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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ber 28. >7 day, Dbcsirftar 33 17:744. . _-_.___-__. ,a— A; _ _ _____ Shelton Valley SHELTON-MASQN COUNTY JQIJ‘RNAL I t” .Quiet Cmis’tmas BERKELEY All GlfilPeiiictt.” H ‘ATER PUMPS h borllood, while so his of our par For Every Purpose Na. .1569 , v NOTICE or HEARING ON riNAL _‘ 'REPORTnilSNrII)?‘ ngglgON FOR NEW? 931‘ Party IN THE SUPERIO COURT or THE l FOR SALE or I“ DE for town prop- A STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR erty. acreage wth modern house in The Grange New Year’s eve MASON GOCNTY '1 ] Skokomish Valley. Inquire Journal. v will be held at the hall this 3 IA PROBATE Q3211“: REAL ESTATE ‘vvoco--.». .-- CLASSIFIED Anvmnsmo E . ‘ A . I I RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) _ , 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50:2. Lower ‘ V ‘ rates for larger ads and more in,- sections. Reader notices 3c per word. 75c In the Matter of the Estate of vvvvvmvvvv‘v—vvv'v W6 !‘ friends and relatives are overz coming Sunday night so come ALONZO H x 'w t t , ,, _ , _ l . . l . SLUSSER, Deceased. bAYVIEW HOME TRACTS. Buy _ ,_ , v, , v . seas, has a bll 01. grllilncss. We (1 bring your friends for an HNOITISCE Is (HEREBYAEIVEN that insomf guild tScottie1 halt-.63 ""C’l ' Oi. d . vvvvai vv.vfrvavvvv :vv vu 23:331ng $12353, “$1.33?” 0313.3; fian‘ ’3 l o " F- , aze usser eney, . minis ratrix ee. 3' L 86. 0 61's 69, , , 1 _‘fi \LK, i netcullmed to i!) 10 Ht mulling CI 11111. Thole Vvlll be of the 03mm of Alonzo H. Slussen de- by 300 feet Plenty of room for gap "v- al—S.S-l'£§z;vse.vgylgg"‘ ln‘ ..§§%l- v '82. v I. gypsleggy gigs pf; relé‘lglélét. c aSsi ed cheerful. We might well use that cards. dancing and a potluck sup, cea v . . . . . ~ ’ . . scd. has filed with the Clerk of den. chickens, etc. Wonderful new. determination to make an Old- per. the above entitled court. her final On south side- hill between Hill- AUTHORIZED HOOVER SERVICE: ‘ ~v l >'~ = . . . . , . re ort a *9 ' 'on f dist -lbu‘ , ere t and liwood mill. Reason- expert vacuum Service. all makes- } gilgl‘zlogfdlqygnfi Chlbtmas F09 The Christmas gzl’ty Tnursuay “fling ,fidcoik‘g 5,9212. and’appfilglle ab}; pricedpfiasy terms. see 93. Parts available. Call L. M. 00. 305. Advertisemens accepted over the telephone from phone subscribers Cash should accompany all othel orders or payment made Wltflin five. (5) days of the first insertion , to save expense of billing. an extra charge of 10c will be made EXCAVATING _ night was a. big success, udth a the same, distribute the property to , te'r Dickinson. owner at 200 .2312] P11-30—12-30l Wherever possible, Christmas good crowd out. The bidding dur- the Persons thereto entitled and 1‘0 P1119 Street- Sheuon- 12'74’81 I discharge the said Administratrix. ASH BROTHERS ‘ Welcome TO THE . urch of Christ 77:45 pm. each Sunday 512 Cascade Shelton I oodsport Cafe being celebrated with our fami- lies. The Eckerts are with the Eacretts in Shelton, haying a happy Christmas because it grana~ son is rapidl recovering from pneumonia. -rs. Will Spooner went to Tacoma. on Friday to have Christmas with the Campbell and Jermy families. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Spooner and Linda joined her on Christmas Day, afigr one Christmas dinner on Sunday eve- ning with the Mitchells. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Peterson have as guests for the week Miss Jean Dalgity of Everett and Miss Sarah Peterson of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sund were also guests for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Strati‘ord are guests of the Freeborns, at. Vaughn, for the Christmas week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stratford and children, of Portland, are there to make the two family cir- cles complete. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Corke and ing‘ the auctioning of the boxes was brisk with “Hank” Rutledge engineering the affair. The pro- gram of Xmas carols, readings, a. playlet, vocal and instrumental numbers was well received and the Cook orchestra furnished mu- sic for old-time and modern dancing. The next regular meeting of the Grange will be Thursday night, January 4. Mrs. C. V. DeRosier and Guy DeRosier, of Shelton, visited at the Highlands with Mrs. Signe Knecland Saturday evening. Mrs. Jack Jeffries and daugh- ter Geraldine, of Tacoma, and Mrs. Bob Main, formerly of S111- tan, were out from Shelton where they spent the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Clara Huntley and for a visit at Echo Farm Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rutledge were hosts at a house party at Alder Brook Farm over the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for distribution will be heard on Sat- urday. the 6th day of January. 1946, at the hour of 10 O'clock in the fore- noon, at the court room in the Court house in Shelton, Washington. 19gated this 2nd day of December. (SEAL) ‘ CLARE .ENGELSEN. County Clerk, Mason County, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said estate. Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Building, Shelton, Mason County. Washin ton. 12-7-14-21- —4t. No. 1643 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETITION 0F EXECUTRIX FDR SETTLE- MENT, DISTRIBUTION AND DIS— CHARGE. IN THE SUPERIORCOURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of GUY H. ALLISON. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that Katherine A. Allison, Executrix‘of the? above estate, has filed. herein her. final account. report. and petition for‘ settlement and distribution of the. FOR SALE: large 2‘r00m cottage. garage, on waterfront. Boat, elec- tricity. Inquire John Sullivan, A1- lyn. Wash. (White house across from hotel. 1244-28 5-room modern home on Capitol Hill, in good conditign.*$2§75.00, terms. 6-room modern home on Angleside in new condition, basement, wood fur- nace and also oil floor furnace. Built- ins and wired for an electric range. This is a nice home and is priced fairly at $4600.09 on .terms. 10 acres of land with good garden tracts, 2-room. furnished house, oo_d barn and chicken. houses. ra bit houses. tools, electric water system, two wells, buzz. saw. incubators, brooders, etc. A com lete small ranch located about 4 mi es north of Shelton.‘ Plenty of wood timber. Creek close to property line. Excellent game country. P‘ric‘edft $250 cash. Why pay rent or keep moving into rent homes when you can still purchase good homes at a fair value considering in- creased costs and shortéges? , HERBERT G. ANGL Phone 304 Angie Bldg. W ‘ SWEDISH MESSAGE Rheumatism, overweight, underweight. Regulates functions of skin, nerves, digestion, circulation and digestion, lumbago, circu- lation and elimination. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday 9 am. 6 pm. 320 North 5th Home evenings, Navy Yard Highway A. F. Oppelt 12-28—2-1 NEED A PLUMBER ? Call Have small shovel, want road excavating, ment digging, or making fills. HERBERT ALLEN Union, Wash. graveling, base- Phone Union 354 12:12—1-4 Just Arrived New Shipment 01‘ RED SPOT Automatic Electric Water Heaters 40 Gallons Fully Guaranteed when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 wS‘T Amritsar. WOULD PERSON WHO LEFT HI: boat at Maple Beach several months ago contact Mrs, Edna Johnson as weather is destroying the boatiz 28 LOST: 1 white face Hereford bull {{earling. Lost in vicinity Mary M. night School. Branded on left shoulder 3E. E. E. Erickson. Rt. 1, Box 175, Elma. 12-14—28 $10 .REWARD FOR information of suitable house to rent. Downtown location. Inquire Journal office. J12—14-28 vyvvvvvvvvvvvv—vvuu FOR RENT FOR RENT: modern 3-room house, furnished. 41/; miles from Union to- ward Bremerton. Arthur Burt. Star Rte. 1, Box 255, Union. 1244-28 SLEEPING» ROOM for 1 or 2 men. Close in on bus line going to Brem- erton. Phone 61M. E12-2llfn. . ,dau lite" Elaine were Christmas ChriStmaS,Week ‘end’ With their estate of the deceased» wherein the. ‘ ; ' “‘—' ." l‘ Home 000k“ .Dmnel‘s guegts lot- the Reeves for the children and grandchildren com- Court is asked to apt-o? 351ml 'gc- c EsgfilsEfilgggsyF-iépochgg $311338 Mason County Electrlc TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT in Christmas holidays. mg from yalnma’ Seattle and Ta_ lgfliflltoflgorigfizlti% agndmcfisghaétgitg‘; ABDVERTISING 1616 Olympia Hwy. Phone 842 connection With Goldsborougb en Sunda S A Christmas party was at the com“ Mm Ina F0” Went back Executrix.‘ r . a . Catto Hardware Apartments. See Herbert G y home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sharp, to Tacoma Christmas night and _ Noriega: IS FUiittl'il‘HEafigvuclfi. Nagy CERTIFICATE OF “mugs . Angle. v 8-17tf ’ l m accor ance w an or r s' . ' ------v- -vm-w----. c. a.m. to 7 -p.m. 0? Bremertoni 0“ ThurSday 8\’8- ML and Mrs? JOhn Runedgf and Court made and entered (111.1118‘23‘1 tlTallslSthlfiiagootcgggin‘Ebir gilt I SHELTON WANTED nmg. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Zizz and SO” Johnny returned t° Seattle day of December. 1944, 1* Mar-ill: Wm til: City Hall in Shelton; Washington, I HEMSTITCHING: .404 Franklin. Mrs. .-_ -_. D Zane went from here and Mr. TueSday' . b-e had before. 'the 09$”: ‘swd 1 Dllbllch’ canvassed the returns. 013' Martha Jacobs: 2‘1th‘ MACHINE ;--"'.‘ and Mrs. R A. McIntrye (Viv DaVld Jacobs is back at Valley “n31 accountv 191m” 3“ Fe 1.1 n 0“ that certain special primary election - MAN GOING To COLIEORNi—A W‘Sll‘ . . . . . . View Farm with Mr and Mrs Saturdayv 3119 {ml day .0 V anus”?- held in the Cit' of Shelton, Wash- FREE! If excess acid causes you cs to take-two m thiee assenggrs 7 am. to 7 pm. guua ZiZZ) of Sekiu Jomed them, 1945, at 10.00 oclock. A.M.. on said mgton on u". 1 m day of December palm of Stomach mcers_1ndlges on SHOP to share lide. Have goo ('al'. (.0. The McIntyres Spent Christmas Walter Cooke after Spending day in the Court Room of said Court 1944’ {which said canvass,sh0ws that! Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, aul ing about Jafluai'y 2nd or 3rd. in- JOSIE F. LASSOIE with the Zizz family and M1. MC_ Christmas and the week end in pl; Court House at Shelton. Wash' the follllowilng damage! pfrsops ficelveld» 33. Ga: £5113. geét free sample.| Now Operated by quirel Journal ofilcc. 1112-28 . . ' ~ . .- ' -‘ ., .‘- l ,a‘ m ore. Intyre‘s family in Port Orchard. fiqheuon Wlth h‘s- gmdmoth?“ . 3th this 2nd day. 0‘ December, igivlfi‘é $323159; 1itiffice‘t’lo 324%: m, ga g 9428—14 Ralph Killough WANTED: Woman 10 do laundry work M155 Hattie Barker Went to rs. Martha. Jacobs and ,hlS 813- 1944. CLARE ENG Sm . MAYO]; at hi1 11013996 eric P.(I)).1)B20x 1414 — ). , . . . v . or one . L- 8— -11 Seattle Oil Fl 1day to be With the ters Maldllh {md'Esthel‘ . Clerk of theESJuperior C. urt dA'nTrfi‘dlio; 51% p ———— Barker fannly for two weeks, 09]. The 1981115” monthly mePtmg for Mason County, Washing- H"? :30. Lakeburg _ 1 Formerly Owned by MAID WANTED: four hour’s work ebrating' Christmas and New Year Of the Home Sewmg Cmb “"11 be . ton- M. H. Needbam 1 Garland Johnson Der (MY- GOOd Wages- Apply Mason 9 and sev .1 b~ .thd . held at Echo Farm Thursday ALDEN 0- BAYLEY, J ‘L. Cat‘to 2 L Hotel- Phone 505- 12‘21—1'4 eia ll ays. Her blo- ’ Attorney for Executrix. . ' ‘ 0.31 _' L TH — the? came after her. January 4' Title Insurance Building, ng0MMII‘sg‘1110NEB 0F FINANéj‘ 1 BLACKSMI ING OF ALL WANTED: sewmg "18001116 Will DB" ‘ ' Mr, and Mrs, Glen Zuber and anlzl/li'i.tztilréddl\/{lrsfitR. Granng Shelton, Washington. 1271421284“ .R ldamn ACCOUNTING ' “160 Delivered anywhere outside KINDS cash- Call 584WX- G12-14‘28 l . l * i ' ' ’ . “*V i baby daughtel. anngon Erdt of d M a g ‘31 3.1m” ' 1' lifl'ii’inaaenisiél‘s.-. 146 Shelton city limits. Two cord ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE EWANTED: woman to care for child a Estacada, Ore” vlSlted for sev_ all ,I'S. Albert Shafei and Chll- Cans No 4395 ,M H Needham 128 I WELDING AND MA | and do light housework for six- , 9131 days with the D‘ Bush dren Feryl and John were out NOTICE OF SfiEBI’Fpis SALE 01: E] B" Sting 1 loads $7 Per cord up accord' WOR CHINE week period beginning February 1. family. They were classmate; of from Shelton and spent Christ- REAL ESTATE William ‘. Stevenson . ~ 1 ing to distance. Leave orders K Mrs. Arthur Burt. Star Rt. 1- BOX * Miss Eva Jean Bush ‘ mas Day With the” Parents: MI- IN Tflgngfi$§§%§'¢%¥fi¥i%$ THE Coull‘fifiifig‘fll‘mgfiofiigfififfq AND at Shelton Transfer office Satisfaction Guaranteed 255' unloiwrwrlz‘la-fi The Women’s Club had their and.MrS' J' 1" Shafe’" STATE OF‘ WASHINGTON FOR ROY J- Kimbel 228 (formerly Morgan’s Transfer) WANTED‘ Spring loom "Mm?" 0" . Chmstmas party on December 20 Little Arlene Schuffenhauer MASON COUNTY w, F, Mccann 219' . . . l 315 first Street smoothing barrow. A. P. Sylvester. GRIKHERIES with Mrs H P H.“ and baby Kenny Cunningham are FRANK o. FARNHAM and ILA E. E. Brewer 1 or phone 66, 1143“. Shelton, Route 2. 12-14-28 . ' ' 1 man as a .- . FARNHAM, husband and Wife. Plaln- That said canvass was publicly con- 3 . Mn“ N ' _‘ _ —, '—’ * cordlal hostess_ They had the an_ the latest victims of the whoop- mm ducted and web canvass proceedings ' WANTED. a. young duck to keep. imssn MEATS nual present Mrs- Eck- mom: 0 “‘lcml‘fgml‘y-t, , EDGAR M Davis. m... cm. assessments; F SALE 55%;“ ' ert had the program and resentJ 1" an 1‘3- ran 911116 0 c ' ——-— ' r - -~ —v--» 2. 13'; 22's. ' ' " 12314-25; ed a. recording of Dicken’spChrist- Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie lEEEEIXELL’ Hquand and Wife' De “wasmngtgim K McCAMPBELL FOR SALE? large. 8-Dagc Victory War ox Fr" m C . 1 Baker Miss Jean Baker Mr and 'Undcr'and b virtue of a special‘ Subscribed and sworn to before me Eaton maps' $1'00- Sponsored by the NEW" MIDDLE‘AGED woman “mum like ~ ‘ as- am' 'Mrs De B tt lvl execution issuefi out of and under this 19th day of December 1944 Mo‘her's Chm At MMY June's Gift care 0f Children in “91' home by Bill Wren wrote interestingIYl . Wey em‘e i. rs' ' A' th 1 r ’the Su erior Court of the (SEAL) ' ' ' Bod and Fender Shop! 125 Fourth St- 12-28—141 hour 0r day- Phone 133-7- 12mm to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L,1Cun“1ngh?m and Chlldl’env Mrs- stitSefii hashinaté’n, in and for said CHAS. R. LEWIS, f — f' "m '- W ‘"—'~"' —‘—' FINEST FOODS AT Wren of his life in C . _ 1H._ A. Winsor and Ava and Una County. on the 13th day Of December, ' "Notary Public in and [Or the orkS FOR SALE: farm horse and. harness- WANTED: men 19 work .on .OYSte“ _ . _ I amp in Flor Wmsor s t Ch . t D 1944 u on a .udgment rendered m State of Waghmgton Res,d_ _ , , in good shape. Also Buick sport, beds. For particulars inquire at BEST PRICES lda' He 15 SWImmlng instructor, pen “3 mas 33’ to' qaid' Cog” on {he 9th day of Decem_ mg at Shgltc‘m theréin. Auto .Body Repair ~— Painting. coupe. cheap for quick sale. Traps, Cliff Wivell's Texaco Service in per- and finds many from the middle 1 fig‘erflifivfféhoRFgFm' Mr- and beer, 1944. 'in favor or Frank 0. Farm; ’ 12—21-28—2t. Auto GlaSsWork , gang]; Iw‘gtgies, Panllanldzlesziiklei1 son. Olympia Oyster Co. 12 mm HOODSPORT west to whom swimming is some_§ 1 0 inson Were ham and Ila Earnham, husband an ~ Welding . . . . - _ . .A . . w . l . . thing quite new. “Unusual” isldPWn, flom Camp Three for a 3&9 (ggga agglgggyegdgggsblgggogggl NOTICE Tgoblll'ggnons To PHONE 84 FOR SALE: Wood burning heater WAITRESS and. kitchen help wanted. What Flomda people can the cold.Vis1t in the afternoon. wife for the sum of Eight Hundred PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS With thermostat. Inquire 1411 Rall- Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop. Weather that has Struck there Mr. and Mrs. Antone Charleson, Fifty-Two and 85/100 (852.85) Dollars. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE .- , Toad' 312'23 5"}th I . ' Mr. and Mrs. Schrum (Jean Char- together with attorney's fees, mter- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR M B12-28 mPTOVISed heating, such as aI est costs and increased costs and to MASON COUNTY > -—~————-—-————--v —~— WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink fire in a tin can, has been used. 116500). and MI'. and MI‘S. Walter ,‘ne’ directed and delivered. 06mmand_l IN PROéATF FOR SALE: springs and mattress feed. Phone 391J or write Andy more or less successfullv by the l Chal'leson were out from Shelton ing‘ me to sell the following described In the Matter of the Estate of ' to" double bed' R011” Skate-'3' TWO Hansen P'o'?°x.223;:ww1’1tfn ' H 0 E boys. t' and spent Christmas day at the PROPGNY to satisfy said Judgment. to- ALFRED J. ANDERSON, Deceased. HEATING $5?“ gam' v' T' connony‘ P1333? ~Vvvv" ' l v” The school gave its Christmas . home Of Mr- and MrS- Albert 0- WIt‘All that part of the North 1,1; of th‘glofigfisigeéiEfiygeeglgggohll’é‘ti l . H l w . h . Schuffenhauer. Southwest V, of the Northeast 1,; and has qualified as Exeéutrix of the, Contracting Repalrjng FOR SALE: bcdroom suite. occasmnal """ ' ""*"""'" program on the evening of Dec- rember 21. The primary grades rocker and chair. end table, youth’s FOR SALE: '36 V—8 Ford. Excellent of Section 36. Township 23 Norm Last Will and Testament and of thel 24 hour Service LOANS Joe Kneeland’ A' Ord' M' 2/c’ bed. Inquire 901 Cascade Avc. Shel-l motor and tires. $295 cash. 608 Ar— W- or W-M- that lies be‘ estate of Alfred J. Anderson, DeCeas-- . . Range , had reeltatlons and songs the was lucky enOUgh to get home for tween Mission Creek and the main ed. and that an . ton. Wl2_28 Gama AW. Mcl2_28 ’ -, . poisons havmg clalms 1 whole school gaVe a number Of l the week end. He and his mother, County road. together With all and against the said deceased m. the saidl South Second RED FRYERS and Red Roagtmg hem FOR SALEfTééQ—fi‘fi-el ‘;A” Ford Mrs. Si no Kneeland en‘ singular 01' the tenements, heredi‘ estat. are hereb 'c uir d t serve isongs and numbers by the rhY' k g Joyed talnenis and appurtenani‘es- the seame. duly veififiledqwifh thg neces-l thm band. The older pupils pre_ 1 Christmas dinner at the home of NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN That gar, V uphor atta . . , . . v . . . ched, u the un- sented two plays, one, a Scene M1. and Mis. C. V. DeROSler in on, Saturday the 13th day of January. deréigrflld Exficutrix 0,. herpg’gmmeybf' from Dickenis Cam]7 the other ,Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. John Knee- 1945i .31 10 O'Cl‘mk. in the, forenoon record at the addresses hereinbclow u . ’ land and ~ of sold day. I W111 8911 the above given, and file such claims together - Reasonable Rates Secret Christmas" dramatized hm” Son Edward were described property. or so much with proor of service with the Clerk IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS con- from a story of occupied Hol- . also there” thereof as may be necessary to sat‘ of the above entitled court, within six tact C. L. Collins, Business Agent, ' - , isf said 'udgment, together with at- _ land, that. was in Junim Red Cross mg”, files, interest costs and in- ilofgefilgwnggtcee‘Ome’fiitf}r%e§:lg_ 1612 D1v1510n, phone 240W. 3-30tfn Shelton, Wash. dreSsed 46c pound. Orders must be coach. Also ’31 Buick coupe. Harry ' in by Saturday morning. A. F. Aus- E. Craig. Rt. 3. Box 7, Shelton (b9- Phone 456 c_ R. Bridges I tln, phoilc 10Fl4. 12-28—1—11 hind Kimbcl Apts.) 12-14—28 FOR SALE: baby bed. high chair. FOR SALE: '26 Model T Ford coupe. breakfast set. John chbcr. two Good shape. Good tires. Priced low. miles south on Olympia. highwav.‘ 519 Arcadia Ave. A. M. Gliynup. , Phone 413W. 12-28 . 12~21*1«4 , ...—W'-. Convenient Terms W CARD OF THANKS :FOR SALE: portable RCA. phono- I NO News. Aild Santa ’Claus came ‘ F - creased costs in all amounting to the b . ,4 , l , . er 21, 1944, or all claims not so , . . loaded With candy for everyone. ’ Eni‘afiél, Sum 0f.nme hundred and nmag'fou" served and filed shall be forever l $191311. V913. goo“ confiluon- med May we extend our -:inccic oppre- The communitv Club with Mrs _ and ninety-one hundreds ($ 94.91) barred. I «mly few times. Inqmi‘c- Journal. cation for the kindnesfi s' S. .mes ‘ S r ' ' h' ' 'l . Dollars. . Dated this 2lst day 01‘ December, . ! Ihone 100. s12-2s and beautiful flora, pieces of m . - c -Wmn In C arge. took care of NOTICE TO OW'NER 0F Sald sale W111 take 131399 at the East 1944. M C0 t W "—3, , ,, during our bereavement in the pass:- .‘ on County Savmgs the exchange presents_ Mrs. C. D ES’I‘RAYED ANIMALS door .of the Court House at Shelton RUTH E ANDERSON. v IFOR SALE; 18-foot Travel-light mg of our belmed father. . . . Bush donated the mth f th' NOTICE ’IS HEREBY GIVEN that in said County_and State. and. Will be Executrix of the estate of v I house trailer. Excellent condition Mr. and Mrs. Ali‘er VD. Kinmer Loan ASSOCIatlon ‘- t" Th_ .. or the iollowmg described animal has at public auction. for cash in hand Alfred J. Anderson, Decid” I $900. H. L. Reynolds, 721 Alder. and falnilv‘ Shelton. tiea. 15 might be a good been taken up and is now being held to the highest and best blade.“ Simpson’s Camp 3, Shelton. CO I Phone 5R- 12'28 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Klilnlcr and - . tune to mention a mistake we at the iarm oi Roy N. Anderson, Mat- Dated at Shelton, Wash, this 13th Washington ec l , _ . fan/1in' Seattle, Title Insurance Bldg. made a few weeks a O wh lock. Wosll.. to-wit: day of December. 1944. CHAS. R. LEWIS, FOR SALE? electrlc Iron 00rd“ 074"“ Ed Robinson, Centralia. th g en We‘ 1.13mi. Ago, 1 or 1% years. Color, E. F- MARTIN Attorney for said estate. l are“ Hardware- 12'4th- Mrs. Vina Clark and family. Sllf‘l- . gaxe e names of those who do-l white ‘Wllll black spots. Brands. Sheriff 0‘ said County- Suite 1 Lumbermen‘s Building, l to“ nated canned fruit for the School nonemhar Marks, none. Other iden- 12'14'21'28'4-‘4‘11—5t' Shelton, Mason County, Washington ,FOR SALE:.V°ung Guernsey COW and ....__..____ . v . lunch. Mrs. Taylor‘s name was t‘flcauon marks. none. 12-21-28—1-4-11—4t. JEFSE‘Y helfe" one. War “‘d~ Joe - Unmss the owner appears and pays No. 4461 1616 Olympic Highway Grassl, Route 1, Mill Creek Road. CARD 0F THANIxs left out. while she had been the all charges against said astray and SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 4448 {v 12-21—14 We wish to express our sincere one who organized the Work takes passcssion thereof within twenty IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE. SUMMONS FOR .PUBLICATION HILLCREST ,‘FOR SALE. wood range Phnnp 943 thanks t our ,mpny friends for their , days from this da‘c the 51 3 ‘11 AND v ' l ~ group. We are sorry. be sold according {0 law. a” W‘ STATE OF WASHINGTON IN [N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE M T12-21—1-4 gggggngs. Sgggpatl‘g, ifigyglfugmggggl IiQNCRETE PIPE men's AUTO 333mm FOR YOUR PROTECTION . . . And care of your car the latest equipment for auto painting, body and fender work has been installed. Appoin phone. Free estimates. tments accepted by tele- Auto Painting a Specialty 407 South First St. Phone 340’ Jack Middleton and TIRES... Take a Ferry Bremerlon-Seaitle Lv. Bremerton Lv. Seattle 5:50 am 5:45 am 7:00 '6:00 07:30 6:15 8:15 7:00 8:35 8:15 in an right, title, estate, lien or inl’reresty in the real estate. described in the complaint in this suit, Defend- ants: You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to ap ear within sixty (60) days after the ate of the first pub- lication of this summons, to wit: With- in sixty (60) days after the 28th day of December, 1944, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and ansWer the com- plaint of the plaintiffs, and serve a copy of your answer upon the un- dersigned attorney at his office be- low stated. and in case of'your fail- ure so to do, judgment will be ren— dered against you according _to the demand of the complaint. which has been filed with the Clerk, of said Court. _ . I The object of this action is to ob- tain a decree of the court determin- ing all adverse claims of the defend- ants and by said decree adjudge that Attorney for Plaintiffs ground of desertlon and abando ment of the plaintiff by the defers- ant for more than one (1) year ast Past. ALDEN d. BAYLEY Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Postoffice Address: Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washin ton. 11-16— 8‘30——-12-7-14-21-28—-7t. ORDINANCE NO. 396 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF EMER- GENCY WARRANTSJN THE ‘ SUM OF $1600.00. WHEREAS, the City of Shelton. Washington, has held one special elec- tion and will hold two more special elections during the year‘1944, and WHEREAS, said special elections will require the expenditure Of ap- Lawnmowers and Knives SHARPENED Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop NOTICE OF, SPECIAL ELECTION 'IN THE CITY 0 SHELTON, WAsmN TON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV N . ' a special election will be heldE *infltllgé‘l City of Shelton. Washington, on F ‘- day. the 29th day of December. 1921. for the (put-peso of'electing :1 Mayo:- at the Hillcrest Hardware. 11-30tfn GALLOWZY cn—EAM” SEPAR’I‘ORS. $145 at the Hillcrest 11-30tfn All electric, Hardware. Auto Supplies Parts and Accessories Western Supply Co. SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY. FOR THE COUNTY 01“ MASON STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND '~ . Dated at Si lt , W l., '. 1. ‘ ' ‘ ,2 ' . . , .r The SECRET WEAPON of sue- I day of Decenigexon 1944a“ this >7th Pliingiff‘glll and Nellie Will, his wife , FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. l{hinge Serglclile, Appliance FOR SALE: snipe class sailboat. com_ 5mg?!" Susvggn 31?,Ggfésa, emem‘ . cessful business is continuous HARRY DEYETTE. ' —vs.— ltif%ICHARD A' J‘ KIMBEL' P 1am” epalrs an ouse Wmng l 9W6 6X09“! f0” salls- $15“ Cm. be Mr.‘anri Mrs. William c. Goldy I -~ ' ADVERTISING_ County Auditor. Mildred P. Biddle: Charles Peebles: , _vs_ ‘ Seen at Gll‘l Scout Camh-Dn‘iblll’i- Mr. and Mrs, Frank L_ wmkleman ,_ CULVERT PIPE l 12-28-1-4-11—3t. John Biddle;d Broop JBiiddlgldg/{lldrggl ISABEL KIMBEL' Defendant. wold. near Brlnnon- 1312-21—44 ‘ ' v Wm Biddle. Guar la“ 0 0 n l S? ‘1 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO - FOR QALE. ' ' ' ‘ " " ' ' ' ' . , . n-o- . . t . reen slab wood. $3 cord ,« DRAIN TILE 3 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DEBTS ?gg°k0_3‘%glfi,,e§wagggggg? {3335,35 EEEDASIAIIPD ISABEL KIMBEL. DE- FOR PLUMBING ‘ at the millg in long length. Phone ; i NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that known heirs of John A. Peebles. de-I You are-hereb summoned to a ; 160J. K12~21—-1-4 . lthe undemlgned' Emmett 14- Wilki- ceased; the unknown heirs of Char- l pear Within sixty" (60) days after 8 t . . . . . . . . . . .. .. WELL CURB ‘ ac in? l'son' ls “0 now and for Several ‘es Peeblesv if deceased‘ Charles 3' ldate of the first publication of this Call .FOR SALE: blond ,Blrds-eye maple 4- g . monthsdast ast has not been living Lewis, Executor of the Estate of John 1 t -t. -th- 1 t 60 piece bedroom smte. Used very lit- ’ i S - :wrth‘ his former wife, Lorraine L. A. peebles' deceased; Mildred P. B,d_ (sjiimmmg, CEQWiistgvldgn gfxbsfovéml l tie. May be seen at 311 Cnokson , I l. A i For Quality and BI Vice imikifil’é‘kfi‘lii hgitilger‘éé‘gfiilil‘eedtii d‘e' EA‘Eminisftrfigfixod‘i. big?“ '{gg‘eag‘ b31335 1344mm; defend t e above en- HILLCREST 1 Street “2‘21‘1'4 l ACCOUNTING 5 0 . t a.eees,t.-.i '. . _ I E°°n°my is dawn-“acted by the said 93‘? Dialenf’wok and Jane Doe Cook ’35? all"“ HARDWARE Frost“: rarest..sp.y...sla:- "Wrists" We me . i ison. - . . - e - i , ‘ . ' _,) OX, :1 I . .v - Complete Stock Wringer Rolls Dated this 20th day of December. géiswlfgl'ngltiinaélaiiiiliigpgiigeiiGilt? ti— ‘3"? Plalnhff and 5639 ‘1 dcogy 9; Jim Roush : Bill Anthony, Rt. 2, Box 121 Agent 1.. , 1944- tie, estate, lien or interest in gift real affingfflgg agggfiff eatu’ifigr gaze I 12-14-28 Accident and Health InsuranCe i; EMMETT 1:1- WILKISON. estate described in the complaint in below stated and in case of our Phone r——,-~ , 4 12-28—1-4-11—18-25—5t. this suit, Defendants, ,fnure so to- do .ud em wil be FOR SALE: gram fed ducks and 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 30 i The State of Washington to Char— l gnawed a ainst' Joug‘gccordin to . . geese. Phone 7F1. Mell Saeger. ‘ * PRODUCTS CO NASH :55 Peers Greatest? til; the demand oi they complaint which 011 stoves and furnaces I 12-14-28 .3 . . en‘s 0 ar es : l . _ v .. ——-- ‘- . BROTHER 1133331“ heirs of Ida o. _Peebles, de- $33396“ “led with the Clerk of said f Vgcuum Clealzedé 53“ MASTER LAMINATED PADLocKs. . / Seventh St. Bridge S ceased: the gnknowg: bolas of Jay; “9- object of mg action is to ac Ion guaran ee . gogr‘fggge while they last. Illllllgggt‘ \LDEN 0. BA VLEY 3 Phone 334 123 So. 2nd At ?eebles' ecease an a 0- tain for the laintiff an absolute _, .__ .__... ,— a PHONE 12 artles or persons unknown claim- divorce from tfie defendant on the GLASS ROASTERS' $4.95 and $5.95 ATTORNEY AT LAW f Title Insurance Building. Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 ‘ Shelton I WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 o Shelton. Wash ELLIOT B. SPRING .3 . Omaha... . 4mi- .42; .. m The SECRET WEAPON of, Sue- ff . magma, ,_ 9.35 8.50 . . . _ . ' ' he lamtlffs are the owners of the DIOXimately $1600.00, and. of the ity of Shelton. Washin ton, , ho 6 . 10:10 9:30 {tiereigafter described property and en- WHEREAS, such spoolal elections 2. Commissioner of Finance andg c. 218 N FlrSt P ne 12 Accounting Tax Set-Vices A ‘ 10:50 10-10 titled to possession thereof; that the and soul: expenditures could not have counting of the City of Shelton. Wash-i kk - s “ A' “ 11.30 02 defendants, and neither of them. have reasonably .been foreseen at the time lpgton. and a Commissioner of Pub? B°° “9mg ys‘em‘ ‘ i i I 1 '50 any right. title. interest, lien Or es- of the makm of the 1944 budget. in Streets and Improvements of the _——-————-——- 12:15 pm 11:30 tate in the hereinafter described prop- NOW. 'TH BEFORE. THE COUN- City of Shelton, Washington, under 123 4th St. Phone 565 -. 1:00 12:10 Pm erty, and that the plaintiff's title CIL OF THE CITY OF SHELTON. the Commission form of gOvernment. NOTICE ’ l : 1-40 12-50 therein be quieted as against the 08- WASHINGTON, DC ORDAIN AS NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that V 2' -' {endants and each of them, covering FOLLOWS: .- the polls will be open at said election On and after January 1, 1945! . :10 1330 premises situate in the County .of SECTION I: That an emergency ex- from 8 o'clock in the morning until the artnershjp of Mitchell 3:00 2:00 Pierce. State of Washlngton, descrlb- ists requiring expenditures in the sum o'clock in the evenin ' Polling places P , , 1 ed. , 'NSURANCE ’ " 340 2-35 ed as follows: oi apprommately $1600.00 for the hold- shall be as follows: recinct 1, Shel- Gelger W111 be (11530 V : i 4:40 3.00 m m .m- oartsfofSLottha apt! Nortlei; Enlilpgnspveélalhelegtions in the City of gm tCitfg 1:311}! ; pregnct 2, M8501“ RAY W, MITCHELL, ' west uarter 0 cu eas m“ i as mg on. oun y our ouse: recinct 3. She RR v ' 4:55 3:40 of seélion 17, Township 22 firth SECTION II : That emergency .war- ton High school Gymnasium; Pre- CA OLL GEiggg’ 1_11 G. ., 5:10 4.25 Range 1 west, Willamette Meridian rents in the apprommate sum of $1.- cinct 4,6)fern Davidson residence. Elll- . I —' .3 F 5.50 5:15 described as foi‘less; th f North 300.238? $53331 to ctover the expense Error 3v nue :idPrecinctr 5, Mrs. AMartha .F t . , ’ . . Be innm 82.08 88 on, 0 - _‘ l ecclons.‘ .- aco s res , ence. rner venue: CALL FOR, BIDS OR. GASOLINE , WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON 6:30 6:00 “Emmi, of said Northwest quar- SDCTION III: This ordinance shall Precinct 6. Mason Charity Welfare NoTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Office at Angle Building 715 6.30 ter of Southeast$6 uagtelg. $61109 £130“? £11311 affgrcefnd Heat fwg (133135 §U$din§v Raigg‘adl AVeIauel; greeting bids will be received aréd opened by ' ' ' r n in South . ‘ 88- 91199 . . er 15 D ssage an F“ . or eaux c 00: an re no. . Board of Count om issioner ‘e Frag-ht Shquld be routed ma SUE flndlq'ln’ Ferry Docfi’ 7:50 7:10 Ellasrt1 garallel to North lines said licatlon according _to law. _ Grant Lumber Company Office. First 3f“; Mason County, Sbvashinrgton' S '. 3 Freight V13- Sl-r- Sk°°kum Ch‘e ’ M1 waUkee Doc ' ' 8:25 7-45 Northwest quarter of Southeast INTRODUCED in regular Council Street. By order of the Council of Thursday, January 4th, 1945 at 11:00 ‘. \ NO. 2 9.00 ' quarter and Lot 3. 2331.06 feet to meeting this 7th day of December. the City of Shelton.” Washington. AM. at the office of ‘the Board in ‘ w ‘ a . " ' 834° Easterly line said_ Lot 3» thence 1944' . . . Dated this 22nd day 0‘ Novemberv the Court House in Shelton. for furn- R. ,. . , 10:00 9:40 North 5 deg. 48 min. 30 sec. West PASSED in regular Council meeting 1944, ~ ishing. gasoline to Mason County for f . , Tune Schedule as follows_ ‘ 1140 102 on said line 43 feet, thence West- this let day of December, 1944. A. K. McCAMPBELL. needs, and including such ATTORNEY AT 3 2 Leaves Tacoma daily except Sunday at 5 p. m. for l ' o erly 2326.71 feet to '08ngng and Approved -TT , City Clerk 0f .the City Of school 'districts as wish to avail them- I LAW u .- g 12:15 am 11:30 containing 2.91 acres,‘ more or less. J . L- CA 0. Mayor Shelton. Washin ton. I selves ofrthe benefit of this Contract, Olympia and Shelton [ 12:55 12.30 and to quiet title against every and Attesh . 11-23-30—12- -14-21-23—6t- f r the year commencing January lst, Snite 1 L. M. Bldg Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday I ' am all interest of any of the defendants A. K. MCCAMPBELL. City Clerk 1 45. Sh n W I. Except Sunday, in and to the above described prem- ADDTOVed as t0 Form: Dated this 18th day of December, on. ashing‘bon l CLARENCE CARLANDER, PreSIdent ises_ MP ELL SgfisAt$%nIgsl:JWIS. 12-28—41 Male, Female_Cloqu 1944. R. 13- CA E v r __ .Th§,Navajo,1nwns believe that BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- E‘ 1- gig-lest?- a-tiid 1gl’os'tleffigt?Al‘i'dress vs—Th-e SECRET' WEAPON-Ufsu -’ be are male aha'tférfiale‘ clouds, WASifllNgg‘OllDWE E on on an ree‘ ‘- i - ' A Y TE, ~ ~ I t 'Puyallup, Vina‘slggngto/Ph w o: 9 1 cessful busm ess ls continuous 1 that winds from the north an male cm of the 0am casual ,busmess ,5 contmuow