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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ursday, December 28, 1944. W. L . . L ‘I I Seat le ‘ I _sHELT0N-MASON COW_JOURNAL Page 3 —»———— IBetty Jean Linscott “ .’—,‘,- as i r ‘6: 1 Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson of De- Mrs. Tina Landers and Mr. and . John Smyth of Seattle spent .6 Christmas holidays in Shelton IChristmas Formal ‘Put on at U.S.O. One of the largest and pret- U.S.O. HoStesses Engaged to R. S. Rains Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott an- watto are parents of a baby boy born at the Bremerton hospital Itiest dances sponsored at the U. Hostess Organizations for nounce the engagement of their December 18. Hi (V6 ‘ SOC _ , th Dr‘ and Mr“ Glen“ SEEMS I 8-0. was staged last Wednesday. this week: Idaughter Betty Jean to Robert s. I IThc hall was completely decorated -~ Rains, SMl/c, in the U. S. Navy, I MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN ithroughmlt with evergreens and LILLIAN WARREN. Society Editor eHONE 1m ' 50“ of Mr- and Ml‘s- Ca“ Rams .-. CHURCH Isnow covered trees. Beside the ~ ’ Dec. 31—Capitol Hill Club .of Shelton. The happy couple, Who . , .' fireplace was a miniature church Miss Jeanne Aslibaugli Shelton Boy \Veds Jan_1__O.E.s_ Iare both graduates of the Irene Hllicrest, Shel-.on Igbout six feet high and behind Weds Fred Archer San Diego Girl Jan_2_AmeI-ican Legion Auxi- 5, Reed high school in Shelton, Morning worship Sundays 11;00 Ithe piano was a gay Christmas Miss Jeanne Ashbaugh, daugh- Miss Carmen Francis L. Ville- nary Iplan to be married in the early 0 -' 'a.m. Sunday School, Bible Class Iplcture. Blue and white streamers ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ash- lla, Natural City, Calif., and Fire- Jan; 3_Navy Mother's Club ,spring. Robert is stationed tem- 9;45_ 'and stars completed the arrange- baugh became the bride of Fred man First Class Jack Nelson Jan_4_.Ang1eside Bridge Club iporarily in San Pedro, Calif. rfiatigféléufiguégi Junior Walther League first and third Mondays, 7:30 p.m. ' Senior League every other Sun— day evening, 7:30 p.m. Glen’s Club and Ladies Society meet each month. flLutheran Hour, KVI, Sunday, 7 p.m. ments. Lucille Kullrich made a huge wreath to hang over the fireplace. Acting as Santa Claus, Mr. Torgleson presented gifts to ev- eryone. Jim Needham, accompan-' led by Mrs. John L. Dotson, sang' Christmas carols. Mrs. Dotsoni also played for the community singing. I Archer, A.O.M. 2/0 U. S. Navy,‘ Tuesday evening, December 5. The ceremony was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Archer, the groom’s parents, at Baldwin Park. Calif. Reverend W. M. Heath perform- ed the ceremony at 8 o’clock be- fore close relatives and friends. The couple repeated their vows Griggs, of Shelton, were. united in marriage Saturday evening, December 23, at the Mount Oliver Lutheran Church. Reverend R. C. Muhly performed the double ring ceremony at 6:30 o’clock. The bride was dressed. in a beige gabardine tailored suit with black accessories. Pink rose- Ibuds formed her corsage. Heron— Jan. 5—V.F.W. Auxiliary Jan. 6—Tuesday Reviewers Jan. 7—Jessie Clinton, chair- man Jan. 8—Garden Club Jan. 9—Eagle’s Auxiliary Jan. 10—‘Lincoln P.-T.A. Christmas Program Given Sunday Eve I Baptist Ladies Report Wednesday Meeting , The ladies of the Baptist Church held a regular meeting last Wednesday in the church par- lors. A 1 o’clock dessert was served from a table cleverly decorated in the Christmas mo- iuncheon up each nostril helps open nasal pas- sages—makes breathing easier—when your head fills up with stuffy transient congestion! Va-tr'o-nol gives grandre- lief, too, from sniiliy, sneezy distress of head colds. Follow directions in folder. VICKS VA-‘I'IlO-IIOI. . ,before a fan shaped arrangement 1 ' 1 5 I; 1th . I - Members of the P.E.O. were the . i I y Jewe ry Were earrIngS e w The ChrlStma-S Program Pre' tlf- glasm? mfgumfil Oflegg eaCh senior hostesses and served deli_10f 11115.5 and llghted candles- Red blue sapphires, a gift from the sented at the Baptist Church on Mrs. Mable Goodwin was in . . ornmg 8 1 ’ p one ' cious refreshments at individual 0211132313115 lemdlegergreens :0m— groom' Slmday night to 3- PaCked house Charge 0f the, mlsslonary Pm' , We Send g0 Christian Parish School. grades tables. Miss Helen Mae Hatcher p Eff, brim ($21.8 gasézfierifl'ack Mrs. Georgia Evans, the form- was Well reviewed. gram after Wthh Mrs- ’HOYVVd N Y G t- eals 1-6, Arthur Zehe, Rt. 3. was in charge of the affair. suit (Chess with a watermelon red or Georgia Griggs, was maItron A pageant representing. a scene E4111; sang “Hog ll‘glgh't,’ FYiViardi 6W ear 1‘68 ings - Winners of the phone calls d0- . ‘of honor. She wore a. go den on a on street th ' ht before .a 0n 53118“ " 60 m an . be‘ Rev' R‘ Cbguhlyéégngearbom' mated by the American Legion, igfie‘hgercgfsc: 5:013:55 weégd‘enrllgg Ibrown tailored suit with dark Christmg’s was mfttgf by Mrs. little Pfiltsy Maison gave "In A. All Of our beSt “7131135 ppi- one the American Legion AuxiliaryIMra Juanita goody mg gromrfi brown accessories and dark red Ivyl Daniels, Mrs Amy Burnett Manger-' t_ I and all of our best ef- and the V.F.W. were Laymond . sister was the bride; only attend_, roses formed her corsage. Iassisted Mrs_ Daniels in drilling Befoziietthe close edit theftme: mg I f .11 be ith ou . Weddle~ Andy Anderson and Har- ant. She also were a black suit Archie Kidd was best man. ithe boys and girls. At the close the w 1 e dwragp t 451 (fixes or 3 W1 W y ry DeGraw. I Only guests at the wedding were of the street scene the street ur- were opene ' A on mem erg in the New Year as they d and black accessories. . . . . . were in attendance 3911 Mr and Mrs 'Qcott Lee Alice Archer, accompanied members of the immedgite fami- iglfilinstwere inVited to attend the ' were in the old You can hill E ,t . Fr: ‘a at the piano by her sister, Lou lies and intimate frien s. of he ris mas program being pre- From Canada i ’ Iii/i? Mfiinwinsmn Scott en- Ellen Archer. sang the nuptial brlde and gmom' A Weddmg dm' sented at the».°h“.mh: The “Cth Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Needham, count upon us to ,do our “mg .‘ ' - ‘ ner was served at the home of accepted the inVitation and then - t t d t th h Ch - musw. Both are Sisters of the of New Westminister, B. c. are er mm: a eir ome rist i t Mr f 11 y d th . . . utmost to deserve your the grooms paren s, . and 0 one e program which con mas eve for the” AngleSIde $2913. th t th Mrs H H Heinold at o’clock sisted of songs musical numbers Spendmg the hondays MthNtheér t‘ d f dence friends. 0 owing e recep ion 6 ' - . r son and daughter, James ee -= con inue con 1 Mr. and Mrs Louis Van Ars_ couple left for ElMonte where After a. 20-day leave the groom end, reeltatlons frfom the Prlmawn ham and Mrs. Harland Jordan and d 1945 i , dale and Chief and Mrs. Keith they spent their honeymoon. will return to his ship, in the lumortv intermedlate and 591110? families. They plan to be here u mg ' flee Strom were their dinner guests The groom was formerly sta- meantime they will be at the depar ments 0f the sunday about two weeks. ' Christmas evening tioned at the Shelton N.A.A.S. Heinold home. fail/€0,1- k S Fm- m Mason County Steam , M - and just completed one year’s ov— — 1'5- ran wanson. aSSiSted m 93 l , Hamignelffg Jay iuggéfifmhafg erseas duty in the Atlantic. He Miss Benetta James Iby Mrs. Mable Goodwin were in Charles Malm 0t: SeattIe Spent Laundry. & Dry I G I G S and Louise and Miss H619}, Pot», left the 14th to report back to Announces Engagement .charge of the primary and Mrs. the Christmas hOIIdEYS 1n Shel" Cleaners I W of Seattle spent the day here the East coast for duty. Mrs. Employees at Shelton Branch gonas. Chase presided at the pia- ton With Mr- and Mrs. Donovan I and __ ': Archer, graduate from the Shel- Seattle-First Natioiial Bank neld Inc. The committee on decorations Palmer- i B E tori high school with the class of their annual Christmas party on Idid a splendid job which added I I'44 will make her home in Shelton Wednesday evening at the Cam- Ithe Christmas touch to the pro- January is the Open gate WIS H G R A H A M with her parents while her hus- eron Hotel with Miss Pauline Van Igram. Aftez' thfi prageant a treat f th a All 6 band is at sea. Liew as hostess. was given 0 a. c ildren present. 0 e ye r. aroun I A surprise feature of the eve-I i l, I , ,Gra view Women’s 01 THEATRE mafia“? mgznced gang: 6 1:111; taggofiilscgnggfetg JEnjg; Christmas Partyub I m: lifidscal’edls (Tat? Mr. and Mrs. Harland Jordan . Members of the Grapeview Wo- an 8 W111 S W 15 e Iannounce the engagement of their giggg’ ogaggfiga 0:0 nég'rgE‘Af: I men’s Club enjoyed a. Christmas I bleakly 'Rising above the din and ThUI‘Sday Friday Sat- €3u§§lgleeg gfsiagggggayfiiggfg thur Flem’ E'M' 2/0'1 U‘S‘delson ifélhgxiegisiI/ig’. igeifl‘fifif i , Ithe youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. 01.5 Mrs‘ N‘ F' Elem 5‘ so 0 d ym' ‘man on Stretch Island. I But there’s plenty of Inlamor 0f the New Years “ n W. M. Dawson of Beloit Wisc. pla’ Who, has Jug-t retume fro-ml Those present incl d d M C I . I b t. . th.S triumph CONSPIRATORS l The wedding will be field Janw two years duty in S. W. PaCific. D Bush o Edger: B. I cheer Indoors. A Jolly 7' e “1 101115 1 ' w‘th Iar 27 in the Method‘st Ch r h3 The evening was spent pop- ' ’ ' ' ' . i iint fact: Hedy Lamalrr and Paul ‘atyShelton With the Relverendugr- Ping. com’ Singing; If“? 31mg: bittirbi‘t‘éf: I young gueSt ls due to Henried Igihlllllclrng ngmsg , Episcopal {gadggojt gféleiefe eé‘xchgngeg son, Mrs. w. E. Reeves, Mrs. w. I arrive on New Year’s , i , 1 1a in . u. _ ’5 THE TRADITIONAL y B___. Ianii regesgmentswsegvid.A can Egoggg’ 123500: I eve, and we’re going to O.E.S. Social Club n a en ance 8' ‘» ' ' ' I . . AMERICAN WAY Sunday Monday - Tuesday iSlates Coming Meeting ,son, Carl Quarnstrom, W. H. An- IWrI-iselré ggggfifis gigs? BarEfi' I glVe hlm a royal W61- ‘derson, Mervin Wingard, MissI ' rge 0‘ .rs' I 0 LIFE The O.E.S. Soc1al Club has Eckert Mrs Pa nton and M c F u N postponed its meetin for one Nellie Nelson, Mrs. Amy Burnett, B k ‘ y . 13* I come- GREE WICH , 8‘ IM. M . . D ffnba h M.S ar er, furnished recordings by , , week. They Will meet Tuesday, ‘55 “Jone 1 “g 1 S Ronald 001mm 8 - _ , E f h VILLAGE” ‘ lBenetta James Mrs W T Fur- nd cast 0f Dwk 1th1n the memory 0 t e January 9 at the home of Mrs.l ’ - ' - en's “Christmas Carolsy Every_ oldest inhabitant that’s the with ‘AM “OK” at 1 P” It will be I o’Efiegf’éfii ffiimfiog‘gsssi Bertha °ne enjmd them- appy W n - - a 111110116011 meeting- ' Each member fou d 'ft ' s, Vivxan Blame and Don _.. . n a 5’1 Our Sincere thanks for your Everybody! Wa alwa s cele- Ameclw . Iwaiting for her under Mrs. Hill- . .w, b y We W Y, F’I‘I’I’gsg-fiéghne and Helen Land_ . gggggmsl‘fi’éggiafihoms Iman't: Christmas tree. Refresh- patronage which has been nd rated New Year 5’ and ers will leave January 1 for An excellent crowd attended I filfifinmwgzz figisfiadusgy firs" deeply appreciated and our .And loads of good luck to that’s the way please God Wednesday Only Washington State College after the presentation, of Handel’s I Eckert and Mrs 'Strauorg' ors' _ to you in 1945 _ ’ _ ’ spending. the. Christmas holidays . “Christmas Messiah" last Tues- j ed. ' P “1" very best Wishes for the com- . I ' W 9 “War W1“ celebrate “3- “VOICE IN THE anagram Dr- discussant“ WI meeting next month win no year. I 3' WIND” I ~~ m-w‘w The vested mixed chorus of 30 Igingtoghgarfifge 2°; Mrs' 050” .th voices gave a fine performance of I y ' I W1 this outstanding oratorio and each on Canal , I . Sigurd Gum and Francis 0 - soloist . gave an excellent inter- Major B. A, Mead and wife and ' I ‘Happy ew yea? v : Lederer C0- Pretation 01;“ their number- Lynn I daughter of Tacoma and Harold I To You, Sherwood directed the group and Mead and children were guests of e GROCERY > . , HOODSPORT MYS- NQI‘ma SPrmg was the 30‘ IMr. and Mrs. W. S. Heckman at Virgil Smith Don Remsberg I ‘ F6110“? Amendm- Thursday Friday - Sat, companlSt- ' .Christmas. Major Mead is just I ' . Mrs. O. M. Husebys story ofIback frOm 1% years in the Eu_ ‘ Plumbing and Heating the Messiah and piano interpreta— ropean theatre. I tion of Handel’s Largo was great- ly enjoyed. Pictures of the chorus were. taken by Dale Palmer and a de-i lightful social hour followed in' the social hall. The main table was beautiful with a clever ar— Irangement of pine boughs and holly centered with a silver can-i delabra of three tiers and flanked . with a. lower candle on either - , lside. The president, Mrs. Bern- :C hard Winiecki, presided at the urn and Mrs. John L. Dotson, ’past president, presided at the cake service. Mrs. Donovan Palmer was gen- eral chairman of refreshments; Mrs. Caroline Lentz, decoration; Mrs. Bernice Stewart, robes, and Miss Burreight and Mrs. Stan- sell of the school staff were in Icharge of the programs. Mrs. Winiecki wishes to thank both the public and members of the chorus for the fine response and interest shown in the pre-I sentation of the Christmas Can-I tata. W.C.’lii.U. Slates ' Friday Meeting The Shelton Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will hold its. Iregular monthly meeting on Fri- day, January 5 at the home of :Mrs. W. M. Elliott beginning with a 1 o’clock potluck luncheon. I I Mrs. Lewis Wiley will led the [devotions and Mrs. Elliott will, - have charge of the program.I “SWEET AND LOW DOWN” with Lynn Barri and Linda Dar- nell, June flavor and Jack » Oakie HIENIES CAFE Deming Pumps The Ashbaughs PHONES Hoodsport 17 Shelton 350W NEW Y'EA‘I‘L ,_ 512561»! 65 WOMEN’S COATS Fashionable styles, warm and cheer- ful, lined and interlined. Brown, Black As the old year ends, we pause to thank you, sincerely, I for your confidence and cooperation during 1944. We hope you have as much pleasure in dealing with our bank as we have had in serving you. and bright colors in ChesterfieldS, box and fitted coats. A few remaining at these prices. $15 $19 $25 PRICED fronA (IIIIIIVIIP Dress Shoes In black or brown. Ador- able black patent pumps, 1945 lies ahead; For the New Year, we resolve to con- tinue our policy of providing helpful financial services geared to your needs. We pledge ourselves to be constantly on the alert for new and better ways to serve. I IThere will be important business fitransacted. All interested women; Iare cordially invited to attend. WWEN’S SUITS The officers and employees of this bank join in wish- ing you happiness throughout the coming year. BUY MORE WAR BONDS IN 1945 17 pairs only I SHELTON, WASHINGTON 100% all—wool Tailored 01‘ ~ "1 dressy styles- ' Rationed WELCOMES YOU , I . SERVICES . I Priced at Sunday ........................ __ 11 3.111. ‘. Wednesday . . . . . . ,_ 8 p. m. , I ~ Sunday School ........ 9:45 a. m. Reading Room at the Church I 302 Alder Street Open Monday thru Friday 12:00 to 4 p. in. Tuesday Evening Member Federal Depodt Insurance Corporation Works of Art ._ an... ..&.ntmmnm&ahn«h&. .. 9.3....» I cry. , 7:00 to 9:00 I “1’ Fine ‘ ' wefiédii 3’2?“ SHELTON BRANCH this , . Half ,Slze ’ ' I Shelton, Washington Stationery Flour Sacks Girls Coats 3‘ I “""I'E'F'm , ‘ “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" , I new I? REDUCED ' mum and P0X Goat S‘X‘es- a- I New Last Chance‘ Lmed and mterhne‘i- Slzes Iailable at all times at the ‘ -s an 4 “344' Church or on request by mail. Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist 50"" $5.00 $63-00 M/.«'. 1‘ I” A. J»... 49c Limith Quantity