December 28, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 28, 1978 |
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I was treated to one of the best ways of eating salmon
I've ever enjoyed. It's called a fish boil. Some call it a
fish boil.
of the beauties of the method is that it's simple, takes just
hour, and there's little to clean up afterwards. Here's the
a vegetable blancher or steamer that holds food up out of
water in a pan. Put enough water in the pot to come up to
of the blancher or steamer. If the pot holds a couple of
of water below the steamer, add a cup of salt. Use less salt if
add the long-cooking vegetables such as potatoes, onions,
and even turnips, if you like turnips. I don't, but they even
tasting good. Keep the pot covered and boil the vegetables
18 minutes.
add the fillets of salmon or steelhead so they will cook for
hal 12 minutes. After the fish has been in the pot for about
add quick-cooking vegetables such as broccoli and
so they get about eight minutes.
all there is to it. A
hour from when you
it's done. And is it ever
The boiling, salty water
steam in the closed pot
bring out the delicious
!of everything, yet each has
flavor. The fish is mild,
a strong taste. And, as I
even the turnips taste good.
man who fixed it was
Buzz Ramsay, a fishing expert
with the Luhr Jensen Tackle
Company. To me, that bit of
culinary expertise was the
perfect touch to round out a
couple of days fishing for
steelhead and late-running
chinooks. For, to me, eating
what you catch is part of the
fun, and that eating was superb.
a lot of wear Is put on boots, waders and shoe pacs
they're not being used.
and hip boots should be hung in a cool, dry place so air
:irculate through them. Rubber and leather should not be in
with concrete when stored.
in camp at night is important. Wear a light pair of shoes
camp, letting your boots air out. Have an extra pair of socks
drying in camp for the next dayJ
few little things such as these make our feet as well as our
and waders last longer.
'ou're a hunter who wants to get in some off-season action,
calling offers excitement and gives you a chance to learn a
lore about the outdoors and nature's amazing creatures.
foxes and other animals that live by killing are among
wary of animals. Yet they can be fooled by a good caller
lmws how to use one of the many calls on the market which
such things as a wounded rabbit.
people like predator calling so much they feel that it's the
season, not just a fill-in.
Hi Game:
ing Results
IIIIIIIlllllllllll IIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
12/20/78 311/2-28z/2, Plywood 31-29, Mill 3
Tom Tinker, 29V2-30V2, Accounting 29%-30½,
Purchasinq 28-32. Loqqers 28-32,
Hi Series: Tom Tinker, Research 20Vv39%, Dry 20-40,
CM 18-42, Power 16-44.
idings: Dick 45-19, Better 3, Mary Wicken 569;
3-21, Dan s 39-25, Ed s _Research 1. Barb Armstrong 471;
ir 38-26, Walden 37-27, P--ngineering 4, Merge W|tcraft
33-31, Lumbermen's 491; CM 0, Allene Stepper 468;
3% Arnold 29-35. Dry 0, Patti Heinis 413;
• . p "
29-35, Manke 27-37. urchasnng 4, Shirley Weaver
tn 26%-37%. Certified 506; Lumber 3, Joan Sowers
Gott 25-3), Cushman 475; Loggers 1, Shirley Jeffries
McKasson 22-42. 421; Power 1, Andi Tibbits 454;
:k 1, Curt Casey 556; Accounting 3, Donna Walden
s 3, Dan Brown 582; Ed's 570; Govey 4, Char Tobin 670;
e Bard 512; Dan s 3, Ray Mill 3 0, Alice Hildebrandt 444;
538; Walden 1, Paul Mill 4 3, Fee Robinson 497;
on 537; Fir 3, Jim Fisher Plywood 1, Dorothy Moore 469;
kR 4, Floyd Fuller 561; Planers 1, Deline Anderson 448;
0, Tom Tinker 607; Boom 3, Gloria Smith 539.
men's 3, Bill Besch 528;
1, Gary Wood 508;
s 3, Lloyd Clark 500; IA/III I_lAIO "P
1, Bill Baker 493; Gott e WV s
Leman 514; Morgan 3, 1i€ UINbDlilMIt_
knman 500; Cushman 2, w-vvn mnwwm'14
483; McKasson 2, ^
eipp 541. H (UICK AND SOLtl) W&V 1"O
WOMEN'S 12/21/78 TO1P OF" "THE Rl:Jk11).
Hi Game: Char Tobin,
Hi Series: Char Tobin, z;-
Ogden 6-7-10 split.
Lumber 42-18,
, Boom 38-22,
37%-22%, Mill 4 35-25,
35-25, Planers
:onfusmg, isn't It?
to go down the
street to have your new
windshield installed-
the other says to go up
the street.
to have a
-- is at --
& McNeil
3rd & Grove
"Where your windshield
is guaranteed not to leak."
Junior riflemen
aim to please
The local Veterans of on the team.
Foreign Wars Post No. 1694 in Individual match honors
cooperation with the National went to Robert Brocx with 258
Rifle Association and its local followed closely by Brad Watkins
affiliate the Shelton Rifle and at 250.
Pistol Club is sponsoring a The ten members of the
ten-member junior rifle team in team are all members of the
the annual VFW-NRA "postal newly created junior division of
match" series, the Shelton Rifle and Pistol
This competition is on both Club, which is embarking on an
a national and statewide basis. A active program of basic
match is fired at the new marksmanship instruction and
Shelton Rifle and Pistol Club competition.
indoor range each month and According to George
scores are submitted by mail. Witcraft, local VFW commander,
There are four matches in the cost of ammunition, targets
the series beginning with the and other match expenses is paid
December match completed a for by the local VFW
week ago Saturday. organization.
The course of fire consists of Max Dean, VFW member and
ten shots each in the prone, executive officer of the Shelton
kneeling and standing position Rifle and Pistol Club, is the
fired on the appropriate indoor match supervisor. John Watkins,
targets using .22 caliber target Shelton Rifle and Pistol Club
rifles, junior chairman and an
The team score of 1220 fired experienced competitive shooter,
Saturday represents the aggregate is the team coach°
scores of the high five shooters
p_ . ii iiii.
LOOKING HARDLY SHELLSHOCKED in their spacious indoor range this
month are the steely-nerved members of the 1978-79 VFW Post No. 1694
rifle team. In the front, from left, are Steve Lock, Robert Brocx, Bruce
Terwilliger, Willie Owens and David Lamont. In back are Match Supervisor
Max Dean, Brad Watkins, Steve Peterson, Doug Williams, Darren I-larger,
John Lester and Commander George Witcraft•
SHS's Brocx & Co.
could be contenders
The visiting Tumwater High individual honors for the
School rifle team left town match."
Monday evening with a That is an excellent score for
1779-1679 win over its Shelton a high school shooter, especially
counterpart, this early in the season," said
The match was a warm-up Havens.
for both schools in preparation A total of 34 competitors
for the opening of the varsity participated in the match held at
season in the Northwest the Shelton Rifle and Pistol
Lumberjacks squeeze off four wins
The Shelton Lumberjacks, Ching, Max Dean, Ralph Ervin, The matches are fired at the
representing The Shelton Rifle Verne Rosenberg and Steve Fort Lewis indoor range. The
and Pistol Club, have completed Wellington. The club is seeking second half starts January 4.
the first half of the Washington new members interested in rifle For more information, call
National Guard Indoor Pistol or pistol shooting. Club President Ralph Ervin
League schedule, winning four of The club's indoor range is 426-8069; Max Dean, 426-9419;
seven matches, located north of Shelton near or Claude F. Bennington ST.,
Team members are Claude the airport. The outdoor range is 426-1547.
Bennington, Mien Bragg, Cat in the Mason Lake area.
t1'$ of TlaH $ AS Nook
iNN[LOPES, Pll[€l[I oIr I, IP|lt m
IANDI¢t /g&lqq[ItS, oil IS
CANS PAKII: tJ W kt'lrTIr, lL
YoUR I[T. 10 [Ig lS
Evergreen Rifle League January Club's indoor range at Sanderson ,
lit is at I i i II 1
Both teams were searching practice facility for the high I I
for a vassity line-up to open the school tepm an&is provided free
new season and both experienced of charge by the club."
the same problem in that the Range control officer was
first six places on the teams are John Watkins, junior chairman
pretty well established, for the host club and an
But competition for the experienced match official. | lilillililmm i "" I
seventh and eighth positions is Watkins had only one comment I 'NITJrll rm00'm00ln Better I"
very close and remains after the four-hour match:
undecided. Additional practice "I forgot to wear my I INUW Ii K Winterize Now! I
sessions prior to the opener will 'snuggies' and I almost froze my -- ,,, w .am..JL.j'---, Good ear's Suburbanite Pal "
decide the issue for both teams, buns off out there." II lnA [ln 'klrlrr givesY'ou41fliesofpolyesle yHIer sn°wtire Y rcord, lnterlock- II
Pete Havens, new rifle team The range area is only • 1 Ii I 1 1 i ii J 1 J II " 1 mm ing tread lugs are self-tileaning -dig down I
coach, expressed satisfaction, partially heated. I rue • N • II deep to pull vuu through. (;f,odyear Subur. |
with the progress of his varsity i 1 L Ulk UI' 1' llk banite a greltt el*pie,, for winter, I
riflemen and meresuits°*tms "IS'D' ' J• 1 i 1'-" '" I " 1 I-
initi,al test. R plus F t T
per tire and
Our team is young (no |RO FEEDERS S,ze PRICE 01dfir.
seniors and only four juniors) /.v €o,0. ,vt^... I r 1 'q',dl I E78-14 12 for $72.00 I $2.30 I I
and we've :been progressing -.. ",o., *..o. .. .= I 00.lr00r LJL/JL I F7Sq4l 2for$7e.00 1 $2.44 ] I
rapidly in practice," he said. "I wu= €oo wtt1.tlt rttDttt
I ! I I l !
think we'll be very competitive, 00IllU00l G78-14 2for$84.00 $262
\\; '781 " ' '
particularly during the latter part G - 5 2 for $84 00 $2 66
of the season as our younger ON P155/80013 or A78-13 blackwallsplus $1.43 or $1.82 F.E.T. , . . ' . '
I ' I I n'* I z tar see.00 I $2.86 L I
' /7J Ik(;K per t0re and oldtlres i ' 'J .........
Of particular satisfaction to SUeT I Tiempo I
Coach Havens was the
performance of junior Robert
Brocx, who fired a score of 370 I New Import Car Sizes i -- ------ -- i .... I
out of a possible 400 to take
I I ,, . . . I I
I I /ilk P155/80,13 iN I I • Wl • • I Il B I • IPll Hi i
"-"'- Ill
(i and 01d tire
' ' SALE Plus r'.t &
A78-13 blackwall el,=ll PRICE tlr.,
plus $171 F E T per the ,e 2 for ==o,"€ e
Tiempo's innovative de- ' .....
sign keeps you on the go CA.,, No trade needed. 7811'.3 $66,00 $i,82
II ! i =,0:0001 :: i "" "- ....... t tll
all winter long, through . :.: , o ° "-'" "-'i178. 4 ........... $79.20= ........... $Z19: ......
slush or snow, wet road or " :6684 DaBble Belted b Fight Tread Sqmrm! -14- .... m r'
dr And the smooth uiet P165 80R1 :: cuetom rower Cumh on PoIwI. 1) , , [, I rlb ' ] , s } , I I l 78 ] 4 _1.$8640 $247
y. q 1 / 4 J ... ' ,, : : :-; .............. : ............. ...........
| I sprmgcnange-over.Ttempo i P165/80R15 i rm.oo I $2.09 5I • .... I Mulliph, rib If, red ....... r h,r Ir,,linn. B,,, , ......... I ...... I" ,:,-t-;r,7,---F- - tl i
l • the one tire that does it "' '- ..... i -- .... I T .... IN I. ........ " O 1 ' / =.w I. t'" III
• i - Also available in sizes to fit • aale e, flas algroay Other Sizes Sale Priced, Too, l i
II all' °nl' 'r°m c°°d'ear" American cars too! I "'"=-'''''''°''''''''"w''"'''' '!
We really get into
our work at DL
Automotive--so your
car gets the best.
Open Mon.-Fri., 8 o.m.-5 p.m.
104 W. Grove Sholton
3 Ways To Charge
• Our own Customer Credit Plan
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RAIN CHECK - If we sell out of vour size we will issue you a,
rain check, assuring future delivery at the advertised price.
, TRUCK Til,
lq)th ond Pacific 1112 Thorn Road Sth • last Main Front Orovo Ib211 eurwell ISLAND, e.c. ALASKA
H |.1115 $72.944 114 llte 426-1111 Is 7-$S15 . 272-4119 CA 1-111
Thursday, December 28, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13