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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HOLIDAY TRANQUILITY visits Eagle Point on a cold, crisp evening this week. Court told about broken promises by DSHS A story of broken promises by officials of the Department of Social and Health Services unfolded before Judge Hewitt Henry in Mason County Superior Court last Thursday in the sentencing of Montey Portrey on a charge of first degree escape. John Henry Browne, a Seattle attorney representing Portrey, told the court Portrey was in the state penitentary at Walla Walla serving a sentence forearmed robber,/ whmh and ' ther inmate had fotffid the location of a cache of weapons inside the penitentiary. Browne .said that in return Publkations ORDINANCE NO. 981 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1979 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SHELTON, WASHINGTON AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF TAXES NECESSARY TO BE LEVIED UPON ALL REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SHELTON NOT EXEMPT FROM TAXATION. WHEREAS, a hearing on the proposed budget of the City of Shelton for 1979 was held commencing on the 21st day of November, 1978 and concluding on the 26th day of December, for information on the weapons location, DSHS officials had • promised Portrey he would be transferred out of the penitentiary and his release from prison would be arranged within 90 days. After the information was provided, Browne said, Portrey was transferred to the corrections center, but he was unaware the DSHS officials had no authority to arrange' for his release. He said after Portrey was brought to the corrections center, he was held in the reception center for some time IJlal Publications 1978, pursuant to notice duly and regularly given, for the purpose of hearing any and all taxpayers residing, or having property in the City of S helton either "for" or "against' any part .of said budget, and due consideration having been given the preliminary budget for the fiscal year 1979, and WHEREAS, the final budget for 1979 which was developed as a result of the hearing on the preliminary budget shows in detail the amount of estimated expenditures, and the amount of estimated receipts as follows: before being put in with the general population. After being brought out of the reception center, Browne said, Portrey had received threats on his life. Dissolutioned with keeping the promises made to him, Browne said, Portrey along with two other inmates had gone under the fence at the corrections center. One of those who escaped was caught later the same day. Portrey was taken into custody in Montesano and the third inmate, Michael Worthy, was shot by Lewis County law enforcement officers who were trying to take him into custody. Legal Publications Judge Henry sentenced recommend a short minimum Portrey to a maximum of 10 sentence and that DSHS officials years in prison on the escape take all precautions to insure charge. He said he would Portrey'ssafety. Legal Publkations Legal Publications (See attached tables) hereby levied against all taxable 1978. NOW, THEREFORE, be it property in the City of Shelton a /s/James F. Lowery ordained by the City tax at the rate of $3.36 per Mayor Commission of the City of $1,000.00 assessed valuation /s/Bradley S. Owen Shelton as follows: thereof for the year 1979. Commissioner Section 1. The final budget Section 3. This ordinance is /s/Michael J. Byrne adopted on December 26, 1978, necessary for the preservation of Commissioner for the calendar year 1979, public peace, health and safety, ATTEST: reference thereto being made as and shall take effect immediately /s/Helen W. Stodden though the same were set out upon its passage. City Clerk herein in full, and by such This is an emergency measure APPROVED: reference made a part hereof, be necessary for public welfare and /s/Herbert H. Fuller and the same is adopted as the safety and shall take effect as Special Ass't. City final budget of the City of soon as allowed by law. Attorney Shelton for the calendar year INTRODUCED and PASSED 28-1t 1979. in regular Commission meeting Section 2. That there is this 26th day of December, REVENUES Unencumbered Miscel. Inter- State Fund Other Property Sales Tax & Gov't. & Fed. Bond Balance Revenue Interest Tax Tax License Fines Revenue Grants Sales Transfers Total Current Expense 161,220 5,700 30,000 173,458 140,000 125,960 40,000 159,911 " 173,883 1,010,132 Street 50,000 42,000 2,500 154,000 50,000 500 58,431 357,431 Library 2,235 700 26,000 30,000 350 8,000 67,285 Park & Recreation 94 1,500 34,000 24,000 59,594 U.A.B. 1,200 2,000 3,200 Flood Control 9,000 2,000 11,000 Total ,Tax,Funds , , , 223,749 , , .... 49,900 32,,500 ,, ..... 391,458 244,000, 125,960, , ,, 40,850 218,342,, , 181,883 ...... 1,508,642 Non-Tax Levy Funds: Library Interest Income 30,000 8,000 38,000 Water 70,829 297,000 1,800 369,629 Sewer 66,370 274,000 1,200 341,570 Garbage 12,943 125,000 400 138,343 Arterial Street 110,000 1,200 36,990 148,190 Annex 6,000 4,260 10,260 Firemen's Pension 80,000 3,696 5,000 88,696 Water & Sewer Constr. 35,000 1,710,000 420,000 123,500 2,288,500 1966 S. & W. Bond Red. 36,000 ' 3,500 51,600 91,100 Federal Shared Revenue 34,883 101,616 136,499 Total Non-Levy Funds 447,025 738,956 21,100 36,990 1,811,616 420,000 175,100 3,650,787 Total ;,,A!I Funds , ,, , ,, ,67°,774, ....... 788856,, 53,600 391,458 244.000 125,960, 40.850 255,332_ • 1,811.616, , 420,000 356.983, , 5,159,429 EXPENDITURES TAX FUNDS Personal Other Serv. Capital Interest Unencumbered Aid Other Services Supplies & Charges Outlay Transfers & Bonds Miscel. Fund Reserves Gov't. Total Police 336,248 27,300 19,000 4,000 4,300 4,000 394,848 Fire 187,581 5,650 7,700 5,000 3,800 209,731 Public Works 52,580 1,225 20,400 500 200 6,140 81,045 Building 18,501 795 3,085 6,700 1,225 30,306 Legal 12,622 770 10,850 100 675 4,500 29,517 General Government 149,787 9,000 35,400 55,000 3,050 12,448 264,685 Total Current Expense 757,319 44,740 96,435 71,300 1.3,250 27,088 1,010,132 Street 183,724 19,000 62,700 85,500 800 5,707 357,431 Library 51,966 1,289 9,790 3,900 340 67,285 Park & Recreation 45,094 8,000 4,000 1,800 700 59,594 U.A.B. 3,200 3,200 Flood Control 2,000 9,000 11,000 Total Tax Funds 280,784 28,289 76,490 93,200 1,840 17,907 498,510 Non-Tax Levy Funds: Library Interest Income 8,000 30,000 38,000 Water 73,860 38,500 93,600 9,800 101,323 22,300 11,000 19,246 369,629 Sewer 84,100 27,000 13,500 11,000 141,253 29,300 3,500 31,917 341,570 Garbage 31,980 13,500 6,500 20,363 42,600 3,000 20,400 138,343 Arterial Street 135,000 13,190 148,190 Annex 2,000 ,6,260 2,000 10,260 Firemen's Pension  22,832 65,864 88,696 Water & Sewer Constr. 1,978,500 310,000 2,288,500 1966 S. Bond Red. 44,600 46,500 91,100 Federal Shared Revenue 23,752 3,000 10,000 99,747 136,499 Page Total Non-Levy Fbnds 236,524 84,000 129,860 2,236,047 270,939 138,800 327,500 Tota== I A!.!..,Funds .... 1.,274,627. 1_57,029 302,785 .... ,2t400,5.47 270,939 ' ,. !38,800 .... 342.,590. 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 28, 1978 I 206,717 22,4,,62, 4 , 2o,400 3,650,787 47,488 , , ...... , .... ,, ,=-, City adopts budget The Shelton City Commission, at its meeting Tuesday night, adopted a 1979 budget with $1,0!0,132 in expenditures in its current expense budget. The total budget is $5,159,429 which includes $2,288,500 in the sewer and water construction fund which is largely to complete the new waste water treatment plant. State and federal grants pay for all except 10 percent of this project which is slated for completion this year. The commission said the budget included a nine percent wage increase for city employes, although negotiations with most of the employe unions have not yet been completed. The budget includes funds for a person to police parking when the new signed two-hour parking ordinance goes into effect, for a records person in the police department and for a full-time park and recreation director. The budget was adopted with an emergency clause so that it can go into effect before January 1 when the new year starts. Budget totals for the various departments under the current expense budget include police, $394,848; fire department, $209,731; public works department, $81,731; building department, $30,306; legal department, $29,517; and general government, $264,685. Other department budget totals include street, $357,431; library, $67,285; park and recreation, $59,594; urban arterial street program, $3,200; and flood control, $11,000. Departments which operate from their own revenue and their budget totals include water department, $369,629; sewer department, $341,570; garbage department, $138,343. Other budgets include library interest income, $38,000; arterial street, $148,190; annex, $10,260; firemen's pension, $88,696; water and sewer construction, $2,288,500; 1966 sewer: bond ..redem p!t ion,, $91,100; and federal shared revenue, $136,499. Revenue estimates include $391,458 from property tax; $244,000 from the half cent sales tax; $125,960 from miscellaneous tax sources and licenses; $40,850 from fines; and $218,342 from intergovern- mental revenue. Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this week were: Wilson Medcalf, 51, Poulsbo, and Nadine Adkinson, 52, Poulsbo. Timothy Heinicke, 23, Belfair, and Karen Applin, 15, Bdfair. Michael Kdse, legal, Shelton, and Kimberly Runnels, legal, Shelton. Stephen Datson, 20, Olympia, and Terryl Godding, 18, Shelton. A son to Eva and Floyd Dahman, 2224 South Fourth Street, Shelton, December 21. A daughter to Gary L. and Patti Clark, P.O. Box 641, Shelton, December 23. A daughter to Darryl R. and Connie Allen, Route 1, Box 582, Shelton, December 23. A son to Alan and Olivia Steehler, 125 Moore Street, Shelton, December 26. Advertisements You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements. Norman Douglas BUROER & SON Same Old Furniture with a Brand.New Look! Bring yours in for reupholstering, 426-7733 lm THE PROMOTION of Rick Hirschberg to the position of forester at ITT Rayonier's Northwest Timber Division was today by George Lonngren, division manager. Hirschbel graduated from Ingraham High School in Seattle. He received a in forestry from the University of Washington in 1967. He for a short time for the Oregon Department of Forestry prior joining Rayonier in 1968. Hirschberg and his wife, Pare, live Hoquiam with their two children, Jeffrey, eight, and Aimee, six, is a member of the Society of American Foresters. Deferred sentence given for burglary Mark Adams, Shelton, was given a two-year deferred sentence on a charge of second Wesley Clark in California Airman First Class Wesley S. Clark, son of Mrs. John M. Mackey of Route 10, Shelton, has arrived for duty at George AFB, California. Airman Clark, an air passenger specialist with a unit of the Tactical Air Command, previously served at Kadena AB, Japan. The airman is a 1976 graduate of Shelton High School. His wife, Kim, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Andrews of 105 Alder Court, Shelton. degree burglary when appeared in Mason Superior Court before Hewitt Henry Thursday. He was also ordered to 10 days in the Mason jail. Judge Henry denie¢ reduction in bail for Peter Vander Wal, Shelton, with second degree assault. had been set in the case $10,000. Ed Younglove, an attorney representing Wal, asked the court to Vander Wal on his recognizance or to reduce bail. 85% and 15% Advertising is 85% confusion 15% commission. Fred PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE LIMITED QUANTITIES--YOU HAUL AND SAVE-- BE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. .... MAPLE'AiI'D PIN| FINBII COLONIAL OCCASIONAL TABLE YOUR CHOICE .00lll"- 0000.L,ST S $69" NOW 100% : ,"; 00tdjliir Now '85 , MRS. LIST $499.95 QUANTITIES, LIMITED .ow '278 SLEEPERS 101 HERCULO APT. SIZE MFG. LIST NOW '1 FULL MFG LIST ;26g,95 100% Nylon Floral SOFA/CHAIR SIT- WOOD TRIM MFG. LIST $499.95 .ow '289 100% tuxloA,,, SOFA/L0VE PLUSH TUFTING :, MFG. LIST $ NOW 100% HERCULON li SOFA & LOVEsEAT MFG LIST $009.9S NOW '389 ,o=.