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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ng regulation " ' Obit u a 00anges are p!anned osed 1979 recreati place, date of c' "' " " as a Harold R. Hall warden, deputy sheriff and beef L.A. Mattson | regulation changes for and it shall be Cilawful to Pail to qruaSrhnmPrePt=ldefimn:s that lcie n . ws a e at • . heeveHel" . " . . ' and shellfish will be do so. the inside distance between any TueAs;:; htd n /uPeml H:C 1o ::tdedOrfolri:ees RouteLawrence2, Box 745,A Shelton,Matts°ndied°f (b) Every person possessing a knot or corner and each adjacent Home for Harold R. Hall, 85, for the United States. Saturday in Mason General nil dat a public hearing at January 13 in the main auditorium, General istration Building kl regulations are scheduled Idopted at a meeting at a.m. January 17 in a ce room in the General ;trative Building and to effect April 1, 1979. proposed regulations are: noh State Park: ulation: All state-owned s at Twanoh State Park be closed to the l-use harvest of all dams tsters from June 16 December 31. ion: Control of is needed to balance effort with available stocks. )posals involving salmon cards: 0posal: Modify catch card regulation to require in ink. WAC 220-56-023 Catch Record Cards. It unlawful for any person or possess salmon for use without first having id in his possession a valid Mmon catch record card in WAC 220-69-237. salmon angler, when lg a sport salmon catch card shall completely, and legibly complete in ink on the catch record stub detaching the sport J catch record punch card lltlae stub, and enter his IId address in ink on the |talmon catch record card. |} Immediately upon g and possessing a salmon, rrson catching the salmon |remove from the punch 10he punch for each such and shall enter in ink in orresponding space the L=te to Clmsify HEATER, brown finish' !dar fencing boards, $50. 2. $12/28 sport salmon catch record punch card shall by January 31 of the year following the date of issuance return such card to the Departnlent of Fisheries. (c) Any person possessing a sport salmon catch record punch card shall upon demand of any law enforcement officer or authorized fisheries department employe exhibit said card to such officer or employe for inspection. (d) A sport salmon catch record punch card shall not be transferred, borrowed, altered, or loaned to another person. Justification: Falsification of information on punch cards has become a serious problem in some areas. This change is to prevent altering of information entered on sport salmon catch record cards. Proposed 1979 sport fishing regulation changes - marine fish - No specific changes indicated at this time. Oyster beach closure - Hoodsport Salmon Hatchery: Regulation: All state-owned tidelands at the Hoodsport Salmon Hatchery shall be closed to the personal-use harvest of oysters through December 31, 1980. Justification: A large number of juvenile oysters are present and should be "allowed to grow to a larger size before harvest occurs. Seal Rock Forest Service Campground: Regulation: All federally-owned tidelands at Seal Rock Forest Service Campground shall be closed to the personal-else harvest of oysters through March 31, 1980. Justification: There are presently very few oysters of a harvestable size at this location. Excellent sets of oysters have occurred at Seal Rock in 1977 and 1978, but the 1977 set will not reach a harvestable size until 1980. This closure will protect these oysters until they grow to a 'tlarvestable size. During the proposed closed period, the forest service will conduct a knot or corner shall be no less than 7/8 of an inch provided that the shortest diagonal of each mesh shall be no less than 1-1/8 inches. Justification: This regulation has been modified to clarify the intent that all mesh covering the top, bottom, and half of the area of the sides of shrimp pots used in Hood Canal waters south of the Hood Canal Bridge must meet the 7/8-inch minimum mesh size. Regulation: The regulation specifying minimum depth for shrimp pots fished in Hood Canal waters is hereby repealed. Justification: The intent of this regulation was to protect young shrimp found concentrated in various shallow-water nursery areas of Hood Canal. The minimum mesh size regulation for shrimp pots proposed for the 1979 season will provide adequate protection for the young shrimp without the additional need for a depth restriction. Regulation: WAC 220-56-065(3). It shall be unlawful to harvest any classified species of shellfish for personal use from within the boundaries of Sund Rocks tract located as follows: That portion of Sund Rocks tract known as Government Lot • 4, Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 3 West, W.M. and described as 640.24 feet long along the west shore of Hood Canal, approximately two miles north of Hoodsport, extending from mean high water to a depth of 150 feet. Justification: The proposed Sund Rocks tract is an area along the west shore of Hood Canal from high tide to a depth of 150 feet. The tract is approximately 650 feet long and is located about 2.0 miles north of Hoodsport on U.S. 101. The Department of Natural Resources, in conjunction with the tideland owner, is in the process of establishing a marine KC Afghan hounds. $50 starfish control program that natural area preserve. The 6-9626. B12/28-1/4 should increase the oyster purpose of the proposed IT 250, mint survival rate. regulation is to protect shellfish lit.Ion.-560 miles $850 Regulation: Amend WAC in that specific area from being .0."12/28 ....... 220-56-088(3b) General disturbed or removed so they IJ boats--'-'- Provisions - SheUfish-Gear-Un- may be available for scientific Wllfronts, renovations, lawful (Hood Canal) to read as study. I lll,.. , designs, show cards, Iltliow d'islblays. Winter follows: The minimum mesh size l'- haws' the time! Free INSURANCE • Property ir, t. Without tail, one small IIitta k-feet: ears • Casualty ILROOM bachelor's • Commercial Enent, priv tee bath, all paid. $80 per month; • AUfO -818. L12/28 US EXECUTIVE home, • Mortgage ,drooms, 2½ baths, large • :ll, and rec rooms with ,Etor fireplaces. A quality Illi in quiet desirable lllrhood. Lease option Il $425/month; first and Il f eposit. References 1973, V-6, four-speed, ' tires. 426-7769. INTORY CLEARANCE t!1 items reduced. Kay s uth Second. Life • Homeowners ANGLE AGENCY Dick Angle 4th & Rallrd 421MI272 112 W. Alder 426-4272 Photo Coupons That Save You Money who died Friday in Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center. George Adams officiated, and burial was in Shelton Memorial Park. Born in the Dayton-Matlock area on January 18, 1893, Mr. Hall was a lifelong resident of Mason County. He worked as a logger and as a government hunter, game wardeh, fire IIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll aWeatheF High Low Precip. Fahrenheit December 20 39 33 .10 December 21 45 35 .10 December 22 47 42 .29 December 23 51 39 .08 December 24 49 35 .00 December 25 37 31 .00 December 26 39 30 .00 Celsius December 20 4 1 3 December 21 7 2 3 December 22 8 6 7 December 23 11 4 2 December 24 9 2 0 December 25 3 -1 0 December 26 4 -1 0 Dry and very cold weather is forecast for the weekend. High temperatures will be in the upper 20s and lower 30s wi lows in the 20s. Mr. Hall is survived by his wife, Emma M. Hall of Matlock; a son, Harvey H. Hall of Seattle; three daughters, Betty Cormier of Matlock, Edith Elson of Shelton and Deanna Cook of Matlock; 11 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Richard H. Boyce Richard H. Boyce died on December 20 in Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center at the age of 66 years. He was born in Seattle on August 23, 1912. He was a member of the Episcopal Church arid of Shelton Elks Lodge and had been a resident of this area for many years. Mr. Boyce is survived by his wife, Eleanor Boyce of Shelton; two sons, James E. Boyce of Kirkland and Richard H. Boyce Jr. of Goldbeach, Oregon; a daughter, Carol Boyce Collins of Tampa, Florida; and eight grandchildren. Cremation was under the direction of Batstone Funeral Home. No services were held. Hospital at the age of 63 years. lie was born in Duluth, Minnesota on May 2, 1915. In 1936 he was married to Pauline Dockter. For many years he was employed as a carpenter and had been a resident of the Shelton area since 1963. Mr. Mattson is survived by his wife, Pauline Mattson of Shelton; two sons, Wayne Mattson of Sacramento, California and Ronald Mattson of Shelton; a daughter, Maxine Lawrence of Kirkland; four sisters, Gladys Dubois of Massachusetts, Florence Richardson of Duluth, Minnesota, Lois Mattson of Rochester, Minnesota and Alice Carlson of Two Harbors, Minnesota; a brother, Ernest Mattson of Duluth; four grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Pastor Jerry Hamilton officiated at a service held at 1 p.m. Wednesday in Batstone Funeral Home. Burial was in Shelton Memorial Park. l00121Y'iYl0000l00l00i00o For satisfaction always buy a watch from a watchmaker. 426-3283 5th & Franklin .... * Free Parking *Free Gift Wrap HEY, LOOK OVER THE CAPITAL QUICK CASH TM SERVICES Your Capital Quick Cash"` Account card offers you the same special services as the former Prestige Account. Ask about becoming a Capital Quick Cash" special customer today. 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Employees of capital Savings and their families are not eligible to win. Only one winner will be chosen to take the 7-day cruise to Acapulco, Mexico, aboard the famous Love Boat (Pacific Princen), with all expenses paid for two. You could be that winner. Stop to- day at your nearest Capital Savings Of- rice and enter the capital Quick Cash" Cruise Contest. THE CAPITAL QUICK CASH" SERVICE I LIKE BEST IS: BECAUSE 5.25 5.47 Interest compounded daily annual yield on passbook savings $10.00 minimum earns from day of deposit to day of withdrawal. 5.75 _ 6.00 Interest compounded daily annual yield on 90 day notice accounts" $90.00 minimum earns from the lsl when deposited by the tOth."" 6.50 6.81 Interest compounded daily annual yield on t2-29 mo. certificates $1,000 minimum earns from the tst when deposited by 1he 101h. 6.75 - 7.08 Interest compounded daily annual yield on 30-47 mo. certilicates $1,000 minimum earns from the tst when deposited by 1he 101h. 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