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gordon@Jma.~oncoun~. !com
A flexible schedule and the
opportunity to work ha your
sweatpants are two of the ad-
vantages to owning alhome-
based business. Randy Calm,
who creates custom a~chitec-
tural etched glass in the shop
next to his Belfalr home, adds
a third perk: "The commute:
it's about 100 steps." J
But being a successful
home-based entrepreneur
takes will power.
'Tou have to be self-moti-
vated," said Erren Barnhard,
who has worked as The Piano
Man out of his Belfair home
for 30 years. 'Tou have to
discipline yourself, because
you're not working witl~ some-
one else's clock. If yo~ don't
work, it doesn't get done."
Graphic designer Rachel
Hansen, who operates her
business Image in Action De-
sign and other endea'~ors out
of her Shelton home,~ points
out, '~rou can't blame mayone
else flit doesn't work ~ut."
Hansen adds, '~ou have to
be determined, to know what
you have to do ... If you goof
off, you're the one who has to
pay for it." i
• I ,
Internet connectmn servac-
es and a struggling eConomy
have helped fuel the Igrowth
of home-based businesses.
Calm made the transition
six years ago. He operated his
Phoenix Design SouttL out of
a storefront next to
Elementary School
years before moving
etching business nex
Belfair house•
"It was always a d
build a studio at ho~
for 30
is glass
to his
earn to
m ... It
a joy to finally get here
cut out that overhead,"
Erren Barnhard, The Piano
since 1982.
no one beating you over the
head, unless it's you," he said.
Calm's neighbor is Darn-
hard, who tunes, repairs,
appraises pianos as The Pi-
ano Man. The Shelton native
worked as a musician and a
carpenter before combining
those talents into a home-
based business in 1982.
Barnhard's clients are in
Mason and Kitsap counties.
They are alerted to his ser-
Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
Man, has worked out of his Belfair house, and then detached shop,
Along with visiting homes consecutive days, so Hansen 'Tou have to work all
to tune pianos, Barnhard blocks out her work hours de- night -- that's the time when
diversifies his business by pending on his schedule and you can, because no one is
repairing and rebuilding Vic- the, needs of her children• bothering you," she said.
trola record players, pianos The work is there -- you Despite its growing popu-
and pump organs, can do it any time, Hansen larity, Hansen believes some
Hansen's home-based en-said. people still look down on
deavors are also diversified. Last week, Hansen said home-based businesses. But,
Her Image in Action Designs she was working on a project "your work is based on your
creates uebsites, while Han- until 4 a.m. several nights in product, not whether you
sen also produces marketing a row. have a splashy office•"
projects for clients such as
the Mason Area Fair.
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2505 Olympic Highway North, Suite I~
he said.
Calm etches glass! for cli-
ents weekdays from 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. He said he's re] ieved to
not be interrupted by ]
by dropping in. Calm
wife do the books, the:
ing and everything els
"When you're a
based business, you
jack of all trades ...
all is consuming," Ca
and his
are a
)oing it
m said.
vices through word of mouth,
an ad in a phonebook and
business cards posted on res-
taurant bulletin boards•
"I like to do banker's hours,
10 to 3 Monday through Fri-
day," he said, "Occasionally, I
will tune on the weekend, if it
needs to be done•"
Barnhard's home at one
point housed five pianos. He
moved into a separate shop
Working at home, Han- I FinalDrawing ~1]
sen has a challenge no longer
two sons ages ii and 12, and ~l~~
a 7-year-old daughter•
Along with operating a
business, 'Tou're always iij ~l[
involved in looking after a Clearance, get
household ... You're not at It lo to 7so off t , Hll[I
the office where you can just
focus," Hansen said. elselected items
Hansen's husband is a pi-
lot who works three or four I [
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