December 27, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Harstine uled three speakers for17. Presentations are
2013. The speakers willco-sponsored with the
Continued from page B-1 be poet Michael Schein Humanities Washington
on Jan 27; geologist Da- Speakers Bureau and the
very fun day. vid Williams on Feb. 24Harstine Island Commu-
Looks like Inquir- and writer and historian nity Club. Admission is
ing Minds has sched- Janet Oakley on March free.
Continued from page B-1
Amaranth donated $100, paramedics do-
nated $90, the Shelton Lions Club gave
$21, the Sons and Daughters of Mason
County Pioneers donated $200 and the
Mason County Auxiliary No. 1694 VFW
contributed $50.
Jack and Janice Deiglmeir contributed
$50, Brad and Rita Lyman gave $100 and
Richard Bidwell and Judith Brumley-
Bidwell donated $50.
George Kaszycki donated $100, Orville
and Kay Thykeson donated $100, the Nor-
vold-Aho Family gave $100 and the Bruce
Wilson family donated $500.
"Bruce" donated $25, another anony-
mous donor gave $60, Terry and Tena at
Simpson gave $30 and the St. Edwards
Altar Society donated $200.
The Fawn Lake Ladies Club donated
$50, Gary and Donna Wolden donated
$100 and Bill and Terry Shaw gave $100.
An anonymous donor gave $500 in
memory of Solveig and Richard Johans-
son, Joan Benjamin and Kristin Strong
donated $50 and Mason County School
Retirees gave $100.
Bill Valley is
running the
2013 Forest
Contest. He
students to be
creative and
work with
their art
teachers to
design the best
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
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Button "With this theme, En-
chanted Forest, if they can
Continued frompage B-1 keep within the small con-
fines, they can do a nice de-
They can be turned in at sign," Valley said. "But if
the Shelton-Mason County they go outside of the box
Chamber of Commerce at and really come up with
215 W. Railroad Ave. in some fine ideas, that would
Shelton. be great."
The prize for the win- Valley advised students
ning entry is $100. The to work with their art
winner's design will be teachers to come up with
on the official 2013 but- new designs.
ton. "The art teachers are
First, second and third their source for lots of
prizes will also be avail- ideas," he said.
able in three categories From participating as a
-- kindergarten through teen in the first festivals to
fifth grade, sixth grade helping organize the most
through eighth grade, and recent event, Valley said
ninth grade through 12th he believes the festival is
grade - and amount to important for the people of
$75 for first place, $50 for Mason County.
second place, and $25 for "It exposes the children
third, of Mason County to a great
The best entries will heritage," he said. "I think
creatively illustrate this they get a good experience
year's theme, out of it."
Potato cake
heated to 375 d~ for 30
~utes. Cool 10 minutes in
pans, and turn into racks to
2 cups sugar
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup milk
2 cups flour
1 tsp each, cinnamon,
nutmeg, allspice
1/4 tsp cloves
2 powder
1 tsp salt
Seven-minute fro~
spoons sugar
2 Tbsp light corn syrup
dash salt
1/4 tsp cream of~..
7 Tbsp water
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup sweet cocoa
1 cup ground walnuts Stir together
ents in top of double boiler
until well blended. Place
With mixer, cream mar- top of double boiler: ver
garine and sugar, add po- water.
adding milk and flour mix-
except walnuts). Add wal- and beat
nuts. Pour into two greased, cooled cake.
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012