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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ord .r ,: .... r..,, n. 1 C o.n,,.er re,...e, By ADOLPH JOHNSON One dy the Reverend Richerson appeared in our 13th Street, Shelton, speeding, Slagle, woodshed, boat shelter A hit and run accident was Raymond Moffat reported the Arcadia area. neighborhood. He was good $30 forfeit; and carport, $4,500; reported at Arcadia and Ferry. the burglary of a summer cabin. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT looking, well dressed, and a Mary Stillwell, residence, Steven Barnett reported a A box of salmon was smooth talker. He could talk a $55,000; Tyee Well Drilling, tool box taken from a vehicle, reported left on the side of the December 21, 7:35 p.m., miser out of his life&apos;s savings. residence, $30,000; Frank A two-car accident was Simmons Road. Mike Striplin residence, 1633 The way the women fell for Wascher, repair roof, $501; reported in the liquor store Ruth McBride reported a Olympic Highway North, him! I think he was a distant Victor Wright, mobile home, no parking lot. boat lost. chimney fire. relative of Cassanova. In those value listed. A wallet which was found Outdoor Christmas lights December 24, 2:30 a.m., car was turned into the police were reported taken from Maples fire in car owned by Clarence days the preacher got the best of CITY BUILDING PERMITS department. Gifts. Akin at First and Park Streets. everything. The spare bedroom was reserved for him, and he got Building permits approved by A woman reported she A lock was reported broken the choicest part of the chicken the city of Shelton during the couldn't get near the large on the gate to the main shed at or whatever was in the pantry.. past week were to: garbage container bedause a large the Alderbrook Golf and Yacht IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIlllll After he left, we got leftovers Howard Austin, reroof dog was tied nearby. Club. d #li$,i for a day or two. residence, $1,500; Sheltonville A truck-pole accident was Lumber was reported being Richerson held church and i Bay schoolhouse for awhile. He MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT on the docket in County District Court Judge Carol Fuller during week were: Justice Court Taylor, 614 James , Centralia, speeding, $41 t; John Pede, 425 East K t, Shelton, speeding, $30 t; Patricia Dallenbach, Rt. 245, Grapeview, speeding, forfeit; Virginia Ingraham, North Fife, Tacoma, g, $30 forfeit; Catherine :'.h P.O. Box 143, Matlock, lding, $68 forfeit; Kristine erg, 1603 West Elliott, tpia, speeding, $64 forfeit; !!ltex Bamhard, 326 Island :r Drive, Shelton, physical !'li01 of a motor vehicle while Xicated, $312.50 forfeit; lid Troeh, St. Rt. 1, Box tlelfair, failure to use due and caution, $15 forfeit; es Amacher, P.O. Box 46, t, defective equipment, $23 it; Valarie Counts, Rt. 5, 383, Shelton, speeding, $30 it; alerie Stumpges, Rt. 4, Box f,, Shelton, failure to stop at sign, $30 forfeit; lhalmi Able, 3100 Willow ;lngs Road, Central Point, .!,0n, speeding, $30 forfeit; Allen, Rt. I, Box 723, iew, speeding, $30 forfeit; Runnels, Rt. 5, Box Shelton, speeding, $30 it; Grey Albrecht, 1127 Martin Ray, Rt. 5, Box 106, Shelton, failure to keep right of centerline, $30 forfeit; Charles Kolppa, Rt. 1, Box 652-E, Shelton, speeding, $30 forfeit; Jerome Sweet, Rt. 2, Box 185, Shelton, failure to use due care and caution, $30 forfeit; John Bright, USS Coral Sea, huntiug game birds without a license, $30 forfeit, Floyd Strobel, 4968 Dana Drive Southeast, Port Orchard, stirring up, rallying or disturbing waterfowl with a power boat, $50 forfeit; Keith McCauley, 25601 70th Avenue East, Graham, speeding, $30 forfeit; Allen Shearer, St. Rt. 2, Box 325, Belfair, speeding, $30 forfeit; Rodger Richardson, 316 J Street, Hoquiam, speeding, $35 forfeit; Melvin Wise, P.O. Box 68, Tahuya, driving while intoxicated, $250 free, 30 days in jail, suspended. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County planner's office during the past week were to: James Heltemens, addition, $5,300; Jose Hemandez, mobile home, $14,900; Jesse Mathews, addition, $4,224; Mike Medino, mobile home, $35,000; Richard Peterson, residence, $56,656; G.D. Raven, vacation home, $21,000; Patrick Ross, mobile home, no value listed; Gerald vergree. Evergreen Square • 426-3456 • Shelton Monday-Saturday, 9:30-6:30 New Year'sH0!iday ' Sunday, 11-2 CIosedMonday #oh'day Ringer SUPER LOW PRICE ON FILM DEVELOPING AND COLOR PRINTS 20 EXPOSURE 24 EXPOSURE 99 1 2-EXP. ROLL S2.99 $3.49 Sorry, no foreign film. . RNU UULU a. II 12 EXP. I 20 EXP. I 24 EXP. I ! 81-99 I 82-99 I 83"49 1 I COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. I LIMIT ONE ROLL WITH COUPON. I = VALID DEC. 26, 1978 THRU JAN. 5. 1979 = Cards Lights Candy they last Properties, residence, $21,988; reported at Highway 3 and taken from a mill in the Emerald prayer meetings in the Oyster Steve Mercier, remodel residence, Ellinor. Lake area.  These tides are for the i -got involved in a couple of love, $3,063.60; Waite Construction, John Pearson reported a tail A car was reported in the Union area. For 5helton and residence, $50,578.50; Waite light lense in a vehicle taken, ditch on the North Shore. Oakland Bay add an hour affairs, and when the egg money Construction, residence, Russell Krumpols reported a A truck was reported in the and a half and 2.4 feet. in jars on the kitchen shelf was ....,,,m.,.m........,....,mm.,..., gone he disappeared, leaving the $52,218.50; Joe Hibler, carport, dfle and shotgun taken from a ditch in ihe Belfair area. - - Oyster Bay people not any wiser, $1,820; Wands Rainwater, fence, pickup. Clay Bowcutt reported items Thursday, December 28 F M E R K A M I LCHE but sadder. $500; Otis Crawford, add to Irene Goldsby reported her taken from a vehicle. High ....... 4:27 a.m. 12.0ft. residence, $720. daughter's purse taken. Lee Roberts reported a Low ....... 9:29a.m. 7.2ft. 'SCREWBALL Adolph High ....... 2:30 p.m. 12.1 ft. Johnson of Olympia recalls SHELTON POLICE John Tarr reported a vehicle storage shed broken into. Low ....... 9:48 p.m. -2.2 ft. the "good o1' days" of his Mix with action Debbie Eash reported taken. Tracy Owen reported the Friday, December 29 childhood in the Oyster Ba9 I myself must mix with action windows broken out. Mike Tisdale reported tools burglary of a summer residence. High ....... 5:08 a.m. 12.7 ft. area in a continuing series ot lest I wither by despair. Daniel Jonas reported a taken. Barbara Boysen reported Low ...... lO:19a.m. 7.0ft. Journal vignettes. burglary. Gladys Hanson reported a three horses in the roadway near High ....... 3:18 p.m. 12.1 ft. Lord Alfred Tennyson Kenneth Kane reported trailer entered. Taylor Towne. Low ...... 10:31 p.m. -2.6 ft. vandalism to a vehicle. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Mel Jarstad repoited the Saturday, December 30 Anna Leeberg reported the Paula Medico reported a pet windshield in a vehicle broken. High ....... 5:50 a.m. 13.3 ft. low ...... 11:10a.m. 6.7.. C Ileg by Tel i i burglary of a residence, ferret lost in the Mill Creek area. Golf clubs and bags were High ....... 4:07 p.m. 12.1 ft. O  e.  o] Two hub caps were reported A car-tree accident was reported taken from the Lake Low .. ll:16p.m. -2.7ft. taken from a vehicle on South reported on the Lynch Road. Limerick Country Club. Sunday, December 31 Olympic College Presents Third Street. A two-car accident was A vehicle was reported in the High ....... 6:32 a.m. 13.6 ft. A tree was reported cut on reported on Benson Loop Road. ditch on the Sand Hill Road. Low ........... noon 6.3 ft. a telecourse in five Seventh Street. Jose Lim reported the A car was reported on fire at High ....... 5:02 p.m. 11.8 ft. major areas of art. A wallet which was found burglary of a cabin. Belfair Arco. The following tides are for the was turned into the police A disabled vehicle was Nelda Miles reported she Sholtonarea. department, reported on Highway 3. found a stray dog. Monday, January ! In Our Own Image Tom Aaron reported a John Freeman reported adog A burglary at the Henry High ....... 8:30a.m. 16.J ft. Low ....... 2:51 p.m. 5.7 ft. windshield in a vehicle broken, shot. Cultee residence was reported. High ....... 7:07 p.m. 13.6 ft. Winter Quarter 1979 Harold Peck reported a James Bunting reported an Beer was reported taken Tuesday, Januew2 Instructor: Elizabeth Staehow wallet lost. apartment entered, from a t tuck at Belfair tow ....... 2:426.m. -1.8 ft. A two-car accident was Merlin Fisher reported a sign Thriftway. High ....... 9:12 a.m. 16.2 ft. 3 crediLs -- $30.60 Low ....... 3:46 p.m. 5.1 ft. reported at Olympic Highway broken down. Howard Amende reported a High ....... 8:11 p.m. 12.9ft. Starts Sunday, January 7th. North and A Street. Becky Swan reported a horse shot. Wednesday, January 3 Channels 9 and 13. Roland Cuzick reported a German shepherd dog missing. Donald Thompson reported Low ....... 3:31 a.m. -.6ft. window inaresidence broken. Kevin Barr reported a that a rock thrown by a tire High ....... 9:55a.m. 16.1ft. Low ....... 4:50 p.m. 4.4 ft. Beer was reported taken summer home broken into. from another vehicle broke a High ....... 9:23 p.m. 12.1 ft. Registration from Nault's Dell Grocery. Gary Plews reported windshield. A one-car roll over accident trespassers. Two pay telephones at Brad's Thursday, January 4 Low ....... 4:23 a.m. .9 ft. January 2-5 and January 8-12 w a s r e p o r t e d a t t h e A car was reported to have Quick Stop in Hoodsport were High ...... 10:42 a.m. 15.8 ft. Goldsborough Creek Bridge. rolled over on Highway 3 south reported damaged. Low ....... 5:54 p.m. 3.5 ft. Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. William Rollins reported a of Deer Creek. A one-vehicle accident was High ...... lO:48p.m, llAft. window in a vehicle shattered. James Brown reported a reported on the Arcadia Road. Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Diane Morphy reported a pickup missing. It was later An abandoned vehicle was vehicle hit. reported returned to the owner, reported on the Agate Road. Great end For more information A two-vehicle accident was Clara Rosenbursereported a A vehicle as reportedrin the The great end of hfc is not rep0rted at North 13th and residence broken into. ditch in the Allyn area. knowledge but action, call 426-2642 Spring Road. Stereo equipment in a plastic A break in was reported at Thomas H. Huxley Daniel Jonas reported money bag was reported found on the the old sales office at taken from a residence. North Grapeview Road. Timberlakes. Floyd Graves reported a Wood was reported being cut Guy Melvin reported a boat chain sawtaken, on Simpson Timber Company found. .__.___t: ...... --':--t- ...... '-' ................. 1 .............. "-- ........ I ................. "' ................ 1 ':-'---I ......... --q- A purse found in Evergreen property without permission. A non-injury accident was i:001 ........... Square was turned into the A fire was reported in the reported on the old Arcadia "" I[Z;,;IY .... '°' --- _,u- / ...... police department, roadway on Elfendahl Pass Road. Road. r-- [ii ! A hit and run accident was A burglary of the John A car was reported over the ,,,, ,,,. , ...... _ ./ reported at Second and Cota. Evenson residence in the Victor bank in the Allyn area. ;;;:: -° 1 (.. 1--1 I ......... ""'" Barbara Sewell reported an area was reported. A dog was reported shot in _)..l---] .... \\;, \\;t," , .......... 0, I()l°""l attempt to vandalize a vehicle. ;., O(\\;  / x. 1| I('J ..\\; Theresa James reported the " " ............ II -- ...... T ............ :,..c " F! theft of a car battery. -- Tom Ingram reported Road takeover asked [: ........... :--- vandalism to a vehicle. "°"1 .,,.J I I \\;--"1"\) A gate was found open at A letter to the Mason county to take over the roads in ---I .,,,, = I LIVIN 00M \\; Billington's. County Commission from F.E. rite subdivision. ---7. :"t":"+:;I / / / Three packages were found Scheiderich, president of The commission will study 2! ::It! on the steps of the Church of Olympic Trails Corporation the request. :: the Nazarene. stated the group wants the ---:.=- .... i __=S._.T:LE:2::;,--..;L;;72:I ........ LLL. :;===. . < , .. ,,, .... .... 21020 2866 4-BEDROOM FRONT & REAR TWO BATH (Approx. 1,866 Sq. Ft.) me to enderson New Yea] 's The new inn is ready for you. Enjoy the luxury and Eve Parl service of a truly , outstanding convention resort overlooking beautiful Three Locations Hood Canal. Centralia Ch lhalis *25" We'll be waiting 736-9991 to Serve You 748-8262 and ,..,-o. Alderbrook for you! 5140 Yelm Highway I r n n Olympia, Washington 491-1222 Atuy ' i Outstanding ( 1 RESORT-HOTEL HOW TO GET TO ..,tin Phone'. 898.2200 or 898-2500 The next day HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES. Alderbrook Inn - Union, Washington 98592 "LmP,A  A'-- r- , 1.2  "%"ZX,. -..4&civ ,Is r't ... Caplt61 City 5140 Yelm-Oiympla Highway Olympia, yashington 98503 PHONE. (21)6) 491.1222 January 1st, From I-5 take Laeey exit... proceed south through Laeey you may come on College Way to Yelm Your package back for Highway, turn left to includes: BRUNCH HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES. Dinner After dinner your at 11:30 From Tumwater, take Brewery exit from 1-5 on Custer Way, Baked Salmon package includes 2 blocks to Olympia-Yelm Highway. Direct mute to or Dancing HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES. Prime Rib to with wine 'q'uxedo Junction" served at with champagne 7:30 p.m. and late night snack Thursday, December 28, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9