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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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It' WORK IS PROGRESSING on the new city of Shelton waste water treatment plant which is scheduled to be completed and put into operation this year. The new plant is located off Fairmont Street with the outfall line going into Oakland Bay near Eagle Point. Work on other ll: phases of the project is also progressing with some of them completed. rth-grade test scores show 0000tote students above average 0 For the third straight year, fl ishington's fourth grade c Ldents generally tested higher $ n the national norm in the tic skills of reading, language its and mathematics, State [Uperintendent of Public 't!truction Frank Brouillet _.,lounced this week. The state level results were 1ed on the testing of the more |.lan 55,000 fourth grade i,dents in Washington s pubhc Skills (CTBS) in October. The state testing program was enacted by the legislature in 19i6 for the purpose of providing parents, communities and the legislature with information about the basic skills achievement of individuals and groups of fourth grade students 'compared with other similar students across the state and the nation. The CTBS tests eight-basic who were admhfistered skills areas in reading, language le Comprehensive Tests of Basic arts and mathematics. The L 00dded unit at planned "[The construction of an correct overcrowding in the fli.tional housing unit at the state's prisons. l'lahington Corrections Center is Department of Social and Y40ng the proposals in the Health Services officials said the 'A'dget submitted to the 1979 estimated cost of the project ¢¢Ulative session by Governor would be $3.5 million. .ot/l'/Lee Ray. The unit would home 120 11 '" d The unit is part of her medium security inmates. 1t 9Posals for additional space to It would be built within the !ld fenced area of the present arts than the national corrections center. t ;' hurch o ,i kcar S.C.A.T. 0000lngers PRESENTS BUTTERFLIES ,Gary Christian and Company ARE FREE t tTU be singing at the Shelton rch of God at the New Washington results are compared with the results of the national norm group. The national norm group has 25 percent of the students in the upper quarter, 50 percent in the two middle quarters and 25 percent in the lower quarter. This distribution is the same for the norm group on all tests. Dr. Brouillet noted that for the 1978 reading vocabulary and comprehension results combined, 33 percent of Washington's fourth graders scored in the upper one-quarter compared to 25 percent in the national norm group. The three-year average indicates that 32.1 percent of Washington's students scored in the upper quarter. By contrast, only 13.0 percent of Washington fourth graders scored in the lower quarter in 1978 with' a three-year average of 15.0 percent in the lower quarter. Spelling, punctuation and capitalization skills, and grammar and sentence expression are tested in the language arts portion of the CTBS. "Once again this year the general performance of Washington's students is higher in language norm FRI.-SAT., DEC. 29, 30 I.W.A. HALL performance," said Brouillet, "with 27.0 percent scoring in the high quarter, 56.0 percent scoring in the two middle quarters, and only 17.0 percent scoring in the lower quarter." Washington's three year language arts averages are similar with 25.3 percent in the upper quarter, 55.8 percent in the two middle quarters and 18.8 percent in the lower quarter. The mathematics part of the CTBS includes basic computation, measurement, and word problems together with chart and graph interpretation skills and time and money problems. This year's results show 25 percent of Washington's fourth graders scored in the upper quarter, 57 percent in the two middle quarters and 17 percent in the lower quarter. The three-year averages for Washington's mathematic scores are 23.9 percent in the upper quarter, 56.8 percent in the two middle quarters and 19.3 percent in the lower quarter. Hood Canal School Lunch Menu January 2-5 Tuesday: Beef gravy over mashed potatoes, cinnamon roll, peas, fruit, milk. Wednesday: Pizza, orange juice, fruit salad, cam, milk. Thursday: Chili, corn bread, vegetable sticks, cookie, fruit, milk. Friday: Wiener on a bun, french fries, vegetable sticks, cake, fruit, milk. In Shelton and in Hoodsport WE'RE ALL THE BANK YOU'LL EVER NEED i Traffic safety discussed The Mason County Traffic Safety Committee discussed the dangerous condition of Highway 3 at its meeting last week. Laurel Nelson, a member of the committee, expressed concern about the highway as a safety hazard. Jim Leitch, from the county engineer's office, told the group the state has plans for the improvement of the highway including relocation of one section. The first part of the work, he said, is about ready to go out for bids. The highway will still follow its present route along Oakland Bay except for the relocation portion. The committee questioned whether or not this will correct the hazardous conditions. The group agreed to invite a member of the Highway District 3 staff to meet with them to discuss this. The Mason County Engineering Department submitted proposed traffic safety projects for the coming year which were approved.. They include providing milepost markers, $2,500; improving accident location records, $1,500; inventory of hazardous locations, $3,500; install bridge delineators, $10,000; and upgrade signs, $5,000. The committee will study the proposals to put them in priority order. Also discussed was the hazardous condition on Olympic Highway North in the vicinity of K Street• The committee agreed left turn lanes and through lanes are needed at the intersection. Coordinator Mede McNeil will meet with city public works and law enforcement officials to discuss what can be done. Liquor money reported Mason County will receive $12,759.79 and the city of Shelton $15,091.64 from the quarterly distribution of liquor profits, the State Liquor Control Board said this week. Great motive However bdgiant an action it should not be esteemed great unless the result of a great motive. Francois de La Rochefoucauld YOU ARE INVITED TO A "CAREER NIGHT" NO COST  NO OBLIGATION LEARN WHAT REAL ESTATE OFFERS Y0U * Unlimited income potential , Opportunities for advancement * Flexible time schedules , Personal investment opportunities LEARN WHAT CENTURY 21 OFFERS YOU * Advanced soles training * Massive advertising programs , National referral system , Dynamic sales tools LEARN HOW YOU CAN GET STARTED , Pre-hire program , Pre-Ilcenze training , Fast Start sales training , Individual attention PLUS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to meet and talk with the profession- als, sales people and managers, on a friendly, informal basis. DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1979 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CENTURY 21 OFFICE 7TH & RAILROAD SHELTON, WA Or contact your nearest CENTURY 21 office for a personal Interview. Over S,000 offices nationwide. i i [--T--I REAL ESTATE OF WASHINGTON, INC. Anchor Hocking Glass SERVING PITCHER Reg. 1.99 SAVE t44 a,....,.. 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HAMMER An Old-T/me Favorite--Be Sure to Ask for Your FREE 1979 ALMANAC Handy COMPASS SAW Reg. 1.69 SAVE 58¢ a.Sl  Skil No. 1626 318 DRILL Reg. 22.59 SAVE S6,1NI Front Bumper Mounted SPARE TIRE TOTE Reg. 14.95 SAVll SS.tff Oster 100% Natural VITAMIN & PROTEIN SUPLEMENT Reg. 4.29 SAVE SI.N Factory Mixed Supreme Sat-N-Hue FLAT INTERIOR LATEX Reg. 11.98 SAVE 6.M Skll No. SS9 7¼" POWER SAW Reg. 69.9S SAVE SW,M a..m00.d00*49 's Ekco ROLLING PINS Reg. 2.79 SAVE 1€ ,,, ,, Comfort BATHROOM SEAT Everything is padded Reg. 16.95 SAVE t.M a,.,...*l' DOG BW with padded pillow Reg. 14.79 SAVE 14.91 i , i Skll No. $69 318 DRILL o,.,. 00,,dd'22" tOm mm STRIPPER • Makes any electric drill a fQst efficient paint stripper. Reg. 9.95 SAVE t4.11 Rubber maid 01L ClIANGE PAN Reg. 2. 59 SAVE 71€ a, em ,e.I tl u ' Living World ........ 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