spring. Organizations such as the Mason Conservation District partnered with the county to develop the park and install features such as this rain garden. rk Organizations that contributed the Washington Corrections Center Pa include the Mason Conservation Dis- and Mason County Master Garden- Continued from page A-1 trict, students from the Mason Coun- ers. ty WSU Extension and 4-H Forestry was born of many partnerships. Leadership program, inmates from for the January 3, 2013 rnal will be :r 28 at 5:00! A Wonderful 3! Located on Hwy. 101 between Shelton & Olympia 360.426.4743 Sheriff - Casey Salisbury BraE55555 SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENCE I)ate: December 26, 2012 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 12-57 The Mason ('ounty ~,herifPs ()ffice is releasing the follo~ ing inl~rrnation pursuant to RCW 4,24.550 and the Washinglon Slate Supreme (~tlUll alcott, ion in ~, ~hich authorizes law Clll~lrl2~.,llleiit agencies to inform the public of 3 ",CX oflbnders release when; in the disc,ellen ofthe agone)., the release of' information ~s ill enhance public safety and protection. The individual who appears on this notification has been cou~ it:ted tHa so'. u ffi:nse thai Eequires regislralion with the Sheril'Fs Office in the county of their lesideuce. Further. their previous criminal hi,Italy place', dleln in a classification level which reflects the polentia] to re-offend. This sex offender has served tile senlence impused on him hv the ctmrls and has ad~ ised the Mason County Sherit'l's OflXo.: that he will be living in the location belong. HE 1S NOT WANTED BY "filE POLICE AT Tl`HIS TIM E, 1IllS NOTI FICAIlON IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF TllAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Sheriff's Office ha~ no legal authority to direct where a sex ofi~ndcr may or may not live. Unless court ordered restrictions exisl, this ofibnder is constilutionally fi'ee to live wherever he chooses. Sex ot'l~:nders have always lived ill our communities, btlt it wasn't until passage el'the Community Protection Actof 1990 twhich ?IRYII¢/~tC~ s('~ ~ffctTdcr i'C~l:vlratumj thal law clllbrcemcnl ¢\.en klleW where they ~erc living. In many eases, la~ enlbrcelllent is now able to share tl~al izllbrm~ltion ~ith you. Citizen abuse oflhis infiarmation to threalen, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be folcrated. [-uHhel. ~uch abuse cnuld polemially e,d law crlfl~rcements abi[ily to do community notifications. We believe the only person ~ho ~ins if' community mvifieation ends is the sex oflL, nder, since sex oftbnders derive theil power throush secrecy. If you ha~e any information regarding current criminal activity of this or any other offender~ please call 911. For other sex offender information, ht~J:// to. KEVIN LAWRENCE GUPTIL WHITE MALE - DOB: 7/26/80 - 5' 06"-170 LBS. BROWN HAIR & BROWN EYES Kevin G UPTII, has recently moved wifldo Mason County and is required to register as a sex offender For mtlhiple sex offenses. On 10/27/2008, (itJPl'll, was convicted of 2 counts of Rape of a Child 3'" Degree and I count of Child Molestation 2"'E l)egree, Mason County Superior Court cause #08- 1-00045-1. These o flbnses slem from GI,)PTIL at age 26, having sexual intercourse with two di fferenl 15 year old girls, one at least 25 times and the other at least 50 times. GUPT[L video taped many of the sexual encounters. The ofl~nses also stem from GUPTIL at age 26, having sexual intercourse v, ith a 12 year old girl. All three girls were casual acquaintances with GUPTIL and it appears that GUPTIL was under the influence of alcohol for several of the sexual encounters. Dept. of Corrections documentation shows an additional arrest where GUPTIL offended against another young girl, but the charges weir no< pursued. Due to these lhctors, he is considered a IIlClt RISK. Note: GUPTIL is on Dept. oflCorrections Supervision and is not allowed to be where minors congregate, or to associate with minors unless he is supervised. GUPTIL is assessed by Mason County Sheri~s Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning tbat lhe subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offi:nd. Kevin GUPTIL has given his residence within Mason CountT as: Within the 1-100 block of NE Straub Hill, Beifair, WA Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012 7