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United Way's Retired and Se- inviting presentations that will week with well-behaved pets. tivities Center -- A Ravishing
nior Volunteer Program (RSVP)be seen by the public. • Saint's Pantry -- Food Receptionist: Work at a recep-
is seeking volunteers. • Community Kitchen -- for Thought: Work at an area tion desk at the senior center.
The program, which connects Kitchen Confidence: Prepare food bank. Help pack boxes and Greet visitors, give information
residents 55 years and older with meals at a kitchen that feedsdistribute donated goods to peo- and answer the phone.
volunteer opportunities in their the needy. Help cook food from ple in need. • Mason County Senior
community, has the following po- scratch in large quantities. Pro- • Faith in Action -- Home Activities Center -- Nifty
sitions available: vide and serve meals. Improvement: Be a volunteer Thrifty: Volunteer at a thrift
• Sound Learning -- AnAr- • Adopt-A-Pet -- Dog Walk- handyperson. Help elderly andstore. Help sort donated goods
tistic Window: Create window ing: To ensure that dogs up for people with disabilities withfor pri'cing. Work with custom-
displays for a literacy program, adoption get good exercise be a projects around their homes, ers and help raise money for the
Use your artistic talent to make dog walker. Spend a few hours a • Mason County Senior Ac- senior center.
• Harmony Hill -- Say It
With Flowers: Be a volunteer
flower arranger at an activ-
ity center. Create arrangements
with allotted materials. Take re-
quests and fill orders.
To sign up or learn more,
call Jennifer Thompson, RSVP
volunteer coordinator, at 943-
2773, ext. 21, or visit www. and
click on RSVP.
Kenneth Aitken refurbishing axes. He also
Kenneth Murray Ait- loved auction sales, cars,
ken, 54, died Dec. 20, car shows and sports.
2012. He is survived by his
He was born June 15, wife, Mary Fletcher, of
1958, to Rollin and Myrna Shelton; parents Harry
Aitken. He was the young- and Bertha Fletcher
est of three children, of Shelton; sons Jim
He married the love of Fletcher (Susan) of Shel-
his life, Mari Morken, on ton, Jason Fletcher of
June 19, 1982. They had Olympia, Daniel Fletcher
four children: Teresa Lynn (Joann) of Lacey, Darren
was born April 8, 1981; Ford of Kamilche and
Michele Rae was born Oct. Don L. Whitener of Ka-
6, 1982; and Melissa Hel- milche; daughters Teresa
ena and Megan Corrine Ford of Shelton, Rachel
were born July 13, 1984. Ford of Kamilche, Re-
His family said Kenneth beckah Ford of Kamilche,
was a devoted family man Tammy Ford of Shelton,
who worked hard to pro- Judy Aldridge of Shelton
vide for his children and and Barbie Rockholm of
wife. Vancouver, Wash.; sister
He enjoyed hunting, Carolyn Hoosier (Gene)
fishing, spending time on of Shelton; 18 grandchil-
boats, water skiing, snow dren and numerous niec-
skiing, eating oysters, es, nephews and cousins.
woodworking and spend- A service took place
ing time with his children Dec. 19 at the Squaxin Is-
and family, land gymnasium.
He is survived by wife Memorial donations can
Mari Aitken; daughters be made to the American
Teresa (Brian) Morton, Mi- Cancer Society, attn: me-
chele (Shane) Scheihing, mo~ials, 2120 First Ave.
Melissa (Russell) Haag N., Seattle, WA 98109, or
and Megan (Jeremy) Gou- The Northwest Parkin-
let; grandchildren Dylan son's Foundation, P.O.
and Madison Morton, Box 56, Mercer Island, WA
Rylee Rae .~nd Savannah 98040.
Martin, Nick, Tristain,
Alexis, Colton and Gar- Donald Fourre
rett Schpihing, Ayden and D~ld E. Fourre, 73, a
Chloe Haag, and Eliza- resident of Sumner, died .
beth Goulet; sister Debi Dec. 16, 2012, of lung can-
Wells-Aitken; father Rollin cer.
Aitken; nephews Matthew He was born April 15,
(Erin) Aitken, Douglas 1939, in Shelton to Emma
(Kristen) French and Saw- Hancock.
yer Wells; nieces Kristina He served in the Wash-
(Rex) Phillips and Nicole ington National Guard
Wells; and numerous niec- for eight years, and was a
es, nephews, aunts, uncles master sergeant upon dis-
and cousins, charge.
He was preceded in He married Kathy Her-
death by his mother, Myr-
na Aitken; brother Ricky
Aitken; grandson Tyler
Martin; and brother-in-law
David Wells.
Donations can be made
to the American Cancer
Society or the American
Heart Association.
Irvin Fletcher
Irvin Louis Fletcher,
71, a resident of Kamilche,
died Dec. 14, 2012.
He was born Aug. 17,
1941, to Harry A. and Ber-
tha O. (Daniel) FJetcher.
He graduated from
Irene S. Reed High School
in 1959.
He married Mary Whit-
ener on Dec. 9, 1998, in
Reno, Nev. He was previ-
ously married to Christine
Clark and Linda Logan.
Both marriages ended in
was a
at the
ton Naval
and also
courses at
His hobbies included
welding, building boat
and car trailers, fireworks
stands and fishing com-
mercially on his boats:
"The Green Toad" and
"The Little Green Toad."
His love of welding in-
cluded making the wet
forks for clam digging
for other Squaxin Island
tribal members. He also
enjoyed cutting and stack-
ing wood, and refinishing
his furniture. His latest
hobby was collecting and
zog on June 28, 1958, in
worked at
Sowe's, an
denL auto
parts dis-
and was
a milk
Donald er.
Fourre Donald
youth athletics, boating,
camping, golf and cross-
country skiing. He served
several school district levy
He is survived by his
wife, Kathy Fourre, of
Sumner; son Kurt Fourre
of Yelm; daughter Trisha
Fourre of Tacoma; brother
Glen Fourre of Shel-
ton; stepbrother Garry
Fourre of Olympia; grand-
daughters Kara and Ka-
lista Fourre of Yelm; and
daughter-in-law Charlotte
Fourre of Yelm.
A service will take
place at 10 a.m. on Dec.
29 at Calvary Community
Church in Sumner. The
service will be officiated
by pastor Mark Edwards.
Inurnment will take
place at the Sumner Cem-
etery. Arrangements are
under the direction of the
Fourre family.
Memorial donations
can be made to local youth
athletics or cancer fighting
Shelton Memorial Park
includes an attractive casket and ~rofessional service:
Shelton Memorial Park ex ,enses are additional
Stanley Lien
Stanley Lien, 57, died
Dec. 9, 2012, in Maricopa,
He was born in St. Paul,
Minn., and grew up in
Stillwater, Minn.
Stanley was well-known
in Mason County through
his career in the gaming
He is survived by his
mother, Ardith Lien; son
Stanley Lien Jr. and part-
ner Kim-
berly Jean
Stanley and Stacie
and their
Lien families.
He was
preceded in death by his
father, Gerald Lien.
A celebration of life and
scattering of his ashes will
be held at a later date in
Charlitta Luke
Charlitta A. Luke, 59,
died Dec. 14, 2012, at
Shelton Health & Reha-
bilitation Center.
She was born Nov. 4,
1953, in Baton Rouge, La.,
to Emma Luke (Rivette)
and Felix Wills.
~owned a
is sur-
vived by
her son,
Charlitta B. Luke of
Luke California
and broth-
er Michael
G. Luke of Inverness, Fla.
Charlitta's ashes will
be mailed back to Florida.
Arrangements are by Mc-
Comb Funeral Home of
Memorial donations can
be made to a hospice of
your choice.
Kathlee~ Woodward
Kathleen Merriam
Woodward, 88, died Dec.
10, 2012, at Fir Lane
Health & Rehabilitation
Center in Shelton.
She was born Jan. 15,
1924, in Baton Rouge, La.,
to William and Lillian (Os-
borne) McCoy.
She married Stanley
G. Woodward in Shelton.
They were married for 42
She was previously
married to William S.
Johnson. That marriage
ended in divorce.
leen was
a home-
who had
from her
first mar-
riage and
Kathleen children
Woodward from her
to create a family of 12.
Her family said she was
a devout Christian and
loved the Lord. Her hob-
bies included crocheting
and quilting by hand. She
had just completed a king-
size quilt that took her
seven years to make. She
enjoyed cooking, canning
and being outside. Once a
week, she and her daugh-
ter would go to the casino
and spend their allotted
$20 on keno -- no more, no
less. It was there that she
enjoyed watching people.
She read her Bible daily.
She is survived by
daughters Donna Mathews
(George) of Shelton,
Peggy Ellingson of Ho-
quiam, Phyllis Nicalaysen
(James) of Pasco, Brenda
Rios of Arizona and Am-
ber Taylor of Mississippi;
sons Stanley Woodward
Jr. of California, Robert
Woodward of Washington
and Richard Woodward
of California; sister Faye
Decan of California; and
numerous grandchildren,
nieces, nephews and cous-
She was preceded in
death by her husbands;
sister Betty; brother Al-
bert; and children Leslie,
Linda, Christine and Al-
A service is scheduled
for 2 p.m. on Dec. 28 at
Shelton Memorial Park.
In lieu of flowers, dona-
tions can be made to the
homeless or hungry.
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Online condolences can
be sent to the family at
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Max Schmidt Jr.
Max Schmidt Jr. died on
Friday, December 14, 2012
in Shelton, WA. He was 92
and a lifetime resident of
Max was born on May 16,
1920 to Max and Pearl (Wyatt)
Schmidt Sr. He graduated
from Irene S. Reed High School
in 1937 and attended Stanford in
1938. In 1949 he graduated from the
University of Washington School of Forestry.
Max served in WWII as a captain in the US Army 291 st
Combat Engineers. He was in the Battle of Bulge and was
wounded building the bridge over the Remagen River in
On June 28, 1946 he married Louise Berry in Shelton, WA.
Max was employed by Simpson Timber Company as a
log bucker, forester, logging manager, and Washington
Timberlands Manager from 1946 to 1984. He was a member
of the Bayshore Golf Club, Shelton United Methodist
Church, Toastmasters, Washington Forest Protection
Agency (WFPA) and was President of the Olympic Logging
He was preceded in death by his wife, Louise Schmidt and
his brother, Todd Schmidt. Max is survived by his sons,
Clay Schmidt (Janis) of Gig Harbor, WA and Mark Schmidt
(Sheila) of Shelton, WA; daughter, Marlene Bacon (Larry)
of Shelton, WA; six grandchildren, ten great grandchildren,
two nephews and four nieces.
Memorial donations may be sent to Shelton United
Methodist Church, 1900 King Street, Shelton, WA 98584.
A memorial service will be held at Shelton United Methodist
Church on Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 2:00 pm. McComb
Funeral Home is honored to serve this family.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012 - Page B-5