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Shelton college offers winter class line up
Four Stars
Call for Parties,
Meetings, Receptions FRESH
Award winning,
nationally known
Chef Xinh Dwelley
A Wide Variety of
Seafood & Other Meat Dishes
Occasion Lunches
DAILY with Chef Xinh T, Dwelley's Asian Twist
(360) 427-8709 • open for
Supper Tuesday-Saturday
Downtown Shelton, Comer of 3rd and West Railroad Xl !
Buy & Sell!
Vendor Space Available Open 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.
7 Days A Week
831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. • (360) 791-0448 • (360) 915-463;
" i
As a igen: from one foot to the other.
U eral matter
" ., ' If you're looking to increase
• ,; mobility, and diminish pain and
• discomfort during day to day ac-
which i • is tivities, we can help. We design
individualized treatment plans for
performed against the forde of each patient to maximize mobility
gravity, is good for bones• 10 ad- and physical functioning• For ad-
dition, activities involving mgscle ditional information, call SHEL-
lbrce also stimulate bone building TON PHYSICAL THERAPY
since placing bones under ~tress AND SPORTS MEDICINE at
triggers specialized cells to build (360) 426-5903• We have over
bone. This benefit is site-speCific, 32 years of experience providing
which means that running pro- physical therapy care. You'll find
motes stronger leg bones and
us conveniently located at 2300
tennis stimulates bone growth in Kati Ct., Ste. B. New patients
the dominant arm, etc. With this
are welcome. Same day appoint-
in mind, most osteoporosis pre- ments are available and most in-
vention studies focus primarily surance plans are accepted•
on hip fractures, which involve
the upper portion of the femur P.S. If you are older and/or
(thigh bone). The best activities experience joint pain, your first
to strengthen thigh bones are priority should be to strengthen
those that involve jumping and your muscles and improve bal-
hopping, such as jumping rope ance before you start.jumping
or short stints of hopping in place and hopping.
January 3, 2013 Journal &
Friday, De
r Herald is
eember 28, 2012
;:00 p.m.
Olympic College Shelton niors.
will offer the following con-
tinuing education classs
during winter quarter:
1-3 p.m. or 7-9 p.m.,
Wednesdays, Jan. 16-
Feb. 27; Anyone Can
Write; Anyone can dis-
cover the pleasure of writ-
ing. Emphasis will be on
having fun while learning
an easy process that will
stimulate natural creativ-
ity and involvement with
creative writing. $85.
1-3 p.m., Mondays/
Jan. 28-Feb. 8; Begin-
ning Computers age 50-
plus; An introduction to
personal computers de-
signed specifically for se-
Students will use in the Puget Sound, San es. $150•
Windows to learn basic Juan Islands, Canadian 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., ~an.
computer and application Gulf Islands and Wash- 12 or Feb. 23. ~i.,:,~ing
skills. Within the course, ington coastal areas. Certification; Lear~: what
students will learn to use Learn dead reckoning, it takes to become a flag-
word processing, the In- position fixing, nauti- ger. Objectives include
ternet and email. $119. cal charts, compass use,maximum pr,~ection for
tides, currents and tripemployees and the public
1-3 p.m., Mondays/ planning for sailboats and with minimum interfer-
Wednesdays/Fridays, powerboats. S119. ence from vehicie/pedes-
Feb. 25-March 8; Com- trian traffic, proper u.~e of
puters age 50-plus Part 5:30-8 p.m., Tues- traffic control devices and
II; You've become skilled days/Thursdays, Jan. other flagger duties. Certi-
in the basics of using your 29-March 21; SAT/ACT fication test administered
computer. Now it's time to Preparation; Improve upon completion of cla,~s.
learn how to do more withyour success on the SAT Student must be 18 or old-
it and make it work for and ACT assessments, er. $65.
you. This is Part 2 of the Take practice tests and
Beginning Computers age determine the areas you Those interested in reg-
50-plus course. $124. need to study. Enhance istering for these classes
your skills by reviewingcan call 432-5400 or stop
8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Feb. math and English con- by the Olympic College
16 and Feb. 22; Coastal cepts. Gain valuable test- Shelton campus, at 937 W.
Navigation; Navigation taking tips and approach- Alpine Way in Shelton.
Master Gardeners schedule workshops
The 2013 gardening workshops in the Northwest. The workshops will be at Memo-
sponsored by the WSU Master Gar-The Jan. 12 workshop topic is rial Hall, at 210 W. Franklin St. in
deners of Mason County will run home greenhouse setup, and warm-Shelton.
from Jan. 12 through March 23. ing up your spring vegetables with To register or for more information
The workshops series "Through row covers and hoop houses, about the complete workshop sched-
The Garden Gate" will cover suchEach workshop runs from 9 a.m. to ule and topics, contact 427-9670, ext.
topics as growing and maintaining 12 p.m. and the cost is $10 per work- 680.
bamboo and growing beautiful roses shop. Tickets will be sold at the door.
City of Shelton
Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes vaccine,
wormer, spay/neuter and a $10 city license. New
dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503 or
visit the shelter at 902 W. Pine St.
Dogs can be viewed at
Hours are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through
Friday. The shelter is closed Saturday through
Current listings:
Pitbull, male, 1 1/2 years old
Shepherd mix, female, 3 years old
Pitbull, female, 2 years old
4ursing Assistant
Winter & Spring Quarters 2013
Work in a high demand healthcare field! No Prerequisites!
Cello and her friends' wish for the New Year Js t~ find
a special home of their own. They hope you will come visit
and meet them. They are looking for special lhmi]ies that
The Olympic Colleg~ Nursing Assistant Program prepares students to assist in providing care for clients in acute
care, community-based, and long-term care settings.
Attend a FREE
Information Session!
(check website for dates and times)
OC Bremerton Campus
Health Occupations Building
(search Nursing Assistant)
* Keep your job while gaining skills to
increase your wage potential
• Part-time program; two days per
week; last module is 4 days per week;
can be completed in one quarter
Pay for full program at one time or pay
as you go for each module separately
For more information, contact the
NA Program at (360) 475-7554 ~!
Have a
Happy, Prosperous New Year!
Be sure to ave a destg nated
driver or two.
1180 E. Picketing Road
Open 7:00 a.m.- 2:00 a.m.
Bar & Grill
Saturday, D,
With Local L
29 II :
:ounty Journal- Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason
$I [I11) CI D4A$
24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000
The Hobbit
Daily 2:40, 6:00pro
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:20pm
Jack Reacher
Daily 1:45, 4:15, 6:45pm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat g:25pm
Serving all organic fa# trade espresso drinks
will share love, warmth and the safety these playful kitt,en,~
need and deserve. They would like it if t,~o kitter~ friends
could share a home together. Cello and her fi'iends want to
share a lifetime of cuddling, napping and playing with lov-
ing families. Cello and a friend will bring enjoyment and
companionship to the right home• For informalion on Cel-
lo and her other indoor-only friends, call 584~0594 or leave
a message at 426-2455.
Meet Cooper. He is a beautiful 8-month-old Rottweiler
that is looking for a loving family. He is a very sweet boy
and will make a wonderful family pet. Ite would love to
be a part of an active family that will play with him, take
him for rides and love him forever. If you have a dog; that is
looking for a buddy to play with, this is the dog for you. He
loves to play with other dogs and they love to play with him.
If you would like to meet Cooper, call 432-3091 or send an
email to To view our other
adoptable dogs, visit
II i I I l II li I II