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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i. 3 i l l ‘i ‘I I Seatil . . ,, « _. . , , . 9 Thursday. Shagg'cer Mrs Tina , . . A". - c «D- Q‘ : ‘ h‘ S we we SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL lfloodspoii smiin lPinJg psfor Vises panv offered a pint or ice cream 1 Published every Thursday morning in Memphis, Tenn, a dairy com~ ll :’ ,1x-it,.‘ 5' [o'- '5 ' ..§.“.. for eVery four-ledwd clover brought ICES ‘ 7‘ a: . v ' M the 5000 ll id i~A if“ - A l 1' " - ' MOUNT ‘ m‘ in.” n were CO H e Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers Association ’3 Ima Members of the seatliewirst .5 . the 35? day. \ and National Editorial Association Hoodspci'l, Dee. 26~Eolh the , National Bank staff on military , i. H” l. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Shelton. Washington monimg and evenmg Christmas I have are due for a gut-prise this I V. g I Love Meaning Nothing ‘ ”" "’ " """”' ’ programs at the H 00 dsp or: lCin'istmas ——when they open a. ' ' Morning Vi The origin of the term love mean- GRANT c. ANl'iLE. Editor J. EBER ANGLE, Manager gmrch were "well attended. _At Elf; package fmr? sh? bank and Sundz ~ - te ' '5 thou ht to ‘ s. -. ‘-_ .|. 1w .. _e morning service the adult] in a. picture 0 why one or H : . Phone 3132:;ng gluchngiis'o;pressigon as “fit—.122- : Ne gadllen’ Nghu,figmm_&#___mtj choir- gave us some Very nice i Joe or wife Mary smiling up from Junior W .. . i . singing. The evening program i a billfold. 'lie ldez. ins been . ‘ to may for money or for love' bubscmpuon Rates' consisted mainly of carol singing planned as a. surprise and a.‘ and thlrd ‘ $2.50 per year in advance; months 51.50; outside Mason County $2.75. by the whole group, a pantomime ‘ thoughtful way of wishing Merry ,Senior Le: Canada and Foi‘elgn $3.50; Special Service Men's Rate $1.50 per year and poems and songs by the Christmas to a total of 227 staff day evenii ‘ I , " ‘ youngstei [members now serving in the arm- , “31,3 cm. SHELTON HOLIDAY TRADE GOOD 1 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ellison ed forces, ell-meeting the PhOtO‘i meet each v . of Mlssoula, Mom... Mr. and Mia. , gra lls for fins purpose has occu- . ' . . . Oren Ellison, Mrs. Eva. Simmons iPie three months; Lutheran . . . . TthOhday tragic .111 Shelton was Very gOOd thls year, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl were! Seattle-First N atio-n s] cm- K 7 p.m. considering the hmit in scope and variety of goods for visitors at the home of Mr. and lployees pu‘blisl,1 a bi—monthlyliouse Pastor in gift-giving, and apparently there was plenty of cash in fig: 03“ 31‘ Am all!“an “19 hoh‘ igggfiiffiafigePlggemfxigfgegog:l , I y morning hand for. llberal buying’ 5.0 that everybde was falf'ly Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson and cerning’the activities and where-i ALL aboard £01. 1945' Lets g_0' Legs g0 Christian: went satisfied at the showmg. In most lines the buying family spent the Christmas week abouts of their fellow workers. . forward on the road to Chel‘lShEd ideals 1-6, Arthi; went to durable and useful goods in the better classes, Eggnwilh Mm- Nelson‘s Parents 0“ In telling of this year's gift,‘ and coveted goalsflfarther than ever be- Rev, 3. c, ' ' . a. L Wi'cnce M. Arnold. chairman,, , , m‘dldbitweenfilldthe 3109311 .Sttores “£05; 35 .the hghdal kcaul Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dickinson “filmed out; "We are Very proud: fore. Forward along the road to happi- CO“ ‘9 supp 19 i an W a may 9 e 15 goo Stoc to went to Seattle on Saturday tOIOf our employees serving their ness! carry on for the coming year wherc‘continuing shortage is the prospect. In fact, most 'folks got through Christ- mas very nicely, and without shortage and goingVWith- out; little cause for complaint. v visit their daughter, Mrs. Doris ' country, and many of whom are Barkley and family, Cami and .now overseas, as indicated by the . Robert Saile returned with themimamng instructions Letters we‘ tO' Spend a couple 0f weekS- ireceive from these staff members ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Berger indicate a fine, healthy state of, had as Christmas dinner guesmi 1mind and a desire to return home - MTS- Berger’s Parents 01' Grape“ and take up their work where] View. they left off.” I Mr. and. Mrs. Art Ijlez‘lth. 0f There are six gold stars in the VaShOH Spent Christmas In HOOdS' I bank‘s service flag, and two have port with 'Mrs. Heath’s Imother, been reported missing; Mrs. M. J. Kilby. Mr. and Mrs. Heath; Mrs. Kilby, Mr. and Mrs. We cannot see what’s beyond the bend of the road, or .over the crest of the hill, but We ardently hope that it’s something mighty good—FOR YOU! Slang Terms Slang terms every one uses now in England are. “a lot of s‘lap" means a lot of excitementj‘to boob it,” means to do something inefficient~ 1y; “Get cracking” means get go- Vote Trickery Thwarted While supervising national elec- ‘ tions in Nicaragua, the U. S. ma- rines asked each native to dip his finger in mercurochrome, so that Cliff Wivell’s-Texaco Service I ‘5‘ Vi hill bye. TEL—3624 OR WRITE—926 Cogean Ave. Bremerton walvdwd’fi‘fifiiflfszd .. 5&2. .. 44¢. . g llOllEllER SEMS‘WOD-BYE" The Sonotone Consul-taut, who is not a salesmaii, but a TRAINED TECHNICAL SPECIALIST, of- : fcrs a hearing service which gives you healing the rest of YOUR LIFE. He is one of the biggest geasons why more than half the hearing aidsin use in America today are Sonotones. He devotes his life to giving hearing happiness to peoplewith im- . paired hearing. When a Sonotone is INDIVIDU AL- LY FITTED, the Consultant’s job has just begun. He offers a complete hearing service forever and be is LITERALLY the man who never says good- «SONoloNE AskuFor-Free-Test-At-Your-Home Monthly Hearing Center—Shelton Hotel— January 12 .uwwcasuWWJWWJ detection of “repeaters.” ing. l l the tell-tale stain would aid in the 2“ \ l l l l w\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m ll \ s, onis - TAXES-MARKETS-BUSINESS imam/{l .ahd/aoc As the year 1944 draws to a close we again salute our men on the fighting fronts. Your successes on the far flung battle fronts tell us of the job you are doing. We sincerely hope that the coming year will be the one in which you will plant our battle flags in Berlin and Tokyo. We salute our employees for their part in the production of critical war material. Let us continue to buy the bonds and produce the woods to speed the day of victory. We salute the general public for your great contribution to the war effort and to the future of the wood products in- dustry through your growing forest-fire consciousness. Our state again benefited from 'one of the best forest fire sea- sons on record. Let us maintain and improve this record during 1945 and years to come, thus insuring future pay— rolls and permanent communities. ' V ' camp» .. . l ~~5HELLTON AND: MCCLEAJIXP W-ASHINGIO‘N NATIONAL DISTlLlEllS PRODUCTS CORP" N. Y. - BWRBOI "H'SKEYF‘ BLEND 86.8 Prooi‘ on GRAIN NEUIRAL SPIRITS 1///////////////////ll/III/Illl I M In Ill Ill lllll\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\NW\W\3\§N§ byway/manilqu i .,Mrs. T. B. Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Dickinson and three daugh- ters Were Christmas dinner guests oers. Katie Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Lavender of Bi'emerton, Were recent visi-i tors of Mr. and Mrs. J. H: Nance. I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Palmer and I daughters Martha and Judy spenti Christmas with Mr. Palmer’s par- ents in Dungers. ' :Mr. and Mrs. Matt Keare and «Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beardon Were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. MauriceKaare and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Johnson and family were Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. May Johnson. The Iii-Neighbor's Club met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Art Hunt. All the members enjoyed listening to Mrs. Osmun telling about Colorado. ’ ' Mr. and Mrs. H. McClanahan and Joanne Went to .Seattle on Friday ‘to spend Christmas with their daughter Lillian and her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Asleson spent the Christmas week endl visiting Mrs. Asleson’s parents in; Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard! Par-rott and Mrs. Rea Strand- wold, Mrs. children, spent the week end with g l Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berry of Mat- lock. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Addle- man and son Roger went to Vail to visit Mr. and Mrs. Orin Addle- man on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Good- paster and son Billy spent Christ- mas with Mrs. Goodpaster’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Parker, in Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald had as Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gibson and daughters Shir- g ley and Margery of Shelton. : Mr. and Mrs. Will Lunt spent the week end with their son Ger- ald and family in Centralia. Mrs. T. B. Smith. Mrs. Marie Wood and William .Hilligoss were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilligoss. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vail had as Christmas dinner guests, Betty Vail of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClean of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman, of Ci-eston, Iowa, returned to their home after visiting two Weeks with Mrs. Katie Abbey and Mrs. M. J. Kilby, sisters of Mrs. Huff- man. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Gifford had as Tuesday evening dinner guests,» Smith, Mrs. Marie Wood and’Mi'. and Mrs.’ Will Lunt. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ayers, S12, Were Sgt. and Mrs. Ralph (Rolly) Hill and son, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers, Jr., and sons Arthur and Char- les and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill, Orpha; and Ernest. . Mr. and Mrs. Lew Millard and Russell-Simpson spent Christmas visiting-in McCleary. The Rev, McDonald has pur- chased the' ‘Hoodsport Hotel. Wishing you Happy New Year I l In so many joyful ’7 . m M ‘ ’ ma 3, . PflEscmflmN “an” The year 1944 will soon be history. One that fills your _ hedvt with gladness Through 'a year of happy days. ' Shelton, Wash . .. ,A. Qloison No Kisses Given Under Mistletoe - If customers at‘the City Market , [found themselves short or over in ‘ their meal: Weight during the hol- iday rush, it could be blamed on a piece of mistletoe hanging! from the ceiling directly'in front of the grocery counter. , ‘ With the two meat clerks, Hugh Wilson and Leonard Westlund, both bachelors, shyly watching the ebb and flow of customers, most of them ladies, standing for a time under the mistletoe. un- aware that they were candidates 'for that ancient custom of kiss- ing, any clerical errors in "the meat department may be well un- derstood. ' Customers, every variety of feminine ones, with blonde, red, dark and streaked hair came. made their purchases under the mistletoe and departed. Not one received the kiss that is consid- ered appropriate when standing under the mistletoe at Christmas time. Nor did any of the male cus- I tomers indulge ,in the ancient cus- tom, although the mistletoe was called to their attention. “What’s the matter?” demand- ed one young lady customer, when Don Matthews and 2 it was pointed out to her that_ she had stood under the mistle- toe for 15 minutes Without even an offer of a kiss. “Are Shelton men shy. or aren’t We ladies kiss- ogenic?" New Plan For Pilot Rescues Announcement of a joint Ar- my‘Navy plan for expediting em- ergency rescue of pilots and other air crew members involved in both off-shore and land-Ward air— plane crashes in Washington, Ore- gon, California and Nevada, was made by the Fourth Air Force and Western Sea Frontier this week. In Washington and Oregon the “nerve center" of the program is the Fourth Air- Forces' Seattle Control Group; formerly the Seat- tle Fighter Wing. Tying into the Control Group are all Navy and Coast Guard installa- tions and those ciyilian agencies such as the Federal and State For- est Services, the National Park Service, capable of aiding in res- cue operations. The system has been organized to function as follows: . When a person sees. an air- plane crash he should promptly telephone .the sheriff’s office or i . local police department, describ- . ing briefly the time and location of the aCcident. The law enforce- ment agency will forward this report to the Washington State Patz‘ol, who simultaneously will relay the information to the Seat- tle Control ,Grou and send local aid to the acmdent scene. The Seattle Control Group will then coordinate rescue activities with any or all agencies qualified to render assistance. o H ‘ .WHOOOL. as some You TAKE You? 0559 FAT TO THE SUTCHER - It Is our policy to mainttin a complete supply of lab rotary-{rub drugs or all times. l Army, 9 14' mum-I ' ‘ , "dude" “9‘1” minculolll To all of our friends, both‘ new ‘ ' / K "' ‘~ ' " ‘3’} ‘ “ Sulphtdmsswhich-reavail- and old, we extend most cordial New 3 ' . . d . ‘5' " i ‘ - E. Carlson Shoe Shop Mh'Pmcfi'r‘mb' year wmhes‘ LOGGING"COMPANY '°““"""“‘“ 5 L . I. Proppls..- _. ' Drug Slim 2. IT IS INDEED A PLEASURE Right now, On the eve of New Year’s, when 1945 is ready to make its bow, it is indeed a pleasure to extend hearty greetings and good wishes to the people of this community. We are at your service—always. Carlon 8: Starr Taxi Service Groceries, Meats, Gas and Oil 1 Rising a ‘lamor o ' lebratil lint fact: " ’8 TH] AME _Within t ldest in] Way we limited 1 that’s th‘ ' ’ e alway Hap; Fem HIEI The r THEVCHINESE pay off all debts on their New’ Year’s Day, even though the wherewithal f must be borrowed at ruinous interest rates. We owe a debt of gratitude to the people of this town-we debt that we can only pay off by giving the finest values and service it is possible to give. This we pledge to do in M 1945. And for the immediate present—a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours. Olympia Feed’Co, We are happy to say that we form- ed many new friendships during this eventful year, and strengthened many old ones. .f,’ /" __ , . .Shafefls Bakery ._ I