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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DANCE Saturday, Dec. 30 DAYTON 1151.1. 7% Miles out on Matlock Road Sunday, Dec. 31 DAYTON HALL M usic by McDonald’s Rhythm Aces Dancing 3:30 to '2 H. McDonald’s Rhythm Aces Admission 60¢ Tax Included Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 YOUR BEST YEAR When all is said and done the eternal quest of human beings is for happiness. Our wish for you in 1945 is for more happiness—more than you have ever known before, Whether that happiness be gainful occupation or the attain- ment of some long desired goal. Thank you for having remembered us so generously during the past year. Log Cabin Tavern Gerald and Clarice Byrne l l l ing, ] Norma Marr; l l 1 l l I l l l We take this opportunity to extend most cordial New Year greetings and best wishes to our many good friends and patrons. May 19.45 bring joy and happiness to you and yours through- out the year. Shelton Recreation Parlors SEASONS 'A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO'ALL' SHIP AHOY! Here comes our shipload of good Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year i for every man, woman and child in this community. l“ l l" j. :rxfmtmmflra: Jim Public Utility District No. 3/ l I l l i l CIAL EVENTS ‘Bordeaux Christmas Program iPresented Wednesday EVe Operetta, was presented by the ch programs to come. Istanding room only when more I in “The Magi's Gift," a Christmas ildren of Bordeaux grade school Wednesday evening, December 20. The entire student body took; part in the production which was - under the direction of Mrs. Hazel Townsend. She was assisted by Mrs. Mary Pattison in charge of dialogue: dances, Miss Joan Ar- buthnot and Miss Edith Hartzell: stage, Miss Mary Stansell: light- Mr. Richard Hudson; Glee Club, Mrs. Robert Spring: Christ- mas trees, Mr. John Bariekman; programs, Mrs. Wm. Maxwell. Miss Kathryn Klein, and Miss Arbuth’not: costumes. Mrs. Max- well, Miss Esther Johnson, and Miss Klein; and accompanist, Mrs. Earl Jordan. The cast of characters 3 as‘ follows: Watchman. Jerry Lums- den; Mary, Mary Boysen; Ann, Margaret, Betty Walton; Harold, John Boling; Tom, Rodney Miller; 'Elsbeth, Ka- thryn Jordan; Dame, Lavonne Norby; Morely, Wally Lund; Sir Arthur, Bob Eacrett; Jester, Bil- ly Lunsford; Father Christmas, James Durand; St. George, Jack Bradley; Turk, Jerry Lumsden; Fool, Doyle Howard; First Shep- . herd, Eddie Perdue; Second Shep- herd, Danny Austin; Third Shep- herd, Donald Rutledge; First Wise Man, Donald Kimbel; Second Wise Man, David Young; Third Wise Man, Garth Grunert; First Angel, Joyce Demmon; Second Angel, Frances Leebrug; Mary, the Mo- ther of Jesus, Arlene Tidyman. Morris Dancers: Arlene Boots, Susan Hatch, Joyce Newman, Maribeth Perdue, Daphne Siders, Yvonne Tidyman, Barbara Tilley, Dean Angove, Raymond Collins, Warren Gray, Barry Remsberg, Karl Schwark, Gerald Sheldon, Wayne Tidyman, Billy Maxwell. Christmas Trees: Frank Clark, Danny Pershall, Shirley McClaf— lin, George McBride, Marilyn Barbour, Larry Morgan, Russell Morken, Frank Heath, Claudia Barbour, Bernadine Townsend, Arlene Andrews, Daphne Siders, Virginia Hawley. Skaters: Chloe Arbogast, Jim- my Cochran, Denny Davidson, Elaine Ellis, Gayle Fergusen, Carol Geiger, Mickey Goodwin, Buddy Gray, Patty Hunter, Ther- esa Kerns. Carol Singers: Mona Worlitz, Karla Janssen, Jean Sivo, Joyce Price, Ian Ellis, Pauline Hon- stein, Cornelia French, Henry Dean Angels: Linden Everson, Gene Ferwerda, Karolyn Hawley, Pat- ty Hunter, Marilyn Johnson, Mar- jorie McMahon, Carolyn Pierce, Doris Summers, Jack Butler, Betty Dean, Jo'Anne Price, Joann Bradley, Harriet Hansen, Eleanor l Nelsen, Jean Russell, Lila Wor-i litz, Lavonne Norby, Virginia‘ Pierce, Terry Lynn Skelsey, Joyce ‘ Storey, Dell Swearingen, Arlene Tidyman, Nelda McDonald, Mary Ellen Perkins, Phyllis Peters, Au- dre Dickinson. Preceding the operetta the two first grades sang “Away in a Manger” and “Jolly Old St. Ni- cholas,” under the direction of grade, directed by Miss Johnson. sang “Up On a House-top" and “Long, Long Ago.” Between the two acts of the Operetta, the Symphonet Band played a group ' of four numbers, under the direc- tion of Mr. Lynn Sherwood. Under the leadership of Mr. Ri— chard Hudson, principal, the two basements had been combined in- to an auditorium, complete with stage and special lighting. More than 400 parents! were in attend- ance, and their applause express- ed enthusiastic approval of this first ,all-school production, “and the hope of many more similar Lincoln P.-T.A. Xmas Program Successful The Lincoln gym was so crowd- ed with interested parents last Thursday evening there was than 500 students participated in a Christmas program sponsored by the Lincoln P.-T.A. The senior band opened thel program with several enjoyable numbers under Lynn Sherwood’s' direction and a group of students from the fifth and sixth gradesl gave their first performance on! the new instrument, “symphonet” that was introduced in the gradel school this year. I The Christmas story was given pantomime and the many beau- I tiful carols under the direction of Mrs.‘Norma Spring Were most ef- fective. Mrs. Laurence Carlson, presi-i dent of Lincoln Parent-Teacher’s, l | 'Association extended greetings to those present and invited them to visit with Mr. Hudson and the different teachers and become} better acquainted. , Mrs. Cora Kelly was general] chairman. Entertain Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. James Roush, Jr., entertained at their home on, Christmas day for Mr. and Mrs.{ Paul Hurst, Charlene, Mrs. Gene; I 4 Mr. and Mrs. James Roush l Klinger, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.l Preppernau and Morley. i To Montana Anne Simpson left last week for Montana where she will spend the seasonal holidays with her parents and her small daughter, Leslie. 1 Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Richmond of Seattle spent the past week- end with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sut-, ton. Mrs. Richmond and Mr. Sut- ton are sister and brother. General Welfare Club Has Public Xmas Tree The public Christmas tree and program sponsored by the Gen- eral Welfare Club was well at- tended last week. The Winner of the basket was Clarence. T. Sharpe, Star Route 1, Box 16. i l To Seattle ‘1 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Goldschmid‘ and Mrs. Auguste Goldschmid spent Christmas in Seattle with Mrs. Goldschmid’s parents, Mr.-' rand—.Mrs. A. P.-Gallup. ‘ i l Miss Arbuthnot, and the second i Mrs. w. E. Noble’lt Entertains Club Mrs. W. E. Noblett entertained .with a Christmas party for the members of her bridge club last} Thursday eVeang. After of gifts bridge was enjoyed with Ihonors going to Mrs. Lobert Bell, Mrs. Frances Eacrett and Mrs. . Paul Diltman. Other members present were Mrs. James Dunbar; Mrs. L. E. Attwood. Mrs. Jack Gray, Mrs. Winston Scott and the hostess, Mrs. Noblett. Mr. and Mrs. Oppell' Entertain Monday Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oppelt en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Logan of Dashpoint, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Oppelt, Mrs. Elwyn Op- pelt and Miss Nita. Oppelt at their home Christmas day. ’ Their son, Marion Oppelt, who has been serving on Adak with the American Red Cross is home on 18-day leave. Home for Month June McKay is home for a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don McKay. She is attending Stephens College, Mo. Juveniles D. of H. Enjoy Xmas Party The Juveniles of the Degree of Honor enjoyed a Christmas party last Saturday at the Odd Fellow’s Hall. The hall was gaily decked with‘holly for the occasion. Lola Schumacher was initiated and the members exchanged gifts after‘ which refreshments, candy and nuts were enjoyed. The next meeting will be Jan— uary 13. 2 BIG DANCES at the EVERGREEN On the Old Olympia-Tacoma Highway REGULAR DANCE Saturday, Dec. 30 Admission 75¢ (incl. tax) Dancing 9:30 to 2:30 New Years Eve DANCE Sunday, Dec. 31 HATS—HORNS NOISEMAKERS Admission $1 Iplus tax) Dancing 9:30 to 2’7? Free men can hope and plan and achieve—and we Americans are free! As the old year wanes, hope. springs up afresh, and the determination to do better in 1945 than ever before rises buoyantly. That your fondest hopes may be fulfilled during the coming year is the earnest wish of Shelton Garage skinner What’s ahead? That is the unspoken ques- tion in the mind of every thoughtful per- son. We hope for a much lrighter future . . . . look forward to it eagerly. The hand- '..riting is in the sky. Sleyster’s Plait Shop. smroujunsopgcgm JQQRNAL lett, Star Route 1, Box 97, are the 1 Lukes‘ General Hospital, Christmas luncheon and exchange nam. Boy for Wayiatts Mr. .and Mrs. Stanley H. Way- the. parents of son, Randell Sheffer‘. born December 17 at. St Belling- fl M “At Cu was held at, the home 0! ivii'. and . llhruoul the state attended a rim- 'day course in methods of educa, tion. at the University of Wasli= in Seattle last week, sex 3‘61: 7 i State Safiltuiaiang. i Ch S l l " lAttend Health Course : Twentyivvo sanitarians from ‘ y Frances Radth The (Bushman Christmas party , ington 01wan Mink. program ,l\-Irs. Otto Rzldlkfl‘on the night of rm,ng to DY; J. B. cam“. Mbved Up mi S‘mday 'Deceniber The house Was lnmm1 0mm, This 00,1339 we}, The (nympia, Civic Mugm Assn- [tastefully decorated VVlzLIl ever— flqufid .LO assist the; 1063111931111: elation has changed the date of its January program from Thurs- day to Sunday, January 7 at 4" p. m. Christmas Dinner Held in Centralia l Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin, Wil- liam Daniels. Ted Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Daniels, Kay and Barbara, Mrs. Mable Daniels, Mary Louise, Mildred and Donald and Harry DeGraw spent Christ- mas in Centralia. with Mrs. B. F. Neely. Canal Visitor R. Paul Anderson, of Che-welsh, spent three days last week visit- ing his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert P. Anderson, 'on Hood Canal. From Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Lowman. Mrs. William Chatfield and Mrs. Walter Skielvig spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Crop- per and family. They are from Seattle. In Seattle Mrs. F. F. Warren, Mrs. Char- les C.’ Bolen and Mr. and Mrs. George Warren and son of Olym- pia spent Saturday and Sunday in Seattle with Mr. and Mrs. iDwight Peterson. Yule Dinners “At Potlatch by' Elizabeth Horseman , Potlatch, Dec. 26%Mr. and EMrs. Kenneth Simons and little sons spent the Christmas holiday lwith Mrs. Simon's parents, Mr. I, and Mrs. T. Jacobson, at Tillicum. | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michel and 'Kcnny were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reader for Christmas din- ner. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Neil Simmons and children spent their Christmas day at Puyallup with Mrs. Sim- .mon’s parents. | Mr. and Mrs. Westuck went to guburn for the Christmas holi- l 3-3“ Guests at the E. Carlson home for the holidays were Mr. and ers. H. R. Maury from Tacoma. l Little Shirley Kammerer suf- lfered from a severe attack of ‘nosebleed late Christmas day. It [was of several hours duration. i Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hussman,. Elizabeth and Mr. Wickman, ofi Chehalis, spent Christmas day} iwith relatives in Bremerton. l Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Konicksen ;took their little daughter Carol 1 l Ann to the Shelton hospital Sun,- Iday when she suddenly became‘ , quite ill. She was able to be taken [home within a few hours. Potlatch friends regret the de-* parture of the McClosky family 'to Bellingham where \they willl make their home. i On Sunday evening a group of lfriencls surprised Mrs. McClosky ’w1th a party and handkerchief shower. Court Whist provided hil— arious entertainment and a deli- cious lunch was served late in the evening. Those attending were gMesdames Carlson, Reader, Mi- lchel, Kammorer, V. Lockwood, 'Rodgeberg, Morrison, Hussman. Schrimpf, VVurl, Jackson, of Hoodsport, Davies, and the hon- or guest. j Mr. and Mrs. Magnuson and children spent Sunday and Christ- mas eve with Mrs. Magnuson’s parents at Tenino, then went on to Eatonvllle for Christmas day. . Mr. and Mrs. Rodgeberg en- joyed their Christmas holidays with relatives at Everett. Tacoma. guests shared the F. S._ Morrison‘s Christmas dinner, being Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wakefield and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Linnley and their children. Other Potlatch Christmas visi- tors were Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Nellie Esaw, who spent the day vyv‘ith Mr. and Mrs. M. Suchadol- 1. Elizabeth Hussman went to Bremerton Wednesday morning to spend a part of the Christmas vacation visiting. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pickering were most happily surprised on Christmas eve when their son. C. M.1/c Arthur Pickering and wife Sybil and son Bobby arrived un- expectedly. The son has been in service in the South Pacific and more recently was confined to the naval hospital at San Diego, Cali- fornia, for injuries sustained in service. The trip was made by plane to Portland where he was joined by his family, the remaind- er of the trip being made by car. They went back to Portland Tues- day morning and the service man returns to his hospital base 'Janu- ary 2nd. ’ OThe Victor Lockwoods enter— tained their daughters Helen and Jean and their families during the holidays. The former is living at Oak Harbor where her husband. S. Bowlcs, is at a navy base. The husband of the daughter Jean is now stationed in Hawaii. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. 0. Bovee, Pastor Bible School at 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship at 11. Subject “Will Christ Return in 1945?” Youth Fellowship at 6:30 i “ub- I no 7 r-n Evening service lect “Facing the New Year.” There will be a Baptismal Ser- vice at the evening service and a New Year program from 9:30 to 10:30 after which light refresh‘ ments will be serve" , “naming for the Watch Night which will conclude at .LéJJu. You can’t find a better way to ; start the New Year than to start ' with God. { Mr. and Mrs. James Noll are ithe parents of a baby boy born at the Shelton hospital on Dec- ember 24. l 1 BABY SON l BABY DAUGHTER A baby daughter arrived at the Shelton hospital on Christmas for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Payne. greens, candle airs gements and a Christmas tree, F. Nick Sceva. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Linscott won low prizes. Bells hen basket was passed to each guest least another month though her i l l ,. , departments in presenting their. puze‘q f0! health programs to the ciliiiens of the respective counties. st “500" went to Joe Kent and Mrs. I l n . , 7 The SECRET WEAPON of suc- gan to 3mm“ and S" 1““913 “me P": r cessful business is continuous sued when a decorated clothes ‘ADVERTISING‘ p i daughter Susy were Christmas visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Radtkc. They enjoyed a .turkey' o .3 with trimmings. Two residents of Cushman saw a seagull light on the ice whiclil ‘ covered Standstill Lake the morn‘ ! ing of December 2-1. This is the‘ second time the small lake has' been frozen over this winter. Thc’l ice at this time is seVeral inchesi thick. p , Mrs. W. G. Peterson and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. .Ray Peter- son, returned last week from their California visit to see Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mincher and family in Southgate. While there they saw S/Sgt. Wendall Peterson and family from Fort Sill, Oklahomanl I who picked a man or lady’s gift. After a tasty supper Radtke's or- chestra entertained until the wee small hours of the morning. The ladies of Cushman sent a, very small Christmas tree with appropriate gifts to Mrs. George Hixon who is ill in the Shelton General Hospital due to a recent accident with resulting spine in- jury. Mrs. Hixon expects to be “at home" in the hospital for at condition to date seems satisfac- tory. Her son, Homer Hixon and family, will visit her over the holi- days. p Warrant Officer John U. Had- ley of the U.S.N., having obtained a short leave from active duty in the'Pacific area is visiting with Mrs. Hadley, the, O. K. Linscott and helped celebrate his daughter Marcia's first birthday. union‘ at Chehalis. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wick and daughter Colleen of Tenino stop- ped off on their way to Bremer- ton, to eat Christmas breakfast with the Linscott family. Mr. and 'Mrs‘. Rodney Smith and family over the Christmas holi- ' i days, They spent Christmas eve , .with Mr. Hadley‘s parents, the AT FIRST 5 Willis Hadleys, in a family re- SIGN OFA (a usa666l Cold Preparations as directed azy3 - mum met Cele’Ranch Rodeo Grounds Olympia Hiway miles South of Shelton Dance out the Old, Dance in the New With the Lazy Hanks and Earn Dance Crew saturday Night AND New Year’s Eve ~ ~ “Ml ,0 p..- ,I 01 C‘L‘CI'HOOF 3c and or Admission 75¢. (tax included) l M. -~.- a]; Lab» ans. , ’.al’l‘i"<"(.l at l De mber i‘ L Want of you 01-5 with SON BORN A baby son born at Shelton hospital on December for and Mrs. J. B. Eero. t - Scratching! Try This Stop nick Ease and Comfort For Q Hero is a clean, powerful, pe trating oil now dispensed by 2.- macists everywhere at trifling c g V that brings speedy relief from itc ing and torture of externally cans in troubles. I Skl\l£)0n(:'s Emerald Oil soothes t itching and torture, helps prom mor, mm: healing. G t Moon Emcrnld‘ Oil or any u' sto :‘mvoy lnicl: it not fully satisfied. 3 MCCONKEY PHARMACY 5: H for B A N lever to have bl‘i _AT”‘ forward KAMILCHE as a GRANGE HALL °'_‘ days ;< IS OUI‘ 1 Saturday, Dec. 3e New y. PUBLIC INVITED .e marl '1‘ Sponsored by G. W. Club we w'“ I Music by hm“- GENERAL‘WELFARE ason’s gr CLUB ORCHESTRA a“. ichfied Emil R: THEATRE Shelton. Wash. Thursday-Saturday TWO FEATURES Joel McRea THE GREAT MOMENT —-and—— I CALL OF THE SOUTH SEAS ‘“ Sunday Only ONE DAY SPOTLIGHT SCANDALS ~~and—~~ PORT OF 40 u THIEE a iMonday-ednesday . (Matinee New Year’s Day AS anot sixth: 51.32% for the 0H, WHAT A ful; toc NIGHT gal” th ——and—— With EVER SINCE Happy VNS 1 Thursday—Sturday THAT HITLEB GANG »--»and-~~ Charles Starrett RIDING WEST .1 §\\\ \ -\ \'. .\ 2hr“ ,‘QK‘V \ . t. you. start - V‘ »l‘,,