December 28, 1944 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 28, 1944 |
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Page 6
Owl Caught With Little Lady
Huge Wing Span
Late evening of December 18th,
the children on the sleeping
porch at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arvid Johnson of ‘Skokomish Val-
ley, heard a commotion among
the “Banty” chickens roosting in
nearby bushes, and called to their
He snatched up a flashlight and
easily located a big owl, tell-tale
feathers in its beak, sitting in a
rose bush. It was apparently
blinded by the light so Johnson
reached in and seized it by the'
neck. Realizing that he was en-
tirely unprotected from a set of
fierce claws, he hastily broke the
creature’s neck and pulled it out
of the bush.
When measured, the owl was
found to be a few inches over
four feet from tip to tip of its
wings. The "face" was grotes-
quely catlike. Because of the cold
weather the Johnsons could dis-
play the trophy for a. week.
A baby boy arrived at the Shel-
ton hospital on December 27 for
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rose.
Graham Theatre Bldg.
' AIDS son cows.
What the Zenith Radionic Hearing
Aid is doing for thousands of other:
it can most likely do for you. Our
rm DEMONsrn-nqm lets your own
cars decide. No "high pressure.” We
dispeine only to those who can be
helped. Come in and try this aid—no
' HEARING lilo
40 Model A-Z-A
With Neutral-Color
Earphone and Cord
4th 8: Railroad
*Freedom of Oppor-
tunity, is an American
heritage. It was this,
more than all else,
that made America
We hope that 1945
will offer each of you
more abundant means
of turning “the Am-
erican way" to better
account — that each
day will bring you
more and richer bless-
Thursgiy, _December 28,
Does a
“First Lady”
She wasn’t the First Lady, but
just “Little Lady” Louise Sher-
man, the two year and four—month
old daughter of Seaman Joe Sher-
man of Shelton Naval Air Station
‘ ATE]
:ngeIMrs. Sherman, living at 129 For Ew
She had a strange yearning to, I
see the big world without benefit
of offlCial escort. It was gomg to B
be a strictly “non-politica” trip,
too. It would be nice to get away
from too much stuffy domesticity
and be strictly on “her own.” So
bravely “Little Lady” Louise
crawled down the stairs of the
front porch of her home and out
on First Street.
Thrilled by the big world she
toddled on and on, crossing two
street intersections before she'
was noticed by Mrs. Lee Brass-
field, also headed for town. All
unaware that the Little Lady did .
not like being chaperoned, Mrs!
Brassfield took her hand and led
her about as she shopped, hoping
a distracted mother would appear
and claim Little Lady.
But Mrs. Sherman all unaware
of her young daughter’s yen for
long-distance travel was search-
ing in the immediate neighbor-
hood. On her way back from
town, Mrs. Brassfield stopped in
lat the Cliff Wivel‘l Gas Station,
lphoned the police department and
there “Little Lady” Louise re-
ing to be constantly under guard
by loved ones, I cannot help but
appreciate the interest a charm-
fing woman by the name of Mrs.
{Lee Brassfield took in me, a com-
lplete stranger, when I attempted
to make my first trip to town
. “She not only showed me the
way around town, but saved me
the embarrassment of having my
lname registered on the police
.mained under the watchful eye of ,. Home ,
{gas station attendants until Mrs.
gSherman arrived.
Precocious as is Louise, espe-
cially after her big tour, she has
not yet acquired the art of writ- 9 am,
ing. But if she could expresg her
sentiments in a “My Day” airy,
it might read somewhat like WEE]
this. 7 a.m
’ “While it is extremely annoy- JOSIE
h , Aim
Iblotter, and being baled into
lheadquarters. The town of Shel-
ton is to be complimented on hav-
ing such discriminating officials, '
who handle pre-juvenile delin-
quency with such tact and con-i .
sideration.” l , - , ‘
Tahuya Enjoys I v F?
I .
c l a .
‘Birthday Party - was
by Effie Knowlton l a, BESl
A surprise birthday party for: .
Helen Huson at the home of Jes- L
M wyers on the evenmg 0f Dec' The Sixth War Loan Drive is on. That
means it’s every
American’s job to buy at least an extra $100 War Bond.
Across the world the sound of shells has ceased . . .
And quiet shrouds the battle-rubbled West . . .
The enemy has laid away his arms, and Death and Pain
are done in France.
But I go on . for I must fight and hill . . .
And work and sweat . . . and hide and run . . .'
ember 7th was a gala occasion
for several of the teen-age group
iof Helen’s nearest friends. Christ-
mas decorations added to the fes-
tivities. Games and refreshments
were enjoyed by Murleen Ahl,
Bonnie Jean Watson, Jessie Lou
and Myrlus Whitman, Carlene
Bain, Bob Benson, Bob Hamming—
ton, John and Jim Klumb, Dick
Hanlin, Allan Sande, Donald Hu-
Buy yours today.
more reasons for buying at least an exfra $100 War
Bond in the 6th!
fansoand the honor guest, Helen iconve
n. . .
i h Lilltiel Sfelifing is lll‘ornei from the For the enemy 15 very muCh
ahve - - -‘ I. War Bonds are the best, the safest inveslmeni in the
0 0s 1a 0 owin er e o era— . . .
“on? g g 1? HIS bullets still are made of lead . 2. WarBonds return you
$4 for every $3 of maturity. R8350
.Mrs. Margaret Luark, an old , 3. War Bonds are as convenient as cash—and
gionfsr riggaéggyalegd 31100;!t 0:; Their angry whispers stlll foretell of
sudden death crease in value to boot! * NO D
name at the comer of Summit and For me and others crouched in slime and mud
. . . 4- Wur Bonds mean education for your children.
Prebles Streets in Bremerton. , security for you, a nest egg to full back
on come
Bob Hemmingson, Bob Benson The end for us is yet to come . . . what muY- -
and Dick Wells have enlisted in 5 w E d h I k d 1h fr . -,0n CC
the Merchant Marine. i - . or on s e p eep own e cost 0 Ivmg. '
thfgalGoigégiz‘fiiggy Eggk 3:: to t3) glvehus Strengtgl 6. War Bonds
will help wimihe Peace by increas- ' .Loan
Emailed} servigla t WIn ' ' W1 out t e waSte 0 fine - ing
purchasing power after the war. Title In
Cap ain a1 er E. Nolan was - ' ’ ' '
home for a short visit while his And With His Will . .‘ . to see our
homes again.
ship underwent repairs in Seat-;
A surprise house warming was: .
tendeléed Mir. and Mrs. Earl Nel- ,o . 7
son 0 Bal Point the evening of Y c ‘ . ‘ -.3
December 16th by a number of- ' t t t I- I .-
their Tahuya friends. i o u r o u n , s I r . C -‘
Mr. and Mrs. Mattus spent the f :
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ,
Wyers lalst ISaclgurdag;1 i >DR A
The so 00 hris as program
was held at tlLe gyzrin Thursday w
evening, Decem er , beginning
at 8 o’clock. ‘
New Year greetings to every. Fori
. E
Mason Farmers . . This page Is one of a series sponsored by the indiv1duals
and firms listed below who have SH
' ledged 100 per cent su ort of America’s Fi ht for Freedom
Elect Officers P PP g ' cor
Mason county farmers re-elect-, ‘~
Ed most of the farmer agriculr, ‘ sevent
ura conserva ion commi eemen-
to serve on the committee for Pantorium Cleaners H. L. Olstead, Insurance
Lumbermen’s Mercantile 00. PH
1945, reports Bert Rau, newly el- P t t' -
ected chairman. The newly elect- aramo‘m ea re Agengy Mason county Savmg
grin 5038132233213 Silsmecfglrgfi ‘23-. 20th Century Store Shelton Meat
& Ice Co. Loan Ass’n. p
iey.’ p‘ _ Dr- M- 0; Mfikfllm City Market. V . Olsen Furniture Co. _
Committeemen elected in other. M. C. (Nell) Zintheo Stretch Island Winery
L003] 38, I.W.A., ‘ ‘
communities are Bert Rau, Kam-z
ilche; Ed Wilson, Harstine; El-' & TimberWorkers Union
Rube Cohn Auto Parts I .
Elliot B. Spring f . A
Witsiers Funeral Home
vin Hearing, Matlock; H. Peter-4 ' Simpson Logging Company Charles T.
fig; (33%?“ and “h” Ma”; Shelton-Mason County Lawton Lumber Co.
Daviscourt Bakery ‘ fa
The committee elected -Bert Journal. Hillcrest Hardware Sleyster’s Fix-It
Shop R '3:
Rau. chairman; Ed Wilson, vice-
chairman, and Elvin Hearing,
committeeman. First alternate is
John MacRae, second alternate ;
George Adams, with H. Peterson
Andrews Photo Studio
Al Huerby Motors
George A. LeCompte, M.D.
Rayonier Incorporated
Wivell’s Texaco Service
Shelton Gas Co.
Ralph’s Grocery ,
Mac’s Corner
Shelton Hardware Co.
(Eggggttatés assistant to the county Mason County Steam Laundry Fir Drug
Store Shafer’s Bakery.
It is uie responsibility of the & Dry Cleaners Shelton Cash Grocery
Munro’s Men’s Store
Washington Service Co.
yShelton Electric Co.
, Wilson’s Cafe
Shelton Sporting Goods
Ivan Neuenschwander, Jeweler
‘ Mason County Creamery
B. N.~Collier, NLD. Association
Western Supply 00. Olympic Plywood Co. . .
Prepp’s Drug Store Gilbert Frisken. , "
Needham Food Store Associated Oil Distributor '
Grant Lumber Co.
Olympia Feed Co.
Millo’s Market—Hoodsport
Shelton Auto Body Works
Al Dickinson
M & S Food Store
Charles R. Lewis
F. E. Beckwith
M. H. Needham Men’s Wear
Mason County Abstract &
Title Co.
Herbert G. Angle
Werberger Winery
Markham Variety Store
McConkey Pharmacy
St. Charles Winery ‘
Fessler’s Super-Creamed
Hilltop Tavern
Hotel Shelton
Carlon & Starr
committee to conduct the agricul-
tural program in the county. To
do so each committeeman must’
know the farm practices that
qualify for payment, conduct the
sign-up, and assist with compli-
ance reports. Farmers are urged
to advise with the committeemen
for information on the program.
Farmers are also advised that
January 15 is the final date for
reporting 1944 practices.
Tuesday evening the Junior and
Senior Walther Leaguers of the
Dutheran Church attended a
Xmas party at Trinity Lutheran
Church of Olympia. guests of that
Walther League. Also in attend~
ance was a goodly number .of Lu-
theran soldiers from Fort Lewis, r .
together with Pastor Schliepsick .
of the Lutheran Service Centre of